973 resultados para High-resolution aerial images


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The integration of geophysical data into the subsurface characterization problem has been shown in many cases to significantly improve hydrological knowledge by providing information at spatial scales and locations that is unattainable using conventional hydrological measurement techniques. In particular, crosshole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) tomography has shown much promise in hydrology because of its ability to provide highly detailed images of subsurface radar wave velocity, which is strongly linked to soil water content. Here, we develop and demonstrate a procedure for inverting together multiple crosshole GPR data sets in order to characterize the spatial distribution of radar wave velocity below the water table at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site (BHRS) near Boise, Idaho, USA. Specifically, we jointly invert 31 intersecting crosshole GPR profiles to obtain a highly resolved and consistent radar velocity model along the various profile directions. The model is found to be strongly correlated with complementary neutron porosity-log data and is further corroborated by larger-scale structural information at the BHRS. This work is an important prerequisite to using crosshole GPR data together with existing hydrological measurements for improved groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling.


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Ascertaining when and where genes are expressed is of crucial importance to understanding or predicting the physiological role of genes and proteins and how they interact to form the complex networks that underlie organ development and function. It is, therefore, crucial to determine on a genome-wide level, the spatio-temporal gene expression profiles at cellular resolution. This information is provided by colorimetric RNA in situ hybridization that can elucidate expression of genes in their native context and does so at cellular resolution. We generated what is to our knowledge the first genome-wide transcriptome atlas by RNA in situ hybridization of an entire mammalian organism, the developing mouse at embryonic day 14.5. This digital transcriptome atlas, the Eurexpress atlas (http://www.eurexpress.org), consists of a searchable database of annotated images that can be interactively viewed. We generated anatomy-based expression profiles for over 18,000 coding genes and over 400 microRNAs. We identified 1,002 tissue-specific genes that are a source of novel tissue-specific markers for 37 different anatomical structures. The quality and the resolution of the data revealed novel molecular domains for several developing structures, such as the telencephalon, a novel organization for the hypothalamus, and insight on the Wnt network involved in renal epithelial differentiation during kidney development. The digital transcriptome atlas is a powerful resource to determine co-expression of genes, to identify cell populations and lineages, and to identify functional associations between genes relevant to development and disease.


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The aim of the present study is to determine the level of correlation between the 3-dimensional (3D) characteristics of trabecular bone microarchitecture, as evaluated using microcomputed tomography (μCT) reconstruction, and trabecular bone score (TBS), as evaluated using 2D projection images directly derived from 3D μCT reconstruction (TBSμCT). Moreover, we have evaluated the effects of image degradation (resolution and noise) and X-ray energy of projection on these correlations. Thirty human cadaveric vertebrae were acquired on a microscanner at an isotropic resolution of 93μm. The 3D microarchitecture parameters were obtained using MicroView (GE Healthcare, Wauwatosa, MI). The 2D projections of these 3D models were generated using the Beer-Lambert law at different X-ray energies. Degradation of image resolution was simulated (from 93 to 1488μm). Relationships between 3D microarchitecture parameters and TBSμCT at different resolutions were evaluated using linear regression analysis. Significant correlations were observed between TBSμCT and 3D microarchitecture parameters, regardless of the resolution. Correlations were detected that were strongly to intermediately positive for connectivity density (0.711≤r(2)≤0.752) and trabecular number (0.584≤r(2)≤0.648) and negative for trabecular space (-0.407 ≤r(2)≤-0.491), up to a pixel size of 1023μm. In addition, TBSμCT values were strongly correlated between each other (0.77≤r(2)≤0.96). Study results show that the correlations between TBSμCT at 93μm and 3D microarchitecture parameters are weakly impacted by the degradation of image resolution and the presence of noise.


