966 resultados para High-through put screening


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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the phosphorolysis of the N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. A genetic deficiency due to mutations in the gene encoding for human PNP causes T-cell deficiency as the major physiological defect. Inappropriate activation of T-cells has been implicated in several clinically relevant human conditions such as transplant tissue rejection, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and T-cell lymphomas. Human PNP is therefore a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation. In addition, bacterial PNP has been used as reactant in a fast and sensitive spectrophotometric method that allows both quantitation of inorganic phosphate (Pi) and continuous assay of reactions that generate P i such as those catalyzed by ATPases and GTPases. Human PNP may therefore be an important biotechnological tool for P i detection. However, low expression of human PNP in bacterial hosts, protein purification protocols involving many steps, and low protein yields represent technical obstacles to be overcome if human PNP is to be used in either high-throughput drug screening or as a reagent in an affordable P i detection method. Here, we describe PCR amplification of human PNP from a liver cDNA library, cloning, expression in Escherichia coli host, purification, and activity measurement of homogeneous enzyme. Human PNP represented approximately 42% of total soluble cell proteins with no induction being necessary to express the target protein. Enzyme activity measurements demonstrated a 707-fold increase in specific activity of cloned human PNP as compared to control. Purification of cloned human PNP was achieved by a two-step purification protocol, yielding 48 mg homogeneous enzyme from 1 L cell culture, with a specific activity value of 80 U mg -1. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Indirect ELISA and IFAT have been reported to be more sensitive and specific than agglutination tests. However, MAT is cheaper, easier than the others and does not need special equipment. The purpose of this study was to compare an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay using crude rhoptries of Toxoplasma gondii as coating wells (r-ELISA) with indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and modified agglutination test (MAT) to detect anti-T. gondii antibodies in sera of experimentally infected pigs. Ten mixed breed pigs between 6.5 and 7.5 weeks old were used. All pigs were negative for the presence of T. gondii antibodies by IFAT (titre < 16), r-ELISA (OD < 0.295) and MAT (titre < 16). Animals received 7 × 107 viable tachyzoites of the RH strain by intramuscular (IM) route at day 0. Serum samples were collected at days -6, 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 50, and 57. IFAT detected anti-T. gondii antibodies earlier than r-ELISA and MAT. The average of antibody levels was higher at day 35 in IFAT (Log10 = 2.9) and in MAT (Log10 = 3.5), and at day 42 in r-ELISA (OD = 0.797). The antibody levels remained high through the 57th day after inoculation in MAT, and there was a decrease tendency in r-ELISA and IFAT. IFAT was used as gold standard and r-ELISA demonstrated a higher prevalence (73.3%), sensitivity (94.3%), negative predictive value (83.3%), and accuracy (95.6%) than MAT. Kappa agreements among tests were calculated, and the best results were shown by r-ELISA × IFAT (κ = 0.88, p < 0.001). Cross-reaction with Sarcocystis miescheriana was investigated in r-ELISA and OD mean was 0.163 ± 0.035 (n = 65). Additionally, none of the animals inoculated with Sarcocystis reacted positively in r-ELISA. Our results indicate that r-ELISA could be a good method for serological detection of T. gondii infection in pigs. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo nesta pesquisa consiste em fazer um trabalho de prevenção junto às instituições APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos de Excepcionais) e ASIN (Associação de síndrome de Down), ambas de São José dos Campos e ASPAD (Associação de Pais e Amigos de síndrome de Down) de Jacareí, orientando e avaliando sobre a presença ou não da instabilidade atlanto-axial (IAA), assim como verificar a prevalência dessa anormalidade nesses indivíduos. Foram convidados a participar do projeto todos os indivíduos das três instituições de assistência à SD, tendo formado uma amostra com 68 indivíduos, com idades entre 2 a 34 anos, sendo 39 do sexo masculino e 29 do feminino. Foram realizadas radiografias da coluna cervical nas posições de extensão, flexão e neutra, para as quais todos os responsáveis assinaram termo de consentimento. A verificação da IAA foi feita pela análise da distância atlanto-odontóide (DAO), utilizando o programa Radiocef, com uma ferramenta criada para isso. A DAO foi analisada nas três incidências, e era considerada a presença de IAA desde que o indivíduo apresentasse valores ?4,5mm em pelo menos uma dessas posições. Após a realização dos testes estatísticos e análise dos resultados, concluímos que a prevalência de IAA foi de 22,1% dos indivíduos, com valores DAO entre 4,5 e 8,83mm, tendo sido mais prevalente nos indivíduos do sexo masculino do que feminino, assim como nas crianças do que nos jovens e adultos. Foi possível verificar também que, a posição de flexão apresentou maior prevalência de IAA, mas que ela não deve sobrepor às posições de extensão e neutra, pois pode omitir casos ausentes em flexão, mas presentes nas outras posições. Dessa forma, foi realizado o trabalho de prevenção com a avaliação da IAA por meio da realização dos exames radiográficos em que os laudos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Nowadays, there is a search for knowledgment that could be applied in the solution of the problems caused by petrolific activities involving the environment, like the biodiversity preservation and the ecosystems monitoring and management. Foraminifera (Protista) are used as an important tool to the environment characterizarion, because they answer quickly to the fisic-quimic variations and indicate local alterations. The goal of this job is to create models of foraminiferal communities composition through the screening of subsuperficial samples obtained from a core collect from Bertioga Channel, Baixada Santista (SP), trying to understand the influence of the environmental variations along the time upon the indicator species presence, as well as making paleoenvironmentals reconstructions of the area. A 80 cm-core was removed in the outer edge of marsh adjacent to Bertioga Channel, not far from the confluence with the Itapanhaú River. There are presented in abundance, equitability, diversity and species richness obtained in nine samples along the sediment. The lower part of the core is compound by calcareous species (rotalideos and miliolideos) with domain Ammonia (Biofacies 1) and the intermediate and upper parts contain mainly agglutinated species (Biofacies 2 and 3, which is dominated by species of Ammotium). The qualitative and quantitative study of the microfauna of foraminifera present in the core reveals that in recent decades the sampling area passed from a condition of infra-marginal strip under significant coastal marine influence for the condition of inter-coastal swamp covered with mangrove vegetation. This change indicates that the site has undergone a process of sediment progradation, a phenomenon that may have been timely, localized, or a reflection of a relative fall in sea level at the regional level


