57 resultados para Haliotis
Molekularbiologische und biochemische Untersuchungen an den zwei Gastropoden-Arten Haliotis tuberculata und Haliotis asinina zeigten, dass diese jeweils zwei unterscheidbare Hämocyanin-Isoformen (HtH1/HaH1 und HtH2/HaH2) besitzen, die in unterschiedlichen Mengen in der Hämolymphe vorkommen. In situ-Hybridisierungsversuche an H. asinina ergaben, dass die beiden Hämocyanin-Isoformen sowohl entwicklungsspezifisch als auch gewebsspezifisch exprimiert werden. Die Transkription der Hämocyanin-Gene setzt bereits 9 Stunden nach der Befruchtung ein und ist von diesem Zeitpunkt an in allen Stadien der Larvalentwicklung nachweisbar. Während dieser Entwicklungsphase sind die Expressionsmuster der beiden Isoformen weitgehend überlappend, wohingegen in adulten Tieren in verschiedenen Geweben isoformspezifische Expressionsmuster auftreten. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf funktionelle Unterschiede der beiden Hämocyanin-Isoformen hin, und somit darauf, dass Hämocyanin neben dem Transport von Sauerstoff noch weitere Funktionen ausüben könnte (Streit et al., 2005). Weiterhin wurden Untersuchungen zur Primär- und Sekundärstruktur der Hämocyanine aus H. tuberculata und zwei weiteren Arten (Megathura crenulata und Aplysia californica) durchgeführt. Von den Vetigastropoden M. crenulata und H. tuberculata konnten die für die beiden Hämocyanin-Isoformen kodierenden cDNA-Sequenzen vervollständigt werden. Von HtH1 und HtH2 wurden zudem die Gensequenzen komplettiert. Die Sequenzen des KLH1-Gens wurden bis auf 24 bp der 5’UTR und die für das Signalpeptid 1 kodierenden 33 bp ermittelt. Erstmals ist es gelungen, Promotorsequenzen von Mollusken-Hämocyanin-Genen zu sequenzieren. Für HtH2 wurden 181 bp und für KLH2 906 bp des Promotors analysiert. Beide Gensequenzen weisen das konservierte Sequenzmotiv der TATA-Box auf. Wie bei H. tuberculata treten auch bei M. crenulata die beiden Isoformen in unterschiedlichen Mengenverhältnissen in der Hämolymphe auf. In den bisher analysierten Sequenzen dieser beiden Gastropoden konnten keine regulatorischen Elemente identifiziert werden, welche die differentielle Expression bedingen könnten. Die Genstruktur des Hämocyanins von A. californica konnte ebenfalls aufgeklärt werden. Die kodierenden Bereiche des AcH-Gens werden durch insgesamt 45 interne Introns fragmentiert. Im Gen liegen neun Insertionspositionen vor, in denen paraloge Introns inserieren. Zudem sind neun Introns ortholog zu internen Introns anderer Mollusken-Hämocyanin-Gene. Im Fall der paralogen und orthologen Introns handelt es sich um sehr ursprüngliche Introns, die bereits vor der Radiation der Mollusken inserierten. Damit widerlegen diese Ergebnisse die bisherige Annahme („Intron late”-Hypothese), der zufolge die Insertion interner Introns erst nach der Trennung der Gastropoden und Cephalopoden eingesetzt haben soll. Im Zuge dieser Sequenzanalysen ergaben sich zudem Hinweise auf die Existenz einer weiteren AcH-Isoform, da 13 Fragmente ermittelt wurden, die in den kodierenden Bereichen Sequenzunterschiede von bis zu 20% zu AcH 1 aufweisen. Die detaillierten Studien der Haliotis-Hämocyanine deckten einen weitreichenden phylogenetischen Informationsgehalt der Hämocyanin-Sequenzen auf. In weiterführenden Analysen wurden Teilsequenzen der Hämocyanin-Gene von 12 verschiedenen Haliotis-Arten amplifiziert. Der daraus rekonstruierte Stammbaum liefert entsprechend spezifischer Indels eine deutliche Auftrennung der Haliotidae in eine nordpazifische und eine europäischaustralasische Abstammungslinie. Anhand dieser Analyse lassen sich der phylogeographische Ursprung der Haliotiden aufzeigen (Streit et al., 2006) und deren Wanderungsbewegungen nachvollziehen. Hämocyanin-Daten wurden des Weiteren für phylogenetische Analysen auf höherem taxonomischem Niveau eingesetzt. Innerhalb der Klasse der Polyplacophoren wurden interfamiliäre Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse rekonstruiert. Für diese Analyse wurden Teilsequenzen der Hämocyanin-Gene 17 unterschiedlicher Arten ermittelt. Die phylogenetische Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich die Polyplacophoren eindeutig in die beiden Ordnungen der Lepidopleurida und Chitonida auftrennen, da die Chitonida eine spezifische „Deletion” aufweisen. Anhand dieses Merkmals kann auch Callochiton bouveti, der diese „Deletion” besitzt und dessen phylogenetische Einordnung bisweilen umstritten war, eindeutig den Chitonida zugeordnet werden. Innerhalb der Chitonida bilden sowohl die Chitonina als auch die Acanthochitonina monophyletische Gruppen.
