993 resultados para Guattari, Felix


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Notre recherche étudie les particularités esthétiques et matérialistes de l’oeuvre du bédéiste américain Jack Kirby (1917-1994) et la manière dont elles répondent d’agencements qui visent à déconstruire et reconstruire les formes sur la page. Contemporain de Will Eisner, Kirby est largement considéré comme l'auteur et dessinateur le plus influent de son époque, co-signant les premières aventures de certains des super-héros qui perdurent et qui sont aujourd’hui la manne de l’industrie hollywoodienne (Captain America, les Fantastic Four, Hulk, etc.). Son oeuvre protéiforme est composée de superpositions de textures, d’objets récupérés, de figures déviées et trouve dans son rapport à la matière les principaux axiomes qui la définissent. Cherchant dans son travail à cerner les fonctions des nombreux amoncellements de points noirs (baptisés kirby dots par la critique et l’industrie), nous nous écartons des modèles d’analyse sémiologiques pour constituer une approche écosophique de la bande dessinée. Dans cette dernière, nous avons recours à la schizo-analyse théorisée par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari dans leur ouvrage L’Anti-OEdipe (1972) afin de cerner les conditions de la production de sens et de non-sens du point kirbyen. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de reconsidérer la BD comme une écologie séquentialisée, composée de cases sans icônes, c’est-à-dire d’un espace pris au plus près de la planche, pour soi et en soi, sans rapport de causalité fixe ou de structure prédéterminée. Nous envisageons ensuite les territorialités archaïques de la bande dessinée pour mieux définir son ontogénie, puis pour étudier les rapports machiniques et schizos qu’entretiennent entre eux les différents espaces (que nous distinguons en espaces striés et en espaces lisses) ainsi que les différents traits de la planche. Finalement, nous expliquerons en quoi le point kirbyen apparaît comme une machine abstraite, c’est-à-dire une instance capable d’auto-générer, d’auto-poïétiser, son propre mystère représentationnel.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Werk des französischen Philosophen Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), indem sie dessen vielfältig-pluralistisches, in mancher Hinsicht sogar heterogenes Denken in einen Zusammenhang mit vitalistischen Philosophien der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts stellt (an erster Stelle Henri Bergson, aber auch Hans Driesch und Jakob von Uexküll), um auf diese Weise – durch Vergleiche und Gegenüberstellungen - zu verdeutlichen, dass und inwiefern der Vitalismus in der Version von Deleuze unter dem Eindruck der Entwicklung der Biologie seit Darwin (für die hier besonders die wissenschaftsphilosophischen Überlegungen der französischen Molekularbiologen François Jacob und Jacques Monod herangezogen werden) nicht mehr in erster Linie naturphilosophisch verstanden werden kann, sondern experimentell. Das, womit hier gedanklich experimentiert wird, sind Intensitäten. Und Intensität – so wird dargelegt – ist der Schlüsselbegriff zum Verständnis von Deleuzes’ erstem philosophischen Hauptwerk „Differenz und Wiederholung“. Im Zeichen eines Denkens der Intensitäten versucht Deleuze etablierte Dualismen wie die von Natur (physis) und Kunst (techné), Mensch und Tier, Individualität und Allgemeinheit zu unterlaufen. Weil dieser Versuch sich selbst als ein – wie es in dem von Deleuze gemeinsam mit dem Psychiater Félix Guattari verfassten Buch „Tausend Plateaus“ heißt - Vorstoß in "eine Welt aus formlosen, gegenstandslosen und gesichtslosen Schnelligkeiten und Langsamkeiten" versteht, stellt sich mit der Frage nach den lebenspraktischen Aspekten dieses grenzüberschreitenden und Freiräume eröffnenden Vorhabens auch die nach den damit verbundenen Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. Zur Konkretisierung werden Beispiele aus der modernen Literatur (die Verzeitlichung des Denkens bei Marcel Proust, aber auch die existentielle Sprachskepsis Antonin Artauds), der bildenden Kunst (die Deformationskunst in der Malerei Francis Bacons) und der Moral- bzw. moralkritischen Philosophie (der Stoizismus als eine Art Kunst der Selbstverteidigung, Nietzsches Umwertung aller Werte als eine Kunst der Selbstüberbietung) erörtert. Was in diesen Praktiken stattfindet und zum Ausdruck gebracht wird, sind Zerreißproben, d. h. radikale Belastungen oder Erprobungen von Vermögen wie Sinnlichkeit, Einbildungskraft, Denken, weshalb diese Versuche mit Deleuze, der sich hier von den stilpsychologischen Untersuchungen des Kunsthistorikers Wilhelm Worringer hat inspirieren lassen, als Spielarten eines nichtorganischen Lebens zu verstehen sind. Sich darauf in einem ständigen Wechsel von Annäherung und Distanzierung einzulassen, macht das ausgeprägte Pathos der Philosophie aus, auf das man im Denken von Gilles Deleuze trifft.


