987 resultados para Google Earth


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Desde la aparición de Google Earth se ha desencadenado una proliferación de aplicaciones de “visores 3D” o globos virtuales facilitando a los usuarios la navegación y exploración de cualquier localización de la Tierra en formato 3D. A estas alturas, nadie puede negar la repercusión mediática de este tipo de aplicaciones y, sobretodo, el impacto diseminador de conceptos geográficos (capas, mapas, etc.) que ha tenido sobre la gran mayoría de usuarios, normalmente no especializados en el dominio geográfico. En el ámbito del software libre, a los originales World Wind (.NET) y Ossimplanet se han venido uniendo iniciativas en otras plataformas como Marble KDE, nuevas versiones de WordWind (Java SDK), a las que últimamente se están añadiendo iniciativas españolas dignas de consideración, como el Capaware canario y el módulo 3D de gvSIG. En este artículo se analiza el estado del desarrollo de estos proyectos, así como los estándares y formatos específicos que se están elaborando en el OGC para el ámbito específico de la información geográfica tridimensional (modelado de escenarios, objetos, terreno o cachés)


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: 'TIC-TAC: Temps de les tecnologies'


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Se presenta un proyecto del Museo del Prado en colaboración con Google Earth, en que el que, a través de Internet, se pueden visualizar 15 obras maestras de la pinacoteca. Se puede acceder a una ficha básica de cada una de las obras, permite navegar por la imagen a través de un zoom, incluso la visualización se puede acompañar de una explicación de audioguía. El capítulo explicativo de la Web del Museo señala 3 tipos de públicos: historiadores del arte, estudiantes y turistas. Esta iniciativa constituye una ayuda para profesores e investigadores facilitando el estudio y comprensión de distintos aspectos. La perspectiva del espectador se presenta como receptor activo, en cuanto que dependerá de sus intereses y conocimientos, el que profundice más o menos en la obra. Este proyecto supone un ejemplo de globalización del acceso a la cultura.


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En este documento se presenta el proyecto Open Source WMSCWrapper: un innovador sistema de caché de teselas geográficas. Su arquitectura permite la inclusión de componentes y sondas experimentales, resultando idóneo para experimentación con nuevas estrategias de caché. El sistema está implementado en Java como un conjunto de servlets que exponen diversos interfaces de servicio como la recomendación WMS del OGC y el perfil WMS-C, así como el acceso por medio de interfaces REST, utilizados por Google Earth, Google Maps y Microsot Bing Maps. Cada petición es analizada en busca del tipo de cliente y de los parámetros obligatorios u opcionales y después transferida a una serie de componentes intercambiables que pueden preprocesar o postprocesar la información según las necesidades. A diferencia de otras implementaciones de WMS-C, se implementan técnicas de gestión de la cache que aplican heurísticas definidas para un dominio de aplicación. De esta manera, se intenta maximizar la probabilidad de acierto, manteniendo el consumo de recursos dentro de unos rangos definidos. Para ello, la actividad de la cache se monitoriza permanentemente almacenando los resultados en un índice espacial en memoria. Este proyecto ofrece un banco de pruebas con el que experimentar con diversas implementaciones de este índice y los indicadores que contienen, así como distintas políticas de reemplazo


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En los últimos años la proliferación de aplicaciones 3D en SIG ha sido enorme, desde la aparición de Google Earth el usuario está familiarizado con entornos 3D. Por otra parte lo ordenadores con aceleración 3D son comunes en la actualidad y el acceso a banda ancha es prácticamente generalizado, además cada vez hay mayor cantidad de datos públicos que pueden ser utilizados por clientes SIG que sean capas de recibir datos de Internet.Hay varias librerías apropiadas para la realización de este tipo de aplicaciones. IGO SOFTWARE a comenzado a desarrollar aplicaciones 3D con las librería Nasa World Wind SDK para java.Decidimos usar estar librerías por su robustez, sencillez, cantidad de ejemplo, estar hechas en java (nos permite su unión a muchas librerías SIG) y su uso de caché local. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas en 3D no sólo son visualmente más atractivas, también nos ofrecen más información que el SIG clásico en 2D. Gracias a la integración de librerías como SEXTANTE ahora es posible también realizar análisis. En un futuro se espera poder desarrollar también algoritmos de análisis en 3D usando dicha plataforma. Por otra parte, llevamos desde hace algunos años desarrollando aplicaciones para el tratamiento de nubes de puntos proveniente de Láser Escáner y LIDAR, esta plataforma es ideal para mostrar nubes de puntos, por lo que es perfecta para visualizar nubes de puntos georreferenciadas. Mostraremos ejemplos de aplicaciones programadas con estas librerías y las posibilidades que vemos de cara a un futuro a este tipo de desarrollos