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The number of piping in an industry is high. Through this piping are conducted several kind of products at several temperature and pressure conditions. In a chemical company, the piping quantity conducting harmful chemical products to human health and to the environment is higher. Nowadays the theme sustainability is often mentioned and harm to environment may cause irreversible damage to the human being, to the fauna, to the flora and to company´s credibility. In this context, controlling over the piping to avoid accidents is mandatory. The objective of this monograph is to create a procedure which enables the chemical companies piping traceability. This monograph analyses the several existent traceability system in the three economy sectors and approaches the technical question of industrial piping in order to create a procedure that achieves its objectives as a technical document and at the same time be economically feasible, with low complexibility level and high practicability. Some possibilities to elaborate this procedure had been studied, as the creation of an alphanumeric code and making with a chisel in the pipeline based on ASTM F2897 and the use of chips to store the information. However, the procedure which best meet the requirement as low cost and high applicability is filling out an electronic plan with information about welding process, welding certification, welding consumables and inspections


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Recent studies have identified that a higher resting heart rate (RHR) is associated with elevated blood pressure, independent of body fatness, age and ethnicity. However, it is still unclear whether RHR can also be applied as a screening for other risk factors, such as hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. Thus, the purpose of the presented study was to analyze the association between RHR, lipid profile and fasting glucose in obese children and adolescents. Methods: The sample was composed of 180 obese children and adolescents, aged between 7-16 years. Whole-body and segmental body composition were estimated by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Resting heart rate (RHR) was measured by heart rate monitors. The fasting blood samples were analyzed for serum triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and glucose, using the colorimetric method. Results: Fasting glucose, TC, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C and RHR were similar in both genders. The group of obese subjects with a higher RHR presented, at a lower age, higher triglycerides and TC. There was a significant relationship between RHR, triglycerides and TC. In the multivariate model, triglycerides and TC maintained a significant relationship with RHR independent of age, gender, general and trunk adiposity. The ROC curve indicated that RHR has a high potential for screening elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides as well as dyslipidemia. Conclusion: Elevated RHR has the potential to identify subjects at an increased risk of atherosclerosis development.


