929 resultados para Health postgraduate programs


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This study assessed environmental health risk from dioxin in foods and sustainability of risk reduction programs at two heavily contaminated former military sites in Vietnam. The study involved 1000 household surveys, analysis of food samples and in-depth discussions with residents and officials. The findings indicate that more than 40 years after the war, local residents still experience high exposure to dioxin if they consume local high risk foods. Public health intervention programs were rated moderately to well sustained. Internal migration, and lack of clear, official guidance and sensitivity regarding dioxin issues were the main challenges for sustainability of prevention programs.


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African-born individuals in the U.S. face significant health challenges, including low utilization of preventive screening services. Using a community-based participatory research framework, we describe preliminary efforts at establishing a collaborative relationship with the East African communities of San Diego, identifying salient community health needs, and developing a framework for disseminating information and addressing identified health gaps. To this end, 40 East African-born women participated in focus groups with the purpose of eliciting community perspectives on U.S. health care services, beliefs about preventive screening, and to garner recommendations for future outreach. Qualitative analyses identified participants’ desire to engage in primary prevention techniques that incorporated best practices from their home countries and the U.S., and the need for health education programs to provide information on increasingly prevalent chronic diseases. The findings are discussed in connection with continued community-engaged efforts and the implications for health and resettlement policies to reduce inequities disfavoring resettled refugees.


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- BACKGROUND Chronic diseases are increasing worldwide and have become a significant burden to those affected by those diseases. Disease-specific education programs have demonstrated improved outcomes, although people do forget information quickly or memorize it incorrectly. The teach-back method was introduced in an attempt to reinforce education to patients. To date, the evidence regarding the effectiveness of health education employing the teach-back method in improved care has not yet been reviewed systematically. - OBJECTIVES This systematic review examined the evidence on using the teach-back method in health education programs for improving adherence and self-management of people with chronic disease. - INCLUSION CRITERIA Types of participants: Adults aged 18 years and over with one or more than one chronic disease. Types of intervention: All types of interventions which included the teach-back method in an education program for people with chronic diseases. The comparator was chronic disease education programs that did not involve the teach-back method. Types of studies: Randomized and non-randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, before-after studies and case-control studies. Types of outcomes: The outcomes of interest were adherence, self-management, disease-specific knowledge, readmission, knowledge retention, self-efficacy and quality of life. - SEARCH STRATEGY Searches were conducted in CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane CENTRAL, Web of Science, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source, and Google Scholar databases. Search terms were combined by AND or OR in search strings. Reference lists of included articles were also searched for further potential references. - METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY Two reviewers conducted quality appraisal of papers using the Joanna Briggs Institute Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument. - DATA EXTRACTION Data were extracted using the Joanna Briggs Institute Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument data extraction instruments. - DATA SYNTHESIS There was significant heterogeneity in selected studies, hence a meta-analysis was not possible and the results were presented in narrative form. - RESULTS Of the 21 articles retrieved in full, 12 on the use of the teach-back method met the inclusion criteria and were selected for analysis. Four studies confirmed improved disease-specific knowledge in intervention participants. One study showed a statistically significant improvement in adherence to medication and diet among type 2 diabetics patients in the intervention group compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Two studies found statistically significant improvements in self-efficacy (p = 0.0026 and p < 0.001) in the intervention groups. One study examined quality of life in heart failure patients but the results did not improve from the intervention (p = 0.59). Five studies found a reduction in readmission rates and hospitalization but these were not always statistically significant. Two studies showed improvement in daily weighing among heart failure participants, and in adherence to diet, exercise and foot care among those with type 2 diabetes. - CONCLUSION Overall, the teach-back method showed positive effects in a wide range of health care outcomes although these were not always statistically significant. Studies in this systematic review revealed improved outcomes in disease-specific knowledge, adherence, self-efficacy and the inhaler technique. There was a positive but inconsistent trend also seen in improved self-care and reduction of hospital readmission rates. There was limited evidence on improvement in quality of life or disease related knowledge retention.


