989 resultados para Heart-assist devices
We appreciate the comments and concerns expressed by Arakawa and colleagues regarding our article, titled “Pulsatile control of rotary blood pumps: Does the modulation waveform matter?”1 Unfortunately, we have to disagree with Arakawa and colleagues. As is obvious from the title of our article, it investigates the effect of different waveforms on the heart–device interaction. In contrast to the authors' claim, this is the first article in the literature that uses basic waveforms (sine, triangle, saw tooth, and rectangular) with different phase shifts to examines their impact on left ventricular unloading. The previous publications2, 3 and 4 just varied the pump speed during systole and diastole, which was first reported by Bearnson and associates5 in 1996, and studied its effect on aortic pressure, coronary flow, and end-diastolic volume. We should mention that dp/dtmax is a load-sensitive parameter of contractility and not representative for the degree of unloading. Moreover, none of the aforementioned reports has studied mechanical unloading and in particular the stroke work of the left ventricle. Our method is unique because we do not just alternate between high and low speed but have accurate control of the waveform because of the direct drive system of Levitronix Technologies LLC (Waltham, Mass) and a custom-developed pump controller. Without referring, Arakawa and associates state “several previous studies have already reported the coronary flow diminishes as the left ventricular assist device support increases.” It should be noted that all the waveforms used in our study have 2000 rpm average value with 1000 rpm amplitude, which is not an excessive speed for the CentriMag rotary pump (Levitronix) to collapse the ventricle and diminish the coronary flow. We agree with Arakawa and coworkers that there is a need for a heart failure model to come to more relevant results with respect to clinical expectations. However, we have explored many existing models, including species and breeds that have a native proneness to cardiomyopathy, but all of them differ from the genetic presentation in humans. We certainly do not believe that the use of microembolization, in which the coronary circulation is impaired by the injection of microspheres, would form a good model from which to draw conclusions about coronary flow change under different loading conditions. A model would be needed in which either an infarct is created to mimic ischemic heart failure or the coronary circulation remains untouched to simulate, for instance, dilated cardiomyopathy. Furthermore, in discussion we clearly mention that “lack of heart failure is a major limitation of our study.” We also believe that unloading is not the only factor of the cardiac functional recovery, and an excessive unloading of the left ventricle might lead to cardiac tissue atrophy. Therefore, in our article we mention that control of the level of cardiac unloading by assist devices has been suggested as a mechanical tool to promote recovery, and more studies are required to find better strategies for the speed modulation of rotary pumps and to achieve an optimal heart load control to enhance myocardial recovery. Finally, there are many publications about pulsing rotary blood pumps and it was impossible to include them all. We preferred to reference some of the earlier basic works such as an original research by Bearnson and coworkers5 and another article published by our group,6 which is more relevant.
Replacement intervals of implantable medical devices are commonly dictated by battery life. Therefore, intracorporeal energy harvesting has the potential to reduce the number of surgical interventions by extending the life cycle of active devices. Given the accumulated experience with intravascular devices such as stents, heart valves, and cardiac assist devices, the idea to harvest a small fraction of the hydraulic energy available in the cardiovascular circulation is revisited. The aim of this article is to explore the technical feasibility of harvesting 1 mW electric power using a miniature hydrodynamic turbine powered by about 1% of the cardiac output flow in a peripheral artery. To this end, numerical modelling of the fluid mechanics and experimental verification of the overall performance of a 1:1 scale friction turbine are performed in vitro. The numerical flow model is validated for a range of turbine configurations and flow conditions (up to 250 mL/min) in terms of hydromechanic efficiency; up to 15% could be achieved with the nonoptimized configurations of the study. Although this article does not entail the clinical feasibility of intravascular turbines in terms of hemocompatibility and impact on the circulatory system, the numerical model does provide first estimates of the mechanical shear forces relevant to blood trauma and platelet activation. It is concluded that the time-integrated shear stress exposure is significantly lower than in cardiac assist devices due to lower flow velocities and predominantly laminar flow.
Herzunterstützungssysteme werden bei Patienten mit terminalem Herzversagen und im kardiogenen Schock verwendet. Therapieziele sind die Überbrückung bis zur Transplantation bzw. zur Organerholung. Berichtet wird über den Todesfall eines 69 Jahre alt gewordenen Mannes, dem 2 Jahre vor Todeseintritt ein Linksherzunterstützungssystem implantiert worden war. Mit diesem Herzunterstützungssystem konnte er über einen Zeitraum von 2 Jahren zufriedenstellend leben. Er starb an einem auch laborchemisch gesicherten akuten Myokardinfarkt bei Funktionsfähigkeit des Unterstützungssystems und der Schrittmachereinheit.
