972 resultados para Guacimal Watershed
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to improve the quality of water in the state. The Board is authorized to request water quality improvement applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, cities, public water supply utilities, and county conservation boards and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. In 2008, the Fund was allocated $5 million for state fiscal year 2009 for water quality improvements from the general fund. On February 22, 2008, the Board awarded grants from the SFY 2008 allocation from the Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund to seven applicants. Total amount allocated to these projects is $2,115,694. A Request For Applications was issued Last spring for the SFY 2009 appropriations. On September 12, the Board awarded grants to nine applicants. Total amount allocated to these projects is $3,513,531. A second Request for Applications is underway for the SFY 2009 allocation and will close January 30, 2009.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. Annual appropriations of $5 million plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue two Request For Applications in 2009. On February 27, the Board awarded grants to seven applicants for a total of $2,366,861. On September 21, the Board awarded grants to thirteen applicants for a total of $5,120,832. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects stimulate economic recovery and create jobs through the purchasing oflocal goods and services.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are issued from the Watershed Improvement Fund. Annual appropriations plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue three Request For Applications in 2010. On February 19, the Board awarded grants to five applicants for a total of $1,647,600. On July 23, the Board awarded grants to five applicants for a total of $796,500. Finally, on November 5, the Board awarded grants to eight applicants for a total of $1,203,500.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-governing body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Although no appropriation was received in FY2012, returned funds from some prior years' grants plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue one Request For Applications in 2011. On September 9, the Board awarded grants to eight applicants for a total of $1,506,309. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects stimulate economic recovery, empower local groups to improve water quality and create jobs through the purchase oflocal goods and services.
The Board, codified in Chapter 466A, is an independent, self-goveming body directed to award grants for water quality improvement and flood prevention in the state. The Board is authorized to request applications from soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities and award grants to these entities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Annual appropriations, funds from the Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties, canyover funds plus interest earned on the Watershed Improvement Fund allowed the Board to issue a Request For Applications from June 15 to July 27,2012. On August 17, the Board awarded grants to twelve applicants for a total of $946,952. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects stimulate economic recovery and create jobs through the purchasing of local goods and services. A second Request For Applications was open from October 9 to December 14, 2012. Applications from this request will be reviewed in February 2013.
The Watershed Improvement Board is an independent, self-governing body which awards grants for water quality improvement in the state. Eligible applicants include soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Funding for these grants comes from annual appropriations and funds from the Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. The Board awarded ten grants totalling $2,307,554 this year. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects help stimulate economic activity and create jobs through the purchase of local goods and services. Additional grants will be awarded this spring.
The Watershed Improvement Review Board is an independent, self-governing body which awards grants for water quality improvement in the state. Eligible applicants include soil and water conservation districts, local watershed improvement committees, public water supply utilities, counties, county conservation boards and cities. These grants are funded by the Watershed Improvement Fund. Funding for these grants comes from annual appropriations and funds from the Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. The Board awarded six grants totalling $1,406,178 this year. In addition to providing environmental benefits, these implementation projects help stimulate economic activity and create jobs through the purchase of local goods and services. Additional grants will be awarded this spring.
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The pmpose of the Watershed Improvement Fund is to enhance the water quality and flood prevention efforts in the state through a variety of impairment-based, locally directed watershed improvement projects. These projects are awarded grants through a competitive application process directed by the WIRB. Appropriations to the Fund do not revert. Interest earned on the moneys on the Fund are also retained in the Fund and are used to fund projects or pay per diem and expenses of the WIRB members. In state fiscal years 2009 (SFY2009) and 2010 (SFY2010), the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $5,000,000 from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF). In SFY2011, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $2,000,000 from the Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund (RBC2).
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The purpose of the Watershed Improvement Fund is to enlmnce the water quality and flood prevention efforts in the state through a variety of impairment-based, locally directed watershed improvement projects. These projects are awarded grants through a competitive application process directed by the WIRB. Appropriations to the Fund do not revert except for the Capital Revenue Bonds II (RCB2) appropriation. Interest eamed on the moneys on the Fund are also retained in the Fund and are used to fund projects or pay per diem and expenses of the WIRB members. Starting July 1, 2012, the Fund is also receiving Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. In state fiscal years 2009 (SFY2009) and 2010 (SFY2010), the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $5,000,000 from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF). In SFY2011, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $2,000,000 from the Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund (RBC2). No appropriation was received in fiscal year 2012. In SFY 2013, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $1,000,000 from the RIIF.
