924 resultados para HPLC-UV-PAD


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The literature review elucidates the mechanism of oxidation in proteins and amino acids and gives an overview of the detection and analysis of protein oxidation products as well as information about ?-lactoglobulin and studies carried out on modifications of this protein under certain conditions. The experimental research included the fractionation of the tryptic peptides of ?-lactoglobulin using preparative-HPLC-MS and monitoring the oxidation process of these peptides via reverse phase-HPLC-UV. Peptides chosen to be oxidized were selected with respect to their amino acid content which were susceptible to oxidation and fractionated according to their m/z values. These peptides were: IPAVFK (m/z 674), ALPMHIR (m/z 838), LIVTQTMK (m/z 934) and VLVLDTDYK (m/z 1066). Even though it was not possible to solely isolate the target peptides due to co-elution of various fractions, the percentages of target peptides in the samples were satisfactory to carry out the oxidation procedure. IPAVFK and VLVLDTDYK fractions were found to yield the oxidation products reviewed in literature, however, unoxidized peptides were still present in high amounts after 21 days of oxidation. The UV data at 260 and 280 nm enabled to monitor both the main peptides and the oxidation products due to the absorbance of aromatic side-chains these peptides possess. ALPMHIR and LIVTQTMK fractions were oxidatively consumed rapidly and oxidation products of these peptides were observed even on day 0. High rates of depletion of these peptides were acredited to the presence of His (H) and sulfur-containing side-chains of Met (M). In conclusion, selected peptides hold the potential to be utilized as marker peptides in ?-lactoglobulin oxidation.


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Passiflora pohlii Mast., conhecida como maracujá-do-campo ou maracujazinho, é uma espécie nativa do Brasil que apresenta características de interesse agronômico, principalmente em relação à tolerância a patógenos do solo pertencentes ao gênero Phytophtora sp, que provocam grandes prejuízos à cultura de maracujá. Embora ainda existam poucos trabalhos sobreesta espécie, estudos recentes com espécies do gênero descreveram atividades biológicas e farmacológicas em extratos de diferentes órgãos, incluindo folhas e raízes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estabelecimento