854 resultados para Governo e sociedade civil


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The theme of civil society has resonated significantly in the analysis of social science studies and has long been the center of public opinion, applied to a vast range of contexts, significances and political ideological connotations. Starting with such an unstable theoretical scenario, our research proposal scrutinized two civil society analysis traditions. Embodied by Antonio Gramsci and Jürgen Habermas, these politically conceptual differences are significantly divided into distinct interpretations of the relationship between the state and civil society. On one side, in Gramsci's work, we observe civil society as historically constituted through "molecular expansion of the state", organizing itself during its obligatory constitutive moment. On the other, Habermas shows us a civil society instituted from the structural differentiation process of society developed due to the contradiction existing between the different ways the state administration is organized, the economy and daily social interaction (in which it is found). As a consequence, civil society is no longer seen as a political arena and the hegemonic catalyst of the state, but as a social arrangement destined to increase the viability of the ethical and dialogical reconstruction of social life. It follows that the understanding of the distinctions between both models of civil society become crucial in the measure that they are divided in relation to the delineation of acting agents, fighting strategies, and to the objective of their actions.Despite the existence of analytical dissonance, we intend to outline the common points between both these civil society analysis traditions whose conflicting political action models lead us to a greater understanding of our contemporary political scene. This will be done starting with the systematization of both selected authors' principal categories, and through the introduction of the "contra-hegemonic public sphere" concept


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The relation between State and civil society is not a very recent discussion, but it does not mean that debate is exhausted, since is in the historical context that the novelty is seized. Thinking like this, we may analyze how the relation between state and civil society happened in Acre during the decade of 1970. But, to understand how this relation is established in faraway Acre, we have available to the reader historical analyses, in a tireless attempt to clarify minimally aspects that characterize acreana society. To do this, we take on as a departure point, in general not differentiating of the given structure at national level, the conformation of this society was guided in a passive revolution, in another way, by high transformismo, relegating to the civil society, which is incipient, pífia a simple participation in the hegemonic policy direction. All this brings us to the thought that both state bureaucracy structure and the civil society organization, were influenced decisively for a traditional political elite. In addition, we begin the work with the lifting bibliographic reference searching and then we analyze the empirical reality, such as newspapers, official media publications and private, a few documents and last, interviews with political actors associated with the process consolidation of civil society in the 1970 decade. The interviewees were selected, firstly for their location in the region, and for their outstanding contribution to the consolidating process of recent Acre history. Thus, the interviews followed up on a semi-structured way, leading up, also, for the informations that the interviewees would have to pass on. The systematization and analysis of these surveys have shown us that, in the period before of the Acre Federal State lifting had, of course, a transformismo by high, but at 1970decade, the society with a more heterogeneous social formation, is not allowed, or at least, organize itself, to counter a systematic imposition. Thus, the hegemonic area of dispute between State and civil society occurs from the "reconciliation" with the adoption of public policies that amenizasse the dispute between both spheres, and to build up some bodies, settling a acreana civil society.


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This report has as its objective the setting up of a social cartography, mapping and characterizing non-governmental organizations working with adolescents and young people (OSC) in the western districts of the city of Natal. Characteristics such as the profile, themes and principal activities, how the organizations fit into the public sector and their participation in social networks are observed. Thus common differences and similarities which serve as a means of indentification, take as reference the symbolic cartography of Boaventura of Sousa Santos. Since there are relatively few studies relating to civil society of Rio Grande do Norte and in particular, Natal, the starting point was the setting up of a database allowing for a general overview. Hence a panorama of the organizations could be observed: where they are located, when they were formed how they operate and their relationships with other sectors (the state, the market and civil society) in addition to basic facts and location. The principal lines of enquiry were a) the OSC which operate with the public comprising adolescents and young people and b) the OSC operating or having branches in four suburbs on the periphery of the western administrative region of the city (Felipe Camarão, Bom Pastor, Cidade Nova and Guararapes).The present report has identified the impacts of ongoing social transformation caused by the process of globalization ,by the various currently contested political projects which are as follows: the project of neoliberal globalized capitalism(hegemonic)and the project of social emancipation (contra-hegemonic),how these are seen from the local viewpoint and how they influence the profiles and operation of the cartographic organizations. The area of the OSC is a heterogenous one with political, cultural and ideological strains, characterized by its infiltration, its local/global and multicultural dimensions. As civil organizations are fundamental in the processes of transformation within society, and following the idea of social emancipation referred to by Boaventura Santos, the enquiry classified the organizations according to the afore-mentioned characteristics, establishing eight types of associations. These different types and their respective characteristics were analysed from a related perspective using the mechanisms of symbolic cartography: scale, projection and symbolisation. The theoretical references underpinning this research arise from the debate on civil society which becomes redefined as a result of the dispute involving the two afore-mentioned political projects. These demand the theoretical application of the comprehension of heterogeneity in its diversity and complexity together with the idea of social emancipation.The main authors consulted were Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Antonio Gramsci, through the texts translated by Marco Aurelio Nogueira; Carlos Nelson Coutinho and Alberto Rivera ,who supported the construction of the types of associations identified by the local reality.Finally this research enabled an understanding of the current form of social action happening in the Space of the Four Neighbourhoods (Espaço dos 4 Bairros) and how the distinct profiles analysed together with the ares of operation of the organizations define their emancipatory potencials within the following two poles: regulation/adaptation and emancipation/transformation