The deployment of flat concrete blocks on subtidal rocky reefs can replicate natural reef microhabitats and provides a means for standardized sampling of cryptic invertebrates. The shape of the cavity beneath the block is related to reef topography and may influence the invertebrate community by affecting the amount of space for cryptic fauna to colonise and influencing the effectiveness of their predator-defence mechanisms. To determine the effect of sub-block reef structure and different levels of external predators on cryptic molluscs and echinoderms, I deployed concrete blocks at locations inside and outside the Maria Island marine reserve in eastern Tasmania, Australia. Relationships between sub-block reef structure and the cryptic invertebrate assemblage were evident between locations, whereas only a small but significant proportion of variation of assemblages between blocks within location was explained by reef surface area. No clear association with external predation pressure was evident in multivariate analyses of variation in assemblage structure. Juvenile abalone Haliotis rubra were not influenced by micro-habitat structure but were significantly less abundant at protected locations, the only species to exhibit such a response. This result follows a decline of emergent adult abalone in the marine reserve and raises the possibility of recruitment failure of abalone at some fully protected locations in the longer term.
Few studies examine the long-term effects of changing predator size and abundance on the habitat associations of resident organisms despite that this knowledge is critical to understand the ecosystem effects of fishing. Marine reserves offer the opportunity to determine ecosystem-level effects of manipulated predator densities, while parallel monitoring of adjacent fished areas allows separating these effects from regional-scale change. Relationships between two measures of benthic habitat structure (reef architecture and topographic complexity) and key invertebrate species were followed over 17 years at fished and protected subtidal rocky reefs associated with two southern Australian marine reserves. Two commercially harvested species, the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) and blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) were initially weakly associated with habitat structure across all fished and protected sites. The strength of association with habitat for both species increased markedly at protected sites 2 years after marine reserve declaration, and then gradually weakened over subsequent years. The increasing size of rock lobster within reserves apparently reduced their dependency on reef shelters as refuges from predation. Rising predation by fish and rock lobster in the reserves corresponded with weakening invertebrate–habitat relationships for H. rubra and sea urchins (Heliocidaris erythrogramma). These results emphasise that animal–habitat relationships are not necessarily stable through time and highlight the value of marine reserves as reference sites. Our work shows that fishery closures to enhance populations of commercially important and keystone species should be in areas with a range of habitat features to accommodate shifting ecological requirements with ontogenesis.
Increasing atmospheric CO2 can decrease seawater pH and carbonate ions, which may adversely affect the larval survival of calcareous animals. In this study, we simulated future atmospheric CO2 concentrations (800, 1500, 2000 and 3000 ppm) and examined the effects of ocean acidification on the early development of 3 mollusks (the abalones Haliotis diversicolor and H. discus hannai and the oyster Crassostrea angulata). We showed that fertilization rate, hatching rate, larval shell length, trochophore development, veliger survival and metamorphosis all decreased significantly at different pCO2 levels (except oyster hatching). H. discus hannai were more tolerant of high CO2 compared to H. diversicolor. At 2000 ppm CO2, 79.2% of H. discus hannai veliger larvae developed normally, but only 13.3% of H. diversicolor veliger larvae. Tolerance of C. angulata to ocean acidification was greater than the 2 abalone species; 50.5% of its D-larvae developed normally at 3000 ppm CO2. This apparent resistance of C. angulata to ocean acidification may be attributed to their adaptability to estuarine environments. Mechanisms underlying the resistance to ocean acidification of both abalones requires further investigation. Our results suggest that ocean acidification may decrease the yield of these 3 economically important shellfish if increasing CO2 is a future trend.
The hatching process of the Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai was prolonged at a pH of 7.6 and pH 7.3, and the embryonic developmental success was reduced. The hatching rate at pH 7.3 was significantly (10.8%) lower than that of the control (pH 8.2). The malformation rates at pH 7.9 and pH 8.2 were less than 20% but were 53.8% and 77.3% at pH 7.6 and pH 7.3, respectively. When newly hatched larvae were incubated for 48 h at pH 7.3, only 2.7% of the larvae settled, while more than 70% of the larvae completed settlement in the other three pH treatments. However, most 24 h old larvae could complete metamorphosis in all four pH treatments. Overall, a 0.3-unit reduction in water pH will produce no negative effect on the early development of the Pacific abalone, but further reduction in pH to the values predicted for seawater by the end of this century will have strong detrimental effects.
