994 resultados para Hair-cells


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A model of the auditory periphery assembled from analog network submodels of all the relevant anatomical structures is described. There is bidirectional coupling between networks representing the outer ear, middle ear and cochlea. A simple voltage source representation of the outer hair cells provides level-dependent basilar membrane curves. The networks are translated into efficient computational modules by means of wave digital filtering. A feedback unit regulates the average firing rate at the output of an inner hair cell module via a simplified modelling of the dynamics of the descending paths to the peripheral ear. This leads to a digital model of the entire auditory periphery with applications to both speech and hearing research.


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BACKGROUND: Myosin VIIA (MyoVIIA) is an unconventional myosin necessary for vertebrate audition [1]-[5]. Human auditory transduction occurs in sensory hair cells with a staircase-like arrangement of apical protrusions called stereocilia. In these hair cells, MyoVIIA maintains stereocilia organization [6]. Severe mutations in the Drosophila MyoVIIA orthologue, crinkled (ck), are semi-lethal [7] and lead to deafness by disrupting antennal auditory organ (Johnston's Organ, JO) organization [8]. ck/MyoVIIA mutations result in apical detachment of auditory transduction units (scolopidia) from the cuticle that transmits antennal vibrations as mechanical stimuli to JO. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using flies expressing GFP-tagged NompA, a protein required for auditory organ organization in Drosophila, we examined the role of ck/MyoVIIA in JO development and maintenance through confocal microscopy and extracellular electrophysiology. Here we show that ck/MyoVIIA is necessary early in the developing antenna for initial apical attachment of the scolopidia to the articulating joint. ck/MyoVIIA is also necessary to maintain scolopidial attachment throughout adulthood. Moreover, in the adult JO, ck/MyoVIIA genetically interacts with the non-muscle myosin II (through its regulatory light chain protein and the myosin binding subunit of myosin II phosphatase). Such genetic interactions have not previously been observed in scolopidia. These factors are therefore candidates for modulating MyoVIIA activity in vertebrates. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that MyoVIIA plays evolutionarily conserved roles in auditory organ development and maintenance in invertebrates and vertebrates, enhancing our understanding of auditory organ development and function, as well as providing significant clues for future research.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact root hair cells of Arabidopsis thaliana using electrophysiological recordings to characterise the response of the plasma membrane to NO3-challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3--associated membrane current was determined using a three-electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in the roots of seedlings grown in the absence of a nitrogen source, but only 4-6 days postgermination. In 6-day-old seedlings, additions of 5-100 μm NO3-to the bathing medium resulted in membrane depolarizations of 8-43 mV, and membrane voltage (Vm) recovered on washing NO3-from the bath. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3-additions showed that the NO3--evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared across the entire range of accessible voltages (-300 to +50 mV). Both membrane depolarizations and NO3--evoked currents recorded at the free-running voltage displayed quasi-Michaelian kinetics, with apparent values for Km of 23 ± 6 and 44 ± 11 μm, respectively and, for the current, a maximum of 5.1 ± 0.9 μA cm-2. The NO3-current showed a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -250 and -100 mV, as could be demonstrated under voltage clamp, and increasing the bathing pH from 6.1 to 7.4-8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 3- to 8-fold. Analyses showed a well-defined interaction between the kinetic variables of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. At a constant pHo of 6.1, depolarization from -250 to -150 mV resulted in an approximate 3-fold reduction in the maximum current but a 10% rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approximate 20% fall in the Km for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional characteristics of the transport current implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3-binding is kinetically isolated from the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit, and they indicate a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3-anion transported across the membrane. The results concur with previous studies showing a high-affinity NO3-transport system in Arabidopsis that is inducible following a period of nitrogen-limiting growth, but they underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3-transport at the plant plasma membrane. © 1995 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.


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Background and Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine whether KCNQ channels are functionally expressed in bladder smooth muscle cells (SMC) and to investigate their physiological significance in bladder contractility. 

Experimental Approach: KCNQ channels were examined at the genetic, protein, cellular and tissue level in guinea pig bladder smooth muscle using RT-PCR, immunofluorescence, patch-clamp electrophysiology, calcium imaging, detrusor strip myography, and a panel of KCNQ activators and inhibitors. 