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Un système efficace de sismique tridimensionnelle (3-D) haute-résolution adapté à des cibles lacustres de petite échelle a été développé. Dans le Lac Léman, près de la ville de Lausanne, en Suisse, des investigations récentes en deux dimension (2-D) ont mis en évidence une zone de faille complexe qui a été choisie pour tester notre système. Les structures observées incluent une couche mince (<40 m) de sédiments quaternaires sub-horizontaux, discordants sur des couches tertiaires de molasse pentées vers le sud-est. On observe aussi la zone de faille de « La Paudèze » qui sépare les unités de la Molasse du Plateau de la Molasse Subalpine. Deux campagnes 3-D complètes, d?environ d?un kilomètre carré, ont été réalisées sur ce site de test. La campagne pilote (campagne I), effectuée en 1999 pendant 8 jours, a couvert 80 profils en utilisant une seule flûte. Pendant la campagne II (9 jours en 2001), le nouveau système trois-flûtes, bien paramétrés pour notre objectif, a permis l?acquisition de données de très haute qualité sur 180 lignes CMP. Les améliorations principales incluent un système de navigation et de déclenchement de tirs grâce à un nouveau logiciel. Celui-ci comprend un contrôle qualité de la navigation du bateau en temps réel utilisant un GPS différentiel (dGPS) à bord et une station de référence près du bord du lac. De cette façon, les tirs peuvent être déclenchés tous les 5 mètres avec une erreur maximale non-cumulative de 25 centimètres. Tandis que pour la campagne I la position des récepteurs de la flûte 48-traces a dû être déduite à partir des positions du bateau, pour la campagne II elle ont pu être calculées précisément (erreur <20 cm) grâce aux trois antennes dGPS supplémentaires placées sur des flotteurs attachés à l?extrémité de chaque flûte 24-traces. Il est maintenant possible de déterminer la dérive éventuelle de l?extrémité des flûtes (75 m) causée par des courants latéraux ou de petites variations de trajet du bateau. De plus, la construction de deux bras télescopiques maintenant les trois flûtes à une distance de 7.5 m les uns des autres, qui est la même distance que celle entre les lignes naviguées de la campagne II. En combinaison avec un espacement de récepteurs de 2.5 m, la dimension de chaque «bin» de données 3-D de la campagne II est de 1.25 m en ligne et 3.75 m latéralement. L?espacement plus grand en direction « in-line » par rapport à la direction «cross-line» est justifié par l?orientation structurale de la zone de faille perpendiculaire à la direction «in-line». L?incertitude sur la navigation et le positionnement pendant la campagne I et le «binning» imprécis qui en résulte, se retrouve dans les données sous forme d?une certaine discontinuité des réflecteurs. L?utilisation d?un canon à air à doublechambre (qui permet d?atténuer l?effet bulle) a pu réduire l?aliasing observé dans les sections migrées en 3-D. Celui-ci était dû à la combinaison du contenu relativement haute fréquence (<2000 Hz) du canon à eau (utilisé à 140 bars et à 0.3 m de profondeur) et d?un pas d?échantillonnage latéral insuffisant. Le Mini G.I 15/15 a été utilisé à 80 bars et à 1 m de profondeur, est mieux adapté à la complexité de la cible, une zone faillée ayant des réflecteurs pentés jusqu?à 30°. Bien que ses fréquences ne dépassent pas les 650 Hz, cette source combine une pénétration du signal non-aliasé jusqu?à 300 m dans le sol (par rapport au 145 m pour le canon à eau) pour une résolution verticale maximale de 1.1 m. Tandis que la campagne I a été acquise par groupes de plusieurs lignes de directions alternées, l?optimisation du temps d?acquisition du nouveau système à trois flûtes permet l?acquisition en géométrie parallèle, ce qui est préférable lorsqu?on utilise une configuration asymétrique (une source et un dispositif de récepteurs). Si on ne procède pas ainsi, les stacks sont différents selon la direction. Toutefois, la configuration de flûtes, plus courtes que pour la compagne I, a réduit la couverture nominale, la ramenant de 12 à 6. Une séquence classique de traitement 3-D a été adaptée à l?échantillonnage à haute fréquence et elle a été complétée par deux programmes qui transforment le format non-conventionnel de nos données de navigation en un format standard de l?industrie. Dans l?ordre, le traitement comprend l?incorporation de la géométrie, suivi de l?édition des traces, de l?harmonisation des «bins» (pour compenser l?inhomogénéité de la couverture due à la dérive du bateau et de la flûte), de la correction de la divergence sphérique, du filtrage passe-bande, de l?analyse de vitesse, de la correction DMO en 3-D, du stack et enfin de la migration 3-D en temps. D?analyses de vitesse détaillées ont été effectuées sur les données de couverture 12, une ligne sur deux et tous les 50 CMP, soit un nombre total de 600 spectres de semblance. Selon cette analyse, les vitesses d?intervalles varient de 1450-1650 m/s dans les sédiments non-consolidés et de 1650-3000 m/s dans les sédiments consolidés. Le fait que l?on puisse interpréter plusieurs horizons et surfaces de faille dans le cube, montre le potentiel de cette technique pour une interprétation tectonique et géologique à petite échelle en