Strong positive Darwinian selection acts on two sperm fertilization proteins, lysin and 18-kDa protein, from abalone (Haliotis). To understand the phylogenetic context for this dramatic molecular evolution, we obtained sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI), and genomic sequences of lysin, 18-kDa, and a G protein subunit. Based on mtDNA differentiation, four north Pacific abalone species diverged within the past 2 million years (Myr), and remaining north Pacific species diverged over a period of 4–20 Myr. Between-species nonsynonymous differences in lysin and 18-kDa exons exceed nucleotide differences in introns by 3.5- to 24-fold. Remarkably, in some comparisons nonsynonymous substitutions in lysin and 18-kDa genes exceed synonymous substitutions in mtCOI. Lysin and 18-kDa intron/exon segments were sequenced from multiple red abalone individuals collected over a 1,200-km range. Only two nucleotide changes and two sites of slippage variation were detected in a total of >29,000 nucleotides surveyed. However, polymorphism in mtCOI and a G protein intron was found in this species. This finding suggests that positive selection swept one lysin allele and one 18-kDa allele to fixation. Similarities between mtCOI and lysin gene trees indicate that rapid adaptive evolution of lysin has occurred consistently through the history of the group. Comparisons with mtCOI molecular clock calibrations suggest that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulate 2–50 times faster in lysin and 18-kDa genes than in rapidly evolving mammalian genes.
We present here the description of genes coding for molluscan hemocyanins. Two distantly related mollusks, Haliotis tuberculata and Octopus dofleini, were studied. The typical architecture of a molluscan hemocyanin subunit, which is a string of seven or eight globular functional units (FUs, designated a to h, about 50 kDa each), is reflected by the gene organization: a series of eight structurally related coding regions in Haliotis, corresponding to FU-a to FU-h, with seven highly variable linker introns of 174 to 3,198 bp length (all in phase 1). In Octopus seven coding regions (FU-a to FU-g) are found, separated by phase 1 introns varying in length from 100 bp to 910 bp. Both genes exhibit typical signal (export) sequences, and in both cases these are interrupted by an additional intron. Each gene also contains an intron between signal peptide and FU-a and in the 3′ untranslated region. Of special relevance for evolutionary considerations are introns interrupting those regions that encode a discrete functional unit. We found that five of the eight FUs in Haliotis each are encoded by a single exon, whereas FU-f, FU-g, and FU-a are encoded by two, three and four exons, respectively. Similarly, in Octopus four of the FUs each correspond to an uninterrupted exon, whereas FU-b, FU-e, and FU-f each contain a single intron. Although the positioning of the introns between FUs is highly conserved in the two mollusks, the introns within FUs show no relationship either in location nor phase. It is proposed that the introns between FUs were generated as the eight-unit polypeptide evolved from a monomeric precursor, and that the internal introns have been added later. A hypothesis for evolution of the ring-like quaternary structure of molluscan hemocyanins is presented.
Most of epidemiological theory has been developed for terrestrial systems, but the significance of disease in the ocean is now being recognized. However, the extent to which terrestrial epidemiology can be directly transferred to marine systems is uncertain. Many broad types of disease-causing organism occur both on land and in the sea, and it is clear that some emergent disease problems in marine environments are caused by pathogens moving from terrestrial to marine systems. However, marine systems are qualitatively different from terrestrial environments, and these differences affect the application of modelling and management approaches that have been developed for terrestrial systems. Phyla and body plans are more diverse in marine environments and marine organisms have different life histories and probably different disease transmission modes than many of their terrestrial counterparts. Marine populations are typically more open than terrestrial ones, with the potential for long-distance dispersal of larvae. Potentially, this might enable unusually rapid propagation of epidemics in marine systems, and there are several examples of this. Taken together, these differences will require the development of new approaches to modelling and control of infectious disease in the ocean.
Metamorphosis is both an ecological and a developmental genetic transition that an organism undergoes as a normal part of ontogeny. Many organisms have the ability to delay metamorphosis when conditions are unsuitable. This strategy carries obvious benefits, but may also result in severe consequences for older larvae that run low on energy. In the marine environment, some lecithotrophic larvae that have prolonged periods in the plankton may begin forming postlarval and juvenile structures that normally do not appear until after settlement and the initiation of metamorphosis. This precocious activation of the postlarval developmental program may reflect an adaptation to increase the survival of older, energy-depleted larvae by allowing them to metamorphose more quickly. In the present study, we investigate morphological and genetic consequences of delay of metamorphosis in larvae of Herdmania momus (a solitary stolidobranch ascidian). We observe significant morphological and genetic changes during prolonged larval life, with older larvae displaying significant changes in RNA levels, precocious migration of mesenchyme cells, and changes in larval shape including shortening of the tail. While these observations suggest that the older H. momus larvae are functionally different from younger larvae and possibly becoming more predisposed to undergo metamorphosis, we did not find any significant differences in gene expression levels between postlarvae arising from larvae that metamorphosed as soon as they were competent and postlarvae developing from larvae that postponed metamorphosis. This recalibration, or convergence, of transcript levels in the early postlarva suggests that changes that occur during prolonged larval life of H. momus are not necessarily associated with early activation of adult organ differentiation. Instead, it suggests that an autonomous developmental program is activated in H. momus upon the induction of metamorphosis regardless of the history of the larva.