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Results are presented from a new web application called OceanDIVA - Ocean Data Intercomparison and Visualization Application. This tool reads hydrographic profiles and ocean model output and presents the data on either depth levels or isotherms for viewing in Google Earth, or as probability density functions (PDFs) of regional model-data misfits. As part of the CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel, an intercomparison of water mass properties of various ocean syntheses has been undertaken using OceanDIVA. Analysis of model-data misfits reveals significant differences between the water mass properties of the syntheses, such as the ability to capture mode water properties.


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An entropy-based image segmentation approach is introduced and applied to color images obtained from Google Earth. Segmentation refers to the process of partitioning a digital image in order to locate different objects and regions of interest. The application to satellite images paves the way to automated monitoring of ecological catastrophes, urban growth, agricultural activity, maritime pollution, climate changing and general surveillance. Regions representing aquatic, rural and urban areas are identified and the accuracy of the proposed segmentation methodology is evaluated. The comparison with gray level images revealed that the color information is fundamental to obtain an accurate segmentation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The emergence of Web 2.0 has brought about new Web applications being developed. Represented chiefly by Web applications such as YouTube, MySpace, blogs and Google applications, these community-based technologies are changing the way we use the Internet. One interesting result of these innovations is the extensibility of these applications. For example, YouTubepsilas content can be displayed on other Websites and hence, are popularly dasiaextendedpsila to be displayed on individual blogs and other organization Websites. In this paper, we discussed two applications that were a result of extending Google Earth and Google Maps. These two applications illustrate how new solutions can be quickly built from these extensible applications thus suggesting the future of application development, one that is built upon applications rather than object-oriented components.


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New technologies have arguably displaced the hegemony of painting in the hierarchies of contemporary art. Projectors and other digital imaging tools in particular continue to expand the artist’s aesthetic and conceptual possibilities beyond canvas, paper, and stone. Yet painting, (the practice of smearing coloured mud about) far from being marginalised, simply continues to cannibalise these new technologies extruding them into its own analogue processes. Whether intentionally or as a by-product of this cannibalisation, painting creates a critical distance in which the tacit aspects of these technologies – their representational language and ‘special effects’ - are made fully visible. Of course ‘traditional’ easel painting practices persist not just to critique new technologies. Digital imaging technologies inevitably feed back into the souped-up vocabularies of contemporary painting, expanding the medium’s physical boundaries, formal strategies, and modes of display. The work for this project explores the ways in which projection and virtual geographical mapping invite new configurations for the practice of landscape painting.


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New technologies have arguably displaced the hegemony of painting in the hierarchies of contemporary art. Projectors and other digital imaging tools in particular continue to expand the artist’s aesthetic and conceptual possibilities beyond canvas, paper, and stone. Yet painting, (the practice of smearing coloured mud about) far from being marginalised, simply continues to cannibalise these new technologies extruding them into its own analogue processes. Whether intentionally or as an by-product of this cannibalisation, painting creates a critical distance in which the tacit aspects of these technologies – their representational language and ‘special effects’ - are made visible. Of course ‘traditional’ easel painting practices persist not just to critique new technologies. Digital imaging technologies inevitably feed back into the souped-up vocabularies of contemporary painting, expanding the medium’s physical boundaries, formal strategies, and modes of display. The work for this project explores the ways in which projection and virtual geographical mapping invite new configurations for the practice of landscape painting.


