997 resultados para Helgelandia 1649.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Published in 1897 under title: The court of Charles II., 1649-1734.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This article examines the 1938 historical novel 1649: A Novel of a Year by the Anglo-Australian communist polymath Jack Lindsay in the context of the politics of the Popular Front, and identifies the aesthetic and historiographic debates questions that inform Lindsay’s inventive rendition of the historical novel. The novel may be considered in light of what Lindsay later called his desire ‘to use the novel to revive revolutionary traditions’, as well as his ‘struggle to achieve an understanding of the Novel while writing novels’. Lindsay’s novel figures a reality becoming prosaic: it reproduces contemporary textual sources – tracts, pamphlets, newspapers – as part of its meditation on a nascent print culture whose products circulate in processes that mirror the increasingly conspicuous flow of commodities. In this sense, the novel offers a marxist reflection on its own conditions of possibility in emergent bourgeois culture, as well as intervening in the vexed question of the Civil War as a ‘bourgeois revolution’. The novel however seeks to capture a dialectical method of representing the revolution that acknowledges defeat while rearticulating the utopian content of the defeated radicals, a practice integral to Lindsay’s vision of popular history as a transhistorical dialogue. That utopian content is transmitted through two forms: popular song, which acts to supplement political writing; and the heroic portrayal of the Leveller John Lilburne on trial, whose conduct exemplifies praxis conceived as a unity of word, thought and action.


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Karl Hausberger schildert das Leben und Wirken von dreizehn Regensburger Bischöfen, die zwischen 1649 und 1817 amtierten. Ihr schmales weltliches Herrschaftsgebiet stand im Missverhältnis zum ausgedehnten geistlichen Jurisdiktionsbezirk, der sich über weite Teile Altbayerns und der Oberpfalz erstreckte. Dabei weist die Bischofsliste des Untersuchungszeitraums zwei Besonderheiten auf: Zum einen befand sich das Fürstbistum fast ein volles Jahrhundert lang (1668-1763) ununterbrochen in den Händen nachgeborener Prinzen aus dem bayerischen Herrscherhaus, von denen keiner vor Ort residierte, so dass unter ihnen das Weihbischofsamt eine deutliche Aufwertung erfuhr. Zum anderen endete in Regensburg die reichskirchliche Epoche nicht wie gemeinhin mit der Säkularisation von 1802/03, sondern 1817 mit dem Tod des Bischofs Karl Theodor von Dalberg, der zugleich Erzbischof, Kurfürst und Erzkanzler von Mainz war.


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Thermosensitive hydrogels were synthesized using alginate-Ca2+ in association with a thermosensitive polymer, such as PNIPAAm. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels were determined measuring the maximum tension of deformation. With the increase of the temperature by 25 to 40 ºC above the LCST the chains of PNIPAAm collapsed, dragging the alginate net and diminishing the size of the pores. The decrease in the size of the pores of the hydrogel was followed by an increase in the mechanicals resistance of the material.


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Corn stover that had been treated with vapor-phase diethyl oxalate released a mixture of mono- and oligosaccharides consisting mainly of xylose and glucose. Following overliming and neutralization, a d-xylulokinase mutant of Pichia stipitis, FPL-YS30 (xyl3-a dagger 1), converted the stover hydrolysate into xylitol. This research examined the effects of phosphoric or gluconic acids used for neutralization and urea or ammonium sulfate used as nitrogen sources. Phosphoric acid improved color and removal of phenolic compounds. d-Gluconic acid enhanced cell growth. Ammonium sulfate increased cell yield and maximum specific cell growth rate independently of the acid used for neutralization. The highest xylitol yield (0.61 g(xylitol)/g(xylose)) and volumetric productivity (0.18 g(xylitol)/g(xylose) l) were obtained in hydrolysate neutralized with phosphoric acid. However, when urea was the nitrogen source the cell yield was less than half of that obtained with ammonium sulfate.


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Objectives: To review changes in patterns of care for women with early invasive breast cancer in Western Australia from 1989 to 1999, and compare management with recommendations in the 1995 National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines. Design and setting: Population-based surveys of all cases listed in the Western Australian Cancer Registry and Western Australian Hospital Morbidity Data System. Main outcome measures: Congruence of care with guidelines. Results: Data were available for 1649 women with early invasive breast cancer (categories pT1 or pT2; pN0 or pN1; and M0). In 1999, 96% had a preoperative diagnosis by fine-needle aspiration or core biopsy (compared with 66% in 1989), with a synoptic pathology report on 95%. Breast-conserving surgery was used for 66% of women with mammographically detected tumours (v 35% in 1989) and 46% of those with clinically detected tumours (v 28% in 1989), with radiotherapy to the conserved breast in 90% of these cases (83% in 1989). Adjuvant chemotherapy was given to 92% of premenopausal women with node-positive disease and 63% with poor-prognosis node-negative tumours (v 78% and 14%, respectively, in 1989). Among postmenopausal women with receptor-positive tumours, tamoxifen was prescribed for 91% of those with positive nodes (85% in 1989) and 79% of those with negative nodes (30% in 1989). Among postmenopausal women with receptor-negative tumours, chemotherapy was prescribed for 70% with positive nodes (v 33%) and 58% with negative nodes (v none). Conclusions: Patterns of management of women with early invasive breast cancer in Western Australia during the 1990s changed significantly in all respects toward those recommended in the 1995 guidelines.


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Methods Stepwise regression of annual data was applied to model incidence, calculated based on 91 cases, from lagged variables: antecedent precipitation, air temperature, soil water storage, absolute and relative air humidity, and Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). Results Multiple regression analyses resulted in a model, which explains 49% of the incidence variance, taking into account the absolute air humidity in the year of exposure, soil water storage and SOI of the previous 2 years. Conclusions The correlations may reflect enhanced fungal growth after increase in soil water storage in the longer term and greater spore release with increase in absolute air humidity in the short term.


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Objective: To evaluate the effects of metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemia, on the prolactin receptor of murine endometrium. Design: Experimental study using the RNA extraction to detect tissue prolactin recepter isoforms by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Setting: University-based laboratory. Animal(s): Seventy-two female swiss albino mice (Mus musculus), approximately 100 days old, were divided into six 12-animal groups: (Cl) nonoophorectomized mice given vehicle; (GII) nonoophorectomized mice treated with metoclopramide; (Gill) oophorectomized mice treated with metoclopramide; (GIV)oophorectomized mice treated with metoclopramide and 17 beta-estradiol; (GV) oophorectomized mice treated with metoclopramide and micronized progesterone; (GVI) oophorectomized mice treated with metoclopramide and a solution of 17 beta-estradiol and micronized progesterone. Intervention(s): Drugs were administered for 50 days. Following euthanasia, the middle portions of the uterine horns were removed, sectioned, and immediately frozen for RT-PCR procedures. Blood was collected for the dosage of prolactin and serum estrogen and progesterone using radioimmune assay. Main Outcome Measure(s): Identification of uterine prolactin receptor isoforms: Result(s): The PRL receptor and its isoform L were identified only in GI (control group) and GII (metoclopramide), the two groups with nonoophorectomized animals. The amount of PRL receptor mRNA and that of its isoform L from GII were the largest. No other isoforms of the prolactin receptor were identified in any of the groups. Conclusion(s): Our results suggest that replacement of estrogen and progestin may not increase the mRNA of endometrial PRL receptor in metoclopromide-induced hyperprolactinemia in rats after castration. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010;93:1643-9. (C)2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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BACKGROUND: Treatment of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection (LTBI) in Brazil is recommended only in the case of contacts of pulmonary smear-positive TB patients aged <= 15 years with a tuberculin skin test (TST) >= 10 mm and no previous bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination or with a TST >= 15 mm regardless of previous BCG vaccination. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the 2-year incidence and predictors of TB among contacts who did not meet the Brazilian criteria for LTBI treatment. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. Contacts aged between 12 and 15 years and those aged >15 years who did not meet the Brazilian criteria for LTBI treatment were enrolled in the study. RESULTS: TB incidence was 3.2% (22/667), with an estimated TB rate of 1649 per 100000 population. Risk of TB was greater among the 349 contacts with TST >= 5 mm (5.4%) compared to the 318 contacts with TST <5 mm, (0.9%; RR 6.04, 95%CI 1.7-20.6). CONCLUSION: The high incidence of TB among contacts who did not meet the Brazilian criteria for LTBI treatment strongly suggests that these criteria should be reviewed. Furthermore, even among BCG-vaccinated contacts, TST induration >= 5 mm, was the only variable that predicted the development of TB disease within 2 years.


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A Resolu????o n?? 5, de 24 de setembro de 2010 disciplina o incentivo de servidores em exerc??cio na ENAP para participar dos cursos de especializa????o oferecidos pela Escola. Adicionalmente, s??o publicados editais espec??ficos para a sele????o de servidores para o Programa de Capacita????o em Idiomas, na ocasi??o de disponibilidade de vagas.


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A União Europeia iniciou, na década de 90, um processo de aproximação às normas do IASB que culminou em 2002 com a aprovação do Regulamento 1606/2002 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho da União Europeia, que obriga as sociedades com valores mobiliários admitidos à cotação em mercado regulamentado da União Europeia a preparar e apresentar as suas demonstrações financeiras consolidadas de acordo com as disposições previstas nas normas do IASB, a partir do exercício com início em ou após 1 de Janeiro de 2005. Neste contexto, considerou-se que é importante realizar um estudo com vista a avaliar o impacto em Portugal deste processo de transição para as normas do IASB. O objectivo deste estudo é o de, por um lado, verificar se as empresas portuguesas cotadas em bolsa e sujeitas à aplicação do POC e das Directrizes Contabilísticas terão de alterar, ou não, muitos procedimentos contabilísticos para preparar as suas Demonstrações Financeiras Consolidadas em conformidade com as normas do IASB e, por outro lado, identificar os assuntos sujeitos a maiores alterações. Do estudo realizado, pode concluir-se que as áreas sujeitas a maior alteração serão as que se relacionam com existências, investimentos em associadas, imparidade de activos fixos tangíveis e de activos intangíveis, instrumentos financeiros e tratamento contabilístico das concentrações de negócios.