520 resultados para Goi Mailako Hezkuntzaren Europar Esparrua
Zacharias Frankel
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Gaur egun asiloaren gaia pil-pilean dago Europar Batasunean Greziara iristen ari den jende masa dela eta. Duela aste batzuk EