852 resultados para Graft Failure


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BACKGROUND A single non-invasive gene expression profiling (GEP) test (AlloMap®) is often used to discriminate if a heart transplant recipient is at a low risk of acute cellular rejection at time of testing. In a randomized trial, use of the test (a GEP score from 0-40) has been shown to be non-inferior to a routine endomyocardial biopsy for surveillance after heart transplantation in selected low-risk patients with respect to clinical outcomes. Recently, it was suggested that the within-patient variability of consecutive GEP scores may be used to independently predict future clinical events; however, future studies were recommended. Here we performed an analysis of an independent patient population to determine the prognostic utility of within-patient variability of GEP scores in predicting future clinical events. METHODS We defined the GEP score variability as the standard deviation of four GEP scores collected ≥315 days post-transplantation. Of the 737 patients from the Cardiac Allograft Rejection Gene Expression Observational (CARGO) II trial, 36 were assigned to the composite event group (death, re-transplantation or graft failure ≥315 days post-transplantation and within 3 years of the final GEP test) and 55 were assigned to the control group (non-event patients). In this case-controlled study, the performance of GEP score variability to predict future events was evaluated by the area under the receiver operator characteristics curve (AUC ROC). The negative predictive values (NPV) and positive predictive values (PPV) including 95 % confidence intervals (CI) of GEP score variability were calculated. RESULTS The estimated prevalence of events was 17 %. Events occurred at a median of 391 (inter-quartile range 376) days after the final GEP test. The GEP variability AUC ROC for the prediction of a composite event was 0.72 (95 % CI 0.6-0.8). The NPV for GEP score variability of 0.6 was 97 % (95 % CI 91.4-100.0); the PPV for GEP score variability of 1.5 was 35.4 % (95 % CI 13.5-75.8). CONCLUSION In heart transplant recipients, a GEP score variability may be used to predict the probability that a composite event will occur within 3 years after the last GEP score. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT00761787.


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Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been proposed as treatment for mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy, a rare fatal autosomal recessive disease due to TYMP mutations that result in thymidine phosphorylase deficiency. We conducted a retrospective analysis of all known patients suffering from mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy who underwent allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation between 2005 and 2011. Twenty-four patients, 11 males and 13 females, median age 25 years (range 10-41 years) treated with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation from related (n = 9) or unrelated donors (n = 15) in 15 institutions worldwide were analysed for outcome and its associated factors. Overall, 9 of 24 patients (37.5%) were alive at last follow-up with a median follow-up of these surviving patients of 1430 days. Deaths were attributed to transplant in nine (including two after a second transplant due to graft failure), and to mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy in six patients. Thymidine phosphorylase activity rose from undetectable to normal levels (median 697 nmol/h/mg protein, range 262-1285) in all survivors. Seven patients (29%) who were engrafted and living more than 2 years after transplantation, showed improvement of body mass index, gastrointestinal manifestations, and peripheral neuropathy. Univariate statistical analysis demonstrated that survival was associated with two defined pre-transplant characteristics: human leukocyte antigen match (10/10 versus <10/10) and disease characteristics (liver disease, history of gastrointestinal pseudo-obstruction or both). Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation can restore thymidine phosphorylase enzyme function in patients with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy and improve clinical manifestations of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy in the long term. Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation should be considered for selected patients with an optimal donor.


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Although immunosuppressive therapy minimizes the risk of graft failure due to acute rejection, transplant-associated arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries remains a significant obstacle to the long-term survival of heart transplant recipients. The participation of specific inflammatory cell types in the genesis of this lesion was examined in a mouse model in which carotid arteries were transplanted across multiple histocompatibility barriers into seven mutant strains with immunologic defects. An acquired immune response--with the participation of CD4+ (helper) T cells, humoral antibody, and macrophages--was essential to the development of the concentric neointimal proliferation and luminal narrowing characteristic of transplant arteriosclerosis. CD8+ (cytotoxic) T cells and natural killer cells were not involved in the process. Arteries allografted into mice deficient in both T-cell receptors and humoral antibody showed almost no neointimal proliferation, whereas those grafted into mice deficient only in helper T cells, humoral antibody, or macrophages developed small neointimas. These small neointimas and the large neointimas of arteries grafted into control animals contained a similar number of inflammatory cells; however, smooth muscle cell number and collagen deposition were diminished in the small neointimas. Also, the degree of inflammatory reaction in the adventitia did not correlate with the size of the neointima. Thus, the reduction in neointimal size in arteries allografted into mice deficient in helper T cells, humoral antibody, or macrophages may be accounted for by a decrease in smooth muscle cell migration or proliferation.