de culturas de raízes adventícias a partir de segmentos caulinares e radiculares excisados de plantas in vitro de P. pohlii e a avaliação do perfil fitoquímico e do potencial antioxidante dos extratos obtidos a partir de diferentes materiais obtidos in vitro, em comparação com plantas mantidas in vivo. Foram testados diferentes sistemas de cultura, além de tipos e concentrações de auxinas para a indução de raízes adventícias in vitro a partir de segmentos caulinares e radiculares. As culturas foram mantidas à temperatura de 252C, na presença ou ausência de luz. As respostas obtidas variaram de acordo com o tipo de explante utilizado. Segmentos internodais apresentaram a melhor taxa de indução de rizogênese em meio solidificado com ágar e suplementado com ANA a 2,7 μM, na ausência de luz, enquanto que segmentos radiculares tiveram maior taxa de proliferação em meio líquido sob agitação, suplementado com AIA a 2,85 μM, na ausência de luz. Os materiais botânicos produzidos in vitro, incluindo plantas completas e raízes adventícias obtidas a partir de segmentos internodais e radiculares, assim como plantas obtidas in vivo, foram utilizados para a produção de extratos etanólicos para a avaliação do perfil fitoquímico e da atividade antioxidante. As análises por CCD e CLAE-UV indicaram a presença de flavonoides e saponinas nos extratos de folhas de plantas mantidas in vivo e obtidas in vitro, enquanto que os extratos de raízes apresentaram apenas saponinas. Os extratos de folhas foram ainda submetidos à análise por CLAE-UV-IES-EM visando à identificação da massa molecular das substâncias encontradas. Foram identificados dois flavonoides, possivelmente isômeros, com massas moleculares de 607,2, nos extratos de folhas de plantas mantidas in vivo e obtidas in vitro. O potencial antioxidante dos diferentes materiais foi determinado pelos ensaios de 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila e CCD-DPPH. As maiores atividades antioxidantes foram observadas nos extratos de raízes primárias e secundárias excisadas de plantas mantidas in vivo. As estratégias de cultura de raízes in vitro descritas neste trabalho foram aplicadas com sucesso para P. pohlii. Além disso, a caracterização do perfil fitoquímico do material obtido in vitro e de plantas mantidas in vivo, assim como do seu potencial farmacológico, foi realizada pela primeira vez para a espécie