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The purpose of the Watershed Improvement Fund is to enhance the water quality in the state through a variety of impairment-based, locally-directed watershed improvement projects. These projects are awarded grants through a competitive application process directed by the WIRB. Appropriations to the Fund do not revert except for the Capital Revenue Bonds II (RCB2) appropriation. Interest earned on the moneys on the Fund are also retained in the Fund and are used to fund projects or pay per diem and expenses of the WIRB members. Starting July 1, 2012, the Fund is also receiving Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. In state fiscal years 2009 (SFY2009) and 2010 (SFY2010), the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $5,000,000 from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF). In SFY2011, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $2,000,000 from the Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund (RBC2). No appropriation was received in fiscal year 2012. In SFY 2013, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $1,000,000 from the RIIF.
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The purpose of the Watershed Improvement Fund is to enhance the water quality in the state through a variety of impairment-based, locally-directed watershed improvement projects. These projects are awarded grants through a competitive application process directed by the WIRB. Appropriations to the Fund do not revert except for the Capital Revenue Bonds II (RCB2) appropriation. Interest earned on the moneys on the Fund are also retained in the Fund and are used to fund projects or pay per diem and expenses of the WIRB members. Starting July 1, 2012, the Fund is also receiving Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. In state fiscal years 2009 (SFY2009) and 2010 (SFY2010), the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $5,000,000 from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF). In SFY2011, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $2,000,000 from the Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund (RBC2). No appropriation was received in fiscal year 2012. In SFY 2013, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $1,000,000 from the RIIF.
Summary of the Urban Watershed Management Assistance tool to assess the impact of impervious surfaces.
The Dry Run Creek Watershed received a biological impairment in 2002 after sampling conducted by the Department of Natural Resources revealed a lack in the diversity and abundance of aquatic life along a 2.8 mile reach of stream along the Southwest Branch. Among the primary stressors identified were hydrologic change, increased stormsewer inputs, lack of available habitat, and sedimentation. Goals put forth by the Watershed Management Plan and the preliminary Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study center around the reduction in storm sewer inputs. The goal set forth by the TMDL is the reduction of connected impervious surface (CIS) to 10% in each of the creek’s subwatersheds as a surrogate for other stressors. Grant funding is being sought for the construction of two bioretention cells and a green roof to treat the first flush of runoff from a new 400 unit student housing structure and connected parking surfaces totaling 5.16 acres. In addition, a monitoring program will continue to be coordinated through a partnership with the Department of Natural Resources IOWATER program and locally led volunteer efforts which will allow us to track the progress of the watershed. Funding for administration, outreach, and assessment will be provided through existing 319 grants. Implementation of these practices will occur in phases over the course of a two year period.
Silver Creek is a warm water stream resource located in one of the most intensely cropped portions of Clayton County. The stream has been included on Iowa’s 303(d) list of impaired waters since 2002. Aquatic life, which should be present in Silver Creek, isn’t there. According to the Draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Silver Creek, the primary nonpoint pollution sources are soil erosion from agricultural land uses and direct deposition of ammonia by livestock with access to the stream. The Clayton Soil & Water Conservation District has begun efforts to remove Silver Creek from the impaired waters list. The District has promoted stream corridor and sinkhole protection, and the installation of buffer practices along Silver Creek and its tributaries. Conservation practices have been targeted to crop fields to reduce sediment delivery to the stream. A series of news articles, newsletters, and field days have been utilized to increase public understanding of water quality issues. Landowner interest has outweighed available cost share resources. Additional financial support will allow the project to build upon its early successes, to further address the identified impairments, and to respond to a long list of landowners that are interested in conservation work on their farms.
Little River Lake watershed is a 13,305 acre subwatershed of Little River. The 788 acre lake was listed as a 303d impaired water body in 2008 due to elevated turbidity and algae levels. The Decatur SWCD has prioritized water quality protection efforts within the Little River Lake watershed because 1) portions of this watershed has been identified as the primary contributor of sediment and nutrients to Little River Lake, which provides an essential source of drinking water for Decatur County and the Southern Iowa Rural Water Association; 2) the watershed provides exemplary education and project interpretation opportunities due to its proximity to Little River Lake Recreation Area, and 3) by using targeted and proven soil conservation practices to address water quality deficiencies the probability of successfully attenuating soil erosion and ameliorating water quality impairments is enhanced. The specific goals of this proposal are to: 1. reduce annual sediment, and phosphorous delivery to the lake by 11,280 tons and 14,664 lbs., respectively, via applications of conservation practices on targeted agricultural land; 2. delist the lake as an EPA 303d impaired water body via water quality enhancement; 3. obtain a “Full Support” status for the lake’s aquatic life and recreational use; 4. reduce potable water treatment costs (minimum 50% cost reduction) associated with high suspended solid levels; and 5. restore a viable sport-fish population, thereby bolstering tourism and the economy. To achieve timely project implementation the Decatur SWCD has cooperated with the IDNR Watershed Improvement Section, Fisheries Bureau, and IDALS-DSC to assess extant water quality and watershed conditions, coalesced a diverse team of committed partners and secured matching funding from multiple sources.