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Chronic rejection, the most important cause of long-term graft failure, is thought to result from both alloantigen-dependent and -independent factors. To examine these influences, cytokine dynamics were assessed by semiquantitative competitive reverse transcriptase-PCR and by immunohistology in an established rat model of chronic rejection lf renal allografts. Isograft controls develop morphologic and immunohistologic changes that are similar to renal allograft changes, although quantitatively less intense and at a delayed speed; these are thought to occur secondary to antigen-independent events. Sequential cytokine expression was determined throughout the process. During an early reversible allograft rejection episode, both T-cell associated [interleukin (IL) 2, IL-2 receptor, IL-4, and interferon gamma] and macrophage (IL-1 alpha, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IL-6) products were up-regulated despite transient immunosuppression. RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) peaked at 2 weeks; intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) was maximally expressed at 6 weeks. Macrophage products such as monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) increased dramatically (to 10 times), presaging intense peak macrophage infiltration at 16 weeks. In contrast, in isografts, ICAM-1 peaked at 24 weeks. MCP-1 was maximally expressed at 52 weeks, commensurate with a progressive increase in infiltrating macrophages. Cytokine expression in the spleen of allograft and isograft recipients was insignificant. We conclude that chronic rejection of kidney allografts in rats is predominantly a local macrophage-dependent event with intense up-regulation of macrophage products such as MCP-1, IL-6, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. The cytokine expression in isografts emphasizes the contribution of antigen-independent events. The dynamics of RANTES expression between early and late phases of chronic rejection suggest a key role in mediating the events of the chronic process.


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Previously, researchers have speculated that genetic engineering can improve the long-term function of vascular grafts which are prone to atherosclerosis and occlusion. In this study, we demonstrated that an intraoperative gene therapy approach using antisense oligodeoxynucleotide blockage of medial smooth muscle cell proliferation can prevent the accelerated atherosclerosis that is responsible for autologous vein graft failure. Selective blockade of the expression of genes for two cell cycle regulatory proteins, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cell division cycle 2 kinase, was achieved in the smooth muscle cells of rabbit jugular veins grafted into the carotid arteries. This alteration of gene expression successfully redirected vein graft biology away from neointimal hyperplasia and toward medial hypertrophy, yielding conduits that more closely resembled normal arteries. More importantly, these genetically engineered grafts proved resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis. These findings establish the feasibility of developing genetically engineered bioprostheses that are resistant to failure and better suited to the long-term treatment of occlusive vascular disease.


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End-stage liver disease associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is now the leading indication for liver transplantation in adults. However, reinfection of the graft is universal. We aimed to determine predictors of outcome of HCV-Iiver transplant recipients in the Australian and New Zealand communities. The following variables were analysed: demographic factors, coexistent pathology at the time of transplantation, HCV genotype, and donor age. Outcomes measures were: 1. mortality; 2. development of HCV-related complications, which were stage 3 or 4 fibrosis, or mortality from HCV-related graft failure, or both. Between January 1989 and December 30, 1999, 182 patients were transplanted for HCV-associated cirrhosis. The median follow-up period was 4 years (range, 0 to 13 years). Genotype data were available on 157 patients. The distribution of genotypes among the 157 patients was as follows: 36 (23%) genotype la, 30 (19%) genotype 1b, 4 (9%) genotype 1, 17 (11%) genotype 2, 41 (26%) genotype 3a, and 16 (10%) genotype 4. Eight (5%) patients were HCV-polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-negative (but HCV-antibody positive). Donor age and genotype 4 were associated with an increased risk of retransplantation or death (P < .001 and.05, respectively). Meanwhile, donor age, genotype 4, and pretransplant excess alcohol were risk factors for the development of HCV-related complications (P = .004, .008, and .02, respectively). In contrast, patients with genotype 3a were less likely to develop HCV-related complications (P = .05). In a population of HCV liver transplant recipients with a heterogeneous genotype distribution, donor age, and genotype 4, were predictors of a worse outcome, whereas genotype 3 was associated with a more favorable outcome.


