994 resultados para Hückel-Möbius transition states


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Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of peptides using tandem mass spectrometry (MS) has been used to determine the identity of peptides and other large biological molecules. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a useful tool for determining the identity of molecules based on their interaction with electromagnetic fields. If coupled with another method like infrared (IR) vibrational spectroscopy, MS can provide structural information, but in its own right, MS can only provide the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of the fragments produced, which may not be enough information to determine the mechanism of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the molecule. In this case, theoretical calculations provide a useful companion for MS data and yield clues about the energetics of the dissociation. In this study, negative ion electrospray tandem MS was used to study the CID of the deprotonated dipeptide glycine-serine (Gly-Ser). Though negative ion MS is not as popular a choice as positive ion MS, studies by Bowie et al. show that it yields unique clues about molecular structure which complement positive ion spectroscopy, such as characteristic fragmentations like the loss of formaldehyde from the serine residue.2 The increase in the collision energy in the mass spectrometer alters the flexibility of the dipeptide backbone, enabling isomerizations (reactions not resulting in a fragment loss) and dissociations to take place. The mechanism of the CID of Gly-Ser was studied using two computational methods, B3LYP/6-311+G* and M06-2X/6-311++G**. The main pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed in 5 conformers in an attempt to verify the initial mechanism proposed by Dr. James Swan after examination of the MS data. The results suggest that the loss of formaldehyde from serine, which Bowie et al. indicates is a characteristic of the presence of serine in a protein residue, is an endothermic reaction that is made possible by the conversion of the translational energy of the ion into internal energy as the ion collides with the inert collision gas. It has also been determined that the M06-2X functional¿s improved description of medium and long-range correlation makes it more effective than the B3LYP functional at finding elusive transition states. M06-2X also more accurately predicts the energy of those transition states than does B3LYP. A second CID mechanism, which passes through intermediates with the same m/z ratio as the main pathway for molecular dissociation, but different structures, including a diketopiperazine intermediate, was also studied. This pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed with 3 conformers and the M06-2X functional, due to its previously determined effectiveness. The results suggest that the latter pathway, which meets the same intermediate masses as the first mechanism, is lower in overall energy and therefore a more likely pathway of dissociation than the first mechanism.


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A kvalitatív módszerekkel nyert kutatási eredményeink értelmezése során a transznacionális tér, a transznacionális és az etnikai migráció elméleti és szemléleti kereteit egyaránt figyelembe vettük. Az általunk vizsgált migrációs folyamatok transznacionális térben zajlanak, és a transznacionális irodalomban leírt migráns élethelyzetek, gyakorlatok – különböző nemzetállamokban elhelyezkedő lokalitásokhoz való egyidejű, bár eltérő intenzitású kötődés, kapcsolatok – több példájával is találkoztunk. Ludger Pries nyomán a transznacionális migrációt és a transznacionális migráns alakját olyan ideáltípusnak tekintettük, amelyhez az egyes migráns utak és helyzetek csupán közelítenek, és empirikus eredményeink alapján azt mondhatjuk, hogy a valóban plurilokális, vagyis a két helyhez való egyidejű, intenzív és tartós kötődés s az ehhez kapcsolódó gyakorlatok csupán a migránsok kisebbségét, illetve a migrációs életpályák egy-egy szakaszát jellemzik. A vizsgált migrációs folyamatokban az etnicitás strukturális tényezőként és a migráns tapasztalatok értelmezési kereteként egyaránt perdöntő szerepet játszik. Az etnikai migráció szakirodalomban tárgyalt mindhárom magyarázó modellje – az anyaországba való hazatérés, a gazdasági okokból való, illetve a kisebbségi létben elszenvedett sérelmek által ösztönzött migráció – alkalmas a migrációt kiváltó és mozgató okok elemzésére, a migráns narratívák értelmezésére, azt azonban nem állíthatjuk, hogy bármelyikük kizárólagos érvényre tehet szert. Más kutatókhoz hasonlóan Rogers Brubaker meghatározását tartjuk a leginkább gyümölcsözőnek, aki az etnikai migráció tág értelmezését használva minden olyan vándorlási folyamatot etnikai migrációnak tekint, amelyben az etnicitás kulturális és szimbolikus tőkeként szabályozó szerepet játszik. This special issue of Tér és Társadalom presents some results of an international research project carried out by researchers from Switzerland, Hungary and Serbia between 2010 and 2012. The topic of the research was “Integrating (Trans-)national Migrants in Transition States” (TRANSMIG) and was financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The research aimed to explore and interpret migration flows from the Vojvodina (Serbia) to Hungary and from ex-Yugoslav republics to the Vojvodina. In the first period of the last twenty years, wars which contributed to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the formation of new national states have caused migration flows. After the change of the millennium, educational migration of Vojvodina Hungarian youth can be considered the most important migratory movement from the Vojvodina to Hungary. Labour (economic) migration also occurs, but this cannot be understood as a one-way movement, since in the Hungarian–Serbian border zone migrants from the Vojvodina who already resettled to Hungary commute to the Vojvodina. While interpreting the qualitative research data the theoretical frameworks and approaches of transnational space, transnationalism and ethnic migration were taken into consideration. The migration movement in question occurs in a transnational social space where migrants are in constant motion. By their movements and actions that space is continually recreated. With Ludger Pries we see a transnational migrant as an ideal type to whom individual migratory movements and positions only approximate. Based on our empirical results we can conclude that real pluri-local, intensive and long-lasting bonding to two places at the same time and the relating practices only characterise a minority of migrants and certain sections of migratory careers. In the migration processes studied, ethnicity as a term is needed as a “structural factor” and frame of interpretation to approach migrant experiences. All three explanatory models for ethnic migration – return migration, economic migration, migration motivated by grievances suffered in a minority situation – are suitable to analyse the reasons that initiated migration and kept it in motion. They are helpful in interpreting migrant narratives. However, none of the reasons can claim exclusive validity. Agreeing with other researchers, we find Roger Brubaker’s definition the most useful: Ethnic migration should be comprehended in a broad sense. In addition, every migration can be considered as “ethnically” motivated where ethnicity plays a dominant role as a cultural and symbolic capital.