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xero, kline & coma is an artist run project space at 258 Hackney Road, London. It’s program, curated by Pil and Galia Kollectiv, focuses primarily on solo exhibitions by internationally established as well as emerging artists. Work by recent graduates King Conny Wobble and David Steans is being shown alongside projects like the Museum of American Art – Berlin, previously included in the Venice and Istanbul Biennales, Jeffrey Vallance, whose recent solo exhibition was at the Warhol Museum, and Plastique Fantastique, whose work has been shown at Tate Britain and the Pratt Manhatten Gallery, New York, with the aim of raising the profile of lesser known artists and allowing others to experiment with work that more institutional contexts don’t always permit. Some of the themes this program has explored have included fictional identities, a-chronological art histories and the mediation of ritual in time-based media. A commitment to critically engaged art is also central to the ethos of the space, and future shows include an exploration of unionism in art by Sophie Carapetian. As well as displaying new work, the gallery hosts events, talks and screenings. Most recently these have included meetings of the Political Currency of Art research group, a discussion and film screening dealing with the theme of ‘hostile objects’ led by Evan Calder Williams and Marina Vishmidt, a book launch for New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty by Antonio Negri and Felix Guattari and an event dedicated to the theatre work of Slovenian art collective NSK, featuring a screening of unreleased documentation and a discussion about the future of total performance.


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The Amazonian craton in the Sao Felix do Xingu city, southeast region of the Para state, north of Brazil, hosts exceptionally well-preserved Paleoproterozoic bimodal magmatic units grouped in the Sobreiro and Santa Rosa formations. These formations are correlated to the Uatuma magmatic event, which is largely distributed in the Amazonian craton occupying more than 1,500,000 km(2). Geological mapping and petrographical observations reveal distinct spectra of volcanic facies in both formations. The basal calc-alkaline Sobreiro Formation is composed mainly of andesitic and dacitic lava flows and associated volcaniclastic facies of autoclastic origin, with subordinate pyroclastic flow deposits. This formation shows inferred eruption style that is similar to those in Flood Basalt Provinces, with rare scutulum-type lava shields. The upper A-type Santa Rosa Formation was generated by multicyclic explosive and effusive episodes predominantly associated with large fissures and is materialized by voluminous ignimbrites with subordinated ash-fall tuff, crystal tuff, lapilli-tuff, co-ignimbritic breccias, rhyolitic dikes and domes, and associated granitic porphyries and equigranular granitic intrusions. Ignimbrite and rhyolite dikes reveal conspicuous vertical flow pattern pointing to a fissure-controlled eruption, similar to Sierra Madre Occidental ignimbrite province. The proposed evolutionary model for the Sao Felix do Xingu units differs from those of other occurrences related to the Uatuma magmatic event in the Amazonian craton, characterized by predominance of A-type volcanism and contemporaneous granites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada em uma Associação Trabalhadores da Unidade de Triagem (ATUT), localizada no Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, composta por um misto de usuários do hospital e de moradores de uma vila adjacente ao hospital, Vila São Pedro. Inserida no contexto da Reforma Psiquiátrica e nos novos modos de tratar a loucura, implicados com a rede de serviços substitutivos ao manicômio, a ATUT é, aqui, concebida como um dispositivo de subjetivação, produto de modos de trabalhar cooperativos e associativos que tomam os afetos como matéria-prima do processo de produção. Ao mesmo tempo, promove condições de sustentabilidade e auto-subsistência a sujeitos precarizados e vulnerabilizados, que denominei modo ATUT de trabalho, ampliando patamares de sociabilidade e compondo novos territórios existenciais. A cartografia realizada traçou movimentos, acontecimentos, conexões múltiplas e, muitas vezes, inesperadas, expressas nas vozes dos sujeitos e nos relatos observados e anotados em diário de campo. Os autores utilizados foram tomados como intercessores e como base de pensamento e argumentação desta pesquisa, entre eles destaco Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Franco Basaglia, Franco Rosetti, Toni Negri e Michael Hardt. Palavras Chaves: Trabalho Imaterial, Subjetivação, Reforma Psiquiátrica, Dispositivo, Empresa Social, Empreendedor Biopolítico.