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The purpose of this cross sectional survey design was to examine self-reported health status and lifestyle behaviours of the residents of the Town of Fort Erie, Ontario, as related to the Canadian Community Health Survey. Using a mail-out survey, entitled the Fort Erie Survey of Health (FESH), a probability cluster sampling technique was used to measure self-reported health status (present health, health conditions, health challenges, functional health limitations) and lifestyle behaviour (smoking, alcohol use, drug use, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, body weight, and gaming). Each variable was described and analyzed in relation to socio-economic variables, age and gender. The findings from this study were compared to the Canadian Community Health Survey 2000/2001. Overall, 640 surveys were completed. The majority of Fort Erie residents rated their present health as good and were satisfied with their overall health and quality of life. The main chronic conditions reported were arthritis, back pain and heart disease. Other main health problems reported were vision, sleeping and chronic pain. Overall, 14.6% smoke; 58.8% engaged in physical activity either occasionally or never as opposed to regularly engaging in physical activity; 52.1% did not eat the required daily fruits and vegetables; and 40.0% were in the overweight category. Persons who practiced one healthy lifestyle behaviour were more likely to practice other healthy promoting behaviours. Therefore, health promotion programs are best designed to address multiple risk factors simultaneously. The ffiSH was generally consistent with the Canadian Community Health Survey in the overall findings. A small number of inconsistencies were identified that require further exploration to determine if they are unique to this community.


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Partout dans le monde, la formation en gestion des cadres infirmiers est devenue une nécessité. Afin de doter la profession infirmière de chefs de file capables de faire face aux changements, plusieurs pays ont conçu des programmes de formation de deuxième cycle en administration des services de soins infirmiers. Plusieurs programmes sont développés en ce sens dont peu ou prou sont évalués. Plusieurs auteurs croient que l’évaluation de ces programmes permettrait de mieux apprécier l’atteinte des objectifs pédagogiques et ultérieurement, d’améliorer la formation et les pratiques de gestion. Afin de contribuer à ce projet, la présente étude vise à évaluer le programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l'École nationale de développement sanitaire et social (ENDSS) du Sénégal. Cette évaluation prend en compte les points de vue des diplômés, des enseignants, des concepteurs du programme et des directions d’hôpitaux. Il s’agit d’une recherche évaluative de type rétrospectif. Une enquête par questionnaire et par entrevue a été réalisée auprès des diplômés, des enseignants, des concepteurs de programme et des directions d'hôpitaux. Également, des bases de données sur les étudiants finissants entre les années 2003 et 2009 ont été consultées pour recueillir les notes obtenues à l’examen de certification, les effectifs d’admission et d’inscrits et les renseignements sociodémographiques. Cette évaluation porte sur les principales composantes du programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS qui sont examinées à l’aide du modèle systémique d’évaluation de programme éducatif de Stufflebeam (1981) communément appelé modèle CIPP. Les résultats de l’analyse s’appuient sur 70 questionnaires et 37 entrevues. En vue de répondre aux questions de recherche, les données recueillies sont analysées et interprétées à partir d’indicateurs et selon des critères définis. La démarche d’analyse des résultats s’est effectuée en deux étapes. D'abord, les données des questionnaires et des entrevues fournies par les diplômés, les enseignants et les concepteurs ont été analysées ainsi que celles du dossier scolaire des étudiants inscrits au programme. Ensuite, l’examen a porté sur les données des questionnaires recueillies auprès des directions d’hôpitaux. Les avis de tous les répondants sur les améliorations à apporter au programme sont analysés pour rendre compte de leurs recommandations à ce sujet. Tout au long de l’analyse des résultats, les données des questionnaires et des entrevues sont présentées à la fois. Le jugement sur l’efficacité du programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS est établi par l’analyse d’indicateurs reliés aux quatre types d'évaluation proposés par Stufflebeam (1981). Les diplômés et les concepteurs jugent que la formation est adéquate pour l’exercice de la fonction de chef de services des soins infirmiers. Par contre, les enseignants sont très partagés sur cette question, puisque près de la moitié d'entre eux expriment un avis favorable tandis que les autres ont une opinion contraire. Les diplômés apparaissent très partagés par rapport à la cohérence apparente entre les objectifs de stage d’administration hospitalière et les compétences à développer, alors que les enseignants et les concepteurs expriment plus largement une opinion négative. La cohérence entre les notions du module de Management des services de santé et l’exercice de la fonction de chef de services des soins infirmiers est jugée plus forte en ce qui concerne plusieurs notions, par les diplômés, les enseignants et les concepteurs. La majorité des diplômés et des enseignants jugent que la supervision offerte aux étudiants est insatisfaisante. Les diplômés et les enseignants croient que la disponibilité des ressources didactiques à la bibliothèque ne facilite pas les apprentissages. Tandis que les concepteurs, en proportion plus élevée, expriment le même jugement. Les diplômés et les enseignants sont divisés sur la question de l’équilibre entre le nombre d’heures alloué à la théorie et à la formation pratique. Tandis que la majorité des concepteurs croient qu’il n’y a pas d'équilibre entre le nombre d'heures consacré aux cours et à la formation pratique. Les diplômés et les enseignants expriment une opinion très positive sur la qualité des rapports sociaux des étudiants entre eux, avec les enseignants et le personnel administratif. Tandis que les concepteurs ont une opinion plutôt négative à ce sujet. Les diplômés, de même que les enseignants jugent en majorité, que la supervision des stages offerte aux étudiants est insatisfaisante. Ces opinions convergent avec celles de la grande majorité des concepteurs. Selon les diplômés, le travail de groupe, de même que les études de cas sont les méthodes les plus pertinentes dans la formation de chef de service des soins infirmiers. Pour les enseignants et les concepteurs c'est le travail de groupe qui est la méthode la plus pertinente pour faire acquérir des connaissances. Parmi l’ensemble des inscrits, incluant les étudiants sénégalais et étrangers, 104 d’entre eux ont obtenu un diplôme. Subséquemment, seuls 2 étudiants sur les 106 inscrits au programme ont échoué. Les enseignants, les diplômés et les concepteurs sont tous satisfaits du programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS. Les directions d'hôpitaux sont partagées quant à elles, à l’idée selon laquelle les étudiants sont préparés aux fonctions de chef de service des soins infirmiers. En plus, selon la grande majorité des directions le programme de formation ne répond pas à la stratégie de la réforme hospitalière. Elles affirment à l’unanimité qu’elles n’ont pas été associées au processus d’élaboration du programme et sont d’accord que, de manière générale, la formation reçue par le chef de services des soins infirmiers est de qualité. Unanimement, les directions d’hôpitaux jugent que des notions devraient être ajoutées ou améliorées au programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS. L’interprétation des données révèle la complexité qui entoure l’importance de l’équilibre du volume horaire à consacrer à la théorie et à la pratique dans un programme de formation. En plus, les résultats sur les connaissances à acquérir par les diplômés durant la formation montrent un besoin élevé de perfectionnement voire d’enseignement plus poussé du contenu des notions Système d’information sanitaire et Introduction à l’informatique, Introduction au management; Élaboration de programme et Administration hospitalière. Un choix approprié de terrain où l’étudiant pourrait réaliser les objectifs d’apprentissage, une sélection de la période adéquate pour le stage, de même qu’un encadrement signifiant, seraient le gage d’un stage profitable pour l’étudiant. Nous estimons que cette recherche a ouvert des pistes à des perspectives de recherches reliées au développement professionnel des futurs chefs de service des soins infirmiers. Mots clés : évaluation de programme, acquisition de connaissances, développement des compétences, administration des soins infirmiers, programme de deuxième cycle.


