61 resultados para Gylling, Heta


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Lectio praecursoria kulttuurihistorian väitöskirjaan New feminisms, gender equality and neoliberalism in Swedish girl films, 1995-2006 Turun yliopistossa 24.1.2015.


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This study concentrates on developing a suitable business model for Finnish biobanks, with particular emphasis on value creation to stakeholders. The sub-objective of this thesis are to map the commercial possibilities of biobanks and potential barriers for business development. The study approaches the subject from the biobanks’ as well as the stakeholders’ point of view, integrating their hopes and needs considering current and future co-operation into the findings. In 2013 the Biobank Act came into effect, after which six biobanks have been established and several other pending biobank projects are in process. There is relatively little research in regard to the commercial opportunities of this newcomer of the biomedical industry, and particularly in the Finnish markets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to partially fill the research gap of the commercial potential of biobanks and particularly outline the problematic elements in developing business. The theoretical framework consists of a few select theories, which depict business modeling and value creation of organizations. The theories are combined to form a synthesis, which best adapts to biobanks, and acts as a backbone for interviews. The empirical part of the study was conducted mainly by seven face-to-face interviews, and complemented by two phone interviews and an e-mail questionnaire with four responses. The findings consist mainly of the participants’ reflections on the potential products and services enabled by consumer genomics, as well as perceptions on different obstacles for biobanks’ business development. The nature of the study is tentative, as biobanks are relatively new organizations in Finland, and their operation models and activities are still molding. The aim is to bring to surface the hopes and concerns of biobanks’ representatives, as well as the representatives of stakeholders, in order to transparently discuss the current situation and suggestions for further development. The study concludes that in principle, the interviewees’ agree on the need for development in order not to waste the potential of biobanks; regardless, the participants emphasize different aspects and subsequently lean on differing methods.


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Elokuva historiassa, historia elokuvassa -teoksessa suomalaiset historiantutkijat pohtivat menneisyyttä sellaisena kuin valkokankaan maailma on sen yleisölleen kuvannut. Aiheet vaihtelevat mykkäelokuvasta nykypäivään, kotimaisesta elokuvasta Hollywood-spektaakkeleihin. Teos käsittelee elokuvan historiaa monipuolisesti ja tarjoaa paljon pohdittavaa: kuka tanskalainen elokuvanäyttelijä villitsi 1910-luvun helsinkiläiset? Minkälainen oli 1920-luvun blueslaulajan 15-minuuttinen elokuvaura? Miten kylmän sodan uhkakuvat piirtyivät 1950-luvun amerikkalaiseen tieteiselokuvaan? Kuinka 1500-luvun kuninkaallisia kuvattiin brittiläisissä historiaspektaakkeleissa? Kirja sopii kaikille elokuvasta ja historiasta kiinnostuneille.


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This study concentrates on developing a suitable business model for Finnish biobanks, with particular emphasis on value creation to stakeholders. The sub-objective of this thesis are to map the commercial possibilities of biobanks and potential barriers for business development. The study approaches the subject from the biobanks’ as well as the stakeholders’ point of view, integrating their hopes and needs considering current and future co-operation into the findings. In 2013 the Biobank Act came into effect, after which six biobanks have been established and several other pending biobank projects are in process. There is relatively little research in regard to the commercial opportunities of this newcomer of the biomedical industry, and particularly in the Finnish markets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to partially fill the research gap of the commercial potential of biobanks and particularly outline the problematic elements in developing business. The theoretical framework consists of a few select theories, which depict business modeling and value creation of organizations. The theories are combined to form a synthesis, which best adapts to biobanks, and acts as a backbone for interviews. The empirical part of the study was conducted mainly by seven face-to-face interviews, and complemented by two phone interviews and an e-mail questionnaire with four responses. The findings consist mainly of the participants’ reflections on the potential products and services enabled by consumer genomics, as well as perceptions on different obstacles for biobanks’ business development. The nature of the study is tentative, as biobanks are relatively new organizations in Finland, and their operation models and activities are still molding. The aim is to bring to surface the hopes and concerns of biobanks’ representatives, as well as the representatives of stakeholders, in order to transparently discuss the current situation and suggestions for further development. The study concludes that in principle, the interviewees’ agree on the need for development in order not to waste the potential of biobanks; regardless, the participants emphasize different aspects and subsequently lean on differing methods.


