985 resultados para Helmholtz, Hermann von, 1821-1894
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Includes index.
Heft II has title: Beschreibung der Königl. bayerischen Staats-Eisenbahnen. 2. Heft: in 4 Situations-, Nivellements- und Uebersiches-Karten die Ludwig-Südnordbahn vom Bodensee bis zur Donau umfassend.
Mode of access: Internet.
Nova acta. Acad. Caes. Leop. Car. Nat. Cur. XVII, 1835. p. 100-170.
Mode of access: Internet.
With this is bound Michaelis, Hermann. Von Hankau nach Su tschou; Junker, Wilhelm. Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse; Diest, Walther. Von Pergamon über den Dindymos zum Pontus.
The Struggle for Eros: On Love and Gender in the Pahlen Series The present dissertation examines how gender, sexuality and motherhood are constructed in the novel series Fröknarna von Pahlen (The Misses von Pahlen, I VII, 1930 1935) by the Swedish author Agnes von Krusenstjerna. The aim of the study is to analyze how the Pahlen series relates to the discourses on gender and sexuality circulating in the 1930s, and how the series opens a dialogue with the feminist thinking of the time especially with the book Lifslinjer I (Love and Marriage, 1903) by the Swedish author Ellen Key. Fröknarna von Pahlen holds a central position in the research on Agnes von Krusenstjerna partly due to the literary debate that the novel series triggered. The debate was connected to the development taking place in the Swedish society in the beginning of the 1930s, in the so-called second phase of the Modern Breakthrough. Sweden was at that time characterized by struggle over the definitions of gender, sexuality and parenthood, and this struggle is also visible in the Pahlen series. The literary debate took place in 1934 1935 and it began after an article by the modernist writer Karin Boye was published in Social-Demokraten on 28 January 1934. In her polemic article, Boye saw the Pahlen series as a sign that the family institution is on the verge of a breakdown and with it the whole moral system that has come to existence through it . Boye went on to state that Krusenstjerna only sees and describes and that she explores neither new literary forms nor new values. Boye wrote the article before the last two parts of the novel series were published, so obviously she could not discuss the utopian vision characterizing those parts. This study, however, strives to demonstrate that Krusenstjerna not only sees and describes, but that she like many of her contemporary female colleagues appears to take the request of Friedrich Nietzsche to revaluate all values seriously. Like the works of her contemporaries, Krusenstjerna s Pahlen series is marked by a double vision on the one hand a critique of the prevailing social order, and on the other hand a dream of a new world and a new human being. In this research the vision of the Pahlen series is characterized as queer in order to emphasize that the series not only criticizes the prevailing gender order and its morals, but is also open for new ways of doing gender, parenthood, and family.
Este artigo propõe reflexão sobre a escrita da história, a partir de estudo das capas da Revista do Museu Paulista, especialmente durante as gestões dos dois primeiros diretores da instituição, quando certa continuidade editorial foi preservada. Tomadas como "fontes", ou seja, objeto de trabalho do historiador, as capas revelam vestígios de processos que permitem reconstruir, em suas dimensões históricas, as complexas imbricações entre a produção da Revista, sua materialidade, e os atos de leitura e interpretação que condicionam e refletem relações entre produtores de textos e seus leitores nas primeiras décadas do século XX, a partir de São Paulo, onde era editada.
Der Tod der deutschen Kolonialpioniere stellte dem Anschein nach ein ideales Feld nationaler Identifikation dar. Die Männer der ersten Stunde hatten afrikanisches Territorium gegen die Unbilden der Natur und die Widerstände der einheimischen Bevölkerung in Besitz genommen. Die Erinnerung an die toten Helden konnte daher sinnfällige Mythen nationaler Erfolgsgeschichte bereitstellen. Der Beitrag überprüft am Beispiel der beiden zeitgenössisch bei weitem bekanntesten deutschen Kolonialpioniere Hermann von Wissmann und Carl Peters, welche Formen und Funktionen der Totenkult um die Kolonialheroen des Kaiserreichs hatte. Beisetzungsfeiern, Nachrufe, Denkmäler und Nachwirkungen werden betrachtet, bevor abschließend vergleichende allgemeinere Schlussfolgerungen gezogen werden. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Ehrung der Kolonialhelden allenfalls oberflächlich zur nationalen Integration beitrug. Vielmehr wurde der Kult um die Kolonialpioniere, der schon zu Zeiten des Kaiserreichs vor allem auf die Kolonialbewegung selbst zurückging und vom Reich nur mit Zurückhaltung unterstützt wurde, zunehmend zur Kritik an der Berliner Politik genutzt. Er diente der Rechtfertigung und Schuldzuweisung. Im Kolonialrevisionismus nach 1918 bestätigt sich dieser Befund.
von Hermann von Gauvain
von einem Deutschen [Hermann von Scharff-Scharffenstein]
von Hermann von Scharff-Scharffenstein
Hermann von Scharff-Scharffenstein