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'Bcl-2-homologe Proteine aus dem Schwamm Geodia cydonium: Klonierung, Charakterisierung und Funktionsanalyse von Apoptose-Regulatoren der Porifera'. Auf der Suche nach der molekularbiologischen Grundlage der Apoptose in den Porifera, dem phylogenetisch ältesten Metazoen-Tierstamm, wurden Mitglieder der apoptoseregulatorischen Bcl?2 Familie unter Anwendung diverser Techniken im Schwamm G. cydonium identifiziert: GCBHP1 und GCBHP2. Detaillierte Analysen offenbarten Bcl-2-charakteristische Signaturen sowie eine durch apoptotische Stimuli induzierbare Expression. Die parallele HSP70-Induktion zeugte von der GCBHP2-Expression als Teil einer antiapoptotischen Streßantwort zum Schutz des Organismus'. Die kontinuierliche Transkription des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gleichfalls klonierten Proliferationsmarkers SEP1 veranschaulichte zudem die Effektivität dieser Streßreaktion. Mit der Herstellung eines rekombinanten Proteins und der Gewinnung eines Antiserums konnte auch die streßinduzierte Proteinexpression des GCBHP2 verfolgt werden. Zum Zweck der Funktionsstudie wurden Säugetierzellen (HEK-293, NIH/3T3) mit einem GCBHP2-Konstrukt stabil transfiziert und auf die Expression des Schwammproteins untersucht. Diese Zellen unterschieden sich bereits phänotypisch von mock-transfizierten Zellen. Immunzytochemische Untersuchungen enthüllten eine für antiapoptotische Bcl-2 Proteine charakteristische Assoziation mit Mitochondrien. Unter dem Einfluß zweier apoptotischer Stimuli wurde für GCBHP2-transfizierte Zellen eine vierzehn-/sechsmal höhere Vitalität und eine reduzierte Aktivierung der Caspase-Kaskade registriert (im Vergleich zu mock-transfizierten Kontrollen). Somit wurde der antiapoptotische Charakter des GCBHP2 und die Existenz apoptotischer Mechanismen in den Porifera bestätigt.


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Background. Assessing the health status of adolescents is challenging for health care providers. Personal disclosure has been associated with improved health outcomes. Story-centered care was examined as an intervention for promoting adolescent disclosure during an urgent care visit. ^ Objectives. This study explored: (1) the effectiveness of story-centered care for promoting adolescent disclosure; (2) health-associated words used by adolescents to describe pressing concerns after an urgent care visit when they had standard care (SC) or story-centered care (SCC) conducted by a Nurse Practitioner (NP). ^ Methods. Subjects were randomly assigned to SC or SCC. In SC, adolescent presenting concerns were identified and treated. In SCC, presenting concerns were treated and NP-adolescent dialogue, facilitated through a screening tool, queried matters of importance to adolescent life. After the visit, adolescents wrote about pressing concerns for 15 minutes. Written words were analyzed with Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, a software program for analyzing narrative. Ratios were calculated for the number of words (adolescent: NP) used during the urgent care visit. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate gender-intervention differences in health-associated words. ^ Results. One hundred and six adolescents [Hispanic (65%), White (35%)] completed the study. Fifty-five were female; the average age was 17 (sd = 2.1) years. ^ Adolescents in the story intervention used more words (adolescent: NP, 1:1.3) than those in standard intervention (adolescent: NP, 1:2.7) in proportion to the number of words used by the NP during the urgent care visit. There were gender-intervention differences (p < .01) in positive emotion words and past-tense words in writings about pressing concerns. Males who received the story intervention used more positive emotion and less past-tense words than adolescent males with standard care. Females used more social words (p < .01) in their writings regardless of intervention group. ^ Conclusion. SCC enhanced adolescent disclosure during an urgent care visit. Adolescents will talk to health care providers during episodic visits and males may benefit more than girls may from this approach. Evidence suggests there is value in attending to both presenting and pressing concerns of adolescents. ^


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Thermal imaging has been used to evaluate the response to drought and warm temperatures in a collection of Brachypodium distachyon lines adapted to varied environmental conditions. Thermographic records were able to separate lines from contrasting rainfall regimes. Genotypes from dryer environments showed warmer leaves under water deficit, which suggested that decreased evapotranspiration was related to a more intense stomatal closure. When irrigated and under high temperature conditions, drought-adapted lines showed cooler leaves than lines from wetter zones. The consistent, inverse thermographic response of lines to water stress and heat validates the reliability of this method to assess drought tolerance in this model cereal. It additionally supports the hypothesis that stomatal-based mechanisms are involved in natural variation for drought tolerance in Brachypodium. The study further suggests that these mechanisms are not constitutive but likely related to a more efficient closing response to avoid dehydration in adapted genotypes. Higher leaf temperature under water deficit seems a dependable criterion of drought tolerance, not only in B. distachyon but also in the main cereal crops and related grasses where thermography can facilitate high-throughput preliminary screening of tolerant materials.