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Helstångsborr och konstång kallas bergborrverktyg, som tillverkas av sexkantiga stänger med inre hål för ledning av spolvatten. Dessa spolhål är klädda med ferritiskt rostfritt stål. Innan valsning borras ett centrerat hål i stålämnet som ska valsas. I det borrade hålet appliceras ett rör av ferritiskt rostfritt stål och i det röret skjuts en manganstålskärna in. Efter valsning dras kärnan ut och ett spolhål med invändigt foder av rostfritt stål bildas. Under uppvärmningen och valsningen av stålämnet sker normalt en koldiffusion från manganstålskärnan till det rostfria fodret. Fodrets syfte är att skydda spolhålets yta mot erosion och korrosion.Syftet med arbetet var att hitta en metod som garanterar uppkolning av det invändiga fodret, samt att utreda vad uppkolningen betyder för den mekaniska hållfastheten i stängerna. Ett laboratorieförsök visade att det var bra, med avseende på uppkolning, att blanda stearat i kärnbestrykningsmedlet. Kärnbestrykningsmedlet penslas på manganstålskärnan innan den förs in i stålämnet som ska valsas, dess syfte är att minska friktionen vid kärnutdragningen efter valsning.Ett försök utfördes i valsverket med stearat i kärnbestrykningsmedlet. En grundlig undersökning utfördes på två hetor som valsats med stearat-bestrykningsmedel, samt på en traditionellt tillverkad heta för att ha som referens. Hetorna kapades till provstänger om 1,5 m, totalt undersöktes 55 st.Utvärderingen av verksförsöket visade att stängernas kvalitet blir tillräckligt bra om ingenting oförutsett händer i produktionen, oavsett om koltillskott är tillsatt i bestrykningsmedlet eller inte. Arbetet gav inte en garanterande metod, men visade att stängerna normalt håller hög kvalitet.


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I Bergs kommun startades år 2003 ett öppenvårdsprojekt då kommunen märkte av en påtaglig ökning av barn och unga som var i behov av socialtjänstens insatser. Denna verksamhet kom att heta Bergssprängarna. Mitt syfte var från början att jämföra de barn och unga som blivit föremål för placering på institution och familjehem och de som fått insats genom Bergssprängarna för att se om grupperna var likvärdiga och jämföra kostnaderna för respektive verksamhet. Men under arbetes gång har syftet förändrats då jag inte fått tillgång till de ekonomiska underlagen som skulle belysa varje individs totala kostnad för respektive insats. Därför redovisas endast grova kostnadsunderlag. Utgångspunkten är en mindre aktstudie men innefattar även budgetmaterial. Då tidigare förhållanden har undersökts och sekundär data utgör grunden till studien har en kvantitativ metod valts. Resultaten visar tendenser till att det delvis är samma och delvis olika barn och unga som blir föremål för institutionsplacering/familjehemsplacering som får insats genom Bergssprängarna. Starten av Bergssprängarna kan ha lett till att fler barn och unga i Bergs kommun blir sedda med sin problematik då behandlarna rör sig skol- och fritidsmiljöer som leder till att fler blir föremål för insatser från socialtjänsten. När det gäller kostnadsutvecklingen har etableringen av Bergssprängarna inte inneburit att kommunens kostnader för institutionsvård och familjehemsvård minskat så som förväntat.


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OBJECTIVE This EAS Consensus Panel critically appraised evidence relevant to the benefit to risk relationship of functional foods with added plant sterols and/or plant stanols, as components of a healthy lifestyle, to reduce plasma low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, and thereby lower cardiovascular risk. METHODS AND RESULTS Plant sterols/stanols (when taken at 2 g/day) cause significant inhibition of cholesterol absorption and lower LDL-C levels by between 8 and 10%. The relative proportions of cholesterol versus sterol/stanol levels are similar in both plasma and tissue, with levels of sterols/stanols being 500-/10,000-fold lower than those of cholesterol, suggesting they are handled similarly to cholesterol in most cells. Despite possible atherogenicity of marked elevations in circulating levels of plant sterols/stanols, protective effects have been observed in some animal models of atherosclerosis. Higher plasma levels of plant sterols/stanols associated with intakes of 2 g/day in man have not been linked to adverse effects on health in long-term human studies. Importantly, at this dose, plant sterol/stanol-mediated LDL-C lowering is additive to that of statins in dyslipidaemic subjects, equivalent to doubling the dose of statin. The reported 6-9% lowering of plasma triglyceride by 2 g/day in hypertriglyceridaemic patients warrants further evaluation. CONCLUSION Based on LDL-C lowering and the absence of adverse signals, this EAS Consensus Panel concludes that functional foods with plant sterols/stanols may be considered 1) in individuals with high cholesterol levels at intermediate or low global cardiovascular risk who do not qualify for pharmacotherapy, 2) as an adjunct to pharmacologic therapy in high and very high risk patients who fail to achieve LDL-C targets on statins or are statin- intolerant, 3) and in adults and children (>6 years) with familial hypercholesterolaemia, in line with current guidance. However, it must be acknowledged that there are no randomised, controlled clinical trial data with hard end-points to establish clinical benefit from the use of plant sterols or plant stanols.


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Objectives: To investigate whether baseline serum cholestanol:cholesterol ratio, which is negatively related to cholesterol synthesis, could predict reduction of coronary events in the Scandinavian simvastatin survival study.


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Mode of access: Internet.