trois dimensions. On distingue cinq faciès sismiques principaux et leurs géométries 3-D détaillées sur des sections verticales et horizontales: les sédiments lacustres (Holocène), les sédiments glacio-lacustres (Pléistocène), la Molasse du Plateau, la Molasse Subalpine de la zone de faille (chevauchement) et la Molasse Subalpine au sud de cette zone. Les couches de la Molasse du Plateau et de la Molasse Subalpine ont respectivement un pendage de ~8° et ~20°. La zone de faille comprend de nombreuses structures très déformées de pendage d?environ 30°. Des tests préliminaires avec un algorithme de migration 3-D en profondeur avant sommation et à amplitudes préservées démontrent que la qualité excellente des données de la campagne II permet l?application de telles techniques à des campagnes haute-résolution. La méthode de sismique marine 3-D était utilisée jusqu?à présent quasi-exclusivement par l?industrie pétrolière. Son adaptation à une échelle plus petite géographiquement mais aussi financièrement a ouvert la voie d?appliquer cette technique à des objectifs d?environnement et du génie civil.<br/><br/>An efficient high-resolution three-dimensional (3-D) seismic reflection system for small-scale targets in lacustrine settings was developed. In Lake Geneva, near the city of Lausanne, Switzerland, past high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) investigations revealed a complex fault zone (the Paudèze thrust zone), which was subsequently chosen for testing our system. Observed structures include a thin (<40 m) layer of subhorizontal Quaternary sediments that unconformably overlie southeast-dipping Tertiary Molasse beds and the Paudèze thrust zone, which separates Plateau and Subalpine Molasse units. Two complete 3-D surveys have been conducted over this same test site, covering an area of about 1 km2. In 1999, a pilot survey (Survey I), comprising 80 profiles, was carried out in 8 days with a single-streamer configuration. In 2001, a second survey (Survey II) used a newly developed three-streamer system with optimized design parameters, which provided an exceptionally high-quality data set of 180 common midpoint (CMP) lines in 9 days. The main improvements include a navigation and shot-triggering system with in-house navigation software that automatically fires the gun in combination with real-time control on navigation quality using differential GPS (dGPS) onboard and a reference base near the lake shore. Shots were triggered at 5-m intervals with a maximum non-cumulative error of 25 cm. Whereas the single 48-channel streamer system of Survey I requires extrapolation of receiver positions from the boat position, for Survey II they could be accurately calculated (error <20 cm) with the aid of three additional dGPS antennas mounted on rafts attached to the end of each of the 24- channel streamers. Towed at a distance of 75 m behind the vessel, they allow the determination of feathering due to cross-line currents or small course variations. Furthermore, two retractable booms hold the three streamers at a distance of 7.5 m from each other, which is the same distance as the sail line interval for Survey I. With a receiver spacing of 2.5 m, the bin dimension of the 3-D data of Survey II is 1.25 m in in-line direction and 3.75 m in cross-line direction. The greater cross-line versus in-line spacing is justified by the known structural trend of the fault zone perpendicular to the in-line direction. The data from Survey I showed some reflection discontinuity as a result of insufficiently accurate navigation and positioning and subsequent binning errors. Observed aliasing in the 3-D migration was due to insufficient lateral sampling combined with the relatively high frequency (<2000 Hz) content of the water gun source (operated at 140 bars and 0.3 m depth). These results motivated the use of a double-chamber bubble-canceling air gun for Survey II. A 15 / 15 Mini G.I air gun operated at 80 bars and 1 m depth, proved to be better adapted for imaging the complexly faulted target area, which has reflectors dipping up to 30°. Although its frequencies do not exceed 650 Hz, this air gun combines a penetration of non-aliased signal to depths of 300 m below the water bottom (versus 145 m for the water gun) with a maximum vertical resolution of 1.1 m. While Survey I was shot in patches of alternating directions, the optimized surveying time of the new threestreamer system allowed acquisition in parallel geometry, which is preferable when using an asymmetric configuration (single source and receiver array). Otherwise, resulting stacks are different for the opposite directions. However, the shorter streamer configuration of Survey II reduced the nominal fold from 12 to 6. A 3-D conventional processing flow was adapted to the high sampling rates and was complemented by two computer programs that format the unconventional navigation data to industry standards. Processing included trace editing, geometry assignment, bin harmonization (to compensate for uneven fold due to boat/streamer drift), spherical divergence correction, bandpass filtering, velocity analysis, 3-D DMO correction, stack and 3-D time migration. A detailed semblance velocity analysis was performed on the 