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Background: Human islet transplantation would offer a less invasive and more physiological alternative than whole pancreas transplantation and insulin injections respectively for the treatment of diabetes mellitus if islet graft survival can be improved. Initial recipient post-transplant insulin independence declines to <10% after 5 years. Factors contributing to graft failure include enzymatic disruption of the islet microenvironment during isolation, diabetogenic effects of immunosuppressants and metabolic stress resulting from slow revascularisation. Aims: To investigate the effect of co-culture in both static (SC) and rotational culture (RC) of BRINBDII beta-cells (Dl1) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on Dl1 insulin secretion; and the effect of a thiazolidinedione (TZD) on DII function and HUVEC proliferation. To assess the effect of culture media, SC, RC and a TZD on human islet morphology, insulin secretion and VEGF production. To initiate in vivo protocol development for assessment of revascularisation of human islet grafts. Methods: D11 cells were cultured +/-TZD and co-cultured with HUVEC +/-TZD in SC and RC. Dl1 insulin secretion was induced by static incubation with low glucose (1.67mM), high glucose (l6.7mM: and high glucose with 10mM theophylline (G+T) and determined by ELISA. HUVEC were cultured +/-TZD in SC and RC and proliferation was assessed by ATP luminescence assay and VEGF ELISA. D II and HUVEC morphology was determined by immunocytochemistry. Human islets were cultured in SC and RC in various media +/-TZD. Insulin secretion was determined as above and VEGF production by fluorescence immunocytochemistry (FI) and ELISA. Revascularisation of islet grafts was assessed by vascular corrosion cast and FI. Results: Dll cultures showed significantly increased insulin secretion in response to 16.7mM and G+T over basal; this was enhanced by RC and further improved by adding 10mM TZD. Untreated Dll/HUVEC co-cultures displayed significantly increased insulin secretion in response to 16.7mM and G+T over basal, again enhanced by RC and improved with 10mM TZD. 10mM TZD significantly increased HUVEC proliferation over control. Human islets maintained in medium 199 (mI99) in SC and RC exhibited comparable maintenance of morphology and insulin secretory profiles compared to islets maintained in RPMI, endothelial growth media and dedicated islet medium Miami# I. All cultures showed significantly increased insulin secretion in response to 16.7mM and G+T over basal; this was enhanced by RC and in certain instances further improved by adding 25mM TZD. TZD increased VEGF production and release as determined by ELISA. Post-implant vascular corrosion casts of mouse kidneys analysed by x-ray micro tomography indicates a possible TZD enhancement of microvessel growth via VEGF upregulation. Conclusions: D II /HUVEC co-culture in SC or RC does not alter the morphology of either cell type and supports D 11 function. TZD improves 0 I I and D I I/HUVEC SC and RC co-culture insulin secretion while increasing HUVEC proliferation. Human islet RC supports islet functional viability and structural integrity compared to SC while the addition of TZD occasionally further improves secretagogue induced insulin secretion. Expensive, 'dedicated' islet media showed no advantage over ml99 in terms of maintaining islet morphology or function. TZD upregulates VEGF in islets as shown by ELISA and suggested by x-ray micro tomography analysis of vascular corrosion casts. Maintenance of islets in RC and treatment with TZD prior to transplant may improve the functional viability and revascularisation rate of islet grafts.


