763 resultados para HEALTHY LIFE-STYLE
Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB
Carbohydrates may provide an alternative therapeutic approach for a number of digestive health disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this work was to characterise the tolerance and efficacy of low and high molecular weight konjac glucomannan hydrolysates within healthy volunteers and patients suffering from IBD and associated gut conditions. These conditions included constipation, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. For general tolerance, fourteen patients participated whilst for the digestive disorder trial, there were twenty. Scores of taste/texture of the product, bowel movement, stool consistency, diarrhoea, existence/absence of blood in the faeces, abdominal pains, flatulence, vomiting, fever, improvement of life style after use, willingness to use in the future and clinician's statements about each patient's conditions before and after use were recorded. The results showed that the hydrolysates were tolerated well for patients with diarrhoea and had a significant improvement on bowel movement, stool consistency, abdominal pain and flatulence after ten days. With respect to effects on IBD, there was a significant health benefit after fourteen days of consumption for bowel movement, stool consistency, diarrhoea, existence/absence of blood in the faeces, abdominal pain, flatulence and vomiting. Most patients declared an improvement of their life style after consuming the hydrolysates. The use of konjac glucomannan hydrolysates as a therapeutic agent or adjunct to standard treatments could prove a successful tool for the treatment of a range of disorders; although large scale studies are required to characterise further the role of the carbohydrates.
Background: Inadequate life habits are known to favor hypertension, and Adventists recommend healthy life habits. Objective: To assess the prevalence of hypertension among Seventh-Day Adventists from the inner Sao Paulo state and Sao Paulo state capital. Methods: This study assessed 264 Adventists (mean age, 41.17 +/- 15.27 years; women, 59.8%) with a high religiosity level assessed by use of the Duke University Religion Index. Blood pressure was measured with a validated automatic device. The significance level adopted was p < 0.05. Results: The total prevalence of hypertension was 22.7% (27.4% in the inner state and 15% in the capital). The Adventists from the capital differed from those of inner state as follows (p < 0.05), respectively: higher education (62% vs 36.6%); employed by a third party (44%) vs self-employed (40.9%); family income (8.39 +/- 6.20 vs 4.59 +/- 4.75 minimum wages); individual income (4.54 +/- 5.34 vs 6.35 +/- 48; couple responsible for family income (35% vs 39.6%); vegetarianism (11% vs 3%); blood pressure (115.38 +/- 16.52/68.74 +/- 8.94 vs 123.66 +/- 19.62/74.88 +/- 11.85 mmHg); white ethnicity (65% vs 81.1%); married (53% vs 68.9%); lower tangible support in the social aspect (15.7 +/- 5.41 vs 16.9 +/- 4.32); and recalling the last time one's blood pressure was measured (65% vs 48.8%). On multivariate analysis, hypertension associated with the following: 1) vegetarianism (OR 0.051; 95% CI: 0.004-0.681); 2) educational level (OR 5.317; 95% CI: 1.674-16.893); 3) recalling the last time one's blood pressure was measured (OR 2.725; 95% CI: 1.275-5.821); 4) being retired (OR 8.846; 95% CI: 1.406-55.668); and 5) being responsible for family income (OR 0.422; 95% CI: 0.189-0.942). Conclusion: The prevalence of hypertension among Adventists was lower as compared with that reported in Brazilian studies, and it was lower in the Sao Paulo state capital as compared with that in the inner Sao Paulo state, possibly because of the better socioeconomic conditions and life habits of the former. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012; 98(4): 329-337)
[ES] El presente artículo describe la problemática poblacional venezolana en relación con sus patrones de comportamiento (hábitos), que vienen causando un deterioro gradual de la salud. Refiere la reseña histórica de la Educación física partiendo de su incorporación en el currículo educativo, transitando por sus cambios y transformaciones hasta la actualidad. Aborda la educación física en Venezuela en correspondencia con las políticas educativas y de la actividad física para la salud. Presenta los programas que viene direccionando y desarrollando el Estado con la intencionalidad de crear conciencia hacia la importancia de la actividad física para contribuir, con disminución del sedentarismo, uno de los factores causantes de la obesidad a escala pandémica. Resalta las prácticas actuales asociadas con programas educacionales relacionados con la educación física y la salud. Por último describe programas innovadores, implementados en las instituciones educativas y en las comunidades para la adquisición de hábitos y patrones de conducta saludables.
