60 resultados para Hindbrain


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Joubert syndrome (JS) is an autosomal-recessive inherited complex malformation of the midbrain-hindbrain. It has been associated with ocular and oculomotor abnormalities. The aim of our study was to extend the ophthalmic knowledge in JS and to add new findings.


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Cart1 is a paired-class homeobox-containing gene that is expressed in head mesenchyme, branchial arches, limb buds, and various cartilages during embryogenesis. To understand the role of Cart1 during mammalian development, I generated Cart1-mutant mice by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. Cart1-homozygous mutants were born alive but all died soon after birth. Most had acrania (absence of the cranial vault) and meroanencephaly (absence of part of the brain). In situ hybridization studies showed that Cart1 is expressed specifically in forebrain mesenchyme but not in midbrain or hindbrain mesenchyme nor in the neural tube. Developmental studies revealed a transient deficiency of forebrain mesenchyme cells due to apoptosis associated with a delay in neural tube closure in that region. Subsequently, the forebrain region became filled with mesenchyme and closed, however, the midbrain neural tube region never initiated closure and remained open. These results suggest that Cart1 is required for the survival of forebrain mesenchyme and that its absence disrupts cranial neural tube morphogenesis by blocking the initiation of closure in the midbrain region, and this ultimately leads to the generation of lethal craniofacial defects. Prenatal treatment of Cart1 homozygous mutants with folic acid suppressed the development of the acrania/meroanencephaly phenotype. Thus, Cart1 mutant mice provide a novel animal model for understanding the cellular, molecular, and genetic etiology of neural tube defects and for the development of prenatal therapeutic protocols using folic acid. ^


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During early mouse neural development, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling patterns the dorsal neural tube and defines distinct neural progenitor cell domains along the dorsoventral axis. Unlike the ventral signaling molecule Sonic hedgehog, which has long-range activity by establishing a concentration gradient in the ventral neural tube, these dorsally expressed BMPs appear to have a limited domain of action. This raises questions as to how BMP activity is restricted locally and how restricted BMP signaling directs dorsal neural patterning and differentiation. I hypothesize that BMPs are restricted in the dorsal neural tube for correct dorsoventral patterning. ^ Previous studies have shown that the positively charged basic amino acids located at the N-terminus of several BMPs are essential for heparin binding and diffusion. This provides a novel tool to address these questions. Here I adapted a UAS/GAL4 bigenic mouse system to control the ectopic expression of BMP4 and a mutant form of BMP4 that lacks a subset of the N-terminal basic amino acids. The target genes, UAS-Bmp4 and UAS-mBmp4 , were introduced into the Hprt locus by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. The expression of the GAL4 transactivator was driven by a roof plate specific Wnt1 promoter. ^ The bigenic mouse embryos exhibit phenotype variations, ranging from mid/hindbrain defects, hemorrhage, and eye abnormalities to vasculture formation. Embryonic death starts around E11.5 because of severe hemorrhage. The different expression levels of the activated transgene may account for the phenotype variation. Further marker analysis reveals that mutant BMP4 induces ectopic expression of the dorsal markers MSX1/2 and PAX7 in the ventral neural tube. In addition, the expression of the ventral neural marker NKX2.2 is affected by the expanded BMP4 activity, indicating that ectopic BMP signaling can antagonize ventral signaling. Comparison of the phenotypes of the Wnt1/ Bmp4 and Wnt1/mBmp4 bigenic embryos that express transgenes at the same level, respectively, shows that mutant BMP4 causes the expansion of dorsal neural fates ventrally while wild type BMP4 does not, suggesting that mutant BMP4 acts farther than wild type BMP4. Together, these data suggest that the N-terminus basic amino acid core controls BMP4 long-range activity in neural development, and that BMP signaling patterns the dorsal neural tube through a secondary signaling pathway that involves homeodomain transcription factors MSX1/2 and PAX7. ^