OBJECTIVES Left ventricular assist devices are an important treatment option for patients with heart failure alter the hemodynamics in the heart and great vessels. Because in vivo magnetic resonance studies of patients with ventricular assist devices are not possible, in vitro models represent an important tool to investigate flow alterations caused by these systems. By using an in vitro magnetic resonance-compatible model that mimics physiologic conditions as close as possible, this work investigated the flow characteristics using 4-dimensional flow-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging of a left ventricular assist device with outflow via the right subclavian artery as commonly used in cardiothoracic surgery in the recent past. METHODS An in vitro model was developed consisting of an aorta with its supra-aortic branches connected to a left ventricular assist device simulating the pulsatile flow of the native failing heart. A second left ventricular assist device supplied the aorta with continuous flow via the right subclavian artery. Four-dimensional flow-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging was performed for different flow rates of the left ventricular assist device simulating the native heart and the left ventricular assist device providing the continuous flow. Flow characteristics were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated in the entire vessel system. RESULTS Flow characteristics inside the aorta and its upper branching vessels revealed that the right subclavian artery and the right carotid artery were solely supported by the continuous-flow left ventricular assist device for all flow rates. The flow rates in the brain-supplying arteries are only marginally affected by different operating conditions. The qualitative analysis revealed only minor effects on the flow characteristics, such as weakly pronounced vortex flow caused by the retrograde flow via the brachiocephalic artery. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate that, despite the massive alterations in natural hemodynamics due to the retrograde flow via the right subclavian and brachiocephalic arteries, there are no drastic consequences on the flow in the brain-feeding arteries and the flow characteristics in the ascending and descending aortas. It may be beneficial to adjust the operating condition of the left ventricular assist device to the residual function of the failing heart.
This paper reviews the methods, benefits and challenges associated with the adoption and translation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling within cardiovascular medicine. CFD, a specialist area of mathematics and a branch of fluid mechanics, is used routinely in a diverse range of safety-critical engineering systems, which increasingly is being applied to the cardiovascular system. By facilitating rapid, economical, low-risk prototyping, CFD modelling has already revolutionised research and development of devices such as stents, valve prostheses, and ventricular assist devices. Combined with cardiovascular imaging, CFD simulation enables detailed characterisation of complex physiological pressure and flow fields and the computation of metrics which cannot be directly measured, for example, wall shear stress. CFD models are now being translated into clinical tools for physicians to use across the spectrum of coronary, valvular, congenital, myocardial and peripheral vascular diseases. CFD modelling is apposite for minimally-invasive patient assessment. Patient-specific (incorporating data unique to the individual) and multi-scale (combining models of different length- and time-scales) modelling enables individualised risk prediction and virtual treatment planning. This represents a significant departure from traditional dependence upon registry-based, population-averaged data. Model integration is progressively moving towards 'digital patient' or 'virtual physiological human' representations. When combined with population-scale numerical models, these models have the potential to reduce the cost, time and risk associated with clinical trials. The adoption of CFD modelling signals a new era in cardiovascular medicine. While potentially highly beneficial, a number of academic and commercial groups are addressing the associated methodological, regulatory, education- and service-related challenges.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
We reviewed the outcome following use of recombinant activated factor VII (rVIIa) in patients with major bleeding post cardiothoracic surgery in our unit between January 2002 and July 2004. The unit consists of 16 cardiothoracic intensive care beds in a public metropolitan teaching hospital which serves as a referral centre for heart and lung transplant surgery Patients with refactory bleeding following cardiothoracic surgical procedures who were treated with rVIIa were identified. A total of 12 episodes of rVIIa use were recorded in ten patients, including three episodes with ventricular assist devices, and 5 heart and/or lung transplants. The median dose used was 85 mu g/kg. Chest tube drainage decreased in all patients following administration of rVIIa; median chest tube drainage decreased front 445 ml/h to 171 ml/h (P=0.03). Despite cessation of bleeding, mortality was high, when rVIIa was used after more than 24 hours. In six episodes, despite early rVIIa use (within six hours), continued bleeding necessitated return to theatre, where a surgical source of bleeding was found. In this small retrospective study, rVIIa significantly reduced bleeding that was refractory to standard blood product transfusion. In this series of patients., those that did not respond to rVIla early in the postoperative phase were found to have a surgical source of bleeding.
