997 resultados para Gould, Jay, 1836-1892.


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The life history of the Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) was described from 1093 specimens collected from Virginia to northern Florida between April 1997 and March 1999. Longitudinally sectioned vertebral centra were used to age each specimen, and the periodicity of circuli deposition was verified through marginal increment analysis and focus-to-increment frequency distributions. Rhizoprionodon terraenovae reached a maximum size of 828 mm precaudal length (PCL) and a maximum age of 11+ years. Mean back-calculated lengths-at-age ranged from 445 mm PCL at age one to 785 mm PCL at age ten for females, and 448 mm PCL at age one to 747 mm PCL at age nine for males. Observed lengthat-age data (estimated to 0.1 year) yielded the following von Bertalanffy parameters estimates: L∞= 749 mm PCL (SE=4.60), K = 0.49 (SE=0.020), and t0= –0.94 (SE=0.046) for females; and L∞= 745 mm PCL (SE = 5.93), K = 0.50 (SE=0.024), and t0= –0.91 (SE = 0.052) for males. Sexual maturity was reached at age three and 611 mm PCL for females, and age three and 615 mm PCL for males. Rhizoprionodon terraenovae reproduced annually and had a gestation period of approximately 11 months. Litter size ranged from one to eight (mean=3.85) embyros, and increased with female PCL.


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Annual cycle of gonad development and spawning in pearl oyster, Pinctada ficata (Gould) in Nakhiloo, Northeast Persian Gulf, was investigated over two years from August 1994 to June 1996. Gonadal condition was assessed by staging criteria to describe gametogenic development from histological preparations of randomly collected individuals of all sizes. A bimodal gametogenic pattern with summer and autumn spawning periods was evident throughout the study. Gametogensis commenced in November-December which proceeded by major gonadal maturation during February-April. Summer spawning was observed from April to July with major spawning at the latter end. During spawning peak in July, low level of gametogensis was noticed. Gametogenic activity was picked up again in August-September which proceeded by autumn spawning from September to December. Towards the end of spawning season, incidence of gonadal inactivation increased. Minimum level of gonadal activity was observed in November. Temperature regime appears to have influential role in regulation of gametogenic and spawning processes. Gonadal development and spawning trends were similar in both sexes. P. radiaata was found to be protandrous hermaphrodite which matured as a male at shell height greater than 20 mm. Biseivality was uncommon and the sex ratio was about 1:1. Ultrastructure of gametes were investigated in the Pictada fucata (Gould). "Auxiliary cells" closely accociated with developing oocytes were observed. Each oocyte seems to be associated with only one secretory cell. which is characterized by an abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum at the onset of vitellogenesis. Contact between this cell and a developing oocytes is maintained by a desmosome-like junction which can be observed when the vitelline coat is formed. these "auxiliary or nursing cells" seem to play a tropic role in vitellogenesis, and may be involved in the formation of the vitelline coat of the oocytes. Oocytic degeneration is observed in this species, it is a continuous phenomenon of varing intensity throughout the year. The ultrastructural changes resulting in lysis of the oocyte are described. Mature spermatozoa consist of a broad, cap-shaped acrosomal vesicle, subacrosomal material, a round nucleus, two triplet substructure centrioles surrounded by four spherical mitochondria, and a flagellum anchored to the distal centriole and plasma membrane. Spermatozoa of Plucata closley resemble to those of other investigated Pteriidae. Changes in proximate composition of soft tissue and gonadal cycle of Pinctada fucata was studied. Mobilization and utilization of stored reserves are apparent during gametogenesis and gonadal maturation. Protein reserves are utilized during spermatogenesis while reserved carbohydrates form the main energy donor in oogenesis. The role of lipid as am.: energy reserve is second to that of carbohydrate.


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A new species of myxosporida, Henneguya clariae, is described from the gills of Claria’s Iazera caught from various waters in Nigeria. Pathogenic effects in the destruction of the components of the branchial system are about 25% of Clarias lazera. A review of the genera Henneguya myxobilatus, and Neohenneguya is made and these were synonymised, with some reservations in the case of to Henneguya. A checklist of the genus Henneguya is given.