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利用发根农杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)1601,1000,1500,15834,A4,均成功地转化了中药青蒿(Artemisia annua L.)并且建立了pRi1601,pRi15834,pRiA4诱导的发根培养。pRi1601,pRi15834的发根诱导率比其它质粒高。太老或太幼的叶片不利子发根的诱导;发根主要从叶脉的伤口处萌发;带顶芽或带侧芽的叶片容易诱导根,但不一定是发根。光照有利于发根的诱导和发根的生长。以每个发根的“绝对生长速率”(Gtowth Ratio,GR)和绝对“侧根”数量(Number of Side Roots,NSR),通过大量的发根系的筛选,建立了8个发根系,1601-L-1, 1601-L-2, 1601-L-3, 1601-L-4, 15834-L-1, 1601-P-I, 16 01-P-2,15834-L-2。Southern分子检测表明,160l-1-1,1801-L-2, 1601-L-3,1601-L-4,1601-P-1,1601-P-2均为转化子。8个建立的发根系之间无论生长或者QHS的合成存在明显的差异。比较光/暗(16/8hrs),25℃条件下培养的16 01-L-1,1601-L-2,1601-L-3,1601-L-4,1601-P-l,和1601-P-2,其中16 01-L-3的生长最快,160l-L-1的生长最慢;但是,1601-L-1的QHS的含量最高(可达1. 048%),1601-1-3的QHS的含量最低。160Z-L-3,15834 -L-1和2583:1-L-2的生长速率相差不大。用盛有l000mLMS液体培养基的3000mL的锥形瓶扩大培养1601-L -3,15834-L-1和15834-L-2,转速为ll0rlpm,培养过程中发根容易形成发根球(Hairy Root Balis,HRB),HRB的形成严重影响发根的生长和QHs的合成,HpLC分析表明扩大培养发根中QHS的含量比较低。 改变MS基本培养基中的无机离子的浓度,研究不同无机离子对发根生长和QHS的合成的影响。 l、KN03为18.79×10-3M时有利于1601- L-1生长,为14. 84×10-3M时有利于QHS的合成。NH-4N0-3浓度在10.93-12. 49×10—3M范围内有利于1601-L-1生长,在0-20.62×10-3M范围内对QHS的合成影响不大,大于20. 62×lO-3M不利QHS的合成。培养基中NH-4+/N0-3-比值为0. 37-0. 4-0.52:1时有利于发根的生长,比值为0.52 - 0.58:1时有利于QHS的合成。 2、H-2P0-4-浓度为2.498×10-3M时有利于发根的生长在0-2. 498×l0-3M范围内,随着浓度的提高,促进发根的生长。培养基中的H2P4 -的浓度在0-1.249×lO-3M的范围内,随着浓度的提高,促进QHS的合成,为1.249×10-3M时QHS的含量最高。 3、培养基中最适16 01-L-1生长的Ca-2+浓度为0.198- 0.766×10-3M,大于或小于该浓度范围,显著地抑制发根的生长。但是,在0-3.695×10-3M范围内,随着培养基中Ca-2+浓度提高,促进QHS的合成,最适Ca-2+浓度为3.695×l0-3M。 4、培养基中不加Mg-2+时,完全抑制发根生长,在0. 142×10-3M-7.506×l0-3M浓度范围内,对发根生长影响没有明显的差别。但是,HPLC和UV分析发根中QHS含量,培养基中不加Mg-2+时,发根中QHS含量最高。 5、培养基中的Fe-2+浓度在0. 25 -1.0×10-3M范围内,同时有利于16 01- L-1的生长和QHS的形成。 6、培养基中最适合予16 01- L-3生长的KI浓度为2.5ppm,大于或小予该浓度均显著地抑制发根的生长,培养基中加入KI明显地降低发根中的QHS的含量。 7、H2BO3对l601-L-l生长影响不大,HPLC分析QHS的含量,培养基中的H3BO3浓度为100ppm和400ppm,QHS的含量分别为1.69mg/g和1.80mg/g(DW)。 8、Cu-2+对1601-L-3的生长影响显著,最适合1601-L-3生长的Cu-2+浓度为1.00ppm,在0 -1.00ppm的浓度范围内,随着培养基中的Cu+浓度的提高,发根的生物量不断增加。培养基中QHS合成的最适Cu2+浓度为0.05ppm,大于或小于该浓度均显著地抑制发根中QHS的合成。 比较光培养和暗培养对发根生长的影响,结果表明光照明显地促进1601-L-l的生长,暗培养明显不利于发根的生长。最适合于发根生长的温度为25℃,大于35℃显著地抑制发根的生长,影响发根的根尖细胞的正常分裂。 改变培养基中的蔗糖浓度和在发根培养的不同时期给培养基中添加蔗糖,试验结果表明蔗糖作为碳源对1601-L-3和1601-L-1的生长具有显著的影响。 (1)培养基中缺少蔗糖显著地抑制发根的生长。 (2)发根培养的前5天时间内,蔗糖浓度为30- 60glL昀培养基最有利于发根的生长,50glL的培养基中的发根生长最快,培养基中的蔗糖浓度大于60g/L小于30g/L时,发根的生物量增加较少。 (3)发根培养至第15天时,蔗糖浓度为60g/L的培养基最有利予发根的生物量的增加。发根培养至30天时,蔗糖浓度为60-90g/L的培养基,发根的生物量的增加相差不大,但是为蔗糖浓度为30-40g/L的培养基中的发根生物量一倍。 (4)发根培养过程中,分别于第5和15天给蔗糖浓度为30g/L的培养基中添加一次或二次蔗糖,使培养基中的蔗糖终浓度相当于60g/L或90g/L,培养至30天时,添加蔗糖的培养基中的发根的干重生物量相当于不添加蔗糖培养基中的发根生物量一倍,相当于初始蔗糖浓度为60g/L和90g/L培养基中发根的生物量。 (5)随着培养基中蔗糖浓度的提高,发根干重/鲜重比显著增加。培养基中的蔗糖的消耗量与发根生物量的增加呈正相关,蔗糖消耗越多,发根生物量的增加越大。 比较pH值对发根生长和QHS合成的影响表明,灭菌前pH值在5.O-6.5范围内的培养基适合予1601-L-1的生长,小于5.O不利于发根的生长,pH5.8有利于1601-1-1生长和QHS的生物合成。发根收获时培养基中的pH值一般为4.5-5.2. pH7.O抑制发根的生长,pHl0.O对发根具有强烈的致死作用。发根在培养过程中,对培养基中的pH值具有显著的调节作用,发根能在很短的时间内(24- 48hrs)使pl:l值为5.8、6.4、7.0培养基降低到pH4. 5-5.2,pH为5.8的培养基有利于QHS合成。 比较不同基本培养基对发根生长和QHS合成的影响,试验结果表明N6、DCR、Litvay培养基有利于1601-L-1的生长,WS、White、B5培养基不利于发根的生长。DCR培养基中的QHS含量最高。 根据三水平试验选用三水平正交表来安排试验的原则,选用三水平正交表L7(3-),研究多因子效应对发根生长和QHS合成的影响,试验结果表明,Mg2+,Fe2+,Mn-2+,NH4NO3,KN03 ,KI,Ca-2+为发根生长的主要因子,NH4N03,KNOs,Mg2+,Ca2+,肌醇为QHS合成的主要因子。 通过TLC分析发根中QHS和其它化学成分,同时比较发根和无菌苗及野生植株的化学成分,发根和无菌苗均能合成包括QHS在内的野生青蒿叶片中的大部分非挥发性的化台 物。 研究青蒿植株在发育过程中QHS的含量的变化以及发根、无菌苗和野生青蒿中QHS的合成,HP分析结果表明,l、不同的单株青蒿之间的QHS量相差很大。2、同一植株幼 叶的QHS含量比老叶的QHS含量高。3、不同单株青蒿之间达到最高QHS含量的时间不一样,开花期或开花之前。4、无菌苗(带根)或者不带根丛生芽均能合成QHS,但是带根的无菌蕾的QHS量比丛生芽中的QIS的含量高。5、不同发根农杆菌转化的发根系1601-L-1和15834-L-1都能合成QHS。


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以五种群体和单细胞微囊藻及自然微囊藻水华为材料 ,在沸水浴中经不同时间处理 ,过滤后直接进行HPLC UV检测 ,发现 12min的沸水浴处理就足以达到抽提目的。研究中发现 ,去离子水比蒸馏水是更有效的抽提溶剂。传统的甲醇抽提结果与沸水浴处理的相对误差主要在 0 2 %— 16 5 9%之间。结果还显示 ,群体微囊藻需要比单细胞微囊藻抽提更长时间。本研究提供了一种经过改进的高效、廉价和快速的微囊藻毒素抽提分析方法。


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The distribution and dynamics of microcystins in various organs of the phytoplanktivorous bighead carp were studied monthly in Lake Taihu, which is dominated by toxic cyanobacteria. There was a good agreement between LC-MS and HPLC-UV determinations. Average recoveries of spiked fish samples were 63% for MC-RR and 71% for MC-LR. The highest MC contents in intestine, liver, kidney and spleen were 85.67, 2.83, 1.70 and 1.57 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively. MCs were much higher in mid-gut walls (1.22 mu g g(-1) DW) than in hind- and fore-gut walls (0.31 and 0.18 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively), suggesting the importance of mid-gut wall as major site for MC absorption. A cysteine conjugate of MC-LR was detected frequently in kidney. Among the muscle samples analyzed, 25% were above the provisional tolerable daily intake level by WHO. Bighead is strongly resistant to microcystins and can be used as biomanipulation fish to counteract cyanotoxin contamination in eutrophic waters. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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采用紫外可见分光光度法、ESI-MS(电喷雾质谱)与HPLC-UV(高效液相色谱)测定技术分析了等离子体种子处理机处理人参种子对所栽培人参中人参皂苷含量的影响。结果发现,人参种子受到等离子体与梯度磁场综合作用处理后,培育出的人参其总皂苷含量随磁化电流强度的改变呈现近似的正态分布。其中,在磁化线圈电流强度为1.1~1.5 A处理种子后,栽培的人参中总皂苷含量较高。建立了电喷雾质谱分析人参提取物中人参皂苷的半定量方法,方法便捷地反映了未处理及处理后的人参种子所栽培的人参中皂苷成分的含量变化。