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Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide hormone, present in the alimentary and the CNS. It is the most abundant peptide in the brain. CCK has been implicated in a number of disorders. The link between CCK and anxiety was the basis for this research. A comprehensive discussion on the many types of CCK receptor antagonists is included. For the drug discovery process, a number of synthetic approaches have been investigated and alternative chemical approaches developed. 1,4-Benzodiazepine analogues were prepared, with substitutents In the 1,2 & 3- position of the benzodiazepine scaffold varied, and substituted 3-anilino benzodiazepines exhibited the greatest in vitro activity towards the CCKA receptor subtype. Through extensive screening, pyrazolinone-ureido derivatives were identified, optimised, SAR studied and re-screened. A comprehensive in vivo study on the most active analogue is included, which has a number of common structural features with L-36S, 260 including activity. Pyrazolinone-amide derivatives, bearing the tryptophan moiety were equally active. A number of existing and novel furan- 2(SH)-one building blocks were prepared, from which a selected mini-library of 4- amino-substituted furan-2(SH)-ones were prepared and evaluated. All synthesised compounds were evaluated in a CCK radiolabelled binding assay (CCKA & CCKB), with compounds demonstrating receptor selectivity and lead structures being discovered. The work in this thesis has identified a number of highly active prime structures, from which further investigations are essential in providing more in vitro & in vivo data and the need to prepare more analogues.


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Most reef-building corals are known to engage in symbiosis not only with unicellular dinoflagellates from the genus, Symbiodinium, but they also sustain highly complex symbiotic associations with other microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The details of these non-pathogenic interactions remain largely unclear. The impetus of this study is to gain a better understanding of the symbiotic interaction between marine bacteria and a variety of coral species representative of differing morphologies. Studies have shown that certain bacterial orders associate specifically with certain coral species, thus making the symbiotic synergy a non-random consortium. Consequently both corals and bacteria may be capable of emitting chemical cues that enables both parties to find one another and thus creating the symbiosis. One potential chemical cue could be the compound DMSP (Dimethylsulfoniopropionate) and its sulphur derivatives. Reef-building corals are believed to be the major producers of the DMSP and its derivatives during times of stress. As a result corals could potentially attract their bacterial consortium depending on their DMSP production. Corals may be able to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions by changing their bacterial communities to that which may aid in survival. The cause of this attraction may stem from the capability of a variety of marine bacteria to catabolize DMSP into different metabolically significant pathways, which may be necessary for the survival of these mutualistic interactions. To test the hypothesis that coral-produced DMSP play a role in attracting symbiotic bacteria, this study utilized the advent of high-through sequencing paired with bacterial isolation techniques to properly characterize the microbial community in the stony coral Porites astreoides. We conducted DMSP swarming and chemotaxis assays to determine the response of these coral-associated bacterial isolates towards the DMSP compound at differing concentrations. Preliminary data from this study suggests that six out of the ten bacterial isolates are capable of conducting unidirectional motility; these six isolates are also capable of conducting swarming motility in the direction of an increasing DMSP concentration gradient. This would indicate that there is a form of positive chemotaxis on behalf of the bacteria towards the DMSP compound. By obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics that drive the associations between bacterial communities and corals, we can further aid in the protection and conservation processes for corals. Also this study would further elucidate the significance of the DMSP compound in the survival of corals under times of stress.


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Most reef-building corals are known to engage in symbiosis not only with unicellular dinoflagellates from the genus, Symbiodinium, but they also sustain highly complex symbiotic associations with other microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The details of these non-pathogenic interactions remain largely unclear. The impetus of this study is to gain a better understanding of the symbiotic interaction between marine bacteria and a variety of coral species representative of differing morphologies. Studies have shown that certain bacterial orders associate specifically with certain coral species, thus making the symbiotic synergy a non-random consortium. Consequently both corals and bacteria may be capable of emitting chemical cues that enables both parties to find one another and thus creating the symbiosis. One potential chemical cue could be the compound DMSP (Dimethylsulfoniopropionate) and its sulphur derivatives. Reef-building corals are believed to be the major producers of the DMSP and its derivatives during times of stress. As a result corals could potentially attract their bacterial consortium depending on their DMSP production. Corals may be able to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions by changing their bacterial communities to that which may aid in survival. The cause of this attraction may stem from the capability of a variety of marine bacteria to catabolize DMSP into different metabolically significant pathways, which may be necessary for the survival of these mutualistic interactions. To test the hypothesis that coral-produced DMSP play a role in attracting symbiotic bacteria, this study utilized the advent of high-through sequencing paired with bacterial isolation techniques to properly characterize the microbial community in the stony coral Porites astreoides. We conducted DMSP swarming and chemotaxis assays to determine the response of these coral-associated bacterial isolates towards the DMSP compound at differing concentrations. Preliminary data from this study suggests that six out of the ten bacterial isolates are capable of conducting unidirectional motility; these six isolates are also capable of conducting swarming motility in the direction of an increasing DMSP concentration gradient. This would indicate that there is a form of positive chemotaxis on behalf of the bacteria towards the DMSP compound. By obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics that drive the associations between bacterial communities and corals, we can further aid in the protection and conservation processes for corals. Also this study would further elucidate the significance of the DMSP compound in the survival of corals under times of stress.


