53 resultados para Guisborough Priory
Attributed to Bernard de Clairvauv, Peter Cellensis and Guigues du Chastel.
AMS Subj. Classification: 49J15, 49M15
An iterative method for computing the channel capacity of both discrete and continuous input, continuous output channels is proposed. The efficiency of new method is demonstrated in comparison with the classical Blahut - Arimoto algorithm for several known channels. Moreover, we also present a hybrid method combining advantages of both the Blahut - Arimoto algorithm and our iterative approach. The new method is especially efficient for the channels with a priory unknown discrete input alphabet.
The farm’s rural dwellings of creation from the Seridó Potiguar microregion, built in the nineteenth century, became a reference by its vernacular character, i.e. these buildings, besides having recognized relevance to the identity of the region, they are adapted to the conditions of the place in many aspects (economic, cultural, construction, physical, et.) and consist in protective spaces in relation to hostile characteristics of Seridó’s climate. Considering the above premise, the following question arises: What characteristics of the nineteenth century Seridó Potiguar’s cattle farms are crucial for them to be a protective space in relation to the semiarid climate? In order to answer the question, this research aim to identify which particularities of the Seridó’s farmhouses that contribute to adaptability in these buildings to semiarid climate, as protection environments; and contribute to the stock valuation of the architectural heritage concerned. Therefore, procedures were adopted divided into two stages. Were first identified the recurring characteristics in the studied buildings, through typological study performed from existing inventories (DINIZ, 2008; FEIJÓ, 2002; IPHAN, 2012). To define the type it worked up with the concept that merges Durand’s analytical typology that identifies the similarities and differences to classify buildings, having the character of historical survey and architectural documentation, with the definition proposed by Argan (1963) that the type is not defined a priory, but the deduction from a number of illustrative cases which have formal and functional similarity with each other. Then worked up in a sample of five different types with each other, defined by the possibility of access to the interior of the houses, proximity to other copies, good state of conservation and preservation. The contemplated farms were: Pitombeiras, Agenus e Garrotes in Acari’s town, and the municipality of Caicó, Palma and Penedo. The second stage consists of the architectural survey, photographic record, digital three-dimensional modeling (aiming to expand the existing documentation and registration) and thermal monitoring over approximately a representative day in five farmhouses, relating the thermal performance of the houses with their individual characteristics. The selected variables for analysis monitoring are based on the thermal comfort adaptive model (SPAGNOLO and DE DEAR, 2003 apud NEGREIROS, 2010). The characteristics of the houses were analyzed as meeting the passive thermal conditioning strategies recommended by NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), for the bioclimatic zone 7 where the municipalities of Caicó and Acari are located. The house’s analysis of the operating temperatures revealed that 90% of the times of day the environments are within the comfort range. The farmhouses, which had a higher degree of compliance with recommended bioclimatic strategies, had the best thermal performance. In environments (usually the kitchen and rooms with low ceiling heights, exposed to west radiation) which still had discomfort hours, the thermal comfort can be reached with air movement approximately 1,0 m/s.
The farm’s rural dwellings of creation from the Seridó Potiguar microregion, built in the nineteenth century, became a reference by its vernacular character, i.e. these buildings, besides having recognized relevance to the identity of the region, they are adapted to the conditions of the place in many aspects (economic, cultural, construction, physical, et.) and consist in protective spaces in relation to hostile characteristics of Seridó’s climate. Considering the above premise, the following question arises: What characteristics of the nineteenth century Seridó Potiguar’s cattle farms are crucial for them to be a protective space in relation to the semiarid climate? In order to answer the question, this research aim to identify which particularities of the Seridó’s farmhouses that contribute to adaptability in these buildings to semiarid climate, as protection environments; and contribute to the stock valuation of the architectural heritage concerned. Therefore, procedures were adopted divided into two stages. Were first identified the recurring characteristics in the studied buildings, through typological study performed from existing inventories (DINIZ, 2008; FEIJÓ, 2002; IPHAN, 2012). To define the type it worked up with the concept that merges Durand’s analytical typology that identifies the similarities and differences to classify buildings, having the character of historical survey and architectural documentation, with the definition proposed by Argan (1963) that the type is not defined a priory, but the deduction from a number of illustrative cases which have formal and functional similarity with each other. Then worked up in a sample of five different types with each other, defined by the possibility of access to the interior of the houses, proximity to other copies, good state of conservation and preservation. The contemplated farms were: Pitombeiras, Agenus e Garrotes in Acari’s town, and the municipality of Caicó, Palma and Penedo. The second stage consists of the architectural survey, photographic record, digital three-dimensional modeling (aiming to expand the existing documentation and registration) and thermal monitoring over approximately a representative day in five farmhouses, relating the thermal performance of the houses with their individual characteristics. The selected variables for analysis monitoring are based on the thermal comfort adaptive model (SPAGNOLO and DE DEAR, 2003 apud NEGREIROS, 2010). The characteristics of the houses were analyzed as meeting the passive thermal conditioning strategies recommended by NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), for the bioclimatic zone 7 where the municipalities of Caicó and Acari are located. The house’s analysis of the operating temperatures revealed that 90% of the times of day the environments are within the comfort range. The farmhouses, which had a higher degree of compliance with recommended bioclimatic strategies, had the best thermal performance. In environments (usually the kitchen and rooms with low ceiling heights, exposed to west radiation) which still had discomfort hours, the thermal comfort can be reached with air movement approximately 1,0 m/s.
