1000 resultados para Història medieval -- Revistes
We know about the tomb of Berenguer Barutell, built in the Seu Vella of Lleid by Rotllí Gaulter, from the Work's Books and the relation of the delivery notes, registered by the same craftman and sculptor. In this study, we can offer all the execution process and the analysis stylistic and iconographic in detail.
This study is trying to evidence how Gothic entered Catalonia in the XIII century, specially in the Seu Vella of Lleida. First only partially with the introduction of isolated elements that, essentially, did not alter the leading Romanesque, particularly the prompted arch and the cross vault; but on the last third of the XIII century, the gothic elements are well manifested leading to its total introduction in 1300.
Estudi de l'evolució del dornini territorial d'un monestir pirinenc, durant els segles IX-XII. Sant Llorenç prop Baga, situat al Berguedà (Catalunya), tenia les seves terres esteses per la Cerdanya i, sobretot, per la mateixa comarca de Berga. Hom ha estudiat l'evolució del ritme de donacions, els llocs on eren situades les propietats donades i també l'evolució de les relacions entre el monestir i els qui tenien el domini útil de les seves terres (pactes i contractes d'emfiteusi). D'acord amb aquests tres aspectes de valoració hom ha establert les següents cinc etapes en l'evolució del domini: 1.ª fase (898-945): el monestir existeix; 2.ª fase (945-985): moment d'expansió del domini, amb importants donacions comtals i també de particulars; 3.ª fase (985-1040): força donacions; els donadors a canvi del domini útil es comprometen a lliurar la tasca (un onzé de la collita); 4.ª fase (1040-1100): primers símptomes de transformació: el monestir tendeix a cedir la fiscalització a tercers i els pagesos han de pagar més pel gaudi del domini útil; 5.ª fase (segle XII): s'accentuen els canvis esmentats en la fase anterior, gairebé no hi ha cap donació, els documents fan referència sobretot a la zona més propera al monestir, augment dels judicis i dels enfrontaments i aparició d'esments de terres i cases abandonades.
Amb aquest estudi intentarem analitzar algunes de les característiques de les terres de conreu a Catalunya, a l'edat mitjana, especialment entre els segles X i XII. A partir d'una anàlisi del significat dels noms utilitzats a l'època, veurem les característiques que tenien els terrenys dedicats al conreu, segons la documentació escrita; també veurem com es crearen i, finalment, la relació que hi havia entre aquestes terres de conreu i els llocs de poblament, d'una forma especial en les contrades on va predominar l'hàbitat dispers.
Montcada’s family had in Middle Ages the Baronia d’Aitona in the land known as Baix Segre, in Lleida. His properties included the villages of Serós, Aitona, Mequinensa, Faió, Vallobar and Maials. This part of the family, who lived in Lleida, is really unknown. Documents from the Arxiu Ducal de Medinaceli a Catalunya have shown new members of this part of the family unknown since now. This new information has allowed to complete the genealogical trees of the Montcada’s family in Lleida.
Saint Vicent Ferrer’s personality (1350-1419) has been tackled by researchers in different points of view, and this has meant a proliferation of very diverse studies. There isn’t much, however, the works which has done analysis relating to popular piety and devotion. In this sense, the different hagiographic sources puts us faced with a saint with a very widespread cult in some areas, for instance, the Crown of Aragon and Castille, but also in other european places. As for the last, we detect an import focus of devotion in Brittany, where the saint arrived to preach after being called by Jean V. He died at Vannes (1419), the political capital of the duchy of Brittany, and he was buried in Saint Pierre’s cathedral. Previously to his canonization, his fame as a miracle worker during his life was the reason for his tomb became a real locus sanctus, a place where pilgrims arrived to venerate his relics. These relics had healing and prophylactic properties. Apart from these ones, we have many references of “contact relics” with properties of this kind.
European studies of famines before the thirteenth century have been based principally on chronicles and especially on information from monastic annals. These sources, which are especially numerous during the so-called Carolingian Cultural Renaissance, offer abundant evidence of a phenomenon scarcely mentioned in other types of sources, including archival sources: the frequency and gravity of crises of food supply in some regions of continental Europe during the central middle ages, an epoch which, being situated between the terrible famines of the carolingian period and the great panademics of the fourteenth century, has been considered a period “without famines.” The object of this article is to shed light on the limitations of medieval catalan chronicle sources for the reconstruction of food-supply crises which affected the catalan counties in the tenth through the thirteenth centuries and illustrate, in contrast, the multiple opportunities offered by sources from the lordly archives. A significant part of these archival sources are connected in a direct and indirect manner to the difficulties of the rural and urban populations during famines and therefore, in a broad sense, can be considered a consequence of these crises.