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Potent and selective active-site-spanning inhibitors have been designed for cathepsin K, a cysteine protease unique to osteoclasts. They act by mechanisms that involve tight binding intermediates, potentially on a hydrolytic pathway. X-ray crystallographic, MS, NMR spectroscopic, and kinetic studies of the mechanisms of inhibition indicate that different intermediates or transition states are being represented that are dependent on the conditions of measurement and the specific groups flanking the carbonyl in the inhibitor. The species observed crystallographically are most consistent with tetrahedral intermediates that may be close approximations of those that occur during substrate hydrolysis. Initial kinetic studies suggest the possibility of irreversible and reversible active-site modification. Representative inhibitors have demonstrated antiresorptive activity both in vitro and in vivo and therefore are promising leads for therapeutic agents for the treatment of osteoporosis. Expansion of these inhibitor concepts can be envisioned for the many other cysteine proteases implicated for therapeutic intervention.


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Protein folding is a grand challenge of the postgenomic era. In this paper, 58 folding events sampled during 47 molecular dynamics trajectories for a total simulation time of more than 4 μs provide an atomic detail picture of the folding of a 20-residue synthetic peptide with a stable three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet fold. The simulations successfully reproduce the NMR solution conformation, irrespective of the starting structure. The sampling of the conformational space is sufficient to determine the free energy surface and localize the minima and transition states. The statistically predominant folding pathway involves the formation of contacts between strands 2 and 3, starting with the side chains close to the turn, followed by association of the N-terminal strand onto the preformed 2–3 β-hairpin. The folding mechanism presented here, formation of a β-hairpin followed by consolidation, is in agreement with a computational study of the free energy surface of another synthetic three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet by Bursulaya and Brooks [(1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 9947–9951]. Hence, it might hold in general for antiparallel β-sheets with short turns.


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Point mutants of three unrelated antifluorescein antibodies were constructed to obtain nine different single-chain Fv fragments, whose on-rates, off-rates, and equilibrium binding affinities were determined in solution. Additionally, activation energies for unbinding were estimated from the temperature dependence of the off-rate in solution. Loading rate-dependent unbinding forces were determined for single molecules by atomic force microscopy, which extrapolated at zero force to a value close to the off-rate measured in solution, without any indication for multiple transition states. The measured unbinding forces of all nine mutants correlated well with the off-rate in solution, but not with the temperature dependence of the reaction, indicating that the same transition state must be crossed in spontaneous and forced unbinding and that the unbinding path under load cannot be too different from the one at zero force. The distance of the transition state from the ground state along the unbinding pathway is directly proportional to the barrier height, regardless of the details of the binding site, which most likely reflects the elasticity of the protein in the unbinding process. Atomic force microscopy thus can be a valuable tool for the characterization of solution properties of protein-ligand systems at the single molecule level, predicting relative off-rates, potentially of great value for combinatorial chemistry and biology.