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We seek consistency empirical and analytical rigor to the concept of touristification in the course of the contemporary arrangements of subjectivity and urbanity stations through a landscape of social (dis)encounters between residents and foreigners living in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. In the last three decades the city has become a major destination country for national and international tourism, making tourism an important monitor of choreography in search of synchrony between cities and subjectivities, orchestrated by the cyclical crises and the relentless battle for systemic capitalistic expansion and survival. We proceed with an ethnographic and cartographic inspiration in Ponta Negra, where the waterfront redevelopment in 2000 conducted by the government, influenced the implementation of various establishments, services and practices related to the construction of Natal s major industry hub of tourism and entertainment. We proposed an arch-genealogy of touristification inspared on Michel Foucault analytical perspective, increased by authors in confluence or in different theoretical and methodological approaches, among which stand out Karl Marx, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. The reflections that initially turned to the advancement of the sphere of consumerism as the issue capable of articulating the developmental trajectory of the capitalist system and the practice of tourism, promoting some effects (un)desirable in the conflictual dynamics of the condition of the district of Ponta Negra, territory each again (re) produces the designs to meet the consumption by affluent portion of the population and foreign, encountering social exclusion and inclusion differentiated a growing trend. We go forward with an analysis of the "liberation of desire" phenomenal features of the process of producing subjective, providing a breakdown of the recent world s financial crisis initially, but proved social and political crisis also, through a plot derived from the operation of real estate speculation, which Natal is mainly caught through touristification, showing the outlines of a generalized crisis in establishing a new order buoyed by the emergence of a context "biopolitical" since it is a major route that uses the capital to survive and expand, while guiding the process of "strategic beautification" held in Ponta Negra, problematized by us. We conclude by assessing the appropriateness of proposing on further analysis to explore the establishment of a "new social ontology in terms of interference touristification ongoing and the constitution of a "new order" local/global, away from that characterize a system's capitalist overcoming, try to give emphasis in the current stage of the radicalization of a capitalistic utopia


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This paper begins with the Proposal of a pedagogy of concept according to Deleuze and Guattari. On this basis, I emphasize and explore the assertion that every thought demands relational traces as their internal condition. Among the relational traces defined by this pedagogy of concept, I selected friend as a character who distinguishes a given thought. I try, after that, to define, generally what friend and the scene of friendship in Plato's, Nietzsche's, Heidegger's and Foucault's philosophies are.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Loucura, saúde mental e reforma psiquiátrica são os temas centrais em questão neste livro, escrito em formato de ensaio-fílmico e dividido em três partes principais - pré-produção, produção e pós-produção, etapas da realização cinematográfica. O ensaio-fílmico é formado pela montagem de cenas obtidas a partir de algumas sessões de cinema e de produções de usuários de saúde mental do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (Caps I) do município paulista de Santa Gertrudes. Mas diferentemente do cinema tradicional, no qual enredos, personagens e narrativas são lineares e previstos, no ensaio-fílmico proposto pelo autor esses elementos foram se concretizando ao longo do processo de pesquisa, de acordo com os acontecimentos que se sucediam nos encontros do pesquisador com os usuários e a coordenação do serviço do Caps. Os miniensaios que formam os chamados planos-fragmentos são constituídos por reflexões do autor acerca de conceitos relacionados a controle, loucura e saúde mental. Aqui, a discussão tem como suporte ideias de pensadores, como os franceses Felix Guattari, Giles Deleuze e Michel Foucault, assim como músicas, imagens e trechos de filmes em uma perspectiva de transversalidade e subversão à lógica de compartimentalização dos saberes e fazeres cinematográfico e do meio científico