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Abstract The two-component based chemotaxis signal transduction system allows flagellated bacteria to sense their surrounding chemical environment and move towards more favorable conditions. The attractant signals can be sensed by transmembrane chemoreceptors, and then transmitted to the histidine kinase CheA. Once activated, CheA interacts with the response regulator CheY through phosphorelay, which causes a change in the rotation of the flagella. The direction of flagella rotation determines whether a cell swims straight or just tumbles. Cells also need adaptation to respond to a change in chemical concentrations, and return to their prestimulated level. Adaptation in the B. subtilis chemotaxis system is achieved by three coordinated systems: the methylation system, the CheC/CheD/CheY-p system and the CheV system. CheD, the previously identified receptor deamidase, was shown to be critical to the ability of B. subtilis to perform chemotaxis and is the main focus of this study. This study started from characterization of the enzymatic mechanism of CheD. Results showed that CheD deamidase uses a cysteine hydrolase mechanism. The catalytic triad consisting of Cys33-His50-Thr27, and Ser27 is essential for receptor recognition and binding. In addition, in this study CheC was found to inhibit CheD’s deamidase activity. Through mutant screening, Phe102 on CheD was found to be the essential site to interact with CheC. Furthermore, the CheD/CheC interaction is necessary for the robust chemotaxis in vivo as demonstrated by the cheD (F102E) mutant, which lacks the ability to swim on swarm plates. Despite its deamidase activity, we hypothesized that CheD’s main role is its involvement in the CheD-CheC-CheY-p negative feedback pathway during adaptation. In particular, CheD is likely to help stabilize the transient kinase-activating state through binding to receptors. When CheY-p level is increased, CheC-CheY-p complex may attract CheD away from receptors. In this study, CheC-CheD binding kinetics with CheY or CheYp presence was successfully obtained by a series of SPR experiments. The increased affinity of CheD for CheC in presence of CheYp but not CheY makes likely the hypothesis that CheC-CheD-CheY interact as part of a negative feedback pathway during adaptation. Last, the interaction between CheD and chemoreceptor McpC was studied in order to better understand the role of CheD in adaptation. Results showed that Q304 and Q305 on McpC are essential to recruit CheD. Additionally, the reduced levels of CheD in mcpC (Q304A) or (Q305A) mutants suggested that the dynamic interaction between CheD and receptors is vital to maintain the normal CheD level. These findings suggest more complicated roles of CheD than its previously identified function as a receptor deamidase, and will lead to a clearer picture of the coordination of the three adaptational systems in the B. subtilis chemotactic sensory transduction system.