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Although the need to make health services more accessible to persons who have migrated has been identified, knowledge about health-promotion programs (HPPs) from the perspective of older persons born abroad is lacking. This study explores the design experiences and content implemented in an adapted version of a group-based HPP developed in a researcher-community partnership. Fourteen persons aged 70-83 years or older who had migrated to Sweden from Finland or the Balkan Peninsula were included. A grounded theory approach guided the data collection and analysis. The findings showed how participants and personnel jointly helped raise awareness. The participants experienced three key processes that could open doors to awareness: enabling community, providing opportunities to understand and be understood, and confirming human values and abilities. Depending on how the HPP content and design are being shaped by the group, the key processes could both inhibit or encourage opening doors to awareness. Therefore, this study provides key insights into how to enable health by deepening the understanding of how the exchange of health-promoting messages is experienced to be facilitated or hindered. This study adds to the scientific knowledge base of how the design and content of HPP may support and recognize the capabilities of persons aging in the context of migration.


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Occupational stress is a serious threat to the health of individual workers, their families and the community at large. The settings approach to health promotion offers valuable opportunities for developing comprehensive strategies to prevent and reduce job stress. However, there is evidence that many workplace health promotion programs adopt traditional, lifestyle-oriented strategies when dealing with occupational stress, and ignore the impact that the setting itself has on the health of employees. The aim of the present study was to address two of the barriers to adopting the settings approach; namely the lack of information on how psycho-social work characteristics can influence health, and not having the confidence or knowledge to identify or address organizational-level issues. A comprehensive occupational stress audit involving qualitative and quantitative research methods was undertaken in a small- to medium-sized public sector organization in Australia. The results revealed that the work characteristics ‘social support’ and ‘job control’ accounted for large proportions of explained variance in job satisfaction and psychological health. In addition to these generic variables, several job-specific stressors were found to be predictive of the strain experienced by employees. When coupled with the results of other studies, these findings suggest that work characteristics (particularly control and support) offer valuable avenues for creating work settings that can protect and enhance employee health. The implications of the methods used to develop and complete the stress audit are also discussed.


