786 resultados para Health of the animaIs


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Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of stress management program using cognitive behavior approach on mental health of the mothers of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Patients and Methods: In this interventional study, 90 mothers of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were randomly allocated into three intervention, placebo, and control groups. The general health questionnaire was used to measure mental health. Besides, stress was assessed through the depression-anxiety-stress scale. The two instruments were completed at baseline, immediately after, and one month after the intervention by the mothers. Afterwards, within group comparisons were made using one-sample repeated measurement ANOVA. One-way ANOVA was used for inter group comparisons. Mothers in the placebo group only participated in meetings to talk and express feelings without receiving any interventions. Results: At the baseline, no significant difference was found among the three groups regarding the means of stress, anxiety, depression, and mental health. However, a significant difference was observed in the mean score of stress immediately after the intervention (P = 0.033). The results also showed a significant difference among the three groups regarding the mean score of mental health (P < 0.001). One month after the intervention, the mean difference of mental health score remained significant only in the intervention group (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The study findings confirmed the effectiveness of stress management program utilizing cognitive behavior approach in mental health of the mothers of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


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ABSTRACT: The aim of this analysis was to analyze and describe the steps that have been taken in the development of the mental health policy in Suriname after the WHO AIMS. The objectives are: 1.To review the steps to be taken in developing a mental health policy and plan for a country 2.To gather information and data concerning mental health policy and plan development in Suriname 3.To draw conclusion from the experience gained that can be applied to other countries. In general, the information that was gathered from the four countries Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname, was compared with the WHO steps for developing a mental health policy and plan. Were these steps taken into consideration, when developing their mental health policy and plan? If not, what were the reasons why it did not happen? The checklist for evaluating a mental health plan was used in Suriname. This checklist assisted to see if the results of the recommendations given by the WHO AIMS to develop a effective and balanced mental health plan were taken into consideration. The mayor findings of the analysis are that Suriname as well as Guyana used the steps in developing their mental health policy and plan. Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago did not develop a mental health policy and plan. Suriname and Guyana have a mental health coordinating body at the Ministry of Health. Trinidad & Tobago as well as Barbados have a mental health focal person at the Ministry of Health of the respective countries. It can be concluded that successfully improving of health systems and services for mental health is combining theoretical concepts, expert knowledge and cooperation of many stakeholders. The appointment of a mental health coordinating unit at the Ministry of Health is crucial for the development of mental health in a country. Furthermore, mental health is everyone’s business and responsibility. Implementing the steps to be taken when developing a mental health policy and plan as recommended by WHO may be a slow process requiring the mobilization of political will. That’s why it is crucial that persons responsible for this process work close with all stakeholders in relevant sectors, taking their needs into consideration and try to translate that in clear objectives. It is common knowledge that improving the quality of mental health must be accompanied by the availability of financial and human resources. Finally, a mental health policy and plan should be one document tackling all aspects of mental health of a community.


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The Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 requires the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to provide or secure the provision of health services in Northern Ireland designed to promote the physical and mental health of the community through the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness. This includes the provision of oral health care. åÊ åÊ


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The Quality Plan aims to create an image of the health system as an intelligent system comprised of knowledge-generating organisations integrated into a much more comprehensive paradigm in line with knowledge societies; a health system which is part of an equally intelligent and innovative society that acknowledges the use of science and technology both as a source of welfare and as a means of solving many of its problems. The aim of this document is to collate the many activities which comprise three scenarios (citizens, professionals and shared space) and establish the roadmap for the quality policy strategies designed by the Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia for the coming years and also to open the necessary channels of communication with society so that society itself, as well as being the beneficiary of the outcomes, also becomes the main protagonist.