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本文采用化学方法诱导了虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay)和仿刺参Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka)的多倍体。采用6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-dimethylaminopurine)抑制虾夷扇贝极体释放,研究了诱导三倍体的实验条件、技术工艺以及三倍体虾夷扇贝幼虫的生长和培育方法。结果表明,使用6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)可诱导17.3%-100.0%的三倍体虾夷扇贝面盘幼虫。筛选并优化了生产中操作简便、高效、成活率高的诱导条件,并研究出在扇贝三倍体诱导中批量获得受精卵、处理及培育的技术工艺,对扇贝三倍体的规模化诱导及培育等生产性应用具有较高的参考价值。报道了采用细胞松弛素B(cytochalasin B)、秋水仙素(colchicine)、6-DMAP以及咖啡因(coffeine)等药物抑制虾夷扇贝第一极体(PB_1)释放、PB_1和第二极体(PB_2)释放以及抑制第一次卵裂等方法诱导四倍体的结果。结果表明,CB、6-DMAP和秋水仙素抑制扇贝第一次有丝分裂诱发四倍体的比例低于25%,而采用CB抑制PB_1可有效地诱导产生四倍体,从授精后42min提前到15-22min开始处理,抑制PB_1的放出有助于提高四倍体的比例,在12 ℃,处理开始和终上时间分别在授精后20-22min和60-62min时,面盘幼虫四倍体率最高,为56.5%。对CB处理抑制受精卵PB_1释放的处理组胚胎的染色体分离状况进行了观察研究。对照组受精卵具有19条四分体染色体,经过减数分裂I期(meiosis I)和减数分裂II期(meiosis II),放出PB_1和PB_2,受精卵的发育具有不同步性。处理组受精卵在第二次减数分裂中出现了“三级分离“、“联合二级分离“和“独立二级分离“等特殊的分离类型,初步分析了CB抑制第一极体放出的机理。对三倍体虾夷扇贝的繁殖潜力和卵子的大小进行了观察研究,三倍体扇贝具一定的繁殖能力,三倍体雌贝平均产卵3.26 * 10~6个,而相同壳长二倍体贝为1.45 * 10~7,三倍体产卵量仅为二倍体产卵量的22.5%。三倍体卵子产出后,形状不规则,卵子平均直径为87.25μm,比二倍体大11.7%,卵子体积比二倍体大39.4%。利用CB抑制第一极体释放诱导了虾夷扇贝的四倍体,诱导率为41.5%。首次报道了仿刺参Apostichopus japanicus (Selenka)多倍体诱导的结果。采用紫外线照射的海水成功地使海参分别单独产卵、排精,从而准确地控制了海参的人工授精后处理的时间。采用0.2、0.4mg/L CB 抑制受精卵第一极体释放以及10、20、30和40mg/L 的6-DMAP 分别抑制PB_1、PB_2放出的方法诱导了仿刺参的多倍体。研究了诱导的药物浓度、处理时间以及处理开始时间等,同时对幼体的成活率等进行了探讨。结果表明,2种药物均可诱导仿刺参产生三倍体和四倍体,从效果上看,采用CB抑制PB_1诱导,到达小耳幼体时,可产生9.7%-21.3%的四倍体。6-DMAP抑制PB_2放出诱导三倍体,三倍体诱导率介于7.5%-25.8%之间。


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In order to improve the production and accurately estimate response to selection, divergent selection for growth in shell height was conducted in a cultured population of the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Applying the same selection intensity +/- 1.756 in upward and downward directions, three groups including two selected groups of Fast and Slow and one non-selected Control group were created, which were reared under the same environmental conditions at any stage. Differences always significantly existed among the three groups (P < 0.05), except for larvae at day 1 and at day 5, and in the order of Fast > Control > Slow. The average standardized response to selection (SR), realized heritability (h(R)2) and genetic gain (GG) was 0.473%, 0.269% and 7.85% for the Fast group and 0.381%, 0.217% and 6.60% for the Slow group respectively. Moreover, significant differences (P < 0.05) were detected between the fast and the slow lines in both SR and h(R)2, providing evidence for an asymmetric response in two directions. Performance in shell height is improved by 7.85% in the fast line after one generation selection, suggesting that mass selection for faster growth in a cultured population of the Japanese scallop is effective.