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Paraneoplastic opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia (POMA) is a neurologic disorder thought to be mediated by an autoimmune attack against onconeural disease antigens that are expressed by gynecologic or lung tumors and by neurons. One POMA disease antigen, termed Nova-1, has been identified as a neuron-specific KH-type RNA-binding protein. Nova-1 expression is restricted to specific regions of the central nervous system, primarily the hindbrain and ventral spinal cord, which correlate with the predominantly motor symptoms in POMA. However, POMA antisera recognize antigens that are widely expressed in both caudal and rostral regions of the central nervous system, and some patients develop cognitive symptoms. We have used POMA antisera to clone a cDNA encoding a second POMA disease antigen termed Nova-2. Nova-2 is closely related to Nova-1, and is expressed at high levels in neurons during development and in adulthood, and at lower levels in the adult lung. In the postnatal mouse brain, Nova-2 is expressed in a pattern that is largely reciprocal with Nova-1, including high levels of Nova-2 expression in the neocortex and hippocampus. Functional characterization of Nova-2 in RNA selection and nitrocellulose filter-binding assays reveals that Nova-2 binds RNA with high affinity and with sequence specificity that differs from Nova-1. Our results demonstrate that the immune response in POMA targets a family of highly related sequence-specific neuronal RNA-binding proteins. The expression pattern of the Nova-2 protein is likely to underlie the development of cognitive deficits in some POMA patients.


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Polymorphic regions consisting of a variable number of tandem repeats within intron 2 of the gene coding for the serotonin transporter protein 5-HTT have been associated with susceptibility to affective disorders. We have cloned two of these intronic polymorphisms, Stin2.10 and Stin2.12, into an expression vector containing a heterologous minimal promoter and the bacterial LacZ reporter gene. These constructs were then used to produce transgenic mice. In embryonic day 10.5 embryos, both Stin2.10 and Stin2.12 produced consistent β-galactosidase expression in the embryonic midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord floor plate. However, we observed that the levels of β-galactosidase expression produced by both the Stin2.10 and Stin2.12 within the rostral hindbrain differed significantly at embryonic day 10.5. Our data suggest that these polymorphic variable number of tandem repeats regions act as transcriptional regulators and have allele-dependent differential enhancer-like properties within an area of the hindbrain where the 5-HTT gene is known to be transcribed at this stage of development.


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The development of two major subdivisions of the vertebrate nervous system, the midbrain and the cerebellum, is controlled by signals emanating from a constriction in the neural primordium called the midbrain/hindbrain organizer (Joyner, A. L. (1996) Trends Genet. 12, 15–201). The closely related transcription factors Pax-2 and Pax-5 exhibit an overlapping expression pattern very early in the developing midbrain/hindbrain junction. Experiments carried out in fish (Krauss, S., Maden, M., Holder, N. & Wilson, S. W. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 87–89) with neutralizing antibodies against Pax-b, the orthologue of Pax-2 in mouse, placed this gene family in an regulatory cascade necessary for the development of the midbrain and the cerebellum. The targeted mutation of Pax-5 has been reported to have only slight effects in the development of structures derived from the isthmic constriction, whereas the Pax-2 null mutant mice show a background-dependent phenotype with varying penetrance. To test a possible redundant function between Pax-2 and Pax-5 we analyzed the brain phenotypes of mice expressing different dosages of both genes. Our results demonstrate a conserved biological function of both proteins in midbrain/hindbrain regionalization. Additionally, we show that one allele of Pax-2, but not Pax-5, is necessary and sufficient for midbrain and cerebellum development in C57BL/6 mice.


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Members of the Wnt family of signaling molecules are expressed differentially along the dorsal–ventral axis of the developing neural tube. Thus we asked whether Wnt factors are involved in patterning of the nervous system along this axis. We show that Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a, both of which are expressed in the dorsal portion of the neural tube, could synergize with the neural inducers noggin and chordin in Xenopus animal explants to generate the most dorsal neural structure, the neural crest, as determined by the expression of Krox-20, AP-2, and slug. Overexpression of Wnt-1 or Wnt-3a in the neuroectoderm of whole embryos led to a dramatic increase of slug and Krox-20-expressing cells, but the hindbrain expression of Krox-20 remained unaffected. Enlargement in the neural crest population could occur even when cell proliferation was inhibited. Wnt-5A and Wnt-8, neither of which is expressed in the dorsal neuroectoderm, failed to induce neural crest markers. Overexpression of glycogen synthase kinase 3, known to antagonize Wnt signaling, blocked the neural-crest-inducing activity of Wnt-3a in animal explants and inhibited neural crest formation in whole embryos. We suggest that Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a have a role in patterning the neural tube along its dorsoventral axis and function in the differentiation of the neural crest.