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Osteo-odonto-keratoprostheses (OOKP) is a unique form of keratoprosthesis involving surgical removal of a tooth root and surrounding bone from the patient which are then used to construct an osteo-odonto lamina into which an optical cylinder is cemented. The OOKP procedure is successful and capable of withstanding the very hostile ocular environments found in severe Stevens–Johnson syndrome, pemphigoid, chemical burns, trachoma and multiple corneal graft failure. The existing procedure is complex and time consuming in terms of operative time, and additionally involves sacrifice of the oral structures. This paper discusses the rational search for a “synthetic” analogue of the dental lamina, capable of mimicking those features of the natural system that are responsible for the success of OOKP. In this study the degradation of selected commercial and natural bioceramics was tested in vitro using a purpose-designed resorption assay. Degradation rate was compared with tooth and bone, which are currently used in OOKP lamina. At normal physiological pH the degradation of bioceramics was equivalent to tooth and bone; however, at pH 6.5–5.0, associated with infectious and inflamed tissues, the bioceramics degrade more rapidly. At lower pH the degradation rate decreased in the following order: calcium carbonate corals > biphasic calcium phosphates > hydroxyapatite. Porosity did not significantly influence these degradation rates. Such degradation is likely to compromise the stability and viability of the synthetic OOKP. Consequently more chemically stable materials are required that are optimized for the surrounding ocular environment.


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Banked, unrelated umbilical cord blood provides access to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients lacking matched bone marrow donors, yet 10% to 15% of patients experience graft failure or delayed engraftment. This may be due, at least in part, to inadequate potency of the selected cord blood unit (CBU). CBU potency is typically assessed before cryopreservation, neglecting changes in potency occurring during freezing and thawing. Colony-forming units (CFUs) have been previously shown to predict CBU potency, defined as the ability to engraft in patients by day 42 posttransplant. However, the CFU assay is difficult to standardize and requires 2 weeks to perform. Consequently, we developed a rapid multiparameter flow cytometric CBU potency assay that enumerates cells expressing high levels of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH bright [ALDH(br)]), along with viable CD45(+) or CD34(+) cell content. These measurements are made on a segment that was attached to a cryopreserved CBU. We validated the assay with prespecified criteria testing accuracy, specificity, repeatability, intermediate precision, and linearity. We then prospectively examined the correlations among ALDH(br), CD34(+), and CFU content of 3908 segments over a 5-year period. ALDH(br) (r = 0.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.76-0.79), but not CD34(+) (r = 0.25; 95% CI, 0.22-0.28), was strongly correlated with CFU content as well as ALDH(br) content of the CBU. These results suggest that the ALDH(br) segment assay (based on unit characteristics measured before release) is a reliable assessment of potency that allows rapid selection and release of CBUs from the cord blood bank to the transplant center for transplantation.


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Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative treatment for most children with osteopetrosis (OP). Timing of HSCT is critical; therefore, umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) is an attractive option. We analyzed outcomes after UCBT in 51 OP children. Median age at UCBT was 6 months. Seventy-seven percent of the cord blood grafts had 0 or 1 HLA disparity with the recipient. Conditioning regimen was myeloablative (mostly busulfan-based in 84% and treosulfan-based in 10%). Antithymocyte globulin was given to 90% of patients. Median number of total nucleated and CD34(+) cells infused was 14 × 10(7)/kg and 3.4 × 10(5)/kg, respectively. Median follow-up for survivors was 74 months. Cumulative incidence (CI) of neutrophil recovery was 67% with a median time to recovery of 23 days; 33% of patients had graft failure, 81% of engrafted patients had full donor engraftment, and 19% had mixed donor chimerism. Day 100 CI of acute graft-versus-host disease (grades II to IV) was 31% and 6-year CI of chronic graft-versus-host disease was 21%. Mechanical ventilation was required in 28%, and veno-occlusive disease was diagnosed in 16% of cases. Six-year overall survival rate was 46%. Comparative studies with other alternative donors should be performed to evaluate whether UCBT remains a valid alternative for children with OP without an HLA-matched donor.


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La enfermedad renal crónica ha aumentado a nivel mundial y nacional, mientras que el número de donantes viene en descenso, y los pacientes en lista de espera aumentan. Los donantes cadavéricos son una opción para estos pacientes, y han sido utilizados en últimos años para aumentar los órganos disponibles. La evaluación de la calidad de estos es importante para optimizar su uso. Estudio analítico tipo cohorte retrospectiva, cálculo de KDPI en donantes cadavéricos, seguimiento función renal creatinina sérica 1 mes, 3 meses, 6 meses y un año. Correlación supervivencia del injerto, función renal, KDPI y EPTS. Análisis de supervivencia y regresión logística con variables del donante, receptor y acto quirúrgico.