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抗生素是广泛应用于人类和动物疾病治疗的药物,近年来在养殖业中抗生素更是常常作为动物催长剂。这些抗生素会通过人畜排泄物、药品的丢弃、污水排放、农业废物堆积等途径进入到环境中。环境中抗生素的残留会导致细菌耐药性的产生、微生态平衡的破坏,以及对生态环境和人类难以预知的影响。抗生素污染是近十年来才在国际上引起注意的新型环境问题,目前研究非常薄弱,要深入认识抗生素的环境影响特征就迫切需要对抗生素在环境中的迁移、归宿等地球化学行为进行针对性的研究。本文研究了贵阳城市污水、南明河及乌江渡水库中氯霉素(CAP)、土霉素(OTC)、四环素(TC)和金霉素(CTC)的环境地球化学特征,包括抗生素的分布、迁移特征及影响因素,并分析了贵阳市动物源性食品中抗生素的残留特征,探讨了环境因素对抗生素稳定性及吸附/解吸的影响,以期了解抗生素在环境中的降解、迁移等环境行为的特征,并据此评价抗生素的环境影响特点,为认识抗生素的污染特点、发展相应的控制、治理措施提供科学依据。主要内容包括: 1. 对环境样品中CAP和TCs的前处理过程和检测方法进行了优化。对水样的前处理采用固相萃取的方法,对土壤和沉积物的前处理采用EDTA-McIlvaine振荡萃取、SAX-HLB净化富集的方法;选择HPLC-UV作为分析的手段,对样品中的4种抗生素进行了检测,各化合物得到了很好的分离,该方法简便、快捷、重现性好。 2. 证实了抗生素在城市污水中的普遍存在。贵阳城市污水中以CAP的污染最为突出,其含量明显高于广州地区的城市污水;污水中四环素类药物(TCs)的含量和大多数欧美国家及地区城市污水中TCs的含量相当。这一结果证明,污水中抗生素的污染非常严重,对地表水环境形成严重的威胁。污水中抗生素的来源包括:人服用抗生素药物以及食用含有抗生素残留的食品之后的排泄物;食品中残留的抗生素随剩余食品的丢弃而进入污水。污水中抗生素的含量都具有明显的季节变化规律,冬春季含量明显高于夏秋季,我们认为这与各季节用水量和疾病特点有关。污水中抗生素的大量存在说明:1)抗生素存在滥用的现象,特别是CAP可能存在严重的违法使用,这一现象应当重视;2)污水中的抗生素会威胁水环境质量,应加强处理和控制技术。 3. 证明了城市河流受到多种来源的抗生素影响,其中城市污水是最重要的源,而且抗生素在河流中呈现一定的持久性。南明河上游河段中抗生素的来源包括郊区城镇污水、养鱼场、制药厂污水排放及地表垃圾。城市污水是抗生素的一大排放源,受其影响,排污口下游的河段受到的抗生素污染尤为严重,此外还有来自下游郊区城镇和农业污水的影响。对南明河中抗生素的来源及行为特点的剖析表明:1)抗生素在南明河的水和沉积物中具有不同的分布特征:河水中以CAP的污染最为严重,各水样中CAP的含量基本都高于TCs;而大部分沉积物中TCs的含量都高于CAP。CAP和TCs在水-沉积物之间的分布特征表明,它们在水环境中的地球化学行为明显受到吸附/解吸特点的影响,CAP的亲水性强,而TCs的亲粒性强。2)虽然在养殖业中已禁止使用CAP,但河水和污水中CAP的大量存在,这一结果揭露了CAP仍然存在大量违法使用的事实。3)河水中抗生素含量的季节差异明显,冬春季抗生素的含量高于夏秋季,其原因主要是夏秋季河水流量大,对河水中抗生素的稀释作用强。沉积物中抗生素的含量没有明显的季节变化规律,各季节抗生素的平均含量差异较小。4)受污水影响,各季节排污口下游的南明河水受到的抗生素污染尤为严重,污水口上下游之间的含量差异明显。沉积物在冬季受城市污水的影响大,在排污口下游的抗生素的含量明显高于上游,而春、夏、秋季受污水影响不明显。这可能是因为在春、夏和秋季其它污染源的影响较大,因此污水的影响强度减弱。夏季上游沉积物中CAP的含量甚至高于下游,原因一方面是因为夏季城市污水中抗生素含量低,对南明河的影响减小,另一方面可能因为夏季雨水多、水量大,将上游的地表垃圾以及积累在小河沟中的垃圾冲刷到南明河中,而这些工业及生活垃圾通常是抗生素的一大来源。 抗生素在河流中呈现了一定的持久性,在20 km的范围内水和沉积物显示了明显的污染水平,可能会对水生生态以及流域的环境造成一定的影响。此外,贵阳市南明河两岸的农田通常是用河水进行灌溉的,从而可能使抗生素的污染危及到食物链,对人体的健康有潜在的威胁。 4. 由于食品(如鱼肉、猪肉等)中残留的抗生素是污水中抗生素的重要来源,因此我们研究了养殖业(水产养殖区)中抗生素的环境行为特点,还研究了常见动物源性食品中抗生素的残留特点。对养鱼区的研究表明,养鱼饲料中含有大量的抗生素,是养鱼区水环境中抗生素的来源。由于饲料的颗粒大,且河水流速快,因此饲料中的抗生素不会对水体造成很大的影响,但是在网箱区的沉积物中形成了高含量的残留,除此以外,在乌江渡主航道的河心沉积物中抗生素的含量也相当可观。这说明该区水产养殖的抗生素主要影响沉积物,且相应的污染不是局部的,而会影响到整个养鱼区。从沉积物中抗生素平均含量的季节差异来看,各季TCs的用药量可能不同,秋季的用量可能最大,而其它季节用量相当;CAP在每个季节的用量可能相当。