993 resultados para Hard-core unemployed


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the trend towards the criminalization of hard core cartel conduct and to consider the appropriateness and effectiveness of extending the criminal law to this conduct. In addition, it will consider some of the legal implications, including the exposure of directors of companies to potential racketeering charges.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper first examines cartel theory and the justification for prohibition. The paper then identifies the emerging trend toward criminalization of hard core cartel conduct, followed by an assessment of potential justifications for criminalization. Implications of criminalization, including the potential impact of organized crime legislation on offenders and regulators, will then be considered.
Findings – There is a clear trend towards the criminalization of hard core cartels. The paper argues that this trend is appropriate, both because of the moral culpability it attracts and because of its potential to enhance general deterrence. The paper also argues that cartel conduct, in jurisdictions in which it is criminalized, will constitute “organized crime” as defined in the Palermo Convention and, as such, expose participants to potential money laundering and asset forfeiture consequences.
Originality/value – This paper is of value to governments and regulators considering adoption or implementation of a criminal cartel regime and to practitioners in advising clients about potential consequences of cartel conduct within a criminal regime.


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Excluded volume effects are incorporated in the quark-meson coupling model to take into account in a phenomenological way the hard-core repulsion of the nuclear force. The formalism employed is thermodynamically consistent and does not violate causality. The effects of the excluded volume on in-medium nucleon properties and the nuclear matter equation of state are investigated as a function of the size of the hard core. It is found that in-medium nucleon properties are not altered significantly by the excluded volume, even for large hard-core radii, and the equation of state becomes stiffer as the size of the hard core increases.


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE


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L'elaborato considera anzitutto la genesi dell'istituto, e con chiarezza analizza il percorso di affioramento della figura del distacco nell'impiego pubblico rimarcando affinità e differenze con ipotesi similari di temporanea dissociazione tra datore di lavoro e fruitore della prestazione. Nell'operare gli opportuni distinguo, il dott. Tortini si confronta con la fattispecie tipica del lavoro subordinato e con il divieto di dissociazione che ad essa sarebbe sotteso, anche alla luce della legge 1369 del 1960 sul divieto di interposizione. Gli elementi caratterizzanti il distacco sono poi esposti analizzando con acutezza i più rilevanti orientamenti emersi nella giurisprudenza di merito e di legittimità , in specie con riguardo alla prassi invalsa nei gruppi di società  di dirigere la prestazione di lavoro a favore di società  collegate o controllate dalla società  datrice di lavoro. In tal senso l'elaborato prende posizione in ordine alla necessaria temporaneità  dell'interesse del distaccante, nonchè all'inclusione del distacco nell'ambito del potere direttivo-organizzativo del datore di lavoro, ciò che esclude la necessità  del consenso del lavoratore distaccato. Nel secondo capitolo il dott. Tortini si confronta con il quadro delle libertà  fondamentali del diritto comunitario, ed in particolare con la libera prestazione di servizi, analizzando profili essenziali quali la natura autonoma, la transnazionalità  e la temporaneità  del servizio prestato. Con ampi riferimenti alla dottrina, anche comparata, in argomento, il capitolo delinea le possibili forme di interazione tra gli ordinamenti nazionali all'interno dell'Unione europea ed individua, in alternativa, tre modelli di coordinamento tra le esigenze liberalizzanti tipiche del mercato unico e le prerogative nazionali di tipo protezionistico che si manifestano qualora un servizio venga prestato in uno Stato membro diverso da quello in cui ha sede il prestatore: host state control, home state control e controllo sovranazionale. L'analisi si rivela essenziale al fine di delineare le ragioni della più recente giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia in tema di appalti cross-border e libera circolazione dei lavoratori, e dimostra un sostanziale "slittamento" della base giuridica mediante la quale il diritto comunitario regola il fenomeno della prestazione di lavoro transnazionale, dall'art. 39 all'art. 49 TCE. Il terzo capitolo confronta l'impianto teorico ricavabile dai principi del Trattato con la Direttiva 96/71 sul distacco ed i relativi provvedimenti attuativi (d.lgs. n. 72/2000 e art. 30, d.lgs. n. 276/2003). In particolare, vengono analizzate le ipotesi limitrofe alla nozione di distacco ricavabile dal diritto comunitario, accomunate dalla dissociazione tra datore di lavoro ed utilizzatore della prestazione, ma distinguibili in base alla natura del rapporto contrattuale tra impresa distaccante ed impresa distaccataria. La funzione principale della Direttiva comunitaria in argomento viene individuata dal dott. Tortini nella predisposizione di una base inderogabile di diritti che devono essere, in ogni caso, assicurati al lavoratore oggetto del distacco. Questa base, denominata hard core della tutela, deve essere garantita, all'interno del singolo Stato membro, dalla contrattazione collettiva. Nell'ordinamento italiano, la disciplina del distacco contenuta nella Direttiva viene attuata con il d.lgs. n. 72/2000 che, come opportunamente segnalato dal dott. Tortini, contiene una serie di incongruenze e di lacune. Fra tutte, si rimarca come la stessa Commissione abbia rilevato uno scostamento tra le due discipline, dato che la legge italiana estende surrettiziamente ai lavoratori distaccati tutte le disposizioni legislative e/o i contratti collettivi che disciplinano le condizioni di lavoro, operazione non consentita dal la Direttiva 76/91. E' in specie il riferimento al contratto collettivo stipulato dalle organizzazioni comparativamente più rappresentative ad essere criticato dall'elaborato, in quanto finisce con il trasformare l'art. 3.1 del D. Lgs. 72/2000 in una discriminazione fondata sulla nazionalità  e rischia di creare maggiori difficoltà  e più oneri per gli imprenditori stranieri che intendano erogare servizi sul territorio nazionale. A conclusione della tesi, il dott. Tortini esamina la nozione di distacco introdotta ad opera dell'art. 30, d.lgs. n. 276/2003, ed enuclea gli elementi caratterizzanti dell'istituto, individuati nell'interesse del distaccante e nella temporaneità  dell'assegnazione, definita «l'in sè» dell'interesse stesso.