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Background There are few population-based data on long-term management of patients after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), despite the high risk for future major vascular events among this group. We assessed the prevalence and correlates of pharmacotherapy for prevention of new cardiac events in a large population-based series. Methods A postal survey was conducted of 2500 randomly selected survivors from a state population of patients 6 to 20 years after first CABG. Results Response was 82% (n = 2061). Use of antiplatelet agents (80%) and statins (64%) declined as age increased. Other independent predictors of antiplatelet use included statin use (odds ratio [OR] 1.6, 95% CI 1.26-2.05) and recurrent angina (OR 1.6, CI 1.17-2.06). Current smokers were less likely to use aspirin (OR 0.59, CI 0.4-0.89). Statin use was associated with reported high cholesterol (OR 24.4, CI 8.4-32.4), management by a cardiologist (OR 2.3, CI 1.8-3.0), and the use of calcium channel-blockers. Patients reporting hypertension or heart failure, in addition to high cholesterol, were less likely to use statins. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were the most commonly prescribed agents for management of hypertension (59%) and were more frequently used among patients with diabetes and those with symptoms of heart failure. Overall 42% of patients were on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and 36% on beta-blockers. Conclusions Gaps exist in the use of-recommended medications after CABG. Lower anti-platelet and statin use was associated with older age, freedom from angina, comorbid heart failure or hypertension, and not regularly visiting a cardiologist. Patients who continue to smoke might be less likely to adhere to prescribed medications.


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Introduction. The use of arterial grafts (AG) in pediatric orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is an alternative in cases of poor hepatic arterial inflow, small or anomalous recipient hepatic arteries, and retransplantations (re-OLT) due to hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT). AG have been crucial to the success of the procedure among younger children. Herein we have reported our experience with AG. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed data from June 1989 to June 2010 among OLT in which we used AG, analyzing indications, short-term complications, and long-term outcomes. Results. Among 437 pediatric OLT, 58 children required an AG. A common iliac artery interposition graft was used in 57 cases and a donor carotid artery in 1 case. In 38 children the graft was used primarily, including 94% (36/38) in which it was due to poor hepatic arterial inflow. Ductopenia syndromes (n = 14), biliary atresia (BA; n = 11), and fulminant hepatitis (n = 8) were the main preoperative diagnoses among these children. Their mean weight was 18.4 kg and mean age was 68 months. At the mean follow-up of 27 months, multiple-organ failure and primary graft nonfunction (PNF) were the short-term causes of death in 9 children (26.5%). Among the remaining 29 patients, 2 (6,8%) developed early graft thrombosis requiring re-OLT; 5 (17%) developed biliary complications, and 1 (3.4%) had asymptomatic arterial stenosis. In 20 children, a graft was used during retransplantation. The main indication was HAT (75%). BA (n = 15), ductopenia syndromes (n = 2), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 2) were the main diagnoses. Their mean weight was 16.7 kg and age was 65 months. At a mean follow-up of 53 months, 7 children died due to multiple-organ failure or PNF. Among the remaining 13 patients, 3 developed biliary complications and 1 had arterial stenosis. No thrombosis was observed. Conclusion. The data suggested that use of an AG is useful alternative in pediatric OLT. The technique is safe with a low risk of thrombosis.


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There are many different opinions in the literature regarding the best procedure for revision of infected hip arthroplasty and hence in achieving long-term stabilization of a new implant. Thirty-two patients with 32 loose and infected total hip arthroplasties underwent revision with a bone graft in a 1-stage procedure. The bone graft was used in the acetabulum and femure in 25 patients, in the acetabulum alone in 4 patients and in the femur alone in 3 patients. A metal mesh was necessary in 15 patients to contain the morselized bone graft. At the time of surgical revision, 9 patients had a draining sinus, 6 had a closed sinus, and 17 had never had sinuses in the surgical wound. Antibiotic therapy was administered intravenously and orally for 6 months. Mean follow-up was 103 months (range, 63-183 months), and infection recurred in 2 (6.2%) cases. Further studies are necessary, and continuation of this method is justified.