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Previous experimental and theoretical studies have produced high-resolution descriptions of the native and folding transition states of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2). In similar fashion, here we use a combination of NMR experiments and molecular dynamics simulations to examine the conformations populated by CI2 in the denatured state. The denatured state is highly unfolded, but there is some residual native helical structure along with hydrophobic clustering in the center of the chain. The lack of persistent nonnative structure in the denatured state reduces barriers that must be overcome, leading to fast folding through a nucleation–condensation mechanism. With the characterization of the denatured state, we have now completed our description of the folding/unfolding pathway of CI2 at atomic resolution.


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The origin of the catalytic power of enzymes is discussed, paying attention to evolutionary constraints. It is pointed out that enzyme catalysis reflects energy contributions that cannot be determined uniquely by current experimental approaches without augmenting the analysis by computer simulation studies. The use of energy considerations and computer simulations allows one to exclude many of the popular proposals for the way enzymes work. It appears that the standard approaches used by organic chemists to catalyze reactions in solutions are not used by enzymes. This point is illustrated by considering the desolvation hypothesis and showing that it cannot account for a large increase in kcat relative to the corresponding kcage for the reference reaction in a solvent cage. The problems associated with other frequently invoked mechanisms also are outlined. Furthermore, it is pointed out that mutation studies are inconsistent with ground state destabilization mechanisms. After considering factors that were not optimized by evolution, we review computer simulation studies that reproduced the overall catalytic effect of different enzymes. These studies pointed toward electrostatic effects as the most important catalytic contributions. The nature of this electrostatic stabilization mechanism is far from being obvious because the electrostatic interaction between the reacting system and the surrounding area is similar in enzymes and in solution. However, the difference is that enzymes have a preorganized dipolar environment that does not have to pay the reorganization energy for stabilizing the relevant transition states. Apparently, the catalytic power of enzymes is stored in their folding energy in the form of the preorganized polar environment.


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The folding kinetics of a truncated form of the N-terminal domain of phage lambda repressor [lambda 6-85] has been investigated by using the technique of dynamic NMR. lambda 6-85 has been shown previously to fold in a purely two-state fashion. This allows the determination of folding and unfolding rates from simulation of the exchange-broadened aromatic resonances of Tyr-22. The folding kinetics were determined over a range of 1.35 to 3.14 M urea. The urea dependence of both folding and unfolding rate constants is exponential, suggesting that the rate-determining step is invariant at the urea concentrations studied. The folding and unfolding rates extrapolated to 0 M urea at 37 degrees C are 3600 +/- 400 s-1 and 27 +/- 6 s-1, respectively. The observed lambda 6-85 folding rate constant exceeds that of other fast-folding globular proteins by a factor of 14-54. The urea dependence of the folding and unfolding rate constants suggests that the transition state of the rate-determining step is considerably more exposed to solvent than previously studied protein-folding transition states. The surprising rapidity of lambda 6-85 folding and unfolding may be the consequence of its all-helical secondary structure. These kinetic results clearly demonstrate that all of the fundamental events of protein folding can occur on the submillisecond time scale.


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A wide variety of chiral succinimides have been prepared in high yields and enantioselectivities by asymmetric conjugate addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to maleimides under very mild reaction conditions using a bifunctional benzimidazole-derived organocatalyst. Computational and NMR studies support the hydrogen-bonding activation role of the catalyst and the origin of the stereoselectivity of the process.


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Azomethine ylides, generated from imine-derived O-cinnamyl or O-crotonyl salicylaldeyde and α-amino acids, undergo intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, leading to chromene[4,3-b]pyrrolidines. Two reaction conditions are used: (a) microwave-assisted heating (200 W, 185 °C) of a neat mixture of reagents, and (b) conventional heating (170 °C) in PEG-400 as solvent. In both cases, a mixture of two epimers at the α-position of the nitrogen atom in the pyrrolidine nucleus was formed through the less energetic endo-approach (B/C ring fusion). In many cases, the formation of the stereoisomer bearing a trans-arrangement into the B/C ring fusion was observed in high proportions. Comprehensive computational and kinetic simulation studies are detailed. An analysis of the stability of transient 1,3-dipoles, followed by an assessment of the intramolecular pathways and kinetics are also reported.


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A simple change in the polarity of the solvent allows both enantiomers of substituted succinimides to be obtained in the enantioselective conjugate addition reaction of aldehydes, mainly α,α-disubstituted, to maleimides catalysed by chiral carbamate-monoprotected trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamines. Using a single enantiomer of the organocatalyst, both enantiomers of the resulting Michael adducts are obtained in high yields by simply changing the reaction solvent from aqueous DMF (up to 84 % ee) to chloroform (up to 86 % ee). Theoretical calculations are used to explain this uncommon reversal of the enantioselectivity; two transition state orientations of different polarities are differently favoured in polar or nonpolar solvents.