Key Results: KCNQ subtypes 1-5 are expressed in bladder detrusor smooth muscle. Detrusor strips typically displayed TTX-insensitive myogenic spontaneous contractions that were increased in amplitude by the KCNQ channel inhibitors XE991, linopirdine or chromanol 293B. Contractility was inhibited by the KCNQ channel activators flupirtine or meclofenamic acid (MFA). The frequency of Ca2+-oscillations in SMC contained within bladder tissue sheets was increased by XE991. Outward currents in dispersed bladder SMC, recorded under conditions where BK and KATP currents were minimal, were significantly reduced by XE991, linopirdine, or chromanol, and enhanced by flupirtine or MFA. XE991 depolarized the cell membrane and could evoke transient depolarizations in quiescent cells. Flupirtine (20M) hyperpolarized the cell membrane with a simultaneous cessation of any spontaneous electrical activity. 

Conclusions and Implications: These novel findings reveal the role of KCNQ currents in the regulation of the resting membrane potential of detrusor SMC and their important physiological function in the control of spontaneous contractility in the guinea pig bladder.


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Maize actin-depolymerizing factor, ZmADF, binds both G- and F-actin and enhances in vitro actin dynamics. Evidence from studies on vertebrate ADF/cofilin supports the view that this class of protein responds to intracellular and extracellular signals and causes actin reorganization. As a test to determine whether such signal-responsive pathways existed in plants, this study addressed the ability of maize ADF to be phosphorylated and the likely effects of such phosphorylation on its capacity to modulate actin dynamics. It is shown that maize ADF3 (ZmADF3) can be phosphorylated by a calcium-stimulated protein kinase present in a 40-70% ammonium sulphate fraction of a plant cell extract. Phosphorylation is shown to be on Ser6, which is only one of nine amino acids that are fully conserved among the ADF/cofilin proteins across distantly related species. In addition, an analogue of phosphorylated ZmADF3 created by mutating Ser6 to Asp6 (zmadf3-4) does not bind G- or F-actin and has little effect on the enhancement of actin dynamics. These results are discussed in context of the previously observed actin reorganization in root hair cells.


