182 resultados para Hacker


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We report results on the performance of a free-electron laser operating at a wavelength of 13.7 nm where unprecedented peak and average powers for a coherent extreme-ultraviolet radiation source have been measured. In the saturation regime, the peak energy approached 170 J for individual pulses, and the average energy per pulse reached 70 J. The pulse duration was in the region of 10 fs, and peak powers of 10 GW were achieved. At a pulse repetition frequency of 700 pulses per second, the average extreme-ultraviolet power reached 20 mW. The output beam also contained a significant contribution from odd harmonics of approximately 0.6% and 0.03% for the 3rd (4.6 nm) and the 5th (2.75 nm) harmonics, respectively. At 2.75 nm the 5th harmonic of the radiation reaches deep into the water window, a wavelength range that is crucially important for the investigation of biological samples.


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Ohlsen K, Ternes T, Werner G, Wallner U, Löffler D, Ziebuhr W, Witte W, Hacker J. Institute for Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases, The University of Würzburg, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. knut.ohlsen@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de The growing rate of microbial pathogens becoming resistant to standard antibiotics is an important threat to public health. In order to assess the role of antibiotics in the environment on the spread of resistance factors, the impact of subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in sewage on gene transfer was investigated using conjugative gentamicin resistance (aacA-aphD) plasmids of Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, the concentration of antibiotics in hospital sewage was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Several antibiotics were found to be present in sewage, e.g. ciprofloxacin up to 0.051 mgl(-1) and erythromycin up to 0.027 mgl(-1). Resistance plasmid transfer occurred both on solidified (dewatered) sewage and in liquid sewage in a bioreactor with a frequency of 1.1x10(-5)-5.0x10(-8). However, low-level concentrations of antibiotics measured in sewage are below concentrations that can increase plasmid transfer frequencies of gentamicin resistance plasmids of staphylococci.


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Cho SH, Naber K, Hacker J, Ziebuhr W. Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. Biofilm production in Staphylococcus epidermidis is an important virulence factor that is mediated by the expression of the icaADBC operon. In this study 41 S. epidermidis isolates obtained from catheter-related urinary tract infections were analyzed for the presence of the icaADBC operon and biofilm formation. Eighteen of 41 isolates (44%) were shown to carry ica-specific DNA, but only 11 isolates (27%) produced biofilms spontaneously under normal growth conditions. Upon induction by external stress or antibiotics, biofilm formation could be stimulated in five of seven ica-positive, biofilm-negative isolates, indicating that the icaADBC expression was down-regulated in these strains. Genetic analyses of the ica gene clusters of the remaining two ica-positive, biofilm-negative strains revealed a spontaneous ICAC::IS256 insertion in one strain. Insertion of the element caused a target site duplication of seven base pairs and a biofilm-negative phenotype. After repeated passages the insertion mutant was able to revert to a biofilm-forming phenotype which was due to the precise excision of IS256 from the icaC gene. The data show that icaC::IS256 integrations occur during S. epidermidis polymer-related infections and the results highlight the biological relevance of the IS256-mediated phase variation of biofilm production in S. epidermidis during an infection.


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Rachid S, Ohlsen K, Witte W, Hacker J, Ziebuhr W. Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. Biofilm production is an important step in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus epidermidis polymer-associated infections and depends on the expression of the icaADBC operon leading to the synthesis of a polysaccharide intercellular adhesin. A chromosomally encoded reporter gene fusion between the ica promoter and the beta-galactosidase gene lacZ from Escherichia coli was constructed and used to investigate the influence of both environmental factors and subinhibitory concentrations of different antibiotics on ica expression in S. epidermidis. It was shown that S. epidermidis biofilm formation is induced by external stress (i.e., high temperature and osmolarity). Subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline and the semisynthetic streptogramin antibiotic quinupristin-dalfopristin were found to enhance ica expression 9- to 11-fold, whereas penicillin, oxacillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, gentamicin, ofloxacin, vancomycin, and teicoplanin had no effect on ica expression. A weak (i.e., 2.5-fold) induction of ica expression was observed for subinhibitory concentrations of erythromycin. The results were confirmed by Northern blot analyses of ica transcription and quantitative analyses of biofilm formation in a colorimetric assay.