Essential, primary, or idiopathic hypertension is defined as high BP in which secondary causes such as renovascular disease, renal failure, pheochromocytoma, hyperaldosteronism, or other causes of secondary hypertension are not present. Essential hypertension accounts for 80-90% of all cases of hypertension; it is a heterogeneous disorder, with different patients having different causal factors that may lead to high BP. Life-style, diet, race, physical activity, smoke, cultural level, environmental factors, age, sex and genetic characteristics play a key role in the increasing risk. Conversely to the essential hypertension, secondary hypertension is often associated with the presence of other pathological conditions such as dyslipidaemia, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity and primary aldosteronism. Amongst them, primary aldosteronism represents one of the most common cause of secondary hypertension, with a prevalence of 5-15% depending on the severity of blood pressure. Besides high blood pressure values, a principal feature of primary aldosteronism is the hypersecretion of mineralcorticoid hormone, aldosterone, in a manner that is fairly autonomous of the renin-angiotensin system. Primary aldosteronism is a heterogeneous pathology that may be divided essentially in two groups, idiopathic and familial form. Despite all this knowledge, there are so many hypertensive cases that cannot be explained. These individuals apparently seem to be healthy, but they have a great risk to develop CVD. The lack of known risk factors makes difficult their classification in a scale of risk. Over the last three decades a good help has been given by the pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics, a new area of the traditional pharmacology that try to explain and find correlations between genetic variation, (rare variations, SNPs, mutations), and the risk to develop a particular disease.
Recently, global meat market is facing several dramatic changes due to shifting in diet and life style, consumer demands, and economical considerations. Firstly, there was a tremendous increase in the poultry meat demand. Furthermore, current forecast and projection studies pointed out that the expansion of the poultry market will continue in future. In response to this demand, there was a great success to increase growth rate of meat-type chickens in the last few decades in order to optimize the production of poultry meat. Accordingly, the increase of growth rate induced the appearance of several muscle abnormalities such as pale-soft-exudative (PSE) syndrome and deep-pectoral-myopathy (DPM) and more recently white striping and wooden breast. Currently, there is growing interest in meat industry to understand how much the magnitude of the effect of these abnormalities on different quality traits for raw and processed meat. Therefore, the major part of the research activities during the PhD project was dedicated to evaluate the different implications of recent muscle abnormalities such as white striping and wooden breast on meat quality traits and their incidence under commercial conditions. Generally, our results showed that the incidence of these muscle abnormalities was very high under commercial conditions and had great adverse impact on meat quality traits. Secondly, there is growing market share of convenient, healthy, and functional processed meat products. Accordingly, the remaining part of research activities of the PhD project was dedicated to evaluate the possibility to formulate processed meat products with higher perceived healthy profile such as phosphate free-marinated chicken meat and low sodium-marinated rabbit meat products. Overall all findings showed that sodium bicarbonate can be considered as promising component to replace phosphates in meat products, while potassium chloride under certain conditions was successfully used to produce low marinated rabbit meat products.