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Objective. To search the literature for circumstances that impede injury and disease prevention and other activities intended to improve the health of the health care worker. Methods. The SciELO database was searched for articles published in 1967-2008. This was supplemented by a PubMed search for the period 1950-2008. The following key words were used to identify articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish: work, health personnel, occupational, risks, diseases, ergonomics, work ability, quality of life, organization, accidents, work conditions, intervention, and administration. Articles on injury and disease prevention and occupational health in a health care setting in Latin America were selected, along with articles focused on health promotion in the health sector. Results. The following shortcomings were identified: activities lacked a sound theoretical foundation and were not integrated with the health services management; a failure to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity; health surveillance focused solely on a specific disease or injury; management not committed to the proposed activity; miscommunication; inability of workers to participate, or control the work environment; and, programs or efforts that were limited to changing the workers` behaviors. Conclusions. The literature shows that all the barriers identified by this study affect both the health care workers` health as well as their productivity.


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Academicians and practitioners generally agree that there is a positive correlation between more and better infrastructure and economic growth. From the broader perspective of development, attempts have been made in the literature to identify the different theoretical connections and the empirical patterns that link infrastructure to productivity, on the one hand, and those that link it to social inclusion and equity, on the other hand. Infrastructure contributes to development in different ways. The capital involved is not homogeneous, nor is its effect on the distributive aspects. Water and sanitation have a particularly strong association with the health of the general population and with infant mortality, early childhood health, learning abilities and the acquisition of labour skills. With respect to transportation, the reduction of costs and travel times has a direct economic impact on economic activities of production and domestic and international distribution. That infrastructure also has a social and distributive role to play by reducing the number of fatal accidents and serious injuries in the sectors that are naturally most susceptible to them, namely, the poor. Under the broad umbrella of infrastructure, we can include a number of facilities that make possible the provision of certain services. Some of these facilities require very significant fixed capital investments; some of them are residential, while others are not necessarily. What they all have in common is the existence of networks (transportation, wiring, pipelines) and a strong convergence of physical capital and/or technology, as well as the need for major investments in periodic maintenance.


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INTRODUCTION We apply capital interplay theory to health inequalities in Switzerland by investigating the interconnected effects of parental cultural, economic and social capitals and personal educational stream on the self-rated health of young Swiss men who live with their parents. METHODS We apply logistic regression modelling to self-rated health in original cross-sectional survey data collected during mandatory conscription of Swiss male citizens in 2010 and 2011 (n = 23,975). RESULTS In comparison with sons whose parents completed mandatory schooling only, sons with parents who completed technical college or university were significantly more likely to report very good or excellent self-rated health. Parental economic capital was an important mediating factor in this regard. Number of books in the home (parental cultural capital), family economic circumstances (parental economic capital) and parental ties to influential people (parental social capital) were also independently associated with the self-rated health of the sons. Although sons in the highest educational stream tended to report better health than those in the lowest, we found little evidence for a health-producing intergenerational transmission of capitals via the education stream of the sons. Finally, the positive association between personal education and self-rated health was stronger among sons with relatively poorly educated parents and stronger among sons with parents who were relatively low in social capital. CONCLUSIONS Our study provides empirical support for the role of capital interplays, social processes in which capitals interpenetrate or co-constitute one another, in the intergenerational production of the health of young men in Switzerland.


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Part 7, joint hearings before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare and the Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees of the Committee on the Judiciary.


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Title varies frequently, 1877-1907/09.


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Some reports issued in two parts.


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The Government has established essential principles in order to make significant improvements in the health of the people and has placed an emphasis on shifting care to the primary sening. This research has explored the potential role of the community pharmacist in health promotion in the pharmacy, and at general medical practices. The feasibility of monitoring patients' health status in the community was evaluated by intervention to assess and alter cardiovascular risk factors.68, hypertensive patients, monitored at one surgery, had a change in mean systolic blood pressure from 158.28 to 146.55 mmHg, a reduction of 7.4%, and a change in mean diastolic bood pressure from 90.91 to 84.85 mmHg, a reduction of 6.7%.120 patients, from a cohort of 449 at the major practice, with an initial serum total cholesterol of 6.0+mmol/L, experienced a change in mean value from 6.79 to 6.05 mmol/L, equivalent to a reduction of 10.9%. 86% of this patient cohort showed a decrease in cholesterol concentration. Patients, placed in a high risk category according to their coronary rank score, assessed at the first health screening, showed a consistent and significant improvement in coronary score throughout the study period of two years. High risk and intermediate risk patients showed improvements in coronary score of 52% and 14% respectively. Patients in the low risk group maintained their good coronary score. In some cases, a patient's improvement was effected in liaison with the GP, after a change or addition of medication and/or dosage.Pharmacist intervention consisted of advice on diet and lifestyle and adherence to medication regimes. It was concluded that a pharmacist can facilitate a health screening programme in the primary care setting, and provide enhanced continuity of care for the patient.