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ISSUE ADDRESSED: Achieving sustainability is often considered a key objective of health promotion efforts despite a lack of consensus as to what sustainability is.

A review of the international health promotion literature was conducted to identify understandings of sustainability in health promotion.

RESULTS:Three distinct understandings of sustainability in respect of programs, health promotion agencies and program effects were identified.

Despite a strong emphasis on program sustainability in the health promotion field, clear criteria for why programs should be continued is required rather than assuming that it is the best option. Arguably more important than the maintenance of either programs or the agencies which support them is the ability to produce sustainable program effects.


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This case study describes the experience of a state government health department in evaluating the use of smart card technology to redesign health benefits programs for the disabled in Australia. The social and political context of the system is explained in detail, and the potential benefits and risks accruing to the government, health care intermediaries and the community are examined.


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In recent decades, school health promotion programs have been developing into whole-school health approaches. This has been accompanied by a greater understanding among health promoters of the core-business of schools, namely education, and how health promotion objectives can be integrated into this task. Evidence of the positive impact of school health promotion on health risk behavior of students is increasing. This article focuses on the processes and initial results of developing a collaborative model tailored for whole-school health in the Netherlands, named schoolBeat. The Dutch situation is characterized by fragmentation, a variety of health and welfare groups supporting schools, and a lack of sound integrated youth policies. A literature review, observations, and stakeholder consultation provided a clear picture of the current situation in school health promotion, and factors limiting a comprehensive and needs-based approach to school health. This revealed that a health promotion team within a school is fundamental to an effective approach to tailored school health promotion. A respected member of school staff should chair this team. To strengthen the link with the school care team, the school care coordinator should be a member of both teams. To provide coordinated support to all schools in a region, participating organizations decided to share advisory tasks. These tasks are included in the regular health promotion work of their staff. This means working with one advisor representing all school-health organizations per school, and using a comprehensive overview of possible support and projects promoting health. Empowering schools in needs assessments and comprehensive school health promotion is an important element of the developed approach. This article concludes with an examination of emerging issues in evaluating collaborative school health support during the first 18 months of development, and implementation and future perspectives regarding sustainable collaboration and quality improvement.


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Health promotion has evolved significantly in the past twenty years. Its emphasis has shifted from relatively simple monocausal models focused on behavioural risk factors to a greater emphasis on broader social determinants of health. Single method, single risk factor interventions have increasingly been replaced with multiformat, multiple risk factor interventions and extended campaigns, with whole-of-govemment implications. Health promotion structures have developed from ad hoc single shot activity to large dedicated agencies with continuing responsibilities and a wide ambit.

The development of health promotion research and evaluation has followed these trends. The early epidemiology studies linked behavioural risks such as smoking, diet and physical activity with systemic conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. A raft of small and large scale intervention studies aimed at demonstrating that these behavioural risk factors could be modified and that modification would lead to improved health outcomes followed with mixed results.

More recent evidence suggests that behavioural risks are not the onIy social factors that influence health outcomes. There is now strong evidence that social determinants such as income, education and employment have highly significant direct effects on health outcomes, which are not mediated by behavioural risks, and that behavioural risks are also correlated with these broader determinants.

Health promotion now operates in a variety of ways at different scales and different levels of the health system (and the wider social system). The goals of health promotion, and the measures that assess whether a project, campaign, or general strategy has met its goals, differ accordingly.

Arguably, where local, state and federal governments begin to coordinate their efforts systematically across settings, intervention strategies, health action areas and population groups, health promotion becomes more
programmatic, sustainable and effective. A programmatic approach also integrates knowledge generation, the development of health promotion capacity, practice and evaluation together.

However, programmatic approaches to health promotion are comparatively new. Only recently have governments begun to develop and resource
comprehensive and sustained health promotion programs that address a range of health issues using multiple intervention strategies. The scope of a more programmatic approach and its functions and purposes is still developing.

Although evaluation has a key role to play in this respect, the development of programmatic strategies for health promotion has generally outpaced evaluation theory and practice. While we now have reasonable technologies for measurement of behavioural risks and individual attitudinal and cognitive influences on them, strategies to evaluate organisational and community interventions are still emerging.

Similarly, while new approaches to evaluate small scale community and organisational interventions have been developed, comprehensive models to monitor and evaluate health promotion programs and strategies across multiple intervention sites over extended periods have not yet emerged. Nor have we resolved the methodological problems of teasing out the relative contribution of different intervention strategies to observed change in health outcomes.

