108 resultados para Golfe


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Thesis (doctoral)--Konigl. Universitat Breslau.


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With the growing pressure of eutrophication in tropical regions, the Mauritian shelf provides a natural situation to understand the variability in mesotrophic assemblages. Site-specific dynamics occur throughout the 1200 m depth gradient. The shallow assemblages divide into three types of warm-water mesotrophic foraminiferal assemblages, which is not only a consequence of high primary productivity restricting light to the benthos but due to low pore water oxygenation, shelf geomorphology, and sediment partitioning. In the intermediate depth (approx. 500 m), the increase in foraminiferal diversity is due to the cold-water coral habitat providing a greater range of micro niches. Planktonic species characterise the lower bathyal zone, which emphasizes the reduced benthic carbonate production at depth. Although, due to the strong hydrodynamics within the Golf, planktonic species occur in notable abundances through out the whole depth gradient. Overall, this study can easily be compared to other tropical marine settings investigating the long-term effects of tropical eutrophication and the biogeographic distribution of carbonate producing organisms.


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A presente dissertação propõe o desenvolvimento de um sistema de Irrigação de baixo custo para campos de Golfe. Este sistema é capaz de recolher a previsão meteorológica e ainda medir um conjunto de valores (temperatura, humidade, velocidade do vento) que determina quando e quanto regar. Os campos de Golfe consumem diariamente elevadas quantidades de água, sendo esta a principal crítica feita pelas organizações ambientais. Esta dissertação incorpora uma comunicação sem fios de baixo custo, que dispensa a cablagem que é necessária para haver comunicação entre os diversos equipamentos, que estão distribuídos pelo campo de Golfe. O sistema desenvolvido pretende reduzir os desperdícios dos recursos hídricos na rega, pois é um sistema inteligente que poderá ser adquirido não só por gestores de campos de Golfe, mas também por jardins residenciais e municipais. Com o objetivo de criar um sistema de baixo custo foi elaborado um algoritmo de reencaminhamento de mensagens, que permite utilizar equipamentos de comunicação sem fios de baixo custo. Todo o sistema de Irrigação é controlado e monitorizado através de uma interface, desenvolvida em Microsoft Visual Basic.


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The European contract PECOSUDE (Small inshore fisheries of the south of Europe) accepted in 2000 for 2 years concerns French, Spanish and Portuguese partners. The aim is to assess the inshore and estuarine fisheries from Loire estuary to Portugal. Three levels of study are considered : fisheries (data 1999), socioeconomy and marketing (data 1999 or 2000). Exploitation in the 12 miles area for France and on continental shelf for northern Spain and Portugal (within 1000 m depth), as well as the fishing period lower than 96 hours was determined as the definition of this fishery for the study. Socioeconomic analyses are made only on boats smaller than 15 m. The fisheries part analyses the activity of the fishing vessels taking into account gears used, landed species, areas and fishing seasons. Within the 39 harbours of the south Bay of Biscay 1 799 coastal or estuarine vessels with 3 580 fishermen are located. Statics gears are predominant, and more than half of the vessels are polyvalent (using several gears). In 1999, landings were 20 6441 weight for 84 M¿ value. The fishing activity of these boats was also analysed by typology of the fleet, based on fishing gears and/or species landed. These characterisations allowed the application of stratified sampling for the implementation of socioeconomic investigations. The analysis of the information received from the fishermen allow to describe the production factors, to estimate their costs, as well as the turnover, the richness creation and the efficiency of the production means. The capital value of the south Bay of Biscay " ship " is established about 94 k¿, the average turnover amount to 83 k¿ and the average rate of added value to 70%. Products commercialisation vary from component to component, the importance of the sells in auction places depends on the landed species. Some valuable species are directly sold to particular


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Relief shown pictorially.


