841 resultados para Hb Gphiladelphia


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Microencapsulation processes, based upon the concept of solvent evaporation, have been employed within these studies to prepare microparticles from poly--hydroxybutyrate homopolymers and copolymers thereof with 3-hydroxyvalerate [P(HB-HV) polymers]. Variations in the preparative technique have facilitated the manufacture of two structurally distinct forms of microparticle. Thus, monolithic microspheres and reservoir-type microcapsules have been respectively fabricated by single and double emulsion-solvent evaporation processes. The objective of the studies reported in chapter three is to asses how a range of preparative variables affect the yield, shape and surface morphology of P(HB-HV) microcapsules. The following chapter then describes how microcapsule morphology in general, and microcapsule porosity in particular, can be regulated by blending the fabricating P(HB-HV) polymer with poly--caprolactone [PCL]. One revelation of these studies is the ability to generate uniformly microporous microcapsules from blends of various high molecular weight P(HB-HV) polymers with a low molecular weight form of PCL. These microcapsules are of particular interest because they may have the potential to facilitate the release of an encapsulated macromolecule via an aqueous diffusion mechanism which is not reliant on polymer degradation. In order to investigate this possibility, one such formulation is used in chapter five to encapsulate a wide range of different macromolecules, whose in vitro release behaviour is subsequently evaluated. The studies reported in chapter six centre on the preparation and characterization of hydrocortisone-loaded microspheres, prepared from a range of P(HB-HV) polymers, using a single emulsion-solvent evaporation process. In this chapter, the influence of the organic phase viscosity on the efficiency of drug encapsulation is the focus of initial investigations. Thereafter, it is shown how the strategies previously adopted for the regulation of microcapsule morphology can also be applied to single emulsion systems, with profound implications for the rate of drug release.


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In this paper we investigate whether consideration of store-level heterogeneity in marketing mix effects improves the accuracy of the marketing mix elasticities, fit, and forecasting accuracy of the widely-applied SCAN*PRO model of store sales. Models with continuous and discrete representations of heterogeneity, estimated using hierarchical Bayes (HB) and finite mixture (FM) techniques, respectively, are empirically compared to the original model, which does not account for store-level heterogeneity in marketing mix effects, and is estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS). The empirical comparisons are conducted in two contexts: Dutch store-level scanner data for the shampoo product category, and an extensive simulation experiment. The simulation investigates how between- and within-segment variance in marketing mix effects, error variance, the number of weeks of data, and the number of stores impact the accuracy of marketing mix elasticities, model fit, and forecasting accuracy. Contrary to expectations, accommodating store-level heterogeneity does not improve the accuracy of marketing mix elasticities relative to the homogeneous SCAN*PRO model, suggesting that little may be lost by employing the original homogeneous SCAN*PRO model estimated using ordinary least squares. Improvements in fit and forecasting accuracy are also fairly modest. We pursue an explanation for this result since research in other contexts has shown clear advantages from assuming some type of heterogeneity in market response models. In an Afterthought section, we comment on the controversial nature of our result, distinguishing factors inherent to household-level data and associated models vs. general store-level data and associated models vs. the unique SCAN*PRO model specification.


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Introdução - As anemias hipocrómicas e microcíticas, não sideropénicas, são, na sua maioria, de origem talassémica. As talassémias são hemoglobinopatias caraterizadas pela redução ou ausência da produção de cadeias globínicas, provocadas por mutações nos genes globínicos. A β-talassémia está mais frequentemente associada a mutações pontuais e pequenas deleções ou inserções no gene HBB, enquanto que a α-talassémia normalmente resulta de deleções que eliminam os genes HBA2 e/ou HBA1. Deleções de um só gene, -α3.7 e -α4.2, são frequentes entre africanos, mediterrânicos e asiáticos enquanto que grandes deleções que removem ambos os genes alfa, como a deleção do Sudeste Asiático (--SEA), são comuns nas populações asiáticas. Grandes deleções nos clusters alfa e beta são condições raras, geralmente associadas a fenótipos severos. A identificação destas deleções é realizada através da técnica de MLPA (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification). Objetivos - O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar um grupo de indivíduos com hipocromia e microcitose e Hb A2 normal, com suspeita de possuirem deleções nos clusters α ou β. Pretendeu-se, ainda, caraterizar a extensão das deleções encontradas e, quando possível, determinar a localização dos seus breakpoints. Materiais e Métodos - Cinquenta e oito indivíduos (28 homens e 30 mulheres), com hipocromia e microcitose de origem desconhecida, seguidos na Consulta de Hematologia do Hospital Pediátrico e do Hospital Geral do CHC, ou enviados de outros centros, foram testados para a presença de deleções nos clusters α e β. Foram efetuados hemogramas a todas as amostras e os estudos de hemoglobina foram realizados por cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC). Os estudos moleculares incluiram GAP-PCR, MLPA, sequenciação genética e PCR / hibridização reversa. Resultados - Foi possível obter o padrão do rácio das sondas MLPA para as deleções α e β conhecidas ou já caraterizadas. Foram encontradas 6 deleções HBA desconhecidas que removem os genes α ou as regiões reguladoras desse cluster. Detetou-se, também, uma deleção no cluster β, que elimina praticamente todos os seus genes. Conclusões - A identificação de grandes delções nos clusters α e β-globínicos em indivíduos com hipocromia e microcitose, com HbA2 normal, é crucial para o aconselhamento genético. A metodologia de MLPA é uma abordagem simples e fiável, muito útil para o diagnóstico de casos de talassemia, em que não são detetadas mutações α ou β através das técnicas convencionais