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The membranous labyrinth of the inner ear establishes a precise geometrical topology so that it may subserve the functions of hearing and balance. How this geometry arises from a simple ectodermal placode is under active investigation. The placode invaginates to form the otic cup, which deepens before pinching off to form the otic vesicle. By the vesicle stage many genes expressed in the developing ear have assumed broad, asymmetrical expression domains. We have been exploring the possibility that these domains may reflect developmental compartments that are instrumental in specifying the location and identity of different parts of the ear. The boundaries between compartments are proposed to be the site of inductive interactions required for this specification. Our work has shown that sensory organs and the endolymphatic duct each arise near the boundaries of broader gene expression domains, lending support to this idea. A further prediction of the model, that the compartment boundaries will also represent lineage-restriction compartments, is supported in part by fate mapping the otic cup. Our data suggest that two lineage-restriction boundaries intersect at the dorsal pole of the otocyst, a convergence that may be critical for the specification of endolymphatic duct outgrowth. We speculate that the patterning information necessary to establish these two orthogonal boundaries may emanate, in part, from the hindbrain. The compartment boundary model of ear development now needs to be tested through a variety of experimental perturbations, such as the removal of boundaries, the generation of ectopic boundaries, and/or changes in compartment identity.


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NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.


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In Drosophila melanogaster, Slit acts as a repulsive cue for the growth cones of the commissural axons which express a receptor for Slit, Roundabout (Robo), thus preventing the commissural axons from crossing the midline multiple times. Experiments using explant culture have shown that vertebrate Slit homologues also act repulsively for growth cone navigation and neural migration, and promote branching and elongation of sensory axons. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of Slit2 in vivo in transgenic zebrafish embryos severely affected the behavior of the commissural reticulospinal neurons (Mauthner neurons), promoted branching of the peripheral axons of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons, and induced defasciculation of the medial longitudinal fascicles. In addition, Slit2 overexpression caused defasciculation and deflection of the central axons of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons from the hindbrain entry point. The central projection was restored by either functional repression or mutation of Robo2, supporting its role as a receptor mediating the Slit signaling in vertebrate neurons. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Islet-2, a LIM/homeodomain-type transcription factor, is essential for Slit2 to induce axonal branching of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons, suggesting that factors functioning downstream of Islet-2 are essential for mediating the Slit signaling for promotion of axonal branching. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The homeostasis of GABA is critical to normal brain function. Extracellular levels of GABA are regulated mainly by plasmalemmal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporters. Whereas the expression of GABA transporters has been extensively studied in rodents, validation of this data in other species, including humans, has been limited. As this information is crucial for our understanding of therapeutic options in human diseases such as epilepsy, we have compared, by immunocytochemistry, the distributions of the GABA transporters GAT-1 and GAT-3 in rats, cats, monkeys and humans. We demonstrate subtle differences between the results reported in the literature and our results, such as the predominance of GAT-1 labelling in neurons rather than astrocytes in the rat cortex. We note that the optimal localisation of GAT-1 in cats, monkeys and humans requires the use of an antibody against the human sequence carboxyl terminal region of GAT-1 rather than against the slightly different rat sequence. We demonstrate that GAT-3 is localised mainly to astrocytes in hindbrain and midbrain regions of rat brains. However, in species such as cats, monkeys and humans, additional strong immunolabelling of oligodendrocytes has also been observed. We suggest that differences in GAT distribution, especially the expression of GAT-3 by oligodendrocytes in humans, must be accommodated in extrapolating rodent models of GABA homeostasis to humans.