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RESUMO: Na descrição deste estudo foi utilizada a terminologia anatómica da Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomia adaptada ao português por J. A. Esperança-Pina de acordo com o tratado Anatomia Humana da Relação. Os actuais estudos sobre hipoacusia sensorioneural implicam um grupo crescente de situações, em que a lesão se situa ao nível da microvascularização coclear, daí que o conhecimento exacto da angiomorfologia normal se torne essencial na fase actual do conhecimento. A autora tem vindo a estudar, desde 1986, a angiomorfologia do ouvido Interno no modelo experimental, o Cobaio, utilizando várias técnicas microvasculares. sendo dado enfâse particular neste estudo à técnica de microscopia electrónica de varrimento em moldes vasculares. Os animais usados no presente estudo pertencem à espécie cavia porcellus, cobaio, por serem considerados na comunidade cientifica internacional como o melhor modelo experimental para estudo do ouvido interno, pelo facto de a morfologia coclear ser muito semelhante à do Homem e por isso ser um modelo fiável para cirurgia experimental e microdissecção. Este estudo foi realizado em 100 cobaios, cavia porcellus, de ambos os sexos com peso médio de 450g. A vascularização do ouvido interno, no cobaio como no homem, faz-se através dos ramos de divisão da artéria auditiva interna ou labiríntica. A artéria labiríntica origina-se como ramo colateral da artéria cerebelosa ântero-inferior a qual tem origem na artéria basilar ou na artéria vertebral. Embora no homem a artéria auditiva interna possa também destacar-se da artéria basilar e até da artéria vertebral, no cobaio em todos os casos estudados a sua origem verificou-se sempre na artéria cerebelosa ântero-inferior. A artéria labiríntica, ao passar abaixo do meato auditivo interno, divide-se na artéria vestibular anterior e na artéria coclear comum.A artéria vestibular anterior dirige-se para o nervo vestibular, emite vasa nervorum para este nervo e vasculariza o utrículo e os canais semicirculares. A artéria coclear comum origina dois ramos principais, a artéria vestíbulo‑coclear ou vestibular posterior no cobaio, a qual se destaca junto à espira basal da cóclea e a artéria coclear, como ramo terminal, que passa a denominar-se de artéria modiolar ou espiralada, após entrar no modíolo. A artéria modiolar ascende no modíolo promovendo através dos seus ramos colaterais e dos seus ramos terminais a microvascularização coclear, numa vascularização de órgão de tipo terminal. Ao longo do seu trajecto verificou‑se de modo constante uma redução gradual de calibre em cada uma das espiras, por emissão de ramos colaterais, sendo que o calibre da artéria na base da cóclea apresenta um valor que diminui gradualmente até ao ápice. A artéria modiolar origina em todo o seu trajecto ramos colaterais, cujo número diminui em valor absoluto da base para o ápice: Arteríolas radiárias internas, arteríolas de trajecto flexuoso que caminham junto às estruturas sensorioneurais da parede interna da cóclea, junto ao lábio timpânico da lâmina espiral óssea e na parede do próprio modíolo, que se relacionam intimamente com este. As arteríolas radiárias internas originam‑se no flanco da artéria modiolar espiralada. Contam‑se dez a doze em cada espira, extraordinariamente flexuosas desde a sua origem. As arteríolas radiárias internas originam como ramos colaterais, vários grupos de arteríolas de menor calibre, que vascularizam distintas regiões da parede interna da cóclea, as arteríolas do gânglio espiral, a rede espiral interna, as arteríolas de origem dos glomérulos de Schwalbe e a arteríola da lâmina basilar. As arteríolas radiárias externas importantes ramos colaterais da artéria modiolar espiralada promovem a vascularização de importantes estruturas da parede externa. Ao atingir o limite externo do ligamento espiral, as arteríolas radiárias externas dividem‑se em vários ramos arteriolares de menor calibre, ao longo da convexidade do limite externo do ligamento espiral, originando a rede capilar pós-estriada que ocupa a porção lateral do ligamento espiral e a rede capilar ad‑ -estriada, na sua porção mais medial em íntima relação com a estria vascular. A espira basal da cóclea apresenta grande riqueza de vascularização, com características particulares apenas a esta espira, a qual é metabolicamente a mais exigente. A arteríola da janela da cóclea aborda a janela da cóclea pela sua convexidade e divide-se numa rica rede vascular da qual emergem arteríolas pré-capilares que se ramificam em capilares, os quais se dirigem em profundidade penetrando a rampa timpânica da cóclea ao nível da espira basal. Importou neste estudo verificar quais as semelhanças em termos de calibre de estruturas análogas, na parede interna e na parede externa da cóclea, com particular incidência na rede capilar. Do estudo estatístico realizado com testes paramétricos de Tamahane e não paramétricos de Mann-Whitney, verifica-se que comparando todas as estruturas consideradas estas têm calibres diferentes, com excepção dos capilares da estria vascular e do ligamento espiral, pertencentes à parede externa da cóclea que têm calibres iguais aos capilares da rede espiral interna e aos capilares da parede interna da cóclea, dependentes das arteríolas da rede espiral interna. As redes capilares dependentes das arteríolas radiárias internas que vascularizam as estruturas sensorioneurais junto á parede interna do modiolo são em tudo semelhantes em termos de calibre às redes capilares da parede externa da cóclea, incluindo os capilares da estria vascular. Esta particularidade traduz num órgão com vascularização de tipo terminal,um mecanismo de controlo do fluxo sanguíneo coclear tão importante na parede interna como na parede externa da cóclea. ------------ ABSTRACT:Current studies on sensorineural hearing loss, imply a growing group of situations in which the lesion is located at the level of the cochlear microvasculature, hence the exact knowledge of normal angiomorfology becomes essential in current state of knowledge. The author has been studying since 1986, the angiomorfology of inner on the experimental model, the guinea pig, using various microvascular techniques being given particular emphasis in this study to the results of the technique of scanning electron microscopy on corrosion casts. The animals used in this study belong to the species cavia porcellus, guinea pig, to be considered in the international scientific community as the best experimental model for the study of the inner ear, the cochlear morphology is very similar to human and therefore a reliable model for experimental surgery and microdissection. This study was performed in 100 guinea pigs of both sexes with average weight of 450g. There shall be a brief description of embryology, anatomy and cochlear physiology in the light of developmental biology, regarding also the spatial location of the cochlea and the determinism of morphogenetic fields in their development and function. The cochlear transduction mechanism converts the sound wave in stimuli sound and so afferent auditory nerve fibres and deafness are closely related to the cochlear microvasculature. Cochlear ischemia is accompanied by immediate hearing loss. The different type of cochlear injury that leads to sensorineural deafness is well studied in presbycusis where an objective link with the audiometric pattern as been established. The sensory type of deafness, is closely related to the degeneracy of the organ of Corti and damage to the outer hair cells at the basal turn of the cochlea. Keeping in mind cochlear tonotopy with location of high frequency sounds at the level of the base of the cochlea, it explains the audiometric pattern with loss in high frequencies. The neural type of deafness, is characterized by neuronal loss with loss of descendant important neuronal afferents, with audiometric translation on a gradually curve with important loss of auditory discrimination. The metabolic type of deafness results in atrophy of the vascular stria, with consequent change in the potential of the endolymph by decreasing the vascular stria cells and changes in K + recycling mechanism. There is also a change in the morphology of the spiral ligament and the audiometric patern as a flattened curve with loss at all frequencies. Bearing in mind cochlear tonotopy and being characterized all types of sensorineural deafness, we may inquire to what extent the cochlear microvasculature, considering not only the cochlea as a whole but different regions of the inner wall and the outer wall of the cochlea, contributes to deafness. We analysed the entire cochlear morphology on scanning electron microscopy with particular emphasis on bone and membranous cochlea. The inner wall of the cochlea and intramodiolar structures such as the spiral ganglion, the morphology of its cell bodies and their axons are analyzed. The morphology of Corti’s organ is described in detail, with description and large detail of the inner and outer hair cells. Is then presented the study of the microvasculature itself. The spiral modiolar artery is observed with the diaphanization technique and the technique of scanning electron microscopy on corrosion vascular casts. After emergence of collateral branches of the greatest importance, the radiating internal and external arterioles, the modiolar artery gives rise to its terminal branches, the arterioles of the cochear apex. Arterial vasa vasorum and vasa nervorum are displayed with a great detail, which was not yet described in such detail in previous microvascular studies. The arterial radiating arterioles originate in the flank of the spiral modiolar artery in number of ten to twelve in each loop, and they vascularize through their branches the inner wall cochlear sensorineural structures located in the modiolus as the spiral ganglion and structures near the organ of Corti. Their caliber is above 20 μm on the basal turn and in the second loop it decreases to values between 12 and 20 μm, decreasing progressively to the apex of the cochlea.They arise near the modiolus or on their way in the spiral lamina forming vascular loops, and divide without presenting vascular constrictions in their divisions, originating new vascular loops of lower caliber. Internal ratiating arterioles originate as collateral branches several groups of smaller caliber arterioles, which vascularize distinct regions of the inner wall of the cochlea namely, the arterioles of the spiral ganglion, the internal spiral network, the arterioles of origin of the glomeruli of Schwalbe and the arterioles of the basilar membrane. The glomeruli of Schwalbe play an important functional role as relay-stations, in hemodynamic terms, to control the cochlear microvasculature. External radiating arterioles have their origin in the spiral modiolar artery, they are directed towards the outer wall of the cochlea and run through the roof of the scala vestibuli. Above the insertion of Reissner’s membrane on the external wall the external radiating arterioles originate the spiral ligament arterioles, which vascularize the spiral ligament, they divide into several arteriolar branches of smaller caliber, along the convexity of the outer edge of the spiral ligament. The connective tissue of the spiral ligament forms a mesh with supporting function of the highly specialized epithelium, where pericytes were identifiable. Next to its base there is the microvascular network of stria vascularis. The adstriated vascular network which is divided into a capillary network, the capillary network of stria vascularis. The stria vascularis, the only vascularized epithelium of the human body, plays an important role, forming an haemato-labyrintine barrier to assure labyrinthine endocochlear potential and transport of ions, essential for the mechanism of transduction of external hair cells. The cochlear basal turn has a special feature on its external wall, the region of the windows, the round windows giving access to scala tympani and the oval window thatleads into scala vestibuli, and so it is metabolic demanding. For their role in cochlear tonotopy the sensorineural structures and those of the external wall of the cochlea, are particularly vulnerable to hypoxia. Although the complementarity of all the techniques was important for three- -dimensional reconstruction of the microvasculature of the cochlea, the scanning electron microscopy technique, especially when we used the system Semafore was fundamental to perform precise morphometric mesures regarding all vascular structures.Regarding the capillaries of the inner and outer wall of the cochlea networks this technique allowed their characterization in morphometric terms. To conclude the capillaries of the inner wall and of the external wall of the cochlea have similar size. So although located at different cochlear regions, with a different functional role, in cochlear physiology these networks consist of capillaries of similar caliber. It seems to translate a cochlear blood flow control mechanism that is so important in the inner wall as in and the external wall of the cochlea to provide for in inner ear homeosthasia.