Mock circulation loops are used to evaluate the performance of cardiac assist devices prior to animal and clinical testing. A compressible, translucent silicone ventricle chamber that mimics the exact size, shape and motion of a failing heart is desired to assist in flow visualization studies around inflow cannulae during VAD support. The aim of this study was therefore to design and construct a naturally shaped flexible left ventricle and evaluate its performance in a mock circulation loop. The ventricle shape was constructed by the use of CT images taken from a patient experiencing cardiomyopathic heart failure and used to create a 3D image and subsequent mould to produce a silicone ventricle. Different cardiac conditions were successfully simulated to validate the ventricle performance, including rest, left heart failure and VAD support.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have reached an epidemic proportion in the US and worldwide with serious consequences in terms of human suffering and economic impact. More than one third of American adults are suffering from CVDs. The total direct and indirect costs of CVDs are more than $500 billion per year. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop noninvasive diagnostics methods, to design minimally invasive assist devices, and to develop economical and easy-to-use monitoring systems for cardiovascular diseases. In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to gain a better understanding of the subsystems that constitute the cardiovascular system. The aorta is one of these subsystems whose role in cardiovascular functioning has been underestimated. Traditionally, the aorta and its branches have been viewed as resistive conduits connected to an active pump (left ventricle of the heart). However, this perception fails to explain many observed physiological results. My goal in this thesis is to demonstrate the subtle but important role of the aorta as a system, with focus on the wave dynamics in the aorta.
The operation of a healthy heart is based on an optimized balance between its pumping characteristics and the hemodynamics of the aorta and vascular branches. The delicate balance between the aorta and heart can be impaired due to aging, smoking, or disease. The heart generates pulsatile flow that produces pressure and flow waves as it enters into the compliant aorta. These aortic waves propagate and reflect from reflection sites (bifurcations and tapering). They can act constructively and assist the blood circulation. However, they may act destructively, promoting diseases or initiating sudden cardiac death. These waves also carry information about the diseases of the heart, vascular disease, and coupling of heart and aorta. In order to elucidate the role of the aorta as a dynamic system, the interplay between the dominant wave dynamic parameters is investigated in this study. These parameters are heart rate, aortic compliance (wave speed), and locations of reflection sites. Both computational and experimental approaches have been used in this research. In some cases, the results are further explained using theoretical models.
The main findings of this study are as follows: (i) developing a physiologically realistic outflow boundary condition for blood flow modeling in a compliant vasculature; (ii) demonstrating that pulse pressure as a single index cannot predict the true level of pulsatile workload on the left ventricle; (iii) proving that there is an optimum heart rate in which the pulsatile workload of the heart is minimized and that the optimum heart rate shifts to a higher value as aortic rigidity increases; (iv) introducing a simple bio-inspired device for correction and optimization of aortic wave reflection that reduces the workload on the heart; (v) deriving a non-dimensional number that can predict the optimum wave dynamic state in a mammalian cardiovascular system; (vi) demonstrating that waves can create a pumping effect in the aorta; (vii) introducing a system parameter and a new medical index, Intrinsic Frequency, that can be used for noninvasive diagnosis of heart and vascular diseases; and (viii) proposing a new medical hypothesis for sudden cardiac death in young athletes.
Hemolytic profile of an artificial device chronically implanted in the cardiovascular system may represent the difference between the success and failure in its long-term performance. Last decades have witnessed efforts on the development of methods capable of predicting red blood cell damage in artificial organs. However, all of them have had limited success to predict hemolysis. The primary cause of this problem is that such models do not take into consideration structures of turbulent flow. The present paper demonstrates that microscopic measurable occurrences of the turbulent flow may be linked to red blood cell trauma. This study suggests that if the smallest turbulent eddies dimension is under 10 m m hemolysis is not dependent on the exposure time and the red blood cells damage depends only on the dissipation of the turbulent energy in the erythrocyte membrane. The analysis reported here opens the possibility of mapping the flow field in artificial assist devices based on the smallest eddy length scales. This is a promising new trend and should be considered in the designing requirements of the next generations of artificial organs.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers
Research for new biocompatible and easily implantable materials continuously proposes new molecules and new substances with biological, chemical and physical characteristics, that are more and more adapted to aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and to the development of biomedical devices such as cardiovascular prostheses. Two classes of polymeric biomaterials seem to meet better these requirements: “hydrogels” , which includes polyalkylimide (PAI) and polyvinylalcohol (PVA) and “elastomers”, which includes polyurethanes (PUs). The first ones in the last decade have had a great application for soft tissue augmentation, due to their similarity to this tissue for their high water content, elasticity and oxygen permeability (Dini et al., 2005). The second ones, on the contrary, are widely used in cardiovascular applications (catheters, vascular grafts, ventricular assist devices, total artificial hearts) due to their good mechanical properties and hemocompatibility (Zdrahala R.J. and Zdrahala I.J., 1999). In the biocompatibility evaluation of these synthetic polymers, that is important for its potential use in clinical applications, a fundamental aspect is the knowledge of the polymers cytotoxicity and the effect of their interaction with cells, in particular with the cell populations involved in the inflammatory responses, i.e. monocyte/macrophages. In consideration of what above said, the aim of this study is the comprehension of the in vitro effect of PAI, PVA and PU on three cell lines that represent three different stages of macrophagic differentiation: U937 pro-monocytes, THP-1 monocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by measuring the rate of viability with MTT, Neutral Red and morphological analysis at light microscope in time-course dependent experiments. The influence of these polymers on monocyte/macrophage activation in terms of cells adhesion, monocyte differentiation in macrophages, antigens distribution, aspecific phagocytosis, fluid-phase endocitosis, pro-inflammatory cytokine (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6) and nitric oxide (NO) release was evaluated. In conclusion, our studies have indicated that the three different polymeric biomaterials are highly biocompatible, since they scarcely affected viability of U937, THP-1 and RAW 264.7 cells. Moreover, we have found that even though hydrogels and polyurethane influences monocyte/macrophage differentiation (depending on the particular type of cell and polymer), they are immunocompatible since they not induced significantly high cytokine release. For these reasons their clinical applications are strongly encouraged.