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The landing ban of Raja undulata has raised misunderstanding for French fishermen, particularly for those fishing in the Norman‐Breton gulf (Southeast of ICES Division VIIe) where this species is very abundant. In this context, the RAIMOUEST project was launched as a professional and scientist partnership in order to enhance fisheries data on the main ray species caught in the Norman-Breton Gulf (Raja undulata, Raja brachyura, Raja clavata, Raja montagui and Raja microocellata). The French ray fisheries fleet was identified and a sample of fishermen involved in rays fishing was interviewed. Landings and effort data (logbooks), auctions sales and sampling at sea aboard professional fishing vessels were analysed. This working document presents the current results of this study. The French fleet concerned by ray fishing in the Normand-Breton Gulf in 2012 was composed of 289 vessels, mainly coastal trawlers/dredgers and small length size netters and longliners. R. undulata is the main ray species in this area. This species seems to form a local stock in the Normand-Breton Gulf with some continuity in the Eastern English Channel and the Western part of the Western English Channel. Three ways of analysis were used to provide an indicative level of R. undulata stock: French landings before 2009 were estimated at least at 300 tons in the Western English Channel (VIIe) and 160 tons in the Normand-Breton Gulf; sales at auctions of the Basse-Normandie fleet before 2009 were estimated at 235 tons in the western English Channel and 35 tons in the eastern English Channel (VIId); discards by the French bottom trawl fleet in ICES Division VIIe in 2012 and 2013 were estimated at 750 tons. Information on the spatial distribution of the other ray species in the English Channel was also provided. The coastal localisation of nursery for R. undulata and R. clavata was highlighted.


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With the constant rising of the human population, it is essential to assess and manage the exploitation of the marine species for human consumption such as the anchovy of Bay of Biscay. Thanks to the PELGAS annual surveys, stocks of each species are estimated (biomass, repartition) and studies are undertaken to improve our knowledge about these species. Allozymic studies realized on the anchovy allowed to find a correlation between 2 alleles of the locus IDH and the habitat (depth). This allozyme has a key role in Krebs’ cycle,being speed limiting.. It enables to tolerate variations of temperature and dissolved oxygen. It would be interesting to do new research on variations in the anchovy’s environment and its migrations.


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In this paper are given the first results of a quantitative study of the spawning of Pilchard Sardina pilchardus in the Gulf of Lion~during Winter 1975 and Winter 1976. The mean density of eggs at each station and their average abundance in the spawning area were estimated. The incubation time of eggs depending upon temperature was also calculated. En 1975 et 1976 une étude de la reproduction de la sardine dans le Golfe du Lion a été réalisée. Les premiers résultats de cette étude, qui a pour but d'évaluer quantitativement la ponte de cette espèce, permettent de donner une estimation moyenne de l'abondance des oeufs au cours d'une campagne. La durée de l'incubation en fonction de la tempé­rature a d'autre part été déterminée.


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The eye lens proteins electrophoresis of pilchard of the Gulf of Lion (Clupea pilchardus Walb.) shows the existence of 2 sub-populations. The hypothesis of an hereditary control by two co-dominant allels is in agreement with the expected Hardy-Weinberg distribution.


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In 1973 the" Institut des Peches Maritimes (Centre de Sete) "prospected the Mediterranean coasts to obtain information about the possibilities of collecting flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) spat. Plastic collectors were submerged at 20 stations in the Golfe du Lion. In spite of some lose of equipment, observations have allowed to see that spat densities were excellent (5.5 to 9.4 per dm2 of collector) in most areas.


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Dietary studies of marine species constitute an important key to improve the understanding of its biology and of its role in the ecosystem. Thus, prey-predator relationships structure and determine population dynamics and the trophic network at the ecosystem scale. Among the major study sites, the marine ecosystem is submitted to natural and anthropogenic constraints. In the North-Eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is a large open area surrounded South by Spain and East by France. This bay is an historic place of intense fishery activities for which the main small pelagic species targeted are the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. The aim of this work is to analyze the trophic ecology of these two small pelagic fish in spring in the Bay of Biscay. To do this, a first section is devoted to their prey composed by the mesozooplanktonic compartment, through a two-fold approach: the characterization of their spatio-temporal dynamics during the decade 2003-2013 and the measurement of their energetic content in spring. For this season, it appears that all prey types are not worth energetically and that the Bay of Biscay represents a mosaic of dietary habitat. Moreover, the spring mesozooplankton community presents a strong spatial structuration, a temporal evolution marked by a major change in abundance and a control by the microphytoplankton biomass. The second section of this work is relative to a methodological approach of the trophic ecology of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus. Three different trophic tracers have been used: isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen, parasitological fauna and mercury contamination levels. To improve the use of the first of these trophic tracers, an experimental approach has been conducted with S. pilchardus to determine a trophic discrimination factor. Finally, it appears that the use of these three trophic tracers has always been permitted to highlight a temporal variability of the relative trophic ecology of these fish. However, no spatial dynamics could be identified through these three trophic tracers.


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Projet d`Inscrition sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de L `UNESCO. Dossier de Confirmation pour la liste indicative