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Objectifs Aucun agent n’a été approuvé pour prévenir l’ototoxicité secondaire au cisplatin. Nos objectifs consistaient à évaluer la protection auditive offerte par le lactate et le N-acétylcystéine (NAC) intra-tympaniques après injection de cisplatin, ainsi que l’absorption systémique du NAC intra-tympanique. Méthodes Seize cochons d’inde formaient 2 groupes ayant reçu une solution de lactate et de NAC à 20% dans l’oreille testée. L’oreille contro-latérale a reçu une solution saline contrôle. Après 30 minutes, une injection intrapéritonéale de 3 mg/kg de cisplatin a été effectuée et répétée une fois par semaine jusqu’à une dose finale de 24 mg/kg. Les potentiels évoqués auditifs du tronc cérébral (PEATC) ont été mesurés avant les injections, après 9 mg/kg et 24 mg/kg de cisplatin. Les cochlées ont été analysées au microscope électronique à balayage. La diffusion systémique du NAC a été évaluée par chromatographie en phase liquide. Résultats Pour les oreilles contrôles, les seuils auditifs des PEATC ont augmenté uniformément sur toutes les fréquences (28,4 dB en moyenne). Le groupe lactate montrait une augmentation moins importante (17,0 dB). Les basses fréquences étaient nettement moins affectées. Le groupe NAC a subi une augmentation des seuils de 89 dB. La microscopie électronique a démontré une préservation partielle des cellules ciliées externes des cochlées traitées au lactate et une destruction complète de celles traitées au NAC. La chromatographie n’a démontré aucune diffusion de NAC. Conclusions Le lactate offre une protection partielle significative contre l’ototoxicité induite par le cisplatin. Les injections de NAC n’offrent pas de protection lorsque administrées en concentrations élevée. Le NAC intra-tympanique ne se diffuse pas systémiquement.


