825 resultados para Gráfico de np
Desde el año 2012, en el grupo Conservació-Restauració del Patrimoni de la Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona (Grup de Recerca Consolidat 2014- 16 SGR 459G reconocido porla Generalitat de Catalunya), se está desa rrollando un proyecto de investigación sobre el uso de nuevos procedimientos de limpieza mecánica y consolidación de documento gráfico mediante fibrasde celulosa. La limpieza mecánica más extendida en documento gráfico se realiza con gomas. El procedimiento, apesar de habitual, comporta riesgos potenciales para el soporte y para los elementos sustentados albasarse en mecanismos de fricción y/o abrasión que pueden ultrapasar la suciedad. Así, modificaciónde textura y/o brillo (Pearlstein et al., 1982; Sterlini, 1995), cambios en las propiedades físicas(James & Cohn, 1997; Mclnnis, 1980) y alteraciones químicas y/o mecánicas a largo plazo (DaudinSchotteet al., 2010; Moffatt & Laver, 1981; Moy, 2007; Silverman & Irwin, 2009) son los riesgos habitualmente referidos en la literatura. Para minimizar estos inconvenientes y como posible alternativa, se está eva luando la limpieza conmicroproyección de fibras de celulosa como alternativa a las gomas. Una de las principales ventajasprincipales de este procedimiento radica en el hecho de que el agente de limpieza es altamente compatible con la obra ya que tiene una composición muy similar. Por lo tanto, su empleo podríareducir la posibilidad de afectar negativamente la estabilidad química de la pieza a corto o largo plazo.Hasta el momento se han realizado ensayos comparativos entre gomas y microproyección para la limpieza de grabados calcográficos con resultados satisfactorios en eficacia y preservación de la obra a corto y medio plazo (Iglesias-Campos et al., 2014a; Iglesias-Campos & Ruiz-Recasens, 2014 enprensa; Iglesias-Campos, et al., 2014 en prensa). Paralelamente se realizan ensayos de envejecimiento artificial con los que comparar los posibles efectos en el tiempo entre ambas técnicas.
El proyecto realizado es un localizador gráfico de direcciones IP.
Propuesta gráfica de nuevo lago artificial en Argulls. Estación de esquí de Baqueria-Beret
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large. Clast shape ranges from angular to rounded. Lineations and comet structures are abundant throughout this sample. It also contains rotation structures and minor amounts of grain crushing.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations and comet structures are commonly seen throughout the sample. Rotation structures with and without central grains can also be seen.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to rounded. Lineations and rotation structures were abundant in this sample, Rotation structures were seen with and without central grains. Comet structures were also present in this sample along with minor amounts of grain stacking.
Dark brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations can be seen throughout the sample, along with a few rotation and comet structures. This sample also contains a fine grained clay domain that is relatively structure-less. It can be seen scattered throughout the sample.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations and rotation structures are abundant throughout the sample. Comet structures can also be seen. Minor amounts of grains crushing/stacking are also present.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Rotation structures and comet structures are commonly seen throughout this sample. Lineations are also common. Minor amounts of grain stacking can also be seen. Some grains appear to be fractured and/or weathered.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations are common throughout the sample. This sample also contains a clay domain, that appears very fine grained. Edge-to-edge grain crushing, comet structures, and rotation structures are also present.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Lineations and rotation structures are scattered throughout the entire sample. Comet structures are also present. Minor amounts of grain stacking can also be seen.
Brown sediment with inclusions of a clay rich domain. Clasts range from small to medium in size and angular to sub-rounded in shape. Lineations can be commonly seen throughout the sample, along with water escape structures in the clay rich domain. Rotation structures, comet structures, and grain crushing are also present.
Tesis (Maestría en Artes con orientación en Artes Visuales) UANL, 2014.