CD recording - Priory CD PRCD1162 - of the complete organ sonatas of August Gottfried Ritter (1811-1885) recorded on the Ladegast organ of the Kirche Altleisnig, Polditz, Germany
Nesta tese foi demonstrado o potencial de produção de carboidratos por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli cultivada no efluente oriundo de uma indústria de laticínios. Para tanto, o trabalho é composto de quatro artigos que objetivaram avaliar a produção de carboidratos em função da temperatura, inóculo e razões C/N e N/P do elfluente, bem como a possibilidade de reúso da água residuária. Foram utilizadas temperaturas de (10, 20 e 30ºC) e inóculo (100, 200 e 300 mg.L-1). A melhor condição indicada foi quando utilizou-se a temperatura de 30°C e 200 mg.L-1 de inóculo. Na sequência, considerando a temperatura e a concentração celular selecionada, foi estudada a influência das razões C/N e N/P na produção de carboidratos. Para tal, C/N (20, 40 e 60) e N/P (5, 10 e 15) na produção de carboidratos extracelulares foram avaliadas em cultivos a 30°C, tendo como inóculo 200 mg.L-1. Os melhores resultados obtidos, foram quando foi utilizado C/N 60 e N/P 10. Uma vez definidas as melhores condições de produção de carboidratos, foi estudado o processo de separação de biomassa do meio de cultivo, a partir dos coagulantes FeCl3, Al2(SO4)3 e tanino. O efeito dos coagulantes na separação da biomassa foram estudados, quanto ao pH (6,0, 7,0 e 8,0) e concentração de coagulantes (50, 300 e 550 mg.L-1), utilizando como parâmetro de medida, a eficiência de remoção de DQO, turbidez e sólidos suspensos (SS). Os resultados demonstraram que as concentrações de coagulantes influenciaram significativamente ao nível de significância de 5 %, na separação da biomassa, com eficiência significativa na remoção da DQO, turbidez e SS. A melhor condição avaliada foi a que utilizou tanino na concentração de 300 mg.L-1 e pH 7,0, o que resultou em uma água residuária com remoção média de 96 % da turbidez, com potencial de ser reutilizada. Por fim, foi realizada a identificação de carboidratos gerados por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli. Os resultados evidenciaram uma biomassa com até 33,5 % de carboidratos totais, perfazendo uma fração de carboidratos extracelulares, na fase estacionária de crescimento celular, de aproximadamente 25 % e 8 % os carboidratos da parede celular. Ficou demonstrado ainda que a composição dos carboidratos extracelulares do microorganismo em estudo é constituído por mono e dissacarídeos perfazendo concentrações na ordem de 12,88 % de glicose, 3,54 % de rafinose, 3,43 % sacarose, 2,13 % de frutose e 2,45 % de ribose. Ficou demonstrado o potencial de produção de carboidratos por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli quando cultivada no efluente da indústria de laticínios.
This thesis investigates the place-names of four parishes in Berwickshire and compares coastal and inland naming patterns. Berwickshire is a large county that borders on northern England and historically formed part of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria. Partly due to the survival of extensive archives from the medieval priory of Coldingham, preserved in Durham Cathedral Archives, this county holds some of Scotland’s earliest recorded place- names. The parishes that form the research area are grouped together in the north-east of the county. Two of these parishes, Abbey St Bathans and Bunkle & Preston, are inland, and two, Cockburnspath and Coldingham, have extensive coastlines. The diversity of this group of parishes allows a comparative study of the place-names of coastal and inland areas to be undertaken. The topography of Berwickshire’s thirty-two parishes is very varied, and the four parishes have been chosen to reflect this range of landscapes. The place-names within the four parishes examined in this thesis derive almost exclusively from Old English, Older Scots, Modern Scots including Standard Scottish English, with a small minority derived from Old Norse, Gaelic, and Brittonic. The chronology of Old English, Older Scots, and Modern Scots is defined as given in the Concise Scots Dictionary: Old English is the period up to 1100, Older Scots is the period 1100-1700, and Modern Scots is the period 1700 onwards (CSD, 1985: xiii). Often with place-names it is not possible to give a precise dating for the coining of a toponym. For the purposes of this study, the language label given for a toponym is that of the date of the earliest record of the place-name with earlier linguistic evidence supplementing discussion. This thesis focuses on the names of topographic features, for example hills, rocks and woodland, and the role of perception in their naming. In order to compare the role of perception in inland and coastal naming, this thesis includes a diachronic study of the toponymy of the research area, along with two case studies. The first of these is a study of the toponymy of relief features, which focuses on generic elements in order to compare the perception of one type of referent in the two environments. The second is a study of the ‘colour’ category, which focuses on qualifying elements in order to compare the use of colour terms in the two environments. This thesis is the first comparative study of inland and coastal place-names, and it is one of the first to investigate new ways of using fieldwork as a central part of its methodology. In doing so it proposes innovative and nuanced ways to understand the toponymy of diverse landscapes within a community.