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Objectifs: Le Nystatin est un antibiotique efficace pour le traitement d’otomycose. Bien que sa sécurité au niveau de l’oreille externe soit bien établie, son utilisation n’est pas recommandée lorsqu’il y a une perforation tympanique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le potentiel ototoxique du Nystatin lorsque celui-ci est appliqué directement au niveau de l’oreille moyenne. Méthodes: Nous avons fait une étude expérimentale avec 18 cochons d’Indes de souche Hartley que nous avons divisés en deux groupes. En exposant l’oreille moyenne de chaque animal au Nystatin (groupe I) ou à la néomycine (groupe II) et chaque oreille controlatérale à une solution physiologique (NaCl), la fonction auditive a été évaluée avec un test de potentiels évoqués auditif du tronc cérébral avant et après les injections. Une étude par microscopie électronique a permis une comparaison histologique de l’état des cellules ciliées cochléaires entre les 2 groupes. Résultats: Les pertes auditives moyennes du groupe « Nystatin » étaient de 13.0 dB et comparables aux pertes moyennes observées dans les oreilles ayant été injectées avec du NaCl (4.0 dB dans le groupe I et 15.1 dB dans le groupe II). Le groupe de contrôle « néomycine » a subi une perte auditive moyenne de 39.3 dB, ce qui représente une différence cliniquement et statistiquement significative (p<0.001). L’étude histologique avec une microscopie à balayage électronique a démontré une conservation de l’architecture des cellules ciliées cochléaires dans les groupe Nystatin et NaCl. La néomycine a causé une destruction marquée de ces structures. Conclusions: Le Nystatin ne provoque pas d’atteinte auditive ni de destruction des cellules ciliées externes après injection directe dans l’oreille moyenne chez le cochon d’Inde.