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Frailty and anemia in the elderly appear to share a common pathophysiology associated with chronic inflammatory processes. This study uses an analytical, cross-sectional, population-based methodology to investigate the probable relationships between frailty, red blood cell parameters and inflammatory markers in 255 community-dwelling elders aged 65 years or older. The frailty phenotype was assessed by non-intentional weight loss, fatigue, low grip strength, low energy expenditure and reduced gait speed. Blood sample analyses were performed to determine hemoglobin level, hematocrit and reticulocyte count, as well as the inflammatory variables IL-6, IL-1ra and hsCRP. In the first multivariate analysis (model I), considering only the erythroid parameters, Hb concentration was a significant variable for both general frailty status and weight loss: a 1.0g/dL drop in serum Hb concentration represented a 2.02-fold increase (CI 1.12-3.63) in an individual's chance of being frail. In the second analysis (model II), which also included inflammatory cytokine levels, hsCRP was independently selected as a significant variable. Each additional year of age represented a 1.21-fold increase in the chance of being frail, and each 1-unit increase in serum hsCRP represented a 3.64-fold increase in the chance of having the frailty phenotype. In model II reticulocyte counts were associated with weight loss and reduced metabolic expenditure criteria. Our findings suggest that reduced Hb concentration, reduced RetAbs count and elevated serum hsCRP levels should be considered components of frailty, which in turn is correlated with sarcopenia, as evidenced by weight loss.


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Alloimmunisation is a major complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) receiving red blood cell (RBC) transfusions and despite provision of Rh phenotyped RBC units, Rh antibodies still occur. These antibodies in patients positive for the corresponding Rh antigen are considered autoantibodies in many cases but variant RH alleles found in SCD patients can also contribute to Rh alloimmunisation. In this study, we characterised variant RH alleles in 31 SCD patients who made antibodies to Rh antigens despite antigen-positive status and evaluated the clinical significance of the antibodies produced. RHD and RHCE BeadChip™ from BioArray Solutions and/or amplification and sequencing of exons were used to identify the RH variants. The serological features of all Rh antibodies in antigen-positive patients were analysed and the clinical significance of the antibodies was evaluated by retrospective analysis of the haemoglobin (Hb) levels before and after transfusion; the change from baseline pre-transfusion Hb and the percentage of HbS were also determined. We identified variant RH alleles in 31/48 (65%) of SCD patients with Rh antibodies. Molecular analyses revealed the presence of partial RHD alleles and variant RHCE alleles associated with altered C and e antigens. Five patients were compound heterozygotes for RHD and RHCE variants. Retrospective analysis showed that 42% of antibodies produced by the patients with RH variants were involved in delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions or decreased survival of transfused RBC. In this study, we found that Rh antibodies in SCD patients with RH variants can be clinically significant and, therefore, matching patients based on RH variants should be considered.


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PURPOSE: To compare the caries prevalence, saliva buffering capacity (SBC), oral hygiene (OH), dietary habits, family income (FI) and frequency of visits to a dental office (Do) between Brazilian children living in areas with and without fluoridated public water supply. METHODS: Forty-six 5-7-year-old preschoolers were selected in Itatiba, SP, Brazil; 19 were from a fluoridated area, and 27 were from a non-fluoridated area. The caries index was determined according to the World Health Organization criteria, and the SBC was assessed by titration with hydrochloric acid. The FI, frequency of OH and visits to Do were estimated by questionnaire. The dietary habits were assessed with a diet chart. The differences between the groups were analyzed with Mann-Whitney-U tests (α=0.05). RESULTS: Children from the non-fluoridated area showed significantly higher dmft/DMFT than those from the fluoridated area, but they showed significantly lower SBC, OH frequency and FI. No significant differences were observed between the areas for dietary habits and visits to Do. CONCLUSION: Children from fluoridated areas showed higher salivary buffering capacity, family income and oral hygiene frequency as well as lower caries prevalence, supporting the beneficial effect of fluoride in the tap water for caries prevention.