Ventricular assist devices (VADs) and total artificial hearts have been in development for the last 50 years. Since their inception, simulators of the circulation with different degrees of complexity have been produced to test these devices in vitro. Currently, a new path has been taken with the extensive efforts to develop paediatric VADs, which require totally different design constraints. This paper presents the manufacturing details of an economical simulator of the systemic paediatric circulation. This simulator allows the insertion of a paediatric VAD, includes a pumping ventricle, and is adjustable within the paediatric range. Rather than focusing on complexity and physiological simulation, this simulator is designed to be simple and practical for rapid device testing. The simulator was instrumented with medical sensors and data were acquired under different conditions with and without the new PediaFlowTM paediatric VAD. The VAD was run at different impeller speeds while simulator settings such as vascular resistance and stroke volume were varied. The hydraulic performance of the VAD under pulsatile conditions could be characterized and the magnetic suspension could be tested via manipulations such as cannula clamping. This compact mock loop has proven to be valuable throughout the PediaFlow development process and has the advantage that it is uncomplicated and can be manufactured cheaply. It can be produced by several research groups and the results of different VADs can then be compared easily.
The `biomimetic` approach to tissue engineering usually involves the use of a bioreactor mimicking physiological parameters whilst supplying nutrients to the developing tissue. Here we present a new heart valve bioreactor, having as its centrepiece a ventricular assist device (VAD), which exposes the cell-scaffold constructs to a wider array of mechanical forces. The pump of the VAD has two chambers: a blood and a pneumatic chamber, separated by an elastic membrane. Pulsatile air-pressure is generated by a piston-type actuator and delivered to the pneumatic chamber, ejecting the fluid in the blood chamber. Subsequently, applied vacuum to the pneumatic chamber causes the blood chamber to fill. A mechanical heart valve was placed in the VAD`s inflow position. The tissue engineered (TE) valve was placed in the outflow position. The VAD was coupled in series with a Windkessel compliance chamber, variable throttle and reservoir, connected by silicone tubings. The reservoir sat on an elevated platform, allowing adjustment of ventricular preload between 0 and 11 mmHg. To allow for sterile gaseous exchange between the circuit interior and exterior, a 0.2 mu m filter was placed at the reservoir. Pressure and flow were registered downstream of the TE valve. The circuit was filled with culture medium and fitted in a standard 5% CO(2) incubator set at 37 degrees C. Pressure and flow waveforms were similar to those obtained under physiological conditions for the pulmonary circulation. The `cardiomimetic` approach presented here represents a new perspective to conventional biomimetic approaches in TE, with potential advantages. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Particle-image velocimetry (PIV) was used to visualize the flow within an optically transparent pediatric ventricular assist device (PVAD) under development in our laboratory The device studied is a diaphragm type pulsatile pump with an ejection volume of 30 ml per beating cycle intended for temporary cardiac assistance as a bridge to transplantation or recovery in children. Of particular interest was the identification of flow patterns, including regions of stagnation and/or strong turbulence that often promote thrombus formation and hemolysis, which can degrade the usefulness of such devices. For this purpose, phase-locked PIV measurements were performed in planes parallel to the diaphram that drives the flow in the device. The test fluid was seeded with 10 Am polystyrene spheres, and the motion of these particles was used to determine the instantaneous flow velocity distribution in the illumination plane. These measurements revealed that flow velocities up to 1.0 m/s can occur within the PVAD. Phase-averaged velocity fields revealed the fixed vortices that drive the bulk flow within the device, though significant cycle-to-cycle variability was also quite apparent in the instantaneous velocity distributions, most notably during the filling phase. This cycle-to-cycle variability can generate strong turbulence that may contribute to greater hemolysis. Stagnation regions have also been observed between the input and output branches of the prototype, which can increase the likelihood of thrombus formation. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4001252]