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Rachid S, Ohlsen K, Wallner U, Hacker J, Hecker M, Ziebuhr W. Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. Osmotic stress was found to induce biofilm formation in a Staphylococcus aureus mucosal isolate. Inactivation of a global regulator of the bacterial stress response, the alternative transcription factor sigma(B), resulted in a biofilm-negative phenotype and loss of salt-induced biofilm production. Complementation of the mutant strain with an expression plasmid encoding sigma(B) completely restored the wild-type phenotype. The combined data suggest a critical role of sigma(B) in S. aureus biofilm regulation under environmental stress conditions.


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Objective: We investigate what role stage at diagnosis bears in international differences in ovarian cancer survival. Methods: Data from population-based cancer registries in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, and the UK were analysed for 20,073 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer during 2004-07. We compare the stage distribution between countries and estimate stage-specific one-year net survival and the excess hazard up to 18 months after diagnosis, using flexible parametric models on the log cumulative excess hazard scale. Results: One-year survival was 69% in the UK, 72% in Denmark and 74-75% elsewhere. In Denmark, 74% of patients were diagnosed with FIGO stages III-IV disease, compared to 60-70% elsewhere. International differences in survival were evident at each stage of disease; women in the UK had lower survival than in the other four countries for patients with FIGO stages III-IV disease (61.4% vs. 65.8-74.4%). International differences were widest for older women and for those with advanced stage or with no stage data. Conclusion: Differences in stage at diagnosis partly explain international variation in ovarian cancer survival, and a more adverse stage distribution contributes to comparatively low survival in Denmark. This could arise because of differences in tumour biology, staging procedures or diagnostic delay. Differences in survival also exist within each stage, as illustrated by lower survival for advanced disease in the UK, suggesting unequal access to optimal treatment. Population-based data on cancer survival by stage are vital for cancer surveillance, and global consensus is needed to make stage data in cancer registries more consistent. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The next-generation smart grid will rely highly on telecommunications infrastructure for data transfer between various systems. Anywhere we have data transfer in a system is a potential security threat. When we consider the possibility of smart grid data being at the heart of our critical systems infrastructure it is imperative that we do all we can to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the data. A discussion on security itself is outside the scope of this paper, but if we assume the network to be as secure as possible we must consider what we can do to detect when that security fails, or when the attacks comes from the inside of the network. One way to do this is to setup a hacker-trap, or honeypot. A honeypot is a device or service on a network which appears legitimate, but is in-fact a trap setup to catch breech attempts. This paper identifies the different types of honeypot and describes where each may be used. The authors have setup a test honeypot system which has been live for some time. The test system has been setup to emulate a device on a utility network. The system has had many hits, which are described in detail by the authors. Finally, the authors discuss how larger-scale systems in utilities may benefit from honeypot placement.


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Com o crescente aumento de utilizadores e da importância no quotidiano de uma grande parte da população mundial, a Internet disponibiliza hoje às empresas, um conjunto de oportunidades que devidamente aproveitadas, se poderão traduzir na captação de novos clientes e no aumento da notoriedade da marca. Tem-se assistido nos últimos anos a um crescimento considerável do investimento das empresas em Marketing Digital, fazendo uso das mais variadas ferramentas que potenciam e aumentam a sua presença online. Decorrente do aumento de competividade no meio digital, têm surgido diversos casos de startups que desenvolveram e aplicaram técnicas e acções de marketing digital inovadoras, que se traduziram num crescimento exponencial do seu número de clientes/utilizadores. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como principais objetivos identificar o conceito de Growth Hacking, principais tácticas e ferramentas utilizadas, e avaliar qual impacto que o mesmo poderá ter para o sucesso de uma organização no meio online. Recorrendo ao estudo de dois casos de sucesso é feita uma análise das estratégias adotadas pelas empresas Uber e Dropbox e apresentadas as principais caraterísticas que as diferenciam e que permitiram o seu sucesso no meio digital.