12-fold data set for every second in-line and every 50th CMP, i.e. on a total of 600 spectra. According to this velocity analysis, interval velocities range from 1450-1650 m/s for the unconsolidated sediments and from 1650-3000 m/s for the consolidated sediments. Delineation of several horizons and fault surfaces reveal the potential for small-scale geologic and tectonic interpretation in three dimensions. Five major seismic facies and their detailed 3-D geometries can be distinguished in vertical and horizontal sections: lacustrine sediments (Holocene) , glaciolacustrine sediments (Pleistocene), Plateau Molasse, Subalpine Molasse and its thrust fault zone. Dips of beds within Plateau and Subalpine Molasse are ~8° and ~20°, respectively. Within the fault zone, many highly deformed structures with dips around 30° are visible. Preliminary tests with 3-D preserved-amplitude prestack depth migration demonstrate that the excellent data quality of Survey II allows application of such sophisticated techniques even to high-resolution seismic surveys. In general, the adaptation of the 3-D marine seismic reflection method, which to date has almost exclusively been used by the oil exploration industry, to a smaller geographical as well as financial scale has helped pave the way for applying this technique to environmental and engineering purposes.<br/><br/>La sismique réflexion est une méthode d?investigation du sous-sol avec un très grand pouvoir de résolution. Elle consiste à envoyer des vibrations dans le sol et à recueillir les ondes qui se réfléchissent sur les discontinuités géologiques à différentes profondeurs et remontent ensuite à la surface où elles sont enregistrées. Les signaux ainsi recueillis donnent non seulement des informations sur la nature des couches en présence et leur géométrie, mais ils permettent aussi de faire une interprétation géologique du sous-sol. Par exemple, dans le cas de roches sédimentaires, les profils de sismique réflexion permettent de déterminer leur mode de dépôt, leurs éventuelles déformations ou cassures et donc leur histoire tectonique. La sismique réflexion est la méthode principale de l?exploration pétrolière. Pendant longtemps on a réalisé des profils de sismique réflexion le long de profils qui fournissent une image du sous-sol en deux dimensions. Les images ainsi obtenues ne sont que partiellement exactes, puisqu?elles ne tiennent pas compte de l?aspect tridimensionnel des structures géologiques. Depuis quelques dizaines d?années, la sismique en trois dimensions (3-D) a apporté un souffle nouveau à l?étude du sous-sol. Si elle est aujourd?hui parfaitement maîtrisée pour l?imagerie des grandes structures géologiques tant dans le domaine terrestre que le domaine océanique, son adaptation à l?échelle lacustre ou fluviale n?a encore fait l?objet que de rares études. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à développer un système d?acquisition sismique similaire à celui utilisé pour la prospection pétrolière en mer, mais adapté aux lacs. Il est donc de dimension moindre, de mise en oeuvre plus légère et surtout d?une résolution des images finales beaucoup plus élevée. Alors que l?industrie pétrolière se limite souvent à une résolution de l?ordre de la dizaine de mètres, l?instrument qui a été mis au point dans le cadre de ce travail permet de voir des détails de l?ordre du mètre. Le nouveau système repose sur la possibilité d?enregistrer simultanément les réflexions sismiques sur trois câbles sismiques (ou flûtes) de 24 traces chacun. Pour obtenir des données 3-D, il est essentiel de positionner les instruments sur l?eau (source et récepteurs des ondes sismiques) avec une grande précision. Un logiciel a été spécialement développé pour le contrôle de la navigation et le déclenchement des tirs de la source sismique en utilisant des récepteurs GPS différentiel (dGPS) sur le bateau et à l?extrémité de chaque flûte. Ceci permet de positionner les instruments avec une précision de l?ordre de 20 cm. Pour tester notre système, nous avons choisi une zone sur le Lac Léman, près de la ville de Lausanne, où passe la faille de « La Paudèze » qui sépare les unités de la Molasse du Plateau et de la Molasse Subalpine. Deux campagnes de mesures de sismique 3-D y ont été réalisées sur une zone d?environ 1 km2. Les enregistrements sismiques ont ensuite été traités pour les transformer en images interprétables. Nous avons appliqué une séquence de traitement 3-D spécialement adaptée à nos données, notamment en ce qui concerne le positionnement. Après traitement, les données font apparaître différents faciès sismiques principaux correspondant notamment aux sédiments lacustres (Holocène), aux sédiments glacio-lacustres (Pléistocène), à la Molasse du Plateau, à la Molasse Subalpine de la zone de faille et la Molasse Subalpine au sud de cette zone. La géométrie 3-D détaillée des failles est visible sur les sections sismiques verticales et horizontales. L?excellente qualité des données et l?interprétation de plusieurs horizons et surfaces de faille montrent le potentiel de cette technique pour les investigations à petite échelle en trois dimensions ce qui ouvre des voies à son application dans les domaines de l?environnement et du génie civil.