Background: Instructions to fabricate mineralized structures with distinct nanoscale architectures, such as seashells and coral and vertebrate skeletons, are encoded in the genomes of a wide variety of animals. In mollusks, the mantle is responsible for the extracellular production of the shell, directing the ordered biomineralization of CaCO3 and the deposition of architectural and color patterns. The evolutionary origins of the ability to synthesize calcified structures across various metazoan taxa remain obscure, with only a small number of protein families identified from molluskan shells. The recent sequencing of a wide range of metazoan genomes coupled with the analysis of gene expression in non-model animals has allowed us to investigate the evolution and process of biomineralization in gastropod mollusks. Results: Here we show that over 25% of the genes expressed in the mantle of the vetigastropod Haliotis asinina encode secreted proteins, indicating that hundreds of proteins are likely to be contributing to shell fabrication and patterning. Almost 85% of the secretome encodes novel proteins; remarkably, only 19% of these have identifiable homologues in the full genome of the patellogastropod Lottia scutum. The spatial expression profiles of mantle genes that belong to the secretome is restricted to discrete mantle zones, with each zone responsible for the fabrication of one of the structural layers of the shell. Patterned expression of a subset of genes along the length of the mantle is indicative of roles in shell ornamentation. For example, Has-sometsuke maps precisely to pigmentation patterns in the shell, providing the first case of a gene product to be involved in molluskan shell pigmentation. We also describe the expression of two novel genes involved in nacre (mother of pearl) deposition. Conclusion: The unexpected complexity and evolvability of this secretome and the modular design of the molluskan mantle enables diversification of shell strength and design, and as such must contribute to the variety of adaptive architectures and colors found in mollusk shells. The composition of this novel mantle-specific secretome suggests that there are significant molecular differences in the ways in which gastropods synthesize their shells.
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
The discovery of antibiotics was a major breakthrough in medicine. However, short after their introduction in clinical practice resistant bacteria were detected. Nowadays, antibiotic resistance constitutes a serious public health problem. In hospital settings, with high resistance levels, reducing drastically the therapeutic options. Carbapenems are last-resort antibiotics used in Portugal, only in hospitals, to treat serious infections. Bacterial resistance towards this class of antibiotics has increased during last years. In Gram-negative bacteria the production of carbapenemases is a common resistance mechanism. OXA-48 is a carbapenemase of Ambler class D and represents a major concern for human health. It is frequently detected in clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae. There are few studies suggesting that genes encoding for OXA-48 variants originated from genes present in the chromosome of members of genus Shewanella, and have disseminated to Enterobacteriaceae members, associated with mobile genetic elements. The aim of this study was to characterize strains from different sources of Shewanella to confirm its role as OXA-48 progenitor. For this, the phylogenetic affiliation of 33 strains of Shewanella was performed by 16SrDNA and gyrB sequencing. The most common species were S. hafniensis and S. xiamenensis, but also S. aestuarii, S. baltica, S. indica, S. haliotis, S. putrefaciens, S. algidipiscicola, S. irciniae, S. algae and S. fodinae were identified. blaOXA-48-like genes were detected in 21 isolates: S. hafniensis (8/8), S. xiamenensis (5/5), S. baltica (4/4), S. algae (1/1), S. fodinae (1/1), S. putrefaciens (1/2) and S. algidipiscicola (1/2). Sequence analysis revealed that genes encoded enzymes identical to OXA-48, OXA-181 and OXA-204 but also new variants differing from OXA-48 from 2 to 81 aminoacids. Genetic context analysis revealed the C15 gene upstream and lysR gene downstream, identical to what has been identified so far flanking blaOXA-48-like genes in Shewanella spp. The assessment of antibiotic susceptibility was performed for all isolates using the disk diffusion method. In general, it was observed a great sensitivity for all antibiotics except to amoxicillin and aztreonam. Multidrug resistance was detected in only 1 isolate. Other resistance genes and the presence of integrons were not identified. Plasmids were detected in 30.3% isolates (10/ 33). These results reinforce the role of Shewanella spp. as origin of blaOXA-48-like genes.