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The object of this dissertation is focused on the study of the home banking service and how the allocation of losses due to computer fraud is processed in the scope of this service. When considering the questions raised by the allocation of losses associated with fraudulent operations, it is important to consider, mainly, the behaviour of the user of the home banking service. In our opinion, courts have been too demanding towards the user when judging his action in the use of this service. In this study, we have concluded that, when the user “falls” into a computer fraud scheme, he should not be liable for gross negligent behaviour, even if, due to the fraud, the user revealed all his access codes to a hacker on a page similar to that of his bank. In general, such facts will not be sufficient to qualify the user’s action as grossly negligent. Therefore, the user, under the terms of the Payment Services’ System, must bear the loss up to a maximum of €150, and the bank will face the remainder of the losses. However, if the user, victim of a fraudulent technique, ignored the safety warnings issued by the bank, one must consider, given the specific case, that he contributed to gross negligence in unauthorised payment transactions. Thus, the user must bear all the losses up to the moment when he notifies the bank about the unauthorised transactions. It is the bank’s responsibility to, given the specific case, adduce evidence of the client’s contribution to the identified losses.


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Book Review of 'Pirate Cinema' written by Cory Doctorow.


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Les avancées technologiques liées à l’internet ont permis une démocratisation des outils de communication et une transformation des relations interpersonnelles. L’impact de ces changements s’est ressenti autant dans la sphère légitime que dans les marchés criminels. Ces derniers ont migré, au cours des dernières années, vers des plateformes en ligne qui leur permettent de mieux gérer les risques associés avec leurs activités illégales. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’impact de l’internet sur la criminalité et sur l’adaptation des criminels à cet environnement virtuel. Ces derniers forment maintenant des communautés en ligne et gardent le contact entre eux à l’aide de salles de clavardage et de forums de discussions. Nous nous intéresserons dans cette thèse à trois formes particulières de crime soit la fraude de propriété intellectuelle (la scène des warez), le piratage d’ordinateurs (les botnets) ainsi que la fraude de données personnelles et financières (le carding). Chacune de ces formes de crime sera analysée à l’aide d’un article publié ou présentement en évaluation. L’article sur la scène des warez décrit l'organisation sociale ainsi que la distribution de la reconnaissance dans la communauté des pirates informatiques. Les systèmes de délinquance (Sutherland, 1947) et l’individualisme réseauté (Boase & Wellman, 2006) sont utilisés pour théoriser l'organisation sociale et la distribution de la reconnaissance dans la scène warez. L’article sur les botnets tente de comprendre la distribution de la réputation dans une communauté de criminels. En utilisant les données d’un forum de discussion où des botmasters louent et achètent des biens et services illégaux, cette recherche modélise les facteurs qui permettent d’augmenter le niveau de réputation de certains acteurs. Finalement l’article sur le carding mesure le lien entre la réputation telle que développée par Glückler & Armbrüster (2003) et la performance criminelle. Notre thèse démontre que l’internet a eu un effet transformateur sur la criminalité à six niveaux : 1) l’augmentation de la facilité à trouver des co-criminels; 2) l’augmentation de la compétition entre les criminels; 3) l’augmentation du nombre de victimes; 4) la diminution des risques d’arrestation; 5) l’augmentation du taux de réussite des criminels et; 6) les changements dans l’équilibre entre criminels, victimes et protecteurs. Elle nous permet également de démontrer l’importance de la réputation, le capital virtuel, dans les marchés criminels en ligne.


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Ce mémoire propose que l’origine d’un cyberdélinquant soit un facteur explicatif du phénomène de la cybercriminalité. Il comporte deux objectifs : premièrement, décrire les profils des cybercriminels recensés dans les médias internationaux; deuxièmement, vérifier si ces profils varient selon le lieu d’origine du cyberdélinquant. Une base de données, comportant 90 cas de cybercriminels répertoriés à travers le monde, fut créée. Quinze (15) cybercriminels par territoire ont été sélectionnés, les régions ciblées allant comme suit : Amérique du Nord, Amérique latine, Australasie, Europe de l’Ouest, Eurasie et Afrique/péninsule Arabique. En premier lieu, des analyses descriptives ont été exécutées afin de dresser un portrait de ce phénomène. En second lieu, des analyses de tableaux de contingence ont été effectuées entre les variables à l’étude afin de voir si des relations existaient. Enfin, d’autres analyses de tableaux de contingence ont été réalisées afin d’établir les différences des paramètres en fonction de l’origine. Les résultats de ces divers tests démontrent que ce sont généralement de jeunes hommes âgés en moyenne de 25 ans qui seront susceptibles de commettre des délits informatiques. Quelques profils types se sont dégagés des analyses et peuvent s’expliquer par l’accès au matériel informatique, les inégalités économiques entre classes sociales, tout comme la vitesse d’Internet, et ce, en fonction de l’origine du cyberdélinquant.


