58 resultados para HF5356 .W6


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Abstract is not available.


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Performance studies of actual parallel systems usually tend to concéntrate on the effectiveness of a given implementation. This is often done in the absolute, without quantitave reference to the potential parallelism contained in the programs from the point of view of the execution paradigm. We feel that studying the parallelism inherent to the programs is interesting, as it gives information about the best possible behavior of any implementation and thus allows contrasting the results obtained. We propose a method for obtaining ideal speedups for programs through a combination of sequential or parallel execution and simulation, and the algorithms that allow implementing the method. Our approach is novel and, we argüe, more accurate than previously proposed methods, in that a crucial part of the data - the execution times of tasks - is obtained from actual executions, while speedup is computed by simulation. This allows obtaining speedup (and other) data under controlled and ideal assumptions regarding issues such as number of processor, scheduling algorithm and overheads, etc. The results obtained can be used for example to evalúate the ideal parallelism that a program contains for a given model of execution and to compare such "perfect" parallelism to that obtained by a given implementation of that model. We also present a tool, IDRA, which implements the proposed method, and results obtained with IDRA for benchmark programs, which are then compared with those obtained in actual executions on real parallel systems.


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A monomorphic anti-HLA-G monoclonal antibody (mAb) was obtained by immunization of HLA-B27/human beta 2-microglobulin double-transgenic mice with transfected murine L cells expressing both HLA-G and human beta 2-microglobulin. This mAb, designated BFL.1, specifically recognizes, by flow cytometry analysis, the immunizing HLA-G-expressing cells, whereas it does not bind to parental untransfected or to HLA-B7- and HLA-A3-transfected L cells, suggesting that it distinguishes between classical HLA-A and -B and nonclassical HLA-G class I molecules. This was further assessed by the absence of BFL.1 reactivity with a number of human cell lines known to express classical HLA class I proteins. In addition, we showed that the BFL.1 mAb also labels HLA-G-naturally-expressing JEG-3 and HLA-G-transfected JAR human choriocarcinoma cell lines as well as a subpopulation of first-trimester placental cytotrophoblast cells. Further biochemical studies were performed by immunoprecipitation of biotinylated membrane lysates: BFL.1, like the monomorphic W6/32 mAb, immunoprecipitated a 39-kDa protein in HLA-G-expressing cell lines, a size corresponding to the predicted full-length HLA-G1 isoform. However, in contrast to W6/32, which immunoprecipitates both classical and nonclassical HLA class I heavy chains, BFL.1 mAb does not recognize the class Ia products. Such a mAb should be a useful tool for analysis of HLA-G protein expression in various normal and pathological human tissues and for determination of the function(s) of translated HLA-G products.


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Low-cost tungsten monometallic catalysts containing variable amounts of metal (4.5, 7.1 and 8.5%W) were prepared by impregnating alumina with ammonium metatungstate as an inexpensive precursor. The catalysts were characterized using ICP, XPS, XRD, TPR and hydrogen chemisorption. These techniques revealed mainly WO3-Al2O3 (W6+) species on the surface. The effects of the content of W nanoparticles and reaction temperature on activity and selectivity for the partial hydrogenation of 3-hexyne, a non-terminal alkyne, were assessed under moderate conditions of temperature and pressure. The monometallic catalysts prepared were found to be active and stereoselective for the production of (Z )-3-hexene, had the following order: 7.1WN/A > 8.5 WN/A ≥ 4.5 WN/A. Additionally, the performance of the synthesized xWN/A catalysts exhibited high sensitivity to temperature variation. In all cases, the maximum 3-hexyne total conversion and selectivity was achieved at 323 K. The performance of the catalysts was considered to be a consequence of two phenomena: a) the electronic effects, related to the high charge of W (+6), causing an intensive dipole moment in the hydrogen molecule (van der Waals forces) and leading to heterolytic bond rupture; the H+ and H- species generated approach a 3-hexyne adsorbate molecule and cause heterolytic rupture of the C≡C bond into C- = C+; and b) steric effects related to the high concentration of WO3 on 8.5WN/A that block the Al2O3 support. Catalyst deactivation was detected, starting at about 50 min of reaction time. Electrodeficient W6+ species are responsible for the formation of green oil at the surface level, blocking pores and active sites of the catalyst, particularly at low reaction temperatures (293 and 303 K). The resulting best catalyst, 7.1WN/A, has low fabrication cost and high selectivity for (Z )-3-hexene (94%) at 323 K. This selectivity is comparable to that of the classical and more expensive industrial Lindlar catalyst (5 wt% Pd). The alumina supported tungsten catalysts are low-cost potential replacements for the Lindlar industrial catalyst. These catalysts could also be used for preparing bimetallic W-Pd catalysts for selective hydrogenation of terminal and non-terminal alkynes.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Vol. 16, no. 2-5 called n.s.


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übersetzt und erläutert von Dr. B. Wolf, Rabbiner in Cöln


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vorgelegt von Ludwig Wolfsohn aus Dresden


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To create hydrologically sustainable wetlands, knowledge of the water use requirements of target habitats must be known. Extensive literature reviews highlighted a dearth of water-use data associated with large reedbeds and wet woodland habitats and in response to this field experiments were established. Field experiments to measure the water use rates of large reedbeds [ET(Reed)] were completed at three sites within the UK. Reference Crop Evapotranspiration [ETo] was calculated and mean monthly crop coefficients [Kc(Reed)] were developed. Kc(Reed) was less than 1 during the growing season (March to September), ranging between 0.22 in March and reaching a peak of 0.98 in June. The developed coefficients compare favourably with published data from other large reedbed systems and support the premise that the water use of large reedbeds is lower than that from small/fringe reedbeds. A methodology for determining water use rates from wet woodland habitats (UK NVC Code: W6) is presented, in addition to provisional ET(W6) rates for two sites in the UK. Reference Crop Evapotranspiration [ETo] data was used to develop Kc(W6) values which ranged between 0.89 (LV Lysimeter 1) and 1.64 (CH Lysimeter 2) for the period March to September. The data are comparable with relevant published data and show that the water use rates of wet woodland are higher than most other wetland habitats. Initial observations suggest that water use is related to the habitat’s establishment phase and the age and size of the canopy tree species. A theoretical case study presents crop coefficients associated with wetland habitats and provides an example water budget for the creation of a wetland comprising a mosaic of wetland habitats. The case study shows the critical role that the water use of wetland habitats plays within a water budget.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL