61 resultados para Goldfish.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, mithilfe von Dressurexperimenten in Kombination mit dem Einsatz von Neuropharmaka die Bedeutung des retinalen ON-Kanals für zwei visuelle Leistungen des Goldfisches – das kontrastabhängige zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen sowie die Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit - zu untersuchen. Da die Tiere nach der pharmakologischen Blockade keinerlei verändertes Verhalten zeigten, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass der retinale ON-Kanal weder für die Prozessierung des kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögens noch für die Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit eine maßgebliche Rolle spielt. Aus den Versuchen zur Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit kann des Weiteren abgeleitet werden, dass der ON-Kanal auch für die spektrale Empfindlichkeit der Tiere bei der gegebenen Beleuchtungs- und Dressurbedingungen (L+-Dressur) keine Bedeutung zu haben scheint. Nach den Versuchen zum kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögen kann festgehalten werden, dass das zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen des Goldfisches sich mit abnehmendem Stimuluskontrast verändert: Der für die Tiere wahrnehmbare Flickerfrequenzbereich wird mit abnehmendem Kontrast geringer. Die Flimmerfusionsfrequenz wird im oberen Frequenzbereich früher erreicht; im unteren Flickerfrequenzbereich tritt mit abnehmendem Kontrast auch eine untere Grenze des zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögens auf. Des Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse aus den Verhaltensversuchen zu den kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Übertragungseigenschaften eine gute Vergleichbarkeit zu elektrophysiologisch gewonnenen Antworten von ON bzw. OFF-Bipolarzellen. Ebenso ähneln sich die Kurvenverläufe zum kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögen und die aus den Versuchen zur kontrastabhängigen Ganzfeldbewegungswahrnehmung – einer visuellen Leistung, deren Prozessierung eines ON-Kanal-Beitrages bedarf. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen wie auch die Ganzfeldbewegungswahrnehmung hauptsächlich von retinalen Verarbeitungsprozessen abhängen.


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Der Goldfisch besitzt, im Gegensatz zum Menschen, ein tetrachromatisches Farbensehsystem, das außerordentlich gut untersucht ist. Die Farben gleicher Helligkeit lassen sich hier in einem dreidimensionalen Tetraeder darstellen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es herauszufinden, wie gut der Goldfisch Farben, die dem Menschen ungesättigt erscheinen und im Inneren des Farbtetraeders liegen, unterscheiden kann. Des Weiteren stellte sich die Frage, ob sowohl „Weiß“ (ohne UV) als auch Xenonweiß (mit UV) vom Fisch als „unbunt“ oder „neutral“ wahrgenommenen werden. Um all dies untersuchen zu können, musste ein komplexer Versuchsaufbau entwickelt werden, mit dem den Fischen monochromatische und mit Weiß gemischte Lichter gleicher Helligkeit, sowie Xenonweiß gezeigt werden konnte. Die Fische erlernten durch operante Konditionierung einen Dressurstimulus (monochromatisches Licht der Wellenlängen 660 nm, 599 nm, 540 nm, 498 nm oder 450 nm) von einem Vergleichsstimulus (Projektorweiß) zu unterscheiden. Im Folgenden wurde dem Vergleichstimulus in 10er-Schritten immer mehr der jeweiligen Dressurspektralfarbe beigemischt, bis die Goldfische keine sichere Wahl für den Dressurstimulus mehr treffen konnten. Die Unterscheidungsleistung der Goldfische wurde mit zunehmender Beimischung von Dressurspektralfarbe zum Projektorweiß immer geringer und es kristallisierte sich ein Bereich in der Grundfläche des Tetraeders heraus, in dem die Goldfische keine Unterscheidung mehr treffen konnten. Um diesen Bereich näher zu charakterisieren, bekamen die Goldfische Mischlichter, bei denen gerade keine Unterscheidung mehr zum Projektorweiß möglich war, in Transfertests gezeigt. Da die Goldfische diese Mischlichter nicht voneinander unterscheiden konnten, läßt sich schließen, dass es einen größeren Bereich gibt, der, ebenso wie Weiß (ohne UV) für den Goldfisch „neutral“ erscheint. Wenn nun Weiß (ohne UV) für den Goldfisch „neutral“ erscheint, sollte es dem Xenonweiß ähnlich sein. Die Versuche zeigten allerdings, dass die Goldfische die Farben Weiß (ohne UV) und Xenonweiß als verschieden wahrnehmen. Betrachtet man die Sättigung für die Spektralfarben, so zeigte sich, dass die Spektralfarbe 540 nm für den Goldfisch am gesättigsten, die Spektralfarbe 660 nm am ungesättigsten erscheint.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgte mehrere Ziele. Die Hauptaufgabe war es, farbsensitive und bewegungssensitive Neurone im Tectum opticum des Goldfisches zu finden und diese hinsichtlich ihres Antwortverhaltens zu charakterisieren. Aus Verhaltensversuchen ist bekannt, dass sowohl das Ganzfeldbewegungssehen als auch das Objektbewegungssehen „farbenblind“ ist, da die Verarbeitung dieser Sehleistungen jeweils nur von einem Zapfentyp getrieben wird. Es sollte untersucht werden, ob sich diese Farbenblindheit auch auf Ebene der tectalen bewegungsempfindlichen Neurone finden lässt. Schließlich sollten die Ableitorte im Tectum opticum kartiert werden, um festzustellen, ob es jeweils bestimmte örtlich abgegrenzte Areale für Farbe einerseits und für Bewegung andererseits gibt.rnDie Aktivität von tectalen Units wurde durch extrazelluläre Ableitungen registriert. Um farbspezifische Neurone zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren, wurden 21 verschiedene Farbpapiere (HKS-Standard) aus dem gesamten Farbenkreis (ausgenommen UV) präsentiert. Auf jedes Farbpapier folgte ein neutrales Graupapier. Des Weiteren wurde eine Schwarz-Weiß-Grau-Sequenz gezeigt, um das Antwortverhalten der Units auf Helligkeitswechsel zu prüfen. Jeder Stimulus wurde für fünf Sekunden präsentiert und die gesamte Stimulussequenz wurde mindestens dreimal wiederholt. Zur Identifizierung bewegungssensitiver Neurone wurde ein sich exzentrisch bewegendes schwarz-weißes Zufallspunktmuster präsentiert. Um die „Farbenblindheit“ des Bewegungssehens zu testen, wurden zwei rot-grüne Zufallspunktmuster präsentiert, die den L-Zapfen des Goldfisches unterschiedlich stark modulierten. Den meisten Units wurden sowohl die Farb- als auch die Bewegungsstimuli gezeigt.rnEs konnten 69 Units abgeleitet werden. Von diesen antworteten 34 sowohl auf Farbstimuli als auch auf Helligkeitsreize, 19 Units reagierten ausschließlich auf Farbstimuli, 15 Units zeigten sich nur für den Bewegungsstimulus sensitiv und zwei Units beantworteten ausschließlich Helligkeitswechsel. Die farbempfindlichen Units konnten in 14 Gruppen eingeteilt werden: sechs Gruppen im Rotbereich (22 Units), fünf Gruppen im Blau-Grünbereich (21 Units), eine Gruppe im Gelbbereich (zwei Units), eine Gruppe, die alle Farbstimuli mit Erhöhung der Aktivität (sechs Units) und eine Gruppe, die alle Farbstimuli mit Erniedrigung der Aktivität (eine Unit) beantwortete. Es wurden zwei Arten von Gegenfarbzellen gefunden: Rot-ON/Blau-und-Grün-OFF (12 Units) und Rot-OFF/Blau-und-Grün-ON (sieben Units). Es wurden verschiedene zeitliche Antwortmuster gefunden. Während einige Units nur Reizwechsel beantworteten, zeigten die meisten Units ein tonisches Antwortverhalten. Manche Units beantworteten jeden Stimuluswechsel phasisch und darüber hinaus bestimmte Stimuli tonisch. Die meisten tectalen Neurone zeigten eine Grundaktivität. Alle Units, denen sowohl der Farb- als auch der Bewegungsstimulus gezeigt wurden, antworteten nur auf eine Stimulusart. rnDiese Ergebnisse lassen folgende Schlüsse zu: Die Verarbeitung von Farbe und Bewegung im Tectum opticum des Goldfischs wird über zwei unterschiedlichen Verarbeitungswegen geleistet, da alle Units entweder auf Farb- oder auf Bewegungsstimuli antworten. Das Bewegungssehen wird im Goldfisch durch nur einen Zapfentyp (M- oder L-Zapfen) vermittelt und ist somit “farbenblind”, da alle bewegungssensitiven Units die Aktivität einstellten, wenn der Stimulus nur noch einen Zapfentyp modulierte. Es scheint spezifische Areale für „Farbe“ und „Bewegung“ im Tectum opticum des Goldfisches zu geben, da bewegungssensitive Units bevorzugt im posterio-medialen Bereich in einer Tiefe zwischen 200-400 µm gefunden und farbspezifische Units vor allem im anterio-medialen Bereich entdeckt wurden.


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Ribbon synapses of the vertebrate retina are specialized synapses that release neurotransmitter by synaptic vesicle exocytosis in a manner that is proportional to the level of depolarization of the cell. This release property is different from conventional neurons, in which the release of neurotransmitter occurs as a short-lived burst triggered by an action potential. Synaptic vesicle exocytosis is a calcium regulated process that is dependent on a set of interacting synaptic proteins that form the so-called SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) complex. Syntaxin 3B has been identified as a specialized SNARE molecule in ribbon synapses of the rodent retina. However, the best physiologically-characterized neuron that forms ribbon-style synapses is the rod-dominant or Mb1 bipolar cell of the goldfish retina. We report here the molecular characterization of syntaxin 3B from the goldfish retina. Using a combination of reverse transcription (RT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunostaining with a specific antibody, we show that syntaxin 3B is highly enriched in the plasma membrane of bipolar cell synaptic terminals of the goldfish retina. Using membrane capacitance measurements we demonstrate that a peptide derived from goldfish syntaxin 3B inhibits synaptic vesicle exocytosis. These experiments demonstrate that syntaxin 3B is an important factor for synaptic vesicle exocytosis in ribbon synapses of the vertebrate retina.


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Ribbon synapses are found in sensory systems and are characterized by ‘ribbon-like’ organelles that tether synaptic vesicles. The synaptic ribbons co-localize with sites of calcium entry and vesicle fusion, forming ribbon-style active zones. The ability of ribbon synapses to maintain rapid and sustained neurotransmission is critical for vision, hearing and balance. At retinal ribbon synapses, three vesicle pools have been proposed. A rapid pool of vesicles that are docked at the plasma membrane, and whose fusion is limited only by calcium entry, a releasable pool of ATP-primed vesicles whose size also correlates with the number of ribbon-tethered vesicles, and a reserve pool of non-ribbon-tethered cytoplasmic vesicles. However evidence of vesicle fusion at sites away from ribbon-style active zones questions this organization. Another fundamental question underlying the mechanism of vesicle fusion at these synapses is the role of SNARE (Soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor Attachment Protein Receptor) proteins. Vesicles at conventional neurons undergo SNARE complex-mediated fusion. However a recent study has suggested that ribbon synapses involved in hearing can operate independently of neuronal SNAREs. We used the well-characterized goldfish bipolar neuron to investigate the organization of vesicle pools and the role of SNARE proteins at a retinal ribbon synapse. We blocked functional refilling of the releasable pool and then stimulated bipolar terminals with brief depolarizations that triggered the fusion of the rapid pool of vesicles. We found that the rapid pool draws vesicles from the releasable pool and that both pools undergo release at ribbon-style active zones. To assess the functional role of SNARE proteins at retinal ribbon synapses, we used peptides derived from SNARE proteins that compete with endogenous proteins for SNARE complex formation. The SNARE peptides blocked fusion of reserve vesicles but not vesicles in the rapid and releasable pools, possibly because both rapid and releasable vesicles were associated with preformed SNARE complexes. However, an activity-dependent block in refilling of the releasable pool was seen, suggesting that new SNARE complexes must be formed before vesicles can join a fusion-competent pool. Taken together, our results suggest that SNARE complex-mediated exocytosis of serially-organized vesicle pools at ribbon-style active zones is important in the neurotransmission of vision.


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While chemical synapses are very plastic and modifiable by defined activity patterns, gap junctions, which mediate electrical transmission, have been classically perceived as passive intercellular channels. Excitatory transmission between auditory afferents and the goldfish Mauthner cell is mediated by coexisting gap junctions and glutamatergic synapses. Although an increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration is expected to reduce gap junctional conductance, both components of the synaptic response were instead enhanced by postsynaptic increases in Ca2+ concentration, produced by patterned synaptic activity or intradendritic Ca2+ injections. The synaptically induced potentiations were blocked by intradendritic injection of KN-93, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaM-K) inhibitor, or CaM-KIINtide, a potent and specific peptide inhibitor of CaM-KII, whereas the responses were potentiated by injection of an activated form of CaM-KII. The striking similarities of the mechanisms reported here with those proposed for long-term potentiation of mammalian glutamatergic synapses suggest that gap junctions are also similarly regulated and indicate a primary role for CaM-KII in shaping and regulating interneuronal communication, regardless of its modality.


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CB1, a cannabinoid receptor enriched in neuronal tissue, was found in high concentration in retinas of rhesus monkey, mouse, rat, chick, goldfish, and tiger salamander by using a subtype-specific polyclonal antibody. Immunolabeling was detected in the two synaptic layers of the retina, the inner and outer plexiform layers, of all six species examined. In the outer plexiform layer, CB1 was located in and/or on cone pedicles and rod spherules. Labeling was detected in some amacrine cells of all species and in the ganglion cells and ganglion cell axons of all species except fish. In addition, sparse labeling was found in the inner and/or outer segments of the photoreceptors of monkey, mouse, rat, and chick. Using GC/MS to detect possible endogenous cannabinoids, we found 3 nmol of 2-arachidonylglycerol per g of tissue, but no anandamide was detectable. Cannabinoid receptor agonists induced a dramatic reduction in the amplitude of voltage-gated L-type calcium channel currents in identified retinal bipolar cells. The presence and distribution of the CB1 receptor, the large amounts of 2-arachidonylglycerol found, and the effects of cannabinoids on calcium channel activity in bipolar cells suggest a substantive role for an endogenous cannabinoid signaling system in retinal physiology, and perhaps vision in general.


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Forces generated by goldfish keratocytes and Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts have been measured with nanonewton precision and submicrometer spatial resolution. Differential interference contrast microscopy was used to visualize deformations produced by traction forces in elastic substrata, and interference reflection microscopy revealed sites of cell-substratum adhesions. Force ranged from a few nanonewtons at submicrometer spots under the lamellipodium to several hundred nanonewtons under the cell body. As cells moved forward, centripetal forces were applied by lamellipodia at sites that remained stationary on the substratum. Force increased and abruptly became lateral at the boundary of the lamellipodium and the cell body. When the cell retracted at its posterior margin, cell-substratum contact area decreased more rapidly than force, so that stress (force divided by area) increased as the cell pulled away. An increase in lateral force was associated with widening of the cell body. These mechanical data suggest an integrated, two-phase mechanism of cell motility: (1) low forces in the lamellipodium are applied in the direction of cortical flow and cause the cell body to be pulled forward; and (2) a component of force at the flanks pulls the rear margins forward toward the advancing cell body, whereas a large lateral component contributes to detachment of adhesions without greatly perturbing forward movement.


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In the vertebrate retina, the light responses of post-receptor neurons depend on the ambient or background illumination. Using intracellular recording, we have found that a circadian clock regulates the light responses of dark-adapted fish cone horizontal cells. Goldfish were maintained on a 12-hr light/12-hr dark cycle. At different times of the day or night, retinas were superfused in darkness for 90 min ("prolonged darkness"), following which horizontal cells were impaled without the aid of any light flashes. In some of the experiments, fish were kept in constant darkness for 3-48 hr prior to surgery. After prolonged darkness during the night, but not during the day, the light responses of L-type cone horizontal cells resembled those of rod horizontal cells with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Following light sensitization during the night and day, the light responses of rod and cone horizontal cells were clearly different with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Under conditions of constant darkness for two full light/dark cycles, average responses of cone horizontal cells to a bright light stimulus during the subjective day were greater than during the subjective night. Prior reversal of the light/dark cycle reversed the 24-hr rhythm of cone horizontal cell responses to bright lights. In addition, following one full cycle of constant darkness, average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective night closely matched that of rod horizontal cells, whereas average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective day was similar to that of red (625 nm) cones. These results indicate that the effects of dark adaptation depend on the time of day and are regulated by a circadian clock so that cone input to cone horizontal cells predominates in the day and rod input predominates in the night.


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Males of the eastern mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) possess one of the widest reproductively active temperature ranges for any ectotherm, ranging across seasons from at least 18degreesC to 34degreesC. In this study, we tested the ability of male G. holbrooki to acclimate their sustained swimming performance following long-term exposure to 18degreesC or 30degreesC. We also investigated some of the possible physiological mechanisms associated with thermal acclimation responses in swimming performance, including changes in slow muscle fibre size and abundance and the expression of myosin heavy chains (MyHC). We found that U-crit, of 18degreesC-acclimated G. holbrooki was 20% greater at 18degreesC than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, and the Ucrit of the 30degreesC-acclimated group was more than 15% greater at 30degreesC. Slow, fast and intermediate muscle fibres were identified on the basis of their myosin ATPase staining reaction. Although the number of slow and intermediate muscle fibres was similar between groups, the total cross-sectional area of aerobic fibre types was 40% greater in 18degrees-than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, reflecting an increase in the average fibre diameter. An S58 antibody raised against chicken slow skeletal muscle myosin stained a sub-set of the slow fibres identified by myosin ATPase staining. The number of S58-positive muscle fibres was 50% greater in 30degreesC-than 18degreesC-acclimated fish, implying that different MyHCs are being expressed in cold and warm acclimated individuals. Given the sexually coercive mating system of this species, increases in the sustained swimming performance via thermal acclimation may benefit the ability of males to maintain a high rate of sneaky copulations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acoustic stimuli within the sonic range are effective triggers of C-type escape behaviours in fish. We have previously shown that fish have an acute sensitivity to infrasound also, with acceleration thresholds in the range of 10(-5) m s(-2). In addition, infrasound at high intensities around 10(-2) m s(-2) elicits strong and sustained avoidance responses in several fish species. In the present study, the possible triggering of C-escapes by infrasonic single-cycle vibrations was examined in juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus. The fish were accelerated in a controlled and quantifiable manner using a swing system. The applied stimuli simulated essential components of the accelerations that a small fish would encounter in the hydrodynamic flow field produced by a predatory fish. Typical C- and S-type escape responses were induced by accelerations within the infrasonic range with a threshold of 0.023 m s(-2) for an initial acceleration at 6.7 Hz. Response trajectories were on average in the same direction as the initial acceleration. Unexpectedly, startle behaviours mainly occurred in the trailing half of the test chamber, in which the fish were subjected to linear acceleration in combination with compression, i.e. the expected stimuli produced by an approaching predator. Very few responses were observed in the leading half of the test chamber, where the fish were subjected to acceleration and rarefaction, i.e. the stimuli expected from a suction type of predator. We conclude that particle acceleration is essential for the directionality of the startle response to infrasound, and that the response is triggered by the synergistic effects of acceleration and compression.


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Several times throughout their radiation fish have evolved either lungs or swim bladders as gas-holding structures. Lungs and swim bladders have different ontogenetic origins and can be used either for buoyancy or as an accessory respiratory organ. Therefore, the presence of air-filled bladders or lungs in different groups of fishes is an example of convergent evolution. We propose that air breathing could not occur without the presence of a surfactant system and suggest that this system may have originated in epithelial cells lining the pharynx. Here we present new data on the surfactant system in swim bladders of three teleost fish ( the air-breathing pirarucu Arapaima gigas and tarpon Megalops cyprinoides and the non-air-breathing New Zealand snapper Pagrus auratus). We determined the presence of surfactant using biochemical, biophysical, and morphological analyses and determined homology using immunohistochemical analysis of the surfactant proteins (SPs). We relate the presence and structure of the surfactant system to those previously described in the swim bladders of another teleost, the goldfish, and those of the air-breathing organs of the other members of the Osteichthyes, the more primitive air-breathing Actinopterygii and the Sarcopterygii. Snapper and tarpon swim bladders are lined with squamous and cuboidal epithelial cells, respectively, containing membrane-bound lamellar bodies. Phosphatidylcholine dominates the phospholipid (PL) profile of lavage material from all fish analyzed to date. The presence of the characteristic surfactant lipids in pirarucu and tarpon, lamellar bodies in tarpon and snapper, SP-B in tarpon and pirarucu lavage, and SPs ( A, B, and D) in swim bladder tissue of the tarpon provide strong evidence that the surfactant system of teleosts is homologous with that of other fish and of tetrapods. This study is the first demonstration of the presence of SP-D in the air-breathing organs of nonmammalian species and SP-B in actinopterygian fishes. The extremely high cholesterol/disaturated PL and cholesterol/PL ratios of surfactant extracted from tarpon and pirarucu bladders and the poor surface activity of tarpon surfactant are characteristics of the surfactant system in other fishes. Despite the paraphyletic phylogeny of the Osteichthyes, their surfactant is uniform in composition and may represent the vertebrate protosurfactant.


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We investigated whether juvenile freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygon motoro) can solve spatial tasks by constructing a cognitive map of their environment. Two experimental conditions were run: allocentric and ego-allocentric. Rays were trained to locate food within a four-arm maze placed in a room with visual spatial cues. The feeding location (goal) within the maze (room) remained constant while the starting position varied for the allocentrically but not for the ego-allocentrically trained group. After training, all rays solved the experimental tasks; however, different orientation strategies were used within and between groups. Allocentrically trained rays reached the goal via novel routes starting from unfamiliar locations, while ego-allocentrically trained rays primarily solved the task on the basis of an egocentric turn response. Our data suggest that P. motoro orients by constructing a visual cognitive map of its environment, but also uses egocentric and/or other orientation strategies alone or in combination for spatial orientation, a choice which may be governed by the complexity of the problem. We conclude that spatial memory functions are a general feature of the vertebrate brain.


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PROGRAM The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I..............Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Prelude and Fugue XXI in B flat major Prelude and Fugue XXII in b flat minor Sonata N. 11 in A major, K.331.......Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Theme and Variations Menuetto Allegretto Intermission Images Series II................................Claude-Achille Debussy (1862-1918) Poission d' or (Goldfish) Rhapsodies Op. 79 .................................Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) No. 1 in b minor No. 2 in g minor Etude in A flat Major, Op. 1, No. 2.....................Paul de Schlozer (1841-1898)


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[EN]The integrated culture of fish and plant in a recirculated system is called aquaponics, where a mutual benefit have been demonstrated for the cocultured species. Today this practice is still not well known for the most studied consumed freshwater species, and almost nothing has been done for aquarium species. The objective of present work was to study the opportunity of growing one of the most selled aquarium plant coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum) in a coculture with the goldfish (Carassius auratus) from which a nutritional trial was planned.