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Theoretical calculations (B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p)//B3LYP/6-31G*) of the 1,3 migration of NR2 transforming alpha-oxoketenimines 1 to alpha-imidoylketenes 3 and vice versa indicate that this process is a pseudo-pericyclic reaction with a low activation energy (NH2 97 kJ mol(-1), N(CH3)(2) 62 kJ mol(-1)). The oxoketenimines were found to be more stable (by 18-35 kJ mol(-1)) which is in line with experimental observations. The hindered amine rotation in the amide and amidine moieties adjacent to the cumulenes are important in the migration of the NR2 group, as one of the rotation transition states is close to the 1,3 migration pathway. This gives an interesting potential energy surface with a valley-ridge inflection (VRI) between the orthogonal hindered amine rotation and 1,3 migration transition states. The imidoylketene may also undergo ring closure to an azetinone 5; however, this is metastable, and under the conditions that allow the 1,3-migration, the oxoketenimine 1 will be favored. The imine NH E/Z-interconversion of the ketenimine group takes place by inversion and has a low activation barrier (similar to40 kJ mol(-1)). In all the amidines examined the E/Z-interconversion of the imine function was predicted to be by rotation with a high barrier (>80 kJ mol(-1)), in contrast to all other reported imine E/Z-interconversions which are by inversion.


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1,3-Phenyl shifts interconvert imidoylketenes 1 and alpha-oxoketenimines 2 and, likewise, alpha-oxoketenes 3 automerize by this 1,3-shift. These rearrangements usually take place in the gas phase under conditions of. ash vacuum thermolysis. Energy profiles calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G(d, p) and B3LYP/6311 + G(3df,2p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) levels demonstrate that electron donating substituents ( D) in the migrating phenyl group and electron withdrawing ones ( W) in the non-migrating phenyl group, can stabilise the transition states TS1 and TS2 to the extent that activation barriers of ca. 100 kJ mol(-1) or less are obtained; i.e. enough to make these reactions potentially observable in solution at ordinary temperatures. The calculated transition state energies Delta G(TS1) show an excellent correlation with the Hammett constants sigma(p)(W) and sigma(p) +(D).


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The energy surface connecting oxazinium olates 9, several possible conformers of ketenes 10 and 11, and the final cyclization products 12, 13 and 14, as well as the isomeric 1,3-oxazine-6-ones 15, ring opening of the latter to N-acylimidoylketenes 16, and subsequent rearrangement of 16 to oxoketenimines 17, azetinones 18, and the cyclization products 19 and 20 are evaluated computationally at the B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G*//B3LYP/6-31G* levels. The cyclizations of ketenes to oxazinium olates 9 and oxazines 15 have the characteristics of pseudopericyclic reactions. Plots of the energy vs internal reaction coordinate for the cyclization of transoid acylketenes such as 10 to 9 (via TS1) and 16 to 15 (via TS7) feature two inflection points and indicate that the part of the energy surface above the lower inflection points describe internal rotation of the acyl function in the ketene moiety, and the part below this point describes the cyclization of the cisoid ketene to the planar mesoionic oxazinium olate 9 or oxazinone 15. The 1,3-shifts of the OR group that interconvert ketenes 16 and ketenimines 17 via four-membered cyclic transition states TS8 behave similarly, the first portion (from the ketenimine side) of the activation barrier being due largely to internal rotation of substituents, and the top part being due to the 1,3-shift proper.


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Dibenzoylketene 5 undergoes degenerate 1,3-shifts of the phenyl group between acyl and ketene carbon atoms, thus interconverting it with 6 and 7. This 1,3-shift takes place in the gas phase under flash vacuum thermolysis (FVT) conditions, but not in solution at 110-145 degrees C. Imidoyl(benzoyl)ketene 13 undergoes degenerate 1,3-shift of the phenyl group on FVT, thus interconverting it with 14, but the ketenimine isomer 15 is not formed, and none of these shifts take place in the solid state at 250 degrees C. Imidoyl(p-toluoyl)ketene 21 undergoes a 1,3-p-tolyl shift, interconverting it with ketene 22 but not with ketenimine 23. The imidoyl(p-toluoyl)ketene rotamer 25 cyclizes to 4-toluoyloxyquinoline 28 and 4-quinolone 29. The cyclization of imidoyl(benzoyl)ketene 13 to 4-benzoyloxyquinoline 18, and of 25 to 28 involves 1,3-C-to-O shifts of benzoyl (toluoyl) groups. Calculations of the transition states for the transformations at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory are in agreement with the observed reaction preferences.