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The jinjiang oyster Crassostrea rivularis [Gould, 1861. Descriptions of Shells collected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 8 (April) 33-40] is one of the most important and best-known oysters in China. Based on the color of its flesh, two forms of C rivularis are recognized and referred to as the "white meat" and 11 red meat" oysters. The classification of white and red forms of this species has been a subject of confusion and debate in China. To clarify the taxonomic status of the two forms of C. rivularis, we collected and analyzed oysters from five locations along China's coast using both morphological characters and DNA sequences from mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase 1, and the nuclear 28S rRNA genes. Oysters were classified as white or red forms according to their morphological characteristics and then subjected to DNA sequencing. Both morphological and DNA sequence data suggest that the red and white oysters are two separate species. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences obtained in this study and existing sequences of reference species show that the red oyster is the same species as C. ariakensis Wakiya [1929. Japanese food oysters. Jpn. J. Zool. 2, 359-367.], albeit the red oysters from north and south China are genetically distinctive. The white oyster is the same species as a newly described species from Hong Kong, C. hongkongensis Lam and Morton [2003. Mitochondrial DNA and identification of a new species of Crassostrea (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured for centuries in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, China. Aqua. 228, 1-13]. Although the name C. rivularis has seniority over C. ariakensis and C. hongkongensis, the original description of Ostrea rivularis by Gould [1861] does not fit shell characteristics of either the red or the white oysters. We propose that the name of C. rivularis Gould [1861] should be suspended, the red oyster should take the name C. ariakensis, and the white oyster should take the name C. hongkongensis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chapman, T. (2006). Un Bywyd o Blith Nifer: Cofiant Saunders Lewis, 1892-1985. Llandysul: Gwasg Gomer.


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The Pulitzer Prize in Music, established in 1943, is one of America's most prestigious awards. It has been awarded to fifty-three composers for a "distinguished musical composition of significant dimension by an American that has had its first performance in the United States during the year." Composers who have won the Pulitzer Prize are considered to be at the pinnacle of their creativity and have provided the musical world with classical music compositions worthy of future notice. By tracing the history of Pulitzer Prize-winning composers and their compositions, researchers and musicians enhance their understanding of the historical evolution of American music, and its impact on American culture. Although the clarinet music of some of these composers is rarely performed today, their names will be forever linked to the Pulitzer, and because of that, their compositions will enjoy a certain sense of immortality. Of the fifty-four composers who have won the award, forty-seven have written for the clarinet in a solo or chamber music setting (five or less instruments). Just as each Pulitzer Prize-winning composition is a snapshot of the state of American music at that time, these works trace the history of American clarinet musical development, and therefore, they are valuable additions to the clarinet repertoire and worthy of performance. This dissertation project consists of two recitals featuring the solo and chamber clarinet music of sixteen Pulitzer Prize-winning composers, extended program notes containing information on each composer's life, their music, the Pulitzer Prize-winning composition and the recital selection, and a complete list of all Pulitzer Prize-winning composers and their solo and chamber clarinet music. Featured Composers Dominick Argento, To Be Sung Upon the Water Leslie Bassett, Soliloquies William Bolcom, Little Suite of Four Dances Aaron Copland, As it Fell Upon a Day John Corigliano, Soliloquy Norman Dello Joio, Concertante Morton Gould, Benny's Gig Charles Ives, Largo Douglas Moore, Quintet for Clarinet and Strings George Perle, Three Sonatas Quincy Porter, Quintet for Clarinet and Strings Mel Powell, Clarinade Shulamit Ran, Private Game Joseph Schwantner, Entropy Leo Sowerby, Sonata Ernst Toch, Adagio elegiaco