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Les anomalies du tube neural (ATN) sont des malformations congénitales parmi les plus fréquentes chez l’humain en touchant 1-2 nouveau-nés par 1000 naissances. Elles résultent d’un défaut de fermeture du tube neural pendant l’embryogenèse. Les formes les plus courantes d'ATN chez l'homme sont l'anencéphalie et le spina-bifida. Leur étiologie est complexe impliquant à la fois des facteurs environnementaux et des facteurs génétiques. Un dérèglement dans la signalisation Wnt, incluant la signalisation canonique Wnt/β-caténine et non-canonique de la polarité planaire cellulaire (PCP), peut causer respectivement le cancer ou les anomalies du tube neural (ATN). Les deux voies semblent s’antagoniser mutuellement. Dans cette étude, nous investiguons les rôles de Lrp6 et deANKRD6, entant qu’interrupteurs moléculaires entre les deux voies de signalisation Wnt, et CELSR1, en tant que membre de la PCP, chez la souris mutante Skax26m1Jus, générée par l’agent mutagène N-Ethyl-N-Nitrosuera, et dans une cohorte de patients humains ATN. Pour Lrp6, nous avons démontré que Skax26m1Jus représente un allèle hypermorphe de Lrp6 avec une augmentation de l’activité de la signalisation Wnt/canonique et une diminution de l’activité JNK induite par la voie PCP. Nous avons également montré que Lrp6Skax26m1Jus interagit génétiquement avec un mutant PCP (Vangl2Lp) où les doubles hétérozygotes ont montré une fréquence élevée d’ATN et des défauts dans la polarité des cellules ciliées de la cochlée. Particulièrement, notre étude démontre l'association des nouvelles et rares mutations faux-sens dans LRP6 avec les ATN humaines. Nous montrons que trois mutations de LRP6 causent une activité canonique réduite et non-canonique élevée. Pour ANKRD6, nous avons identifié quatre nouvelles et rares mutations faux-sens chez 0,8% des patients ATN et deux chez 1,3% des contrôles. Notamment, seulement deux, des six mutations validées (p.Pro548Leu et p.Arg632His) ont démontré un effet significatif sur l’activité de ANKRD6 selon un mode hypomorphique. Pour CELSR1, nous avons identifié une mutation non-sens dans l'exon 1 qui supprime la majeure partie de la protéine et une délétionde 12 pb. Cette perte de nucléotides ne change pas le cadre de lecture et élimine un motif putatif de phosphorylation par la PKC " SSR ". Nous avons également détecté un total de 13 nouveaux et rares variants faux-sens qui avaient été prédits comme étant pathogènes in silico. Nos données confirment le rôle inhibiteur de Lrp6 dans la signalisation PCP pendant la neurulation et indiquent aussi que les mutations faux-sens identifiées chez LRP6 et ANKRD6 pourraient affecter un équilibre réciproque et un antagonisme très sensible à un dosage précis entre les deux voies Wnt. Ces variants peuvent aussi agir comme facteurs prédisposants aux ATN. En outre, nos résultats impliquent aussi CELSR1 comme un facteur de risque pour les anomalies du tube neural ou l’agénésie caudale. Nos résultats fournissent des preuves supplémentaires que la voie de signalisation PCP a un rôle pathogène dans ces malformations congénitales et un outil important pour mieux comprendre leurs mécanismes moléculaires.


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Alpha-synuclein is found in synaptic terminals at the base of both inner and outer hair cells, while the beta isoform is prominently localized to spiral ganglion neuron cell bodies. The present study assessed the role of beta-synuclein in auditory function, and potential interactions between isoforms.


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Os sistemas de telecomunicações emitem radiofreqüência, uma radiação eletromagnética invisível. Telefones celulares transmitem microondas (450900 MHz no sistema analógico e 1,82,2 GHz no sistema digital), muito próximo à orelha do usuário. Esta energia é absorvida pela pele, orelha interna, nervo vestibulococlear e superfície do lobo temporal. OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura sobre influência dos telefones celulares na audição e equilíbrio. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Revisão sistemática. METODOLOGIA: Foram pesquisados artigos nas bases Lilacs e Medline sobre a influência dos telefones celulares nos sistemas auditivo e vestibular, publicados de 2000 a 2005, e também materiais veiculados na Internet. RESULTADOS: Os estudos sobre radiação do telefone celular e risco de neurinoma do acústico apresentam resultados contraditórios. Alguns autores não encontram maior probabilidade de aparecimento do tumor nos usuários de celulares, enquanto outros relatam que a utilização de telefones analógicos por 10 anos ou mais aumenta o risco para o tumor. A exposição aguda às microondas emitidas pelo celular não influencia a atividade das células ciliadas externas da cóclea, in vivo e in vitro, a condução elétrica no nervo coclear, nem a fisiologia do sistema vestibular em humanos. As próteses auditivas analógicas são mais suscetíveis à interferência eletromagnética dos telefones celulares digitais. CONCLUSÃO: Não há comprovação de lesão cocleovestibular pelos telefones celulares.