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Cet article est fondé sur le concept de société civile développé par le marxiste Antonio Gramsci et propose un dialogue critique avec les autres idées de la société civile qui, de nos jours, cherchent à s'affirmer dans le panorama politique et culturel. Nous nous fondons sur le fait d'être passé, au cours des dernières décennies, d'une idée de société civile prioritairement politique-publique, scène de luttes démocratiques et de nouvelles hégémonies, vers une image qui transforme la société civile soit en ressource de gestion ­ un arrangement de la société destiné à rendre possible différents genres spécifiques de politiques publiques ­ soit en un facteur de reconstruction étique et dialogique de la vie sociale. L'incorporation de l'idée de participation au langage de planification a déplacé la société civile de son champs principal (celui de l'organisation de nouvelles hégémonies) vers un espace de coopération et de gestion de la crise. Par ailleurs, l'expansion de l'activisme social, dans un cadre de crise politique de l'État et de la démocratie représentative a poussé vers la recherche d'une autre «place» à partir de laquelle il serait possible d'établir et de répandre de nouvelles postulations éthiques et de nouvelles procédures collectives. D'une phase où le marxisme était prépondérant et laissait sa marque, nous sommes entrés dans une phase dans laquelle la perspective libérale, affirmée de façon orthodoxe ou nuancée, prévaut et opère comme principale référence.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Frente a evidências científicas que apontam o desflorestamento da Amazônia como fator preponderante na liberação de gases do efeito estufa à atmosfera e na consequente intensificação das mudanças climáticas globais, organizações não-governamentais e ambientalistas criaram fóruns temáticos sobre a Redução de Emissões por Desmatamento e Degradação florestal (REDD). Sob a premissa de intercambiar informações e promover a articulação e o debate público, essas iniciativas reúnem diferentes atores sociais, sob a coordenação de organizações da própria sociedade civil, tendo a internet como principal lugar de referência. Considerando a perspectiva democrática aberta pela noção habermasiana de esfera pública e com base em critérios fundamentais à publicidade social, relacionados às funções de dar visibilidade e promover o debate público, a análise de quatro espaços virtuais permitiu uma reflexão sobre a forma contemporânea de atuação das organizações não-governamentais ambientalistas e as potencialidades de atuação política trazidas por novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), ainda não apropriadas de forma plena ou efetiva por esse e outros setores da sociedade. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que, na prática, tais fóruns atendem satisfatoriamente a nenhuma das funções: não esclarecem os usuários quanto ao assunto e tão pouco são capazes de fomentar discussões que resultem em desdobramentos em prol da coletividade. Isso resulta na perda da qualidade democrática a que se propõem e ainda reforça o efeito do “silenciamento” sobre as populações locais, que veem os seus anseios e necessidades representados por essas ONGs sem que essas entidades sejam real e necessariamente representativas de seus interesses.


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Este artigo discute o desenvolvimento dos conceitos democracia e sociedade civil, no Brasil dos anos 70. Defende a premissa de que seu início foi fortemente marcado por intelectuais acadêmicos de matriz marxista. Aponta que foi possível desenvolverem-se esses conceitos por uma vertente da dependência estrutural e da concepção de Estado burocrático-autoritário.


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Este artigo pretende sustentar que, no atual quadro histórico mundial, o problema da segurança nacional e da soberania não pode ser analisado com os mesmos conceitos de antes: não é mais uma questão do Estado em sentido estrito, nem muito menos um problema militar, ainda que continue a ser uma questão de Estado. O problema deixou de pertencer exclusivamente ao campo das relações entre Estados e tornou-se um problema das comunidades como um todo, povos, governos, empresas, sociedades civis, cidadãos. Ultrapassou as fronteiras nacionais, por mais que continue a se enraizar em experiências nacionais concretas e a encontrar nelas boa parte de suas determinações. Justamente por isto, não pode ser resolvido nem “fora” do Estado ou “sem” o Estado, nem exclusivamente pelo Estado.


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Hegel stresses in his “Philosophy of Right” that the intention of the text is to offer elemnts in order to reckon a State as such and not to say how it should be. One of these elements is that the State founds and sustains the moments that precede and constitute it. In this way the family as much as the bourgeois civil society have their basis in something that results from them, i.e., the State but according to Hegel this result is already present at the very beginning of both family and the bourgeois civil society. The State promotes the overcoming of both of them. The aim of this essay is to consider the relationship between the State and the bourgeois civil society trying mainly to show how Hegel understands the bourgeois civil society and also identifying the perils for a State in the hands of the bourfeois civil society. For Hegel the greatest peril is the submission of the State to the interst as something of the common interest to the interest as common and to assume it as the rule for life within it.