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AbstractObjective:The present study was aimed at retrospectively reviewing high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings in patients with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis in order to evaluate the frequency of tomographic findings and their distribution in the lung parenchyma.Materials and Methods:Thirteen patients (9 females and 4 males; age, 9 to 59 years; mean age, 34.5 years) were included in the present study. The HRCT images were independently evaluated by two observers whose decisions were made by consensus. The inclusion criterion was the presence of abnormalities typical of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis at HRCT, which precludes lung biopsy. However, in 6 cases lung biopsy was performed.Results:Ground-glass opacities and small parenchymal nodules were the predominant tomographic findings, present in 100% of cases, followed by small subpleural nodules (92.3%), subpleural cysts (84.6%), subpleural linear calcifications (69.2%), crazy-paving pattern (69.2%), fissure nodularity (53.8%), calcification along interlobular septa (46.2%) and dense consolidation (46.2%).Conclusion:As regards distribution of the lesions, there was preferential involvement of the lower third of the lungs. No predominance of distribution in axial and anteroposterior directions was observed.


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Information display technology is a rapidly growing research and development field. Using state-of-the-art technology, optical resolution can be increased dramatically by organic light-emitting diode - since the light emitting layer is very thin, under 100nm. The main question is what pixel size is achievable technologically? The next generation of display will considers three-dimensional image display. In 2D , one is considering vertical and horizontal resolutions. In 3D or holographic images, there is another dimension – depth. The major requirement is the high resolution horizontal dimension in order to sustain the third dimension using special lenticular glass or barrier masks, separate views for each eye. The high-resolution 3D display offers hundreds of more different views of objects or landscape. OLEDs have potential to be a key technology for information displays in the future. The display technology presented in this work promises to bring into use bright colour 3D flat panel displays in a unique way. Unlike the conventional TFT matrix, OLED displays have constant brightness and colour, independent from the viewing angle i.e. the observer's position in front of the screen. A sandwich (just 0.1 micron thick) of organic thin films between two conductors makes an OLE Display device. These special materials are named electroluminescent organic semi-conductors (or organic photoconductors (OPC )). When electrical current is applied, a bright light is emitted (electrophosphorescence) from the formed Organic Light-Emitting Diode. Usually for OLED an ITO layer is used as a transparent electrode. Such types of displays were the first for volume manufacture and only a few products are available in the market at present. The key challenges that OLED technology faces in the application areas are: producing high-quality white light achieving low manufacturing costs increasing efficiency and lifetime at high brightness. Looking towards the future, by combining OLED with specially constructed surface lenses and proper image management software it will be possible to achieve 3D images.