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Suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) is a potent inhibitor of the mitogenic, migratory and pro-inflammatory pathways responsible for the development of neointimal hyperplasia (NIH), a key contributor to the failure of vascular reconstructive procedures. However, the protein levels of SOCS3, and therefore its potential to reduce NIH, is limited by its ubiquitylation and high turnover by the proteasome. I hypothesised that stabilisation of endogenous SOCS3 by inhibiting its ubiquitylation has the potential to limit vascular inflammation and NIH. Consequently, the aim of this PhD was to identify the mechanisms promoting the rapid turnover of SOCS3. Initial experiments involved the identification of residues involved in regulating the turnover of SOCS3 at the proteasome. I assessed the ubiquitylation status of a panel of FLAG tagged SOCS3 truncation mutants and identified a C-terminal 44 amino acid region required for SOCS3 ubiquitylation. This region localised to the SOCS box which is involved in binding Elongin B/C and the formation of a functional E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. However, the single lysine residue at position 173, located within this 44 amino acid region, was not required for ubiquitylation. Moreover, Emetine chase assays revealed that loss of either Lys173 or Lys6 (as documented in the literature) had no significant effect on SOCS3 stability 8 hrs post emetine treatment. As mutagenesis studies failed to identify key sites of ubiquitylation responsible for targeting SOCS3 to the proteasome, LC-MS-MS analysis of a SOCS3 co-immunoprecipitate was employed. These data were searched for the presence of a Gly-Gly doublet (+114 Da mass shift) and revealed 8 distinct sites of ubiquitylation (Lys23, Lys28, Lys40, Lys85, Lys91, Lys173, Lys195, Lys206) on SOCS3 however Lys6 ubiquitylation was not detected. As multiple Lys residues were ubiquitylated, I hypothesised that only a Lys-less SOCS3, in which all 8 Lys residues were mutated to Arg, would be resistant to ubiquitylation. Compared to WT SOCS3, Lys-less SOCS3 was indeed found to be completely resistant to ubiquitylation, and significantly more stable than WT SOCS3. These changes occurred in the absence of any detrimental effect on the ability of Lys-less SOCS3 to interact with the Elongin B/C components required to generate a functional E3 ligase complex. In addition, both WT and Lys-less SOCS3 were equally capable of inhibiting cytokine-stimulated STAT3 phosphorylation upon co-expression with a chimeric EpoR-gp130 receptor. To assess whether SOCS3 auto-ubiquitylates I generated an L189A SOCS3 mutant that could no longer bind the Elongins and therefore form the E3 ligase complex required for ubiquitylation. A denaturing IP to assess the ubiquitylation status of this mutant was performed and revealed that, despite an inability to bind the Elongins, the L189A mutant was poly-ubiquitylated similar to WT SOCS3. Together these data suggested that SOCS3 does not auto-ubiquitylate and that a separate E3 ligase must regulate SOCS3 ubiquitylation. This study sought to identify the E3 ligase and deubiquitylating (DUB) enzymes controlling the ubiquitylation of SOCS3. Our initial strategy was to develop a tool to screen an E3 ligase/DUB library, using an siARRAY, to sequentially knockdown all known E3 ligases in the presence of a SOCS3-luciferase fusion protein or endogenous SOCS3 in a high content imaging screening platform. However, due to a poor assay window (<2) and non-specific immunoreactivity of SOCS3 antibodies available, these methods were deemed unsuitable for screening purposes. In the absence of a suitable tool to screen the si-ARRAY, LC-MS-MS analysis of a SOCS3 co-immunoprecipitate (co-IP) was investigated. I performed a SOCS3 under conditions which preserved protein-protein interactions, with the aim of identifying novel E3 ligase and/or DUBs that could potentially interact with SOCS3. These data were searched for E3 ligase or DUB enzymes that may interact with SOCS3 in HEK293 cells and identified two promising candidates i) an E3 ligase known as HectD1 and ii) a DUB known as USP15. This thesis has demonstrated that in the presence of HectD1 overexpression, a slight increase in K63-linked polyubiquitylation of SOCS3 was observed. Mutagenesis also revealed that an N-terminal region of SOCS3 may act as a repressor of this interaction with HectD1. Additionally, USP15 was shown to reduce SOCS3 polyubiquitylation in a HEK293 overexpression system suggesting this may act as a DUB for SOCS3. The C-terminal region of SOCS3 was also shown to play a major role in the interaction with USP15. The original hypothesis of this thesis was that stabilisation of endogenous SOCS3 by inhibiting its ubiquitylation has the potential to limit vascular inflammation and NIH. Consistent with this hypothesis, immunohistochemistry visualisation of SOCS3, in human saphenous vein tissue derived from CABG patients, revealed that while SOCS3 was present throughout the media of these vessels the levels of SOCS3 within the neointima was reduced. Finally, preliminary data supporting the hypothesis that SOCS3 overexpression may limit the proliferation, but not migration, of human saphenous vein smooth muscle cells (HSVSMCs) is presented. It is expected that multiple E3 ligases and DUBs will contribute to the regulation of SOCS3 turnover. However, the identification of candidate E3 ligases or DUBs that play a significant role in SOCS3 turnover may facilitate the development of peptide disruptors or gene therapy targets to attenuate pathological SMC proliferation. A targeted approach, inhibiting the interaction between SOCS3 and identified E3 ligase, that controls the levels of SOCS3, would be expected to reduce the undesirable effects associated with global inhibition of the E3 ligase involved.