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In this computerized, globalised and internet world our computer collects various types of information’s about every human being and stores them in files secreted deep on its hard drive. Files like cache, browser history and other temporary Internet files can be used to store sensitive information like logins and passwords, names addresses, and even credit card numbers. Now, a hacker can get at this information by wrong means and share with someone else or can install some nasty software on your computer that will extract your sensitive and secret information. Identity Theft posses a very serious problem to everyone today. If you have a driver’s license, a bank account, a computer, ration card number, PAN card number, ATM card or simply a social security number you are more than at risk, you are a target. Whether you are new to the idea of ID Theft, or you have some unanswered questions, we’ve compiled a quick refresher list below that should bring you up to speed. Identity theft is a term used to refer to fraud that involves pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. Identity theft is a serious crime, which is increasing at tremendous rate all over the world after the Internet evolution. There is widespread agreement that identity theft causes financial damage to consumers, lending institutions, retail establishments, and the economy as a whole. Surprisingly, there is little good public information available about the scope of the crime and the actual damages it inflicts. Accounts of identity theft in recent mass media and in film or literature have centered on the exploits of 'hackers' - variously lauded or reviled - who are depicted as cleverly subverting corporate firewalls or other data protection defenses to gain unauthorized access to credit card details, personnel records and other information. Reality is more complicated, with electronic identity fraud taking a range of forms. The impact of those forms is not necessarily quantifiable as a financial loss; it can involve intangible damage to reputation, time spent dealing with disinformation and exclusion from particular services because a stolen name has been used improperly. Overall we can consider electronic networks as an enabler for identity theft, with the thief for example gaining information online for action offline and the basis for theft or other injury online. As Fisher pointed out "These new forms of hightech identity and securities fraud pose serious risks to investors and brokerage firms across the globe," I am a victim of identity theft. Being a victim of identity theft I felt the need for creating an awareness among the computer and internet users particularly youngsters in India. Nearly 70 per cent of Indian‘s population are living in villages. Government of India already started providing computer and internet facilities even to the remote villages through various rural development and rural upliftment programmes. Highly educated people, established companies, world famous financial institutions are becoming victim of identity theft. The question here is how vulnerable the illiterate and innocent rural people are if they suddenly exposed to a new device through which some one can extract and exploit their personal data without their knowledge? In this research work an attempt has been made to bring out the real problems associated with Identity theft in developed countries from an economist point of view.


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This share has a web resource on hacking. The web resource provides a tutorial on hacking and then an interactive quiz to test the user's knowledge.


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Introducción: La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad crónica que genera deterioro cognitivo y diversos grados de discapacidad. Dentro del tratamiento no solo debe considerarse el abordaje farmacológico sino también un enfoque psicoterapéutico. La psicoeducación es una intervención terapéutica con alto potencial en el manejo de pacientes con esquizofrenia, tiene importantes resultados especialmente en el área cognitiva. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos de bases de datos y búsqueda manual de revistas relacionadas que aportaran la mejor evidencia. Se evaluó calidad metodológica de los estudios y estos se organizaron en tablas de evidencia. Resultados: De 34 artículos potenciales, se seleccionaron finalmente dos para ser incluidos en la revisión. Se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia I. A pesar de la ambigüedad de las comparaciones, en general, las intervenciones psicoeducativas aportan beneficios con disminución de recaídas y reingresos hospitalarios. Discusión: La amplia gama de comparaciones aportó complejidad en el momento de incluir estudios para la presente revisión, la falta de detalle sobre aspectos propios de la intervención utilizada en cada estudio, generó limitaciones al momento de realizar comparaciones. La psicoeducación aporta beneficios, sin embargo debe tenerse en cuenta el compromiso cognitivo propio de la enfermedad, al momento de evaluar los desenlaces de este tipo de intervenciones. Conclusión: Las intervenciones psicoeducativas juegan un importante papel en el tratamiento de los pacientes con esquizofrenia. Es necesaria la realización de más estudios que consoliden con mayor firmeza la evidencia científica en éste área en particular.