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Flooding is a major hazard in both rural and urban areas worldwide, but it is in urban areas that the impacts are most severe. An investigation of the ability of high resolution TerraSAR-X data to detect flooded regions in urban areas is described. An important application for this would be the calibration and validation of the flood extent predicted by an urban flood inundation model. To date, research on such models has been hampered by lack of suitable distributed validation data. The study uses a 3m resolution TerraSAR-X image of a 1-in-150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK, in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SETES SAR simulator was used in conjunction with airborne LiDAR data to estimate regions of the TerraSAR-X image in which water would not be visible due to radar shadow or layover caused by buildings and taller vegetation, and these regions were masked out in the flood detection process. A semi-automatic algorithm for the detection of floodwater was developed, based on a hybrid approach. Flooding in rural areas adjacent to the urban areas was detected using an active contour model (snake) region-growing algorithm seeded using the un-flooded river channel network, which was applied to the TerraSAR-X image fused with the LiDAR DTM to ensure the smooth variation of heights along the reach. A simpler region-growing approach was used in the urban areas, which was initialized using knowledge of the flood waterline in the rural areas. Seed pixels having low backscatter were identified in the urban areas using supervised classification based on training areas for water taken from the rural flood, and non-water taken from the higher urban areas. Seed pixels were required to have heights less than a spatially-varying height threshold determined from nearby rural waterline heights. Seed pixels were clustered into urban flood regions based on their close proximity, rather than requiring that all pixels in the region should have low backscatter. This approach was taken because it appeared that urban water backscatter values were corrupted in some pixels, perhaps due to contributions from side-lobes of strong reflectors nearby. The TerraSAR-X urban flood extent was validated using the flood extent visible in the aerial photos. It turned out that 76% of the urban water pixels visible to TerraSAR-X were correctly detected, with an associated false positive rate of 25%. If all urban water pixels were considered, including those in shadow and layover regions, these figures fell to 58% and 19% respectively. These findings indicate that TerraSAR-X is capable of providing useful data for the calibration and validation of urban flood inundation models.


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High-resolution satellite radar observations of erupting volcanoes can yield valuable information on rapidly changing deposits and geomorphology. Using the TerraSAR-X (TSX) radar with a spatial resolution of about 2 m and a repeat interval of 11-days, we show how a variety of techniques were used to record some of the eruptive history of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat between July 2008 and February 2010. After a 15-month pause in lava dome growth, a vulcanian explosion occurred on 28 July 2008 whose vent was hidden by dense cloud. We were able to show the civil authorities using TSX change difference images that this explosion had not disrupted the dome sufficient to warrant continued evacuation. Change difference images also proved to be valuable in mapping new pyroclastic flow deposits: the valley-occupying block-and-ash component tending to increase backscatter and the marginal surge deposits reducing it, with the pattern reversing after the event. By comparing east- and west-looking images acquired 12 hours apart, the deposition of some individual pyroclastic flows can be inferred from change differences. Some of the narrow upper sections of valleys draining the volcano received many tens of metres of rockfall and pyroclastic flow deposits over periods of a few weeks. By measuring the changing shadows cast by these valleys in TSX images the changing depth of infill by deposits could be estimated. In addition to using the amplitude data from the radar images we also used their phase information within the InSAR technique to calculate the topography during a period of no surface activity. This enabled areas of transient topography, crucial for directing future flows, to be captured.


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This paper presents a new method to calculate sky view factors (SVFs) from high resolution urban digital elevation models using a shadow casting algorithm. By utilizing weighted annuli to derive SVF from hemispherical images, the distance light source positions can be predefined and uniformly spread over the whole hemisphere, whereas another method applies a random set of light source positions with a cosine-weighted distribution of sun altitude angles. The 2 methods have similar results based on a large number of SVF images. However, when comparing variations at pixel level between an image generated using the new method presented in this paper with the image from the random method, anisotropic patterns occur. The absolute mean difference between the 2 methods is 0.002 ranging up to 0.040. The maximum difference can be as much as 0.122. Since SVF is a geometrically derived parameter, the anisotropic errors created by the random method must be considered as significant.


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A basic data requirement of a river flood inundation model is a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the reach being studied. The scale at which modeling is required determines the accuracy required of the DTM. For modeling floods in urban areas, a high resolution DTM such as that produced by airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is most useful, and large parts of many developed countries have now been mapped using LiDAR. In remoter areas, it is possible to model flooding on a larger scale using a lower resolution DTM, and in the near future the DTM of choice is likely to be that derived from the TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A variable-resolution global DTM obtained by combining existing high and low resolution data sets would be useful for modeling flood water dynamics globally, at high resolution wherever possible and at lower resolution over larger rivers in remote areas. A further important data resource used in flood modeling is the flood extent, commonly derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Flood extents become more useful if they are intersected with the DTM, when water level observations (WLOs) at the flood boundary can be estimated at various points along the river reach. To illustrate the utility of such a global DTM, two examples of recent research involving WLOs at opposite ends of the spatial scale are discussed. The first requires high resolution spatial data, and involves the assimilation of WLOs from a real sequence of high resolution SAR images into a flood model to update the model state with observations over time, and to estimate river discharge and model parameters, including river bathymetry and friction. The results indicate the feasibility of such an Earth Observation-based flood forecasting system. The second example is at a larger scale, and uses SAR-derived WLOs to improve the lower-resolution TanDEM-X DEM in the area covered by the flood extents. The resulting reduction in random height error is significant.