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Gabriel Urbain Fauré lived during one of the most exciting times in music history. Spanning a life of 79 years (1845-1924), he lived through the height of Romanticism and the experimental avant-garde techniques of the early 20th century. In Fauré's music, one can find traces of Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Debussy and Poulenc. One can even argue that Fauré presages Skryabin and Shostakovich. The late works of Gabriel Fauré, chiefly those composed after 1892, testify to the argument that Fauré holds an important position in the shift from tonal to atonal composition and should be counted among such transitional composers as Gustav Mahler, Claude Debussy, Erik Satie, Richard Strauss, and Ferruccio Busoni. Fauré's unique way of fashioning harmonic impetus of almost purely linear means, resulting in a synthesis of harmonic and melodic devices, led me to craft the term mélodoharmonique. This term refers to a contrapuntally motivated technique of composition, particularly in a secondary layer of musical texture, in which a component of harmonic progression (i.e. arpeggiation, broken chord, etc.) is fused with linear motivic or thematic development. This dissertation seeks to bring to public attention through exploration in lecture and recital format, certain works of Gabriel Fauré, written after 1892. The repertoire will be selected from works for solo piano and piano in collaboration with violin, violoncello, and voice, which support the notion of Fauré as a modernist deserving larger recognition for his influence in the transition to atonal music. The recital repertoire includes the following--Song Cycles: La bonne chanson, opus 61; La chanson d'Ève, opus 95; Le jardin clos, opus 106; Mirages, opus 113; L'horizon chimérique, opus 118; Piano Works: Prelude in G minor opus 103, No. 3; Prelude in E minor opus 103, No. 9; Eleventh Nocturne, opus 104, No.1; Thirteenth Nocturne, opus 119; Chamber Works: Second Violin Sonata, opus 108; First Violoncello Sonata, opus 109; Second Violoncello Sonata, opus 117.


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Unlike some other major composer-pianists (Franz Liszt and Alexander Scriabin being the most notable examples), Sergei Rachmaninov did not experience any dramatic changes in his compositional style; one can, however, notice certain stylistic differences between piano works composed during different periods of his long creative life. This dissertation argues that a clear evolution of Rachmaninov's pianistic style through his three creative periods can be traced by examining a selection of his compositions, from his first significant cycle for piano, 5 Marceaux de fantaisie, Op. 3 (1892), all the way through to his last piano work, a transcription of P.I.Tchakovsky's Lullaby, Op. 16, No. 1 (1941). Rachmaninov's life as a composer can be divided into three periods. His early period was ended abruptly by the disastrous premiere ofhis First Symphony in 1897, which caused a deep psychological crisis in the life of the young composer. Piano works of this period are often characterized by relatively simple homophonic texture, when Rachmaninov was clearly influenced by some of his Russian predecessors, most notably Tchaikovsky. His second and most productive period, also known as the period of"Russian maturity," started in 1900, when he began working on the Second Suite for two pianos, Op. 17, and the Second Concerto, Op. 18; this phase ended with the Russian Bolshevik revolution of 1917. Works of this time exhibit a mature style of piano writing, with rich, virtuosic - often considered excessive by many critics - texture and ever-increasing use of chromatic harmonies. Rachmaninov's works of the third period are limited in number owing to the composer's preoccupation with a career as pianist. Original works for piano now give way to revisions of earlier compositions and transcriptions: Rachmaninov's piano writing becomes more efficient and economical without losing any of its virtuosic brilliance. This dissertation project examines in detail, over the course of three piano recitals, a variety of works composed during the "Russian maturity" period, from several Preludes from Op. 23 (1903), the first major cycle for solo piano of the period, to 9 Etudes-Tableaux, Op.39 (1917), the last one; the early period is represented by 3 of 5 Marceaux defantaisie, Op. 3 (1892), while the late period is shown through several piano transcriptions and revised versions of the remaining 2 pieces from Op. 3.