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Monomer-dimer models are amongst the models in statistical mechanics which found application in many areas of science, ranging from biology to social sciences. This model describes a many-body system in which monoatomic and diatomic particles subject to hard-core interactions get deposited on a graph. In our work we provide an extension of this model to higher-order particles. The aim of our work is threefold: first we study the thermodynamic properties of the newly introduced model. We solve analytically some regular cases and find that, differently from the original, our extension admits phase transitions. Then we tackle the inverse problem, both from an analytical and numerical perspective. Finally we propose an application to aggregation phenomena in virtual messaging services.


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We obtain upper bounds for the total variation distance between the distributions of two Gibbs point processes in a very general setting. Applications are provided to various well-known processes and settings from spatial statistics and statistical physics, including the comparison of two Lennard-Jones processes, hard core approximation of an area interaction process and the approximation of lattice processes by a continuous Gibbs process. Our proof of the main results is based on Stein's method. We construct an explicit coupling between two spatial birth-death processes to obtain Stein factors, and employ the Georgii-Nguyen-Zessin equation for the total bound.


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We resolve the real-time dynamics of a purely dissipative s=1/2 quantum spin or, equivalently, hard-core boson model on a hypercubic d-dimensional lattice. The considered quantum dissipative process drives the system to a totally symmetric macroscopic superposition in each of the S3 sectors. Different characteristic time scales are identified for the dynamics and we determine their finite-size scaling. We introduce the concept of cumulative entanglement distribution to quantify multiparticle entanglement and show that the considered protocol serves as an efficient method to prepare a macroscopically entangled Bose-Einstein condensate.


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Esta é uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo identificar e analisar dentro do universo dos batistas brasileiros - grupo religioso estabelecido no Brasil há mais de cento e quarenta anos a relação entre os paradigmas e os arquétipos que nortearam a ação dos pastores enquanto sujeitos e principais fomentadores da práxis pastoral dessa igreja que, dentro do protestantismo de missão, continua apresentando crescimento no cenário religioso desde sua implantação em terra brasilis . Estabelecer a trajetória histórica deste grupo, identificando os seus primórdios em meio ao Separatismo inglês do século XVII a igreja antiga - e os paradigmas que abraçaram e que os acompanharam desde então como um núcleo duro em termos de crença e práxis, aspectos que também podem ser identificados na igreja batista brasileira e nos os arquétipos desenvolvidos de pastor batista brasileiro. Identificar e analisar, a partir da perspectiva do pastor, quais foram seus pressupostos teóricos e práticos, ou seja, sua Teologia Prática e sua Teologia Pastoral através de um resgate histórico de sua práxis, dividida em três períodos históricos de cinquenta anos, identificados em gerações de pastores, através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica em textos de missionários, pastores e teólogos norte-americanos - os pioneiros - e pastores e teólogos brasileiros, batistas ou não, que de seu lugar hermenêutico e de alguma forma trataram do ministério pastoral batista, desde os seus primórdios até a contemporaneidade, e pudessem fornecer informações que permitissem tipificar o pastor batista brasileiro que, portanto, esteja acima do seu contexto histórico. Observar na contemporaneidade se estes paradigmas e arquétipos são mantidos, reafirmados, transformados e ou ressignificados na práxis dos pastores e suas igrejas o pastor novo. Também observar, a partir da opção definida, quais são os impactos possíveis sobre sua ação na contemporaneidade. Através desta pesquisa, identificar a existência de transformação da relação entre paradigmas e arquétipos e se essa transformação se manifesta como revoluções ou disrupturas