Activity of clotting factor VIII has been shown to acutely increase with sympathetic nervous system stimulation. We investigated whether aspirin and propranolol affect the responsiveness of plasma clotting factor VIII activity levels to acute psychosocial stress. We randomized 54 healthy subjects double-blind to 5-day treatment with a single daily oral dosage of either 100 mg aspirin plus 80 mg propranolol combined, 100 mg of aspirin, 80 mg of propranolol, or placebo medication. Thereafter, subjects underwent a 13-min standardized psychosocial stressor. Plasma levels of clotting factor VIII activity were determined immediately before, immediately after, 45 min and 105 min after stress. Controlling for demographic, metabolic, and life style factors repeated measures analysis of covariance showed that the change in clotting factor VIII activity from prestress to 105 min poststress differed between medication groups (P = 0.023; partial eta = 0.132). The clotting factor VIII activity level decreased from prestress to immediately poststress in the aspirin/propranolol group relative to the placebo group (P = 0.048) and the aspirin group (P < 0.06). Between 45 min and 105 min poststress, clotting factor VIII levels increased in the aspirin/propranolol group relative to the placebo group (P = 0.007) and the aspirin group (P = 0.039). The stress response in clotting factor VIII activity levels was not significantly different between the aspirin/propranolol group and the propranolol group. Propranolol in combination with aspirin diminished the acute response in clotting factor VIII activity to psychosocial stress compared with placebo medication and aspirin alone. The effect of single aspirin on the acute clotting factor VIII stress response was indistinguishable from a placebo effect.
Marine brachyuran and anomuran crustaceans are completely absent from the extremely cold (-1.8 °C) Antarctic continental shelf, but caridean shrimps are abundant. This has at least partly been attributed to low capacities for magnesium excretion in brachyuran and anomuran lithodid crabs ([Mg2+]HL = 20-50 mmol/L) compared to caridean shrimp species ([Mg2+]HL = 5-12 mmol/L). Magnesium has an anaesthetizing effect and reduces cold tolerance and activity of adult brachyuran crabs. We investigated whether the capacity for magnesium regulation is a factor that influences temperature-dependent activity of early ontogenetic stages of the Sub-Antarctic lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa. Ion composition (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, [SO4]2-) was measured in haemolymph withdrawn from larval stages, the first and second juvenile instars (crabs I and II) and adult males and females. Magnesium excretion improved during ontogeny, but haemolymph sulphate concentration was lowest in the zoeal stages. Neither haemolymph magnesium concentrations nor Ca2+:Mg2+ ratios paralleled activity levels of the life stages. Long-term (3 week) cold exposure of crab I to 1 °C caused a significant rise of haemolymph sulphate concentration and a decrease in magnesium and calcium concentrations compared to control temperature (9 °C). Spontaneous swimming activity of the zoeal stages was determined at 1, 4 and 9 °C in natural sea water (NSW, [Mg2+] = 51 mmol/L) and in sea water enriched with magnesium (NSW + Mg2+, [Mg2+] = 97 mmol/L). It declined significantly with temperature but only insignificantly with increased magnesium concentration. Spontaneous velocities were low, reflecting the demersal life style of the zoeae. Heart rate, scaphognathite beat rate and forced swimming activity (maxilliped beat rate, zoea I) or antennule beat rate (crab I) were investigated in response to acute temperature change (9, 6, 3, 1, -1 °C) in NSW or NSW + Mg2+. High magnesium concentration reduced heart rates in both stages. The temperature-frequency curve of the maxilliped beat (maximum: 9.6 beats/s at 6.6 °C in NSW) of zoea I was depressed and shifted towards warmer temperatures by 2 °C in NSW + Mg2+, but antennule beat rate of crab I was not affected. Magnesium may therefore influence cold tolerance of highly active larvae, but it remains questionable whether the slow-moving lithodid crabs with demersal larvae would benefit from an enhanced magnesium excretion in nature.