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O trato olivococlear medial realiza o controle eferente das células ciliadas externas, regulando as contrações lentas e atenuando as rápidas. Com a pesquisa da amplitude das emissões otoacústicas sem e com estimulação acústica contra, ipsi ou bilateralmente, é possível estimar as condições desse trato, uma vez que o efeito resultante de redução/supressão das emissões indica seu funcionamento. O envelhecimento implica em diminuição da atividade do sistema auditivo central, em função da degeneração das estruturas envolvidas nas habilidades auditivas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi investigar o efeito da idade na atividade do trato sobre a cóclea, com a análise da amplitude das emissões com estimulação acústica contralateral. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A casuística foi composta por 75 indivíduos agrupados conforme a idade. A metodologia foi o modo convencional, com clique linear e o ruído branco. ESTUDO DE CASO: A análise considerou a resposta das orelhas e a comparação entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: Os resultados revelam diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o response das emissões sem e com estimulação acústica contralateral, nos indivíduos (20 a 39 anos). O efeito redução/supressão das emissões diminui com a idade (quarta década). CONCLUSÃO: O envelhecimento prejudica a efetividade da atividade do trato.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Há comprovação de que o fenômeno de resistência ocorre quando a dose não lesiva da amicacina protege as células ciliadas contra a ototoxicidade da própria amicacina. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o fenômeno de resistência é temporalmente persistente. MÉTODO: Estudo experimental com 14 cobaias albinas (Cavia porcellus) divididas em três grupos. Avaliação da função auditiva por emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção (EOAPD): na pré-exposição à amicacina, no 15º dia de aplicação da dose não lesiva, no final da aplicação da dose lesiva e antes da decapitação. RESULTADOS: O Grupo A (controle) apresentou função auditiva e padrão histológico normais. No Grupo B (amicacina 20mg/kg/dia intramuscular por 30 dias e dose lesiva (400 mg/kg/dia) por 12 dias) e no Grupo C (mesmo esquema do grupo B, porém mantidos por 60 dias e sacrificados), as OEA-PD confirmaram função auditiva normal no período pré-exposição e manutenção do padrão após dose não lesiva, porém, houve perda importante da função auditiva após término do período de aplicação da dose lesiva. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve manutenção do fenômeno da autodefesa estendida por um período de 30 a 60 dias após a aplicação de doses lesivas de amicacina.


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OBJETIVO: verificar a ocorrência de perda auditiva sensorioneural em crianças com baixo nível de exposição cumulativa ao chumbo. MÉTODO: 156 crianças intoxicadas por chumbo, 94 do sexo masculino e 62 do sexo feminino, na faixa etária entre 18 meses a 14 anos e 5 meses, foram submetidas a análise longitudinal do nível de Plumbemia em sangue, bem como audiometria tonal liminar e emissões otoacústicas evocadas por estímulo transiente. RESULTADOS: a população pesquisada apresentou um valor médio de Plumbemia estimada de 12,2±5,7mg/dL (faixa entre 2,4-33mg/dL); todas as crianças apresentaram resposta normal na audiometria tonal liminar em 20 dBNA nas frequências testadas, 0,5; 1; 2 e 4 kHz, para ambas as orelhas; as emissões otoacústicas evocadas por estímulo transiente estiveram presentes para todas as frequências bilateralmente, nas 79 crianças pesquisadas. CONCLUSÃO: não foi constatada perda auditiva sensorioneural em crianças com histórico de baixo nível de exposição cumulativa por chumbo, assim como não foi encontrada lesão de células ciliadas externas na cóclea, mesmo que subclínicas.