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ABSTRACT World Heritage sites provide a glimpse into the stories and civilizations of the past. There are currently 1007 unique World Heritage properties with 779 being classified as cultural sites, 197 as natural sites, and 31 falling into the categories of both cultural and natural sites (UNESCO & World Heritage Centre, 1992-2015). However, of these 1007 World Heritage sites, at least 46 are categorized as in danger and this number continues to grow. These unique and irreplaceable sites are exceptional because of their universality. Consequently, since World Heritage sites belong to all the people of the world and provide inspiration and admiration to all who visit them, it is our responsibility to help preserve these sites. The key form of preservation involves the individual monitoring of each site over time. While traditional methods are still extremely valuable, more recent advances in the field of geographic and spatial technologies including geographic information systems (GIS), laser scanning, and remote sensing, are becoming more beneficial for the monitoring and overall safeguarding of World Heritage sites. Through the employment and analysis of more accurately detailed spatial data, World Heritage sites can be better managed. There is a strong urgency to protect these sites. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the importance of taking care of World Heritage sites and to depict a way in which spatial technologies can be used to monitor and in effect preserve World Heritage sites through the utilization of remote sensing imagery. The research conducted in this thesis centers on the Everglades National Park, a World Heritage site that is continually affected by changes in vegetation. Data used include Landsat satellite imagery that dates from 2001-2003, the Everglades' boundaries shapefile, and Google Earth imagery. In order to conduct the in-depth analysis of vegetation change within the selected World Heritage site, three main techniques were performed to study changes found within the imagery. These techniques consist of conducting supervised classification for each image, incorporating a vegetation index known as Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), and utilizing the change detection tool available in the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) software. With the research and analysis conducted throughout this thesis, it has been shown that within the three year time span (2001-2003), there has been an overall increase in both areas of barren soil (5.760%) and areas of vegetation (1.263%) with a decrease in the percentage of areas classified as sparsely vegetated (-6.987%). These results were gathered through the use of the maximum likelihood classification process available in the ENVI software. The results produced by the change detection tool which further analyzed vegetation change correlate with the results produced by the classification method. As well, by utilizing the NDVI method, one is able to locate changes by selecting a specific area and comparing the vegetation index generated for each date. It has been found that through the utilization of remote sensing technology, it is possible to monitor and observe changes featured within a World Heritage site. Remote sensing is an extraordinary tool that can and should be used by all site managers and organizations whose goal it is to preserve and protect World Heritage sites. Remote sensing can be used to not only observe changes over time, but it can also be used to pinpoint threats within a World Heritage site. World Heritage sites are irreplaceable sources of beauty, culture, and inspiration. It is our responsibility, as citizens of this world, to guard these treasures.


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Running hydrodynamic models interactively allows both visual exploration and change of model state during simulation. One of the main characteristics of an interactive model is that it should provide immediate feedback to the user, for example respond to changes in model state or view settings. For this reason, such features are usually only available for models with a relatively small number of computational cells, which are used mainly for demonstration and educational purposes. It would be useful if interactive modeling would also work for models typically used in consultancy projects involving large scale simulations. This results in a number of technical challenges related to the combination of the model itself and the visualisation tools (scalability, implementation of an appropriate API for control and access to the internal state). While model parallelisation is increasingly addressed by the environmental modeling community, little effort has been spent on developing a high-performance interactive environment. What can we learn from other high-end visualisation domains such as 3D animation, gaming, virtual globes (Autodesk 3ds Max, Second Life, Google Earth) that also focus on efficient interaction with 3D environments? In these domains high efficiency is usually achieved by the use of computer graphics algorithms such as surface simplification depending on current view, distance to objects, and efficient caching of the aggregated representation of object meshes. We investigate how these algorithms can be re-used in the context of interactive hydrodynamic modeling without significant changes to the model code and allowing model operation on both multi-core CPU personal computers and high-performance computer clusters.


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Introduction: The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial behavior of the occurrence of trachoma cases detected in the City of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006 in order to use the information collected to set priority areas for optimization of health resources. Methods: the trachoma cases identified in 2006 were georeferenced. The data evaluated were: schools where the trachoma cases studied, data from the 2000 Census, census tract, type of housing, water supply conditions, distribution of income and levels of education of household heads. In the Google Earth® software and TerraView® were made descriptive spatial analysis and estimates of the Kernel. Each area was studied by interpolation of the density surfaces exposing events to facilitate to recognize the clusters. Results: of the 66 cases detected, only one (1.5%) was not a resident of the city's outskirts. A positive association was detected of trachoma cases and the percentage of heads of household with income below three minimum wages and schooling under eight years of education. Conclusions: The recognition of the spatial distribution of trachoma cases coincided with the areas of greatest social inequality in Bauru City. The micro-areas identified are those that should be prioritized in the rationalization of health resources. There is the possibility of using the trachoma cases detected as an indicator of performance of micro priority health programs.


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