Esta tesis doctoral pretende desgranar una técnica de proyecto que la experiencia californiana ejemplifica y que puede ser descrita en términos pragmatistas. La arquitectura doméstica californiana fue la expresión tangible de una forma de ser y estar californiana pero también universal. El destinatario de esta arquitectura experimental y pragmática fue el individuo, tanto el gran mecenas como el liberal individualista de recursos moderados y aspiraciones infinitas; la gente corriente y, más tarde, la típica familia de clase media, fueron sin embargo el destinatario soñado en muchos ensayos de casa particular, frecuentemente en la casa del propio arquitecto. Arquitectos y clientes compartían el deseo común de un espacio doméstico involucrado en propiciar una vida sana, informal y hedonista, y en comunión con el aire, la naturaleza y el territorio, que satisficiera el espíritu independiente y emprendedor propio de una identidad libre y progresista. Participaron en ese sentido de la esperanza pragmatista de un futuro mejor, mediante la formulación de un modo de vida propio, moldeado por las distintas fuerzas motoras que definían el contexto. La principal de ellas fue la sensación de oportunidad: California se ofrecía como una tabula rasa con un clima paradisíaco; el paraíso soñado para generaciones sucesivas de recién llegados, que en la distancia con tradiciones preestablecidas en sus lugares de origen, encontraron el mayor estímulo para una actitud experimental que tomó el modo de vida como un material de proyecto para la formulación del espacio doméstico. Así, el proyecto doméstico californiano, fue un laboratorio cuyo trabajo mezclaba casos específicos con mitos e ilusiones, muchas veces cuestionadas; pero su interés reside en que puede ser, además de un referente estético y un icono visual, un ejemplo de una forma de proyectar que aborda el proyecto doméstico con talante indagador desde la receptividad al contexto físico, social y cultural; con capacidad para soñar y experimentar llevando los ideales a la práctica de los casos concretos; desde la atención al usuario, aunque sea anónimo; y usando un léxico llano, que devuelve toda la eficacia al vocabulario cotidiano. La experiencia californiana es por tanto, en este trabajo, sólo un ejemplo; un ejemplo paradigmático de una técnica de proyecto que puede ser de interés en otras circunstancias y contextos, y que concibe el espacio doméstico como la expresión, y también el laboratorio, del modo de vida. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis aims to display a design’s technic that is exemplified by the Californian experience and can be described in pragmatic terms. The Californian domestic architecture was the tangible expression of a life style and way of being that was Californian but also universal. Home’s designed for the everyday experience attended the individual, both the rich sponsors of their own domestic design and the low income liberal individualists in search of an affordable but optimum home. But the dreamed target was ordinary people and the typical middle class family, as they represented the dream of a truly democratic society. Many domestic experiments for them took the form of particular cases, often in the house of the architect, which acted as a laboratory in search of general solutions. Architects and clients shared the common desire of a new domestic space, involved in promoting a healthy, casual and hedonistic lifestyle and in communion with the air, nature and territory, which satisfied the own independent and entrepreneurial spirit of a free and progressive identity. The way of life was therefore a design material, sensitive to the forces that shaped the region and its society through its domestic space. The main one was the feeling of opportunity: California offered itself as a tabula rasa with an exotic climate; the dreamed paradise for successive generations of newcomers who, in the distance with the pre-established traditions of their homelands, found the greatest incentive for an experimental attitude in which lifestyle was seen as project material to formulate the domestic space. Thus, the Californian domestic project can be more than an aesthetic reference and a visual icon; it is also an example of a design’s technic that approaches the domestic project with an inquisitive spirit sustained by these abilities: receptivity to the physical, social and cultural context; capacity to dream and to experiment, carrying ideals into practice; attention to the user, even when it’s anonymous; and use of a common lexicon that returns all the power to the everyday vocabulary. The Californian experience is therefore, in this dissertation, just an example; a paradigmatic example of a project technique that conceives domestic space as an expression, and also as a laboratory, of the way of life.