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This paper estimates the implicit model, especially the roles of size asymmetries and firm numbers, used by the European Commission to identify mergers with coordinated effects. This subset of cases offers an opportunity to shed empirical light on the conditions where a Competition Authority believes tacit collusion is most likely to arise. We find that, for the Commission, tacit collusion is a rare phenomenon, largely confined to markets of two, more or less symmetric, players. This is consistent with recent experimental literature, but contrasts with the facts on ‘hard-core’ collusion in which firm numbers and asymmetries are often much larger.


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To date, a series of non-traditional schemes have proliferated in the area of tax law, challenging the widely accepted principles of tax legislation. Lump-sum or presumptive taxes, redemption fees or tax amnesty, corrective taxes (bank levies), or confiscatory taxes (e.g., banker bonuses) can hardly be reconciled with the hard core of tax legislation that is established on the principles of equality and legal certainty. The present paper discusses these unorthodox types of public charges.


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A detailed non-equilibrium state diagram of shape-anisotropic particle fluids is constructed. The effects of particle shape are explored using Naive Mode Coupling Theory (NMCT), and a single particle Non-linear Langevin Equation (NLE) theory. The dynamical behavior of non-ergodic fluids are discussed. We employ a rotationally frozen approach to NMCT in order to determine a transition to center of mass (translational) localization. Both ideal and kinetic glass transitions are found to be highly shape dependent, and uniformly increase with particle dimensionality. The glass transition volume fraction of quasi 1- and 2- dimensional particles fall monotonically with the number of sites (aspect ratio), while 3-dimensional particles display a non-monotonic dependence of glassy vitrification on the number of sites. Introducing interparticle attractions results in a far more complex state diagram. The ideal non-ergodic boundary shows a glass-fluid-gel re-entrance previously predicted for spherical particle fluids. The non-ergodic region of the state diagram presents qualitatively different dynamics in different regimes. They are qualified by the different behaviors of the NLE dynamic free energy. The caging dominated, repulsive glass regime is characterized by long localization lengths and barrier locations, dictated by repulsive hard core interactions, while the bonding dominated gel region has short localization lengths (commensurate with the attraction range), and barrier locations. There exists a small region of the state diagram which is qualified by both glassy and gel localization lengths in the dynamic free energy. A much larger (high volume fraction, and high attraction strength) region of phase space is characterized by short gel-like localization lengths, and long barrier locations. The region is called the attractive glass and represents a 2-step relaxation process whereby a particle first breaks attractive physical bonds, and then escapes its topological cage. The dynamic fragility of fluids are highly particle shape dependent. It increases with particle dimensionality and falls with aspect ratio for quasi 1- and 2- dimentional particles. An ultralocal limit analysis of the NLE theory predicts universalities in the behavior of relaxation times, and elastic moduli. The equlibrium phase diagram of chemically anisotropic Janus spheres and Janus rods are calculated employing a mean field Random Phase Approximation. The calculations for Janus rods are corroborated by the full liquid state Reference Interaction Site Model theory. The Janus particles consist of attractive and repulsive regions. Both rods and spheres display rich phase behavior. The phase diagrams of these systems display fluid, macrophase separated, attraction driven microphase separated, repulsion driven microphase separated and crystalline regimes. Macrophase separation is predicted in highly attractive low volume fraction systems. Attraction driven microphase separation is charaterized by long length scale divergences, where the ordering length scale determines the microphase ordered structures. The ordering length scale of repulsion driven microphase separation is determined by the repulsive range. At the high volume fractions, particles forgo the enthalpic considerations of attractions and repulsions to satisfy hard core constraints and maximize vibrational entropy. This results in site length scale ordering in rods, and the sphere length scale ordering in Janus spheres, i.e., crystallization. A change in the Janus balance of both rods and spheres results in quantitative changes in spinodal temperatures and the position of phase boundaries. However, a change in the block sequence of Janus rods causes qualitative changes in the type of microphase ordered state, and induces prominent features (such as the Lifshitz point) in the phase diagrams of these systems. A detailed study of the number of nearest neighbors in Janus rod systems reflect a deep connection between this local measure of structure, and the structure factor which represents the most global measure of order.


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Presented at 21st IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015, pp 122-131. Hong Kong, China.