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The recent crisis of the capitalistic economic system has altered the working conditions and occupations in the European Union. The recession situation has accelerated trends and has brought transformations that have been observed before. Changes have not looked the same way in all the countries of the Union. The social occupation norms, labour relations models and the type of global welfare provision can help underline some of these inequalities. Poor working conditions can expose workers to situations of great risk. This is one of the basic assumptions of the theoretical models and analytical studies of the approach to the psychosocial work environment. Changes in working conditions of the population seems to be important to explain in the worst health states. To observe these features in the current period of economic recession it has made a comparative study of trend through the possibilities of the European Working Conditions Survey in the 2005 and 2010 editions. It has also set different multivariate logistic regression models to explore potential partnerships with the worst conditions of employment and work. It seems that the economic crisis has intensified changes in working conditions and highlighted the effects of those conditions on the poor health of the working population. This conclusion can’t be extended for all EU countries; some differences were observed in terms of global welfare models.


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The aim of the present study was to assess social inequalities in health status, health behavior and the use of health services based on education level. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out involving 1,518 elderly residents of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. Significant demographic and social differences were found between schooling strata. Elderly individuals with a higher degree of schooling are in greater proportion alcohol drinkers, physically active, have healthier diets and a lower prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, dizziness, headaches, back pain, visual impairment and denture use, and better self-rated health. But, there were no differences in the use of health services in the previous two weeks, in hospitalizations or surgeries in the previous year, nor in medicine intake over the previous three days. Among elderly people with hypertension and diabetes, there were no differences in the regular use of health services and medication. The results demonstrate social inequalities in different health indicators, along with equity in access to some health service components.


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Seventy-two epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Bonnaterre), were infected with the nematode parasite Proleptus australis Bayliss, 1933. The parasite population was overdispersed. Infection intensity ranged from 3 to 1002 worms per fish stomach, and there was a positive correlation between shark length and number of parasites present. The majority of worms were attached to the stomach wall, and scanning electron microscopy and histological examination showed that worms penetrated the stomach lining. Worms were observed within the lamina propria of the stomach and occasionally penetrated the muscularis mucosa. Little to no inflammatory or cellular immune reaction to the presence of the parasites was observed, except in one case where a worm was being degraded by a host tissue response. There was a large amount of connective tissue proliferation as a result of nematode attachment,, but no obvious effects on the overall health of the sharks were seen. Three sharks were also found to be infected by the cestode Callitetrarhynchus sp.


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Aims: To identify the predominant lactic acid producing bacteria in the small intestine, caecum and the rectum of the healthy pig. Methods and Results: Samples obtained from the large intestine of healthy pigs post-mortem were cultured using a modified agar-MRS medium in roll tubes. Thirteen isolates were selected on the basis of their morphological characteristics and Gram stain reaction for gene sequencing. These isolates were characterized by DNA sequence analysis of 16S rDNA. Eight isolates were identified as Lactobacillus ruminis , two as Enterococcus faecium , one as Mitsuokella multiacidus and two as Escherichia coli . Conclusion: This is the first report of Lact. ruminis as the dominant lactic acid bacteria in the large intestine of the pig. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results suggest that Lact. ruminis is a dominant bacterium in the large intestine of the healthy pig. Future work should focus on the role of this bacterium in relation to the physiological function of the intestine and the health of the animal.