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Dados meteorológicos e simulações numéricas de alta resolução foram usados para estimar campos espaciais na região leste da Amazônia onde se situam a Floresta e a Baía de Caxiuanã, no Estado do Pará. O estudo foi feito para o período de Novembro de 2006, quando foi realizado o experimento de campo COBRA-PARÁ. Análises de imagens do sensor MODIS mostram a ocorrência de vários fenômenos locais como avenidas de nuvens, sistemas convectivos precipitantes, e importante influência das interfaces entre a floresta e as superfícies aquáticas. Simulações numéricas para o dia 7 de novembro de 2006 mostraram que o modelo representou bem as principais variáveis meteorológicas. Os resultados mostram que a Baía de Caxiuanã provoca importante impacto nos campos meteorológicos adjacentes, principalmente, através da advecção pelos ventos de nordeste que induzem a temperaturas do dossel mais frias a oeste da baía. Simulações de alta resolução (LES) produziram padrões espaciais de temperatura e umidade alinhados com os ventos durante o período diurno e mudanças noturnas causadas principalmente pela presença da baía e chuvas convectivas. Correlações espaciais entre os ventos de níveis médios e os fluxos verticais de calor latente mostraram que existe uma mudança de correlações negativas para as primeiras horas do dia passando para correlações positivas para o período da tarde e início da noite.


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A computational pipeline combining texture analysis and pattern classification algorithms was developed for investigating associations between high-resolution MRI features and histological data. This methodology was tested in the study of dentate gyrus images of sclerotic hippocampi resected from refractory epilepsy patients. Images were acquired using a simple surface coil in a 3.0T MRI scanner. All specimens were subsequently submitted to histological semiquantitative evaluation. The computational pipeline was applied for classifying pixels according to: a) dentate gyrus histological parameters and b) patients' febrile or afebrile initial precipitating insult history. The pipeline results for febrile and afebrile patients achieved 70% classification accuracy, with 78% sensitivity and 80% specificity [area under the reader observer characteristics (ROC) curve: 0.89]. The analysis of the histological data alone was not sufficient to achieve significant power to separate febrile and afebrile groups. Interesting enough, the results from our approach did not show significant correlation with histological parameters (which per se were not enough to classify patient groups). These results showed the potential of adding computational texture analysis together with classification methods for detecting subtle MRI signal differences, a method sufficient to provide good clinical classification. A wide range of applications of this pipeline can also be used in other areas of medical imaging. Magn Reson Med, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The atmosphere is a global influence on the movement of heat and humidity between the continents, and thus significantly affects climate variability. Information about atmospheric circulation are of major importance for the understanding of different climatic conditions. Dust deposits from maar lakes and dry maars from the Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) are therefore used as proxy data for the reconstruction of past aeolian dynamics.rnrnIn this thesis past two sediment cores from the Eifel region are examined: the core SM3 from Lake Schalkenmehren and the core DE3 from the Dehner dry maar. Both cores contain the tephra of the Laacher See eruption, which is dated to 12,900 before present. Taken together the cores cover the last 60,000 years: SM3 the Holocene and DE3 the marine isotope stages MIS-3 and MIS-2, respectively. The frequencies of glacial dust storm events and their paleo wind direction are detected by high resolution grain size and provenance analysis of the lake sediments. Therefore two different methods are applied: geochemical measurements of the sediment using µXRF-scanning and the particle analysis method RADIUS (rapid particle analysis of digital images by ultra-high-resolution scanning of thin sections).rnIt is shown that single dust layers in the lake sediment are characterized by an increased content of aeolian transported carbonate particles. The limestone-bearing Eifel-North-South zone is the most likely source for the carbonate rich aeolian dust in the lake sediments of the Dehner dry maar. The dry maar is located on the western side of the Eifel-North-South zone. Thus, carbonate rich aeolian sediment is most likely to be transported towards the Dehner dry maar within easterly winds. A methodology is developed which limits the detection to the aeolian transported carbonate particles in the sediment, the RADIUS-carbonate module.rnrnIn summary, during the marine isotope stage MIS-3 the storm frequency and the east wind frequency are both increased in comparison to MIS-2. These results leads to the suggestion that atmospheric circulation was affected by more turbulent conditions during MIS-3 in comparison to the more stable atmospheric circulation during the full glacial conditions of MIS-2.rnThe results of the investigations of the dust records are finally evaluated in relation a study of atmospheric general