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The early axon scaffolding in the embryonic vertebrate brain consists of a series of ventrally projecting axon tracts that grow into a single major longitudinal pathway connected across the midline by commissures. We have investigated the role of Brother of CDO (BOC), an immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily member distantly related to the Roundabout (Robo) family of axon-guidance receptors, in the development of this embryonic template of axon tracts in the zebrafish brain. A zebrafish homologue of BOC was isolated and shown to be expressed predominantly in the developing neural plate and later in the neural tube and developing brain. Zebrafish boc was initially highly localized to discrete bands in the mid- and hindbrain, but, as the major brain subdivisions emerged, it became more evenly expressed along the rostrocaudal axis, particularly in dorsal regions. The function of zebrafish boc was examined by a loss-of-function approach. Analysis of embryos injected with antisense morpholinos designed against boc revealed highly selective defects in the development of dorsoventrally projecting axon tracts. Loss of boc caused ventrally projecting axons, particularly those arising from the presumptive telencephalon, to follow aberrant trajectories. These data indicate that boc is an axon-guidance molecule playing a fundamental role in pathfinding during the early patterning of the axon scaffold in the embryonic vertebrate brain. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The transcription factor PAX2 is expressed during normal kidney development and is thought to influence outgrowth and branching of the ureteric bud. Mice with homozygous null Pax2 mutations have developmental defects of the midbrain-hindbrain region, optic nerve, and ear and are anephric. During nephrogenesis, PAX2 is also expressed by mesenchymal cells as they cluster and reorganize to form proximal elements of each nephron, but the function of PAX2 in these cells is unknown. In this study we hypothesized that PAX2 activates expression of WNT4, a secreted glycoprotein known to be critical for successful nephrogenesis. PAX2 protein was identified in distal portions of the S-shaped body, and the protein persists in the emerging proximal tubules of murine fetal kidney. PAX2 activated WNT4 promoter activity 5-fold in co-transfection assays with JTC12 cells derived from the proximal tubule. Inspection of the 5'-flanking sequence of the human WNT4 gene identified three novel PAX2 recognition motifs; each exhibited specific PAX2 protein binding in electromobility shift assays. Two motifs were contained within a completely duplicated 0.66-kb cassette. Transfection of JTC12 cells with a PAX2 expression vector was associated with a 7-fold increase in endogenous WNT4 mRNA. In contrast, Wnt4 mRNA was decreased by 60% in mesenchymal cell condensates of fetal kidney from mice with a heterozygous Pax2 mutation. We speculated that a key function of PAX2 is to activate WNT4 gene expression in metanephric mesenchymal cells as they differentiate to form elements of the renal tubules.


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Wnt signaling plays a vital role in many developmental processes. Wnt signaling has been implicated in neural crest induction and cell differentiation among other functions. In mice Wnts comprise a family of nineteen glycoproteins that bind to Frizzled (Fzd) receptors and LRP5/6 co-receptors. This activates beta-catenin, which translocates into the nucleus and acts as a transcription factor, resulting in differential gene expression. Specifically, Fzd 3 enhances Wnt 1 signaling. Wnt 1 and Fzd 3 are involved in neural crest induction and in neural crest-derived melanocyte development. We analyzed the expression pattern ofFzd 3 and the LRP 5/6 by in situ hybridization inmouse embryos. Our data suggests a role for these genes in neural crest induction and in melanocyte differentiation in the murine system. Results show Fzd 3 expression in the anterior part of the neural tube and in the hindbrain, while LRP 5 is expressed in the anterior part of the neural tube, in the hindbrain, and in the eye. We conclude that Fzd 3 and LRP 5 are expressed in the neural crest. In addition, Fzd 3 might act as the receptor while LRP 5 might act as the co-receptor for Wntl signaling in the murine system.


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Background It has been recently demonstrated that the ghrelin receptor agonist, HM01, caused defecation in rats that were treated to provide a model for the constipation of Parkinson's disease. HM01 significantly increased fecal output and increased Fos activity in neurons of the hypothalamus and hindbrain, but not in the spinal defecation center. Other ghrelin agonists act on the defecation center. Methods Receptor pharmacology was examined in ghrelin receptor (GHSR1a) transfected cells. Anesthetized rats were used to investigate sites and mechanisms of action. Key Results HM01 activated rat GHSR1a at nanomolar concentrations and was antagonized by the GHSR1a antagonist, YIL781. HM01, intravenous, was potent to activate propulsive colorectal contractions. This was prevented by pelvic nerve section and by intravenous YIL781, but not by spinal cord section rostral to the defecation centers. Direct intrathecal application of HM01 to the defecation center at spinal level L6-S1 initiated propulsive contractions of the colorectum. Conclusions & Inferences HM01 stimulates GHSR1a receptors on neurons in the lumbosacral defecation centers to cause propulsive contractions and emptying of the colorectum. It has greater potency when given systemically, compared with other GHSR1a agonists.