尽管分析的饲料中CAP的含量高于TCs,但在各季节乌江渡水库主航道沉积物中TCs的含量几乎都远高于CAP,这是由于TCs比CAP更易存在于沉积物中。乌江渡水库上下游主航道沉积物中抗生素的含量差异日益减小,说明了乌江渡水库的污染已日益严重。这些抗生素虽然暂时被固定在了沉积物中,活性相对较小,但是在外界条件的影响下,它们的吸附/解吸作用是可以改变的。因此,乌江渡沉积物中高含量的抗生素残留对水生生态环境具有潜在的威胁。 对贵阳市动物源性食品(鱼肉、猪肉和牛奶)中抗生素的残留特征的分析表明,这些食品中普遍残留有高含量的抗生素,被人食用后,其中的抗生素也会被人体摄入,一部分抗生素会随着人的排泄物而进入到污水中,并最终进入环境中;另一部分抗生素会积蓄在人体中,到一定浓度后就会对人体造成伤害。鲩鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、鳙鱼和鲢鱼中CAP、OTC、TC和CTC的平均含量范围分别在57.1~365.5 µg/kg、37.0~60.7µg/kg、34.3~72.4 µg/kg和22.3~68.0 µg/kg之间。秋季的长吻鲍、团头鲂、鲈鱼、长江洄鱼、对虾、黄鳝、泥鳅和猪肉中CAP、OTC、TC和CTC的平均含量分别为88.1 µg/kg、76.8 µg/kg、343.7 µg/kg和34.2 µg/kg;牛奶中的含量分别为4.2 µg/L、1.6 µg/L和2.5 µg/L和22.0 µg/L。 5. 确定了抗生素的稳定性、吸附/解吸作用与各因素的关系,据此可以探讨环境中抗生素的行为特点及机理,并为环境中抗生素的污染防治提供依据。在短时的加热中,TCs发生了部分降解,而CAP却几乎没有发生分解,说明烹饪过程中的加热不能去除食品中的抗生素,这些抗生素则会进入到人体和污水中。当pH在2~8之间时,TCs的性质较稳定;CAP在pH=1~10的范围内性质都比较稳定。地表和地下水体的pH一般为7左右,说明了水环境中TCs受pH的影响小,而CAP几乎不受影响。在6个月的时间内,TCs在3种介质中都发生了不同程度的降解,但仍有大部分残留;CAP几乎没有发生明显的降解,这说明CAP和TCs的污染具有一定的持久性。TCs的吸附/解吸受颗粒物粒径的影响大,粒径越小,吸附越强;CAP不受影响。这证明了在环境中CAP更易以水溶态的形式存在,而TCs更易吸附在沉积物中。颗粒物中CaCO3含量越高,TC和CTC的吸附越强,证明CaCO3可以用来增强TC、CTC的吸附,这为环境中抗生素的治理提供了一条思路。


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Ciências Farmacêuticas.


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Okadaic acid, a diarrhetic shellfish poison, domoic acid, an amnesic shellfish poison, and saxitoxin, a paralytic shellfish poison, are three of the best-known marine biotoxins. The mouse bioassay is the method most widely used to detect many of these toxins in shellfish samples, but animal welfare concerns have prompted researchers to seek alternative methods of detection. In this study, three direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), each based on antibodies raised in rabbits against a conjugate of the analyte of interest, were developed for marine biotoxin detection in mussel, oyster, and scallop. One assay was for okadaic acid, one for saxitoxin, and one for domoic acid usually detected and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet light (HPLC-UV). All three compounds and a number of related toxins were extracted quickly and simply from the shellfish matrices with a 9 : 1 mixture of ethanol and water before analysis. The detection capabilities (CC values) of the developed ELISAs were 150 mu g kg-1 for okadaic acid, 50 mu g kg-1 for domoic acid, and 5 mu g kg-1 or less for saxitoxin. The assays proved satisfactory when used over a 4-month period for the analysis of 110 real samples collected in Belgium.