More programmatic approaches to health promotion require a more programmatic approach to health promotion evaluation. This paper represents an issues based examination of the evidence base for a more programmatic health promotion and the evaluation issues that arise


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Farm health and safety has focussed on strategies such as injury prevention, audits and fulfilling legislative responsibilities. We know farmer injuries mask deeper health issues such as higher rates of cancer, suicides, cardiovascular disease and stress. The relationship between occupational health and safety and farming family health has not been investigated by other researchers either nationally or internationally. The Sustainable Farm Families (SFF) project attempts to make this connection in order to address the unacceptable rates of premature death, higher morbidity and injury on Australian farms.

The SFF focuses on the human resource in the triple bottom line and is working with farmers, families, industry, and university to collaboratively address and improve the health and well being of farming families. Based on a model of extension that engages farming families as active learners where they commit to healthy living and safe working practices the SFF is proving to be an effective model for engaging communities in learning and change. Health education and information is delivered to farming families using a workshop format with participants reporting positive impacts on their farming business. The SFF project sits across generations and sexes and has a high level of support with the overwhelming majority of participants saying they would recommend the program to others.

This paper discusses the progress of the research outlining the design of the project, the delivery and extension processes used to engage 321 farming families to date. The paper presents key learning’s on intersectoral collaboration, engaging farmers and families in health and the future for this project extending into agricultural industries across the nation.

Three key learnings: (1) The increased health risks faced by farmers and their families need social and political attention. (2) Joint ownership and collaborative partnerships where all partners have a key role within the development and delivery of the project to their relevant representative groups enables resources to be shared and encourages greater in-kind support to augment funding received. (3) Farming families are keen to understand more about their health and farmers who participate in health education programs based around industry collaboration with high levels of individual participation will engage with health professionals and obtain an improved health status if programs are presented to them in personally engaging and relevant ways


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Public health educational pathways in Australia have traditionally been the province of Universities, with the Master of Public Health (MPH) recognised as the flagship professional entry program. Public health education also occurs within the fellowship training of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, but within Australia this remains confined to medical graduates. In recent years, however, we have seen a proliferation of undergraduate degrees as well as an increasing public health presence in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Following the 2007 Australian Federal election, the new Labour government brought with it a refreshing commitment to a more inclusive and strategic style of government. An important example of this was the 2020 visioning process that identified key issues of public health concern, including an acknowledgment that it was unacceptable to allocate less than 2% of the health budget towards disease prevention. This led to the recommendation for the establishment of a national preventive health agency (Australia: the healthiest country by 2020 National Preventative Health Strategy, Prepared by the Preventative Health Taskforce 2009). The focus on disease prevention places a spotlight on the workforce that will be required to deliver the new investment in health prevention, and also on the role of public health education in developing and upskilling the workforce. It is therefore timely to reflect on trends, challenges and opportunities from a tertiary sector perspective. Is it more desirable to focus education efforts on selected lead issues such as the “obesity epidemic”, climate change, Indigenous health and so on, or on the underlying theory and skills that build a flexible workforce capable of responding to a range of health challenges? Or should we aspire to both? This paper presents some of the key discussion points from 2008 - 2009 of the Public Health Educational Pathways workshops and working group of the Australian Network of Public Health Institutions. We highlight some of the competing tensions in public health tertiary education, their impact on public health training programs, and the educational pathways that are needed to grow, shape and prepare the public health workforce for future


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Empowerment refers to an individual's feelings of being able to manage the challenges of the cancer experience and of having a sense of control over one's life. However, empowerment questionnaires that have been validated for the cancer setting are lacking. The objective of this study was to validate scales from the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ), which assesses the effects of health education programs among individuals with chronic conditions. The heiQ scales Social integration and support, Health service navigation, Constructive attitudes and approaches, Skill and technique acquisition, and Emotional distress were identified as key dimensions of empowerment for the cancer context.


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The need to develop specialized judicial processes to deal with offenders with mental illnesses is now widely recognized and has led to the introduction of mental health court diversion programs around the world. At present, however, there is only limited evidence from which to assess the impact of these initiatives. This paper describes the South Australian model of diversion, with specific reference to the relationship between identified participant characteristics, program compliance rates, and re-offending outcomes. The results of a two-year recidivism study suggest that involvement with the program has a positive impact on recidivism, but that this is independent from the individual's level of success in the program. Lower risk offenders were more likely to achieve successful outcomes than those in the higher risk categories. The implications of these results, as well the factors that might inform the ongoing development of mental health court programs, are discussed.