circulation models for a comprehensive interpretation. Here, AGCM experiments (ECHAM3 and ECHAM4) with different prescribed SST patterns are used to develop a synoptic interpretation of long-persisting east wind conditions and of east wind storm events, which are suggested to lead to an enhanced accumulation of sediment being transported by easterly winds to the proxy site of the Dehner dry maar.rnrnThe basic observations made on the proxy record are also illustrated in the 10 m-wind vectors in the different model experiments under glacial conditions with different prescribed sea surface temperature patterns. Furthermore, the analysis of long-persisting east wind conditions in the AGCM data shows a stronger seasonality under glacial conditions: all the different experiments are characterized by an increase of the relative importance of the LEWIC during spring and summer. The different glacial experiments consistently show a shift from a long-lasting high over the Baltic Sea towards the NW, directly above the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, together with contemporary enhanced westerly circulation over the North Atlantic.rnrnThis thesis is a comprehensive analysis of atmospheric circulation patterns during the last glacial period. It has been possible to reconstruct important elements of the glacial paleo climate in Central Europe. While the proxy data from sediment cores lead to a binary signal of the wind direction changes (east versus west wind), a synoptic interpretation using atmospheric circulation models is successful. This shows a possible distribution of high and low pressure areas and thus the direction and strength of wind fields which have the capacity to transport dust. In conclusion, the combination of numerical models, to enhance understanding of processes in the climate system, with proxy data from the environmental record is the key to a comprehensive approach to paleo climatic reconstruction.rn


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Dental identification is the most valuable method to identify human remains in single cases with major postmortem alterations as well as in mass casualties because of its practicability and demanding reliability. Computed tomography (CT) has been investigated as a supportive tool for forensic identification and has proven to be valuable. It can also scan the dentition of a deceased within minutes. In the present study, we investigated currently used restorative materials using ultra-high-resolution dual-source CT and the extended CT scale for the purpose of a color-encoded, in scale, and artifact-free visualization in 3D volume rendering. In 122 human molars, 220 cavities with 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-mm diameter were prepared. With presently used filling materials (different composites, temporary filling materials, ceramic, and liner), these cavities were restored in six teeth for each material and cavity size (exception amalgam n = 1). The teeth were CT scanned and images reconstructed using an extended CT scale. Filling materials were analyzed in terms of resulting Hounsfield units (HU) and filling size representation within the images. Varying restorative materials showed distinctively differing radiopacities allowing for CT-data-based discrimination. Particularly, ceramic and composite fillings could be differentiated. The HU values were used to generate an updated volume-rendering preset for postmortem extended CT scale data of the dentition to easily visualize the position of restorations, the shape (in scale), and the material used which is color encoded in 3D. The results provide the scientific background for the application of 3D volume rendering to visualize the human dentition for forensic identification purposes.


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PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility of using a high resolution isotropic three-dimensional (3D) fast T1 mapping sequence for delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) to assess osteoarthritis in the hip. MATERIALS AND METHODS: T1 maps of the hip were acquired using both low and high resolution techniques following the administration of 0.2 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA(2-) in 35 patients. Both T1 maps were generated from two separate spoiled GRE images. The high resolution T1 map was reconstructed in the anatomically equivalent plane as the low resolution map. T1 values from the equivalent anatomic regions containing femoral and acetabular cartilages were measured on the low and high resolution maps and compared using regression analysis. RESULTS: In vivo T1 measurements showed a statistically significant correlation between the low and high resolution acquisitions at 1.5 Tesla (R(2) = 0.958, P < 0.001). These results demonstrate the feasibility of using a fast two-angle T1 mapping (F2T1) sequence with isotropic spatial resolution (0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 mm) for quantitative assessment of biochemical status in articular cartilage of the hip. CONCLUSION: The high resolution 3D F2T1 sequence provides accurate T1 measurements in femoral and acetabular cartilages of the hip, which enables the biochemical assessment of articular cartilage in any plane through the joint. It is a powerful tool for researchers and clinicians to acquire high resolution data in a reasonable scan time (< 30 min).