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A new stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) technique coupled with HPLC-UV method for quantification of diclofenac in pharmaceutical formulations has been developed and validated as a proof of concept study. Commercially available polydimethylsiloxane stir bars (Twister (TM)) were used for method development and SBSE extraction (pH, phase ratio, stirring speed, temperature, ionic strength and time) and liquid desorption (solvents, desorption method, stirring time etc) procedures were optimised. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines and was successfully applied for the estimation of diclofenac from three liquid formulations viz. Voltarol (R) Optha single dose eye drops, Voltarol (R) Ophtha multidose eye drops and Voltarol (R) ampoules. The developed method was found to be linear (r=0.9999) over 100-2000 ng/ml concentration range with acceptable accuracy and precision (tested over three QC concentrations). The SBSE extraction recovery of the diclofenac was found to be 70% and the LOD and LOQ of the validated method were found to be 16.06 and 48.68 ng/ml, respectively. Furthermore, a forced degradation study of a diclofenac formulation leading to the formation of structurally similar cyclic impurity (indolinone) was carried out. The developed extraction method showed comparable results to that of the reference method, i.e. method was capable of selectively extracting the indolinone and diclofenac from the liquid matrix. Data on inter and intra stir bar accuracy and precision further confirmed robustness of the method, supporting the multiple re-use of the stir bars. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Development and validation of a selective and sensitive LCMS method for the determination of methotrexate polyglutamates in dried blood spots (DBS).

Methods: DBS samples [spiked or patient samples] were prepared by applying blood to Guthrie cards which was then dried at room temperature. The method utilised 6-mm disks punched from the DBS samples (equivalent to approximately 12 μl of whole blood). The simple treatment procedure was based on protein precipitation using perchloric acid followed by solid phase extraction using MAX cartridges. The extracted sample was chromatographed using a reversed phase system involving an Atlantis T3-C18 column (3 μm, 2.1x150 mm) preceded by Atlantis guard column of matching chemistry. Analytes were subjected to LCMS analysis using positive electrospray ionization.

Key Results: The method was linear over the range 5-400 nmol/L. The limits of detection and quantification were 1.6 and 5 nmol/L for individual polyglutamates and 1.5 and 4.5 nmol/L for total polyglutamates, respectively. The method has been applied successfully to the determination of DBS finger-prick samples from 47 paediatric patients and results confirmed with concentrations measured in matched RBC samples using conventional HPLC-UV technique.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The methodology has a potential for application in a range of clinical studies (e.g. pharmacokinetic evaluations or medication adherence assessment) since it is minimally invasive and easy to perform, potentially allowing parents to take blood samples at home. The feasibility of using DBS sampling can be of major value for future clinical trials or clinical care in paediatric rheumatology. © 2014 Hawwa et al.


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Purpose The aim of this study is to improve the drug release properties of antimicrobial agents from hydrophobic biomaterials using using an ion pairing strategy. In so doing antimicrobial agents may be eluted and maintained over a sufficient time period thereby preventing bacterial colonisation and subsequent biofilm formation on medical devices. Methods The model antimicrobial agent was chlorhexidine and the selected fatty acid counter ions were capric acid, myristic acid and stearic acid. The polymethyl methacrylate films were loaded with 2% of fatty acid:antimicrobial agent at the following molar ratios; 0.5:1M, 1:1M and 2:1M and thermally polymerized using azobisisobutyronitrile initiator. Drug release experiments were subsequently performed over a 3-month period and the mass of drug released under sink conditions (pH 7.0, 37oC) quantified using a validated HPLC-UV method. Results In all platforms, a burst of chlorhexidine release was observed over the initial 24-hour period. Similar release kinetics were observed between the formulations during the initial 28 days. However, as time progressed, the chlorhexidine baseline plateaued after 56 days whereas formulations containing the counterions appeared to continuously elute linearly with time. As can be observed in figure 1, the rank order of total chlorhexidine release in the presence of 0.5M fatty acid was myristic acid (40%) > capric acid (35%) > stearic acid (30%)> chlorhexidine baseline (15%). Conclusion The incorporation of fatty acids within the formulation significantly improved chlorhexidine solubility within both the monomer and the polymer and enhanced the drug release kinetics over the period of study. This is attributed to the greater diffusivity of chlorhexidine through PMMA in the presence of fatty acids. In th absence of fatty acids, chlorhexidine release was facilitated by dissolution of surface associated drug particles. This study has illustrated the ability of fatty acids to modulate chlorhexidine release from a model biomaterial through enhanced diffusivity. This strategy may prove advantageous for improved medical devices with enhanced resistance to infection.