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Informações a respeito de cultivares adaptadas ao sistema de cultivo orgânico são escassas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, sob sistema de cultivo orgânico, genótipos nacionais e estrangeiros desenvolvidos para o cultivo convencional, quanto ao potencial produtivo, em condições de campo. O experimento foi conduzido em 2008, no Pólo APTA Leste Paulista, em Monte Alegre do Sul-SP. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 18 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Cada parcela foi constituída por 80 batatas-semente, dispostas em quatro linhas de 5 m de comprimento, espaçadas de 80 cm, com 25 cm entre tubérculos. Os genótipos avaliados foram Agata, Asterix, Caesar, Cupido, Éden, Melody, Novella e Vivaldi, de origem estrangeira; e Apuã, Aracy, Catucha, IAC Aracy Ruiva, Itararé, Monte Alegre 172, IAC 6090, APTA 16.5, APTA 15.20 e APTA 21.54, nacionais. Foram avaliadas as características de produtividade total e comercial de tubérculos, massa média total e comercial de tubérculos, teor de matéria seca e severidade da pinta-preta (Alternaria solani). Os clones APTA 16.5, APTA 21.54 e IAC 6090, e as cultivares Cupido, Apuã, Itararé e Monte Alegre 172 foram os mais produtivos. 'APTA 21.54' superou os demais em relação a produtividade comercial (18,07 t ha-1), sendo que 'APTA 16.5', 'Cupido', 'IAC 6090' e 'Itararé' formaram o segundo grupo. As maiores massas médias de tubérculos foram apresentadas pelas cultivares Itararé e Cupido. O clone IAC 6090 e as cultivares Aracy e Aracy Ruiva foram as que apresentaram maiores teores de matéria seca, com valor médio de 22,91%. 'APTA 16.5', 'Apuã', 'Aracy', 'Aracy Ruiva', 'Éden', 'Ibituaçú' e 'Monte Alegre 172' apresentaram alto nível de resistência à pinta-preta. As cultivares Itararé, Apuã e Cupido são adaptadas ao cultivo orgânico, e os clones avançados APTA 16.5, APTA 21.54 e IAC 6090 apresentam potencial de cultivo no sistema orgânico.


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Hematological alterations in fish are considered a useful tool to evaluate pathological processes resulting from the exposure to environmental pollutants. The whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri is a common species in estuarine areas and potentially exposed to many contaminants. In the present study, the hematological characteristics of fish collected at two sites in Baixada Santista (Santos Estuarine System - SES, a polluted site; and the Estuary of Itanhaém River - EIR, unpolluted site) del was analysed. The following blood descriptors were analyzed: number of Erythrocytes (Er), Hematocrit (Ht), Hemoglobin (Hb), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Fish from SES exhibited significant lower levels of Ht and increase on MCHC and Hb. Such differences are likely related to the different contamination levels found in these estuaries.


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O eritrograma é uma avaliação que representa um auxílio ao clínico no diagnóstico de afecções que acometem os animais domésticos. No entanto, estudos hematológicos em bubalinos são escassos, havendo poucas informações na literatura a respeito de valores de referência dos constituintes sanguíneos desta espécie. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise do eritrograma de búfalos de diferentes faixas etárias da raça Murrah, machos e fêmeas. Os animais em estudo foram distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais, de acordo com as idades: Grupo 1: animais com idade entre o nascimento e 3 meses (n=15); Grupo 2: animais com idade entre 4 e 6 meses (n=50); Grupo 3: animais com idade entre 7 e 12 meses (n=50); e Grupo 4: animais com idade superior a 12 meses (n=50). Como resultados das análises foram encontrados os seguintes valores médios, no Grupo 1: 7,9x106 hemácias/mL de sangue (He); 13,0 g/dL de hemoglobina (Hb); hematócrito (Ht) de 38,9%; Volume Corpuscular Médio (VCM) de 49,0 fl; Concentração Hemoglobínica Corpuscular Média (CHCM) de 33,6 %, e Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média (HCM) de 16,4 pg; no Grupo 2: He: 7,1 x10(6)/mL; Hb: 12,5 g/dL; Ht: 36,8%; VCM: 52,4 fl; CHCM: 33,9%, e HCM: 17,8 pg; no Grupo 3: He: 7,9 x10(6)/mL; Hb: 12,0 g/dL; Ht: 33,8%; VCM: 43,1 fl; CHCM: 35,4%, e HCM: 15,34 pg; e no Grupo 4: He: 6,7 x10(6)/mL; Hb: 11,7 g/dL; Ht: 34,4%; VCM: 53,4 fl; CHCM: 34,4%. e HCM: 17,4 pg. A análise estatística dos resultados encontrados para as diferentes faixas etárias permitiu concluir que ocorreram variações determinadas pela evolução da idade, caracterizadas por diminuição do número médio de hemácias (He), da concentração de hemoglobina (Hb) e do valor do hematócrito (Ht). Os índices hematimétricos apresentaram variações significativas no G3.