Background: An association between spontaneous abortions and shift work has been suggested, but present research results are conflicting. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between spontaneous abortions among nurses, shift schedules, and nights worked. Methods: This is a longitudinal study where we identified 914 females from a cohort of nurses in Norway who had worked the same type of shift schedule 2008-2010; either permanent day shift, three-shift rotation or permanent night shift. Information on age, work and life-style factors, as well as spontaneous abortions during lifetime and the past three years (2008-2010) was obtained by annual questionnaires. Results: A higher prevalence of experienced spontaneous abortions before study start (2008) was found among nurses working permanent night shift compared to other nurses. In a linear regression analysis, a risk of 1.3 was found for experienced spontaneous abortions before study start among permanent night shift nurses, with day shift as reference, when adjusting for age, smoking, caffeine and job strain, but the finding was not statistical significant (95 per cent confidence interval 0.8-2.1). Permanent night shift workers had a risk of 1.5 experiencing spontaneous abortions in 2008-2010 compared to day shift nurses, although not statistical significant (95 per cent confidence interval 0.7-3.5). The number of night shifts the past three years was not associated with experiencing spontaneous abortions 2008-2010, but associated with a reduced risk of experiencing spontaneous abortions during lifetime. The results must be interpreted in the light of a possible selection bias; both selections into the occupation of nursing and into the different shift types of the more healthy persons may have occurred in this population. Conclusion: No significant increased risk of spontaneous abortion among permanent night shift nurses compared to day-time nurses was found in this study, and no association was found between spontaneous abortions and the number of worked night shifts.
A doença cardiovascular constitui a causa de morte mais relevante em toda a Europa, incluindo Portugal, e é atualmente considerada como uma junção de doença arterial coronária nas suas diversas apresentações clínicas, eventos cerebrovasculares, doença arterial periférica e insuficiência cardíaca. De modo a contribuir para o estudo da importância de uma intervenção baseada numa estratégia populacional integrada na promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, a principal finalidade deste estudo consistiu em definir o perfil de risco cardiovascular tendo por base os dados de prevalência de alguns fatores de risco, numa amostra de adultos (792 de ambos os sexos), em várias regiões de Portugal Continental. Para tal foram: caraterizados os hábitos alimentares, o contexto sociodemográfico dos adultos; analisadas as correlações entre o peso, perímetro da cintura, índice de massa corporal e a pressão arterial para ambos os sexos. Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência do excesso de peso, de obesidade e das respetivas caraterísticas, como o aumento do perímetro abdominal, e do IMC, sugerindo um contínuo de risco de doença cardiovascular. Verificou-se também uma elevada prevalência de hipertensão nos sujeitos com excesso de peso, sugerindo a existência de um risco cardiovascular acrescido. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sustentam a necessidade de serem desenvolvidos planos de intervenção que contribuam para a redução do risco cardiovascular nos adultos. Palavras-chave: Estilos de vida; Hipertensão arterial; Índice de Massa Corporal; Obesidade; Risco Cardiovascular.
Background Estimates of the disease burden due to multiple risk factors can show the potential gain from combined preventive measures. But few such investigations have been attempted, and none on a global scale. Our aim was to estimate the potential health benefits from removal of multiple major risk factors. Methods We assessed the burden of disease and injury attributable to the joint effects of 20 selected leading risk factors in 14 epidemiological subregions of the world. We estimated population attributable fractions, defined as the proportional reduction in disease or mortality that would occur if exposure to a risk factor were reduced to an alternative level, from data for risk factor prevalence and hazard size. For every disease, we estimated joint population attributable fractions, for multiple risk factors, by age and sex, from the direct contributions of individual risk factors. To obtain the direct hazards, we reviewed publications and re-analysed cohort data to account for that part of hazard that is mediated through other risks. Results Globally, an estimated 47% of premature deaths and 39% of total disease burden in 2000 resulted from the joint effects of the risk factors considered. These risks caused a substantial proportion of important diseases, including diarrhoea (92%-94%), lower respiratory infections (55-62%), lung cancer (72%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (60%), ischaemic heart disease (83-89%), and stroke (70-76%). Removal of these risks would have increased global healthy life expectancy by 9.3 years (17%) ranging from 4.4 years (6%) in the developed countries of the western Pacific to 16.1 years (43%) in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Interpretation Removal of major risk factors would not only increase healthy life expectancy in every region, but also reduce some of the differences between regions, The potential for disease prevention and health gain from tackling major known risks simultaneously would be substantial.
With global trends in population aging, many nations are developing and implementing healthy aging policies to promote quality as well as years of healthy life. To broaden the evidence base for such policy development, a review of the literature was conducted to summarize the existing evidence regarding the behavioral determinants of health), aging. Such research is needed so that the efficacy of modes of intervention can be better understood. The Outcome of: healthy or successful aging was selected for this review since this nomenclature dominates the literature describing a global measure of multidimensional functioning at the positive end of the health continuum in older age. Studies published between 1985 and 2003 that reported statistical associations between baseline determinants and healthy aging Outcome were identified from a systematic search of medical, psychological, sociological, and gerontological databases. Eight studies satisfied the search criteria. Modifiable risk factors among the behavioral determinants included smoking status, physical activity level, body mass index, diet, alcohol use, and health practices. On the basis of these findings, effective healthy aging policies need to enhance opportunities across the life span for modification of lifestyle risk factors. Efforts to standardize concepts and terminology will facilitate further research activity in this important area. (Am J Prev Med 2005;28(3):298-304) (c) 2005 American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Background: fall-related hip fractures are one of the most common causes of disability and mortality in older age. The study aimed to quantify the relationship between lifestyle behaviours and the risk of fall-related hip fracture in community-dwelling older people. The purpose was to contribute evidence for the promotion of healthy ageing as a population-based intervention for falls injury prevention. Methods: a case-control study was conducted with 387 participants, with a case-control ratio of 1:2. Incident cases of fall-related hip fracture in people aged 65 and over were recruited from six hospital sites in Brisbane, Australia, in 2003-04. Community-based controls, matched by age, sex and postcode, were recruited via electoral roll sampling. A questionnaire designed to assess lifestyle risk factors, identified as determinants of healthy ageing, was administered at face-to-face interviews. Results: behavioural factors which had a significant independent protective effect on the risk of hip fracture included never smoking [adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 0.33 (0.12-0.88)], moderate alcohol consumption in mid- and older age [AOR: 0.49 (0.25-0.95)], not losing weight between mid- and older age [AOR: 0.36 (0.20-0.65)], playing sport in older age [AOR: 0.49 (0.29-0.83)] and practising a greater number of preventive medical care [AOR: 0.54 (0.32-0.94)] and self-health behaviours [AOR: 0.56 (0.33-0.94)]. Conclusion: with universal exposures, clear associations and modifiable behavioural factors, this study has contributed evidence to reduce the major public health burden of fall-related hip fractures using readily implemented population-based healthy ageing strategies.
O objetivo principal da pesquisa encetada foi o de ressaltar a importância do discurso de Ellen White, uma importante líder religiosa do século XIX, nos Estados Unidos da América, para a formação de um estilo e prática de vida, que ainda hoje caracteriza os adventistas do sétimo dia no que se refere a saúde. Outro, não menos importante objetivo, foi o de comparar os principais conceitos de Ellen White sobre saúde e estilo de vida com algumas preocupações científicas e acadêmicas contemporâneas. Para isso, este trabalho mostra como a lista de oito remédios naturais propostos por White sumarizam o ideal de uma vida saudável ainda praticada por milhões de adventistas, 100 anos após a morte de sua Profetiza: ar puro, água, alimentação adequada, luz solar, exercícios físicos, repouso, abstinência, e confiança em Deus. Os conselhos de White foram contrastados com várias práticas culturais que relacionam religião e saúde, levando-nos à conclusão que a cultura adventista tem se mostrado como a mais adequada na salvaguarda da saúde. Isto porque White apresentou uma síntese de elementos da cultura judaica, cristã e ocidental. Nesse sentido, as suas orientações garantem-lhe um lugar privilegiado no movimento de reforma da saúde nos Estados Unidos que ocorreu naquele País na segunda metade do século XIX. Muitos de seus conselhos estão sendo atualmente colocados em prática por todos aqueles que se preocupam com a saúde, longevidade, e a adequação do estilo de vida com as regras inspiradas na natureza e numa espiritualidade sadia.