971 resultados para Heat of sorption


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O Brasil é considerado um dos maiores produtores e consumidores de frutas tropicais. O coco verde (Cocos nucifera L.) se destaca tanto em termos de produção e consumo quanto em quantidade de resíduos gerada por indústrias de água de coco e pelo consumo in natura. Portanto, existe uma necessidade de aproveitamento deste subproduto. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar as isotermas de adsorção da polpa de coco verde e determinação do calor isostérico de sorção. As isotermas de adsorção para as temperaturas de 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70 °C foram analisadas e evidenciaram curvas do tipo III, típicas de alimentos ricos em açúcares. Os dados experimentais de umidade de equilíbrio foram correlacionados por modelos da literatura. O modelo de GAB apresentou melhor concordância com os dados experimentais, entre os modelos avaliados. O calor isostérico de sorção é considerado um indicativo de forças atrativas intermoleculares entre os sítios de sorção de vapor de água, consequentemente, um importante fator para predizer a vida de prateleira de produtos desidratados.


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Sorption isotherms of lemon juice (LE) powders with and without additives-18% maltodextrin (MA) or 18% gum Arabic (GA) were determined at 20-50 degrees C. Addition of additives was shown to affect the isotherms in such a way that, at the same water activity, samples LE + GA and LE + MA presented lower equilibrium moisture content and were not so affected by varying temperature. The net isosteric heats of sorption of juice powders with additives were higher (less negative) than those of lemon juice powders, suggesting that there are more active polar sites in the product without addition of GA or MA. In general, the quality properties decreased with the addition of maltodextrin and gum arabic and it was obtained similar values for LE + GA and LE + MA.


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The thermal properties of plums (Prunus domestica) and prunes were investigated in the moisture content of 14.2-80.4% (wet basis) near room temperature (approximately 28 degrees C). The apparent density of the fruits increased from 1042.9 to 1460.0 kg/m(3), and the bulk density increased from 706.6 to 897.5 kg/m(3) as the plums were dried, following classical empirical models as a function of moisture content. It was found that specific heat, effective thermal diffusivity, and effective thermal conductivity of the prunes increased with the moisture content of the samples, which can be represented by using different empirical models.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Moisture equilibrium data of persimmon skin and pulp were determined using the static gravimetric method. Adsorption and desorption isotherms were obtained in the range of 20-70°C, to water activities (a w) from 0.02 to 0.85. The application of the GAB model to the experimental results, using direct nonlinear regression analysis, provided a good agreement between experimental and calculated values. The net isosteric heat of sorption was estimated from equilibrium sorption data, using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be well adjusted by an exponential relationship. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of ΔH versus ΔS for skin and pulp provided the isokinetic temperatures, indicating an enthalpy controlled sorption process. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Banana is an agricultural product of great economic importance for various developing countries. The relationship between moisture content and water activity provides useful information for the processing and storage of banana waste. The water activity and moisture content of three banana (Mussa spp. Haploid AAB cv. Nanica) waste items were analyzed to determine the desorption isotherms at six different temperatures (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70°C). The desorption isotherms of the peel, pedicel and pulp of overripe bananas were determined in wide ranges of moisture content (0.001-6.360 kg kg-1 d.b.) and water activity (0.02-0.907). The theoretical GAB model was used for modelling the desorption isotherms. An analytical solution of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation was proposed to compute the isosteric heat of sorption, the differential entropy and Gibbs' free energy by way of the GAB model when the effect of temperature on the hygroscopic equilibrium was considered. © 2012 de Gruyter. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Brazil is considered one of the largest producers and consumers of tropical fruits. Green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) stands out not only for its production and consumption, but also for the high amount of waste produced by coconut water industry and in natura consumption. Therefore, there is a need for utilization of this by-product. This study aims to study the adsorption isotherms of green coconut pulp and determine its isosteric heat of sorption. The adsorption isotherms at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C were analyzed, and they exhibit type III behavior, typical of sugar rich foods. The experimental results of equilibrium moisture content were correlated by models present in the literature. The Guggenheim, Anderson and De Boer (GAB) model proved particularly good overall agreement with the experimental data. The heat of sorption determined from the adsorption isotherms increased with the decrease in moisture content. The heat of sorption is considered as indicative of intermolecular attractive forces between the sorption sites and water vapor, which is an important factor to predict the shelf life of dried products.


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We report clear finite size effects in the specific heat and in the relaxation times of a model glass former at temperatures considerably smaller than the Mode Coupling transition. A crucial ingredient to reach this result is a new Monte Carlo algorithm which allows us to reduce the relaxation time by two order of magnitudes. These effects signal the existence of a large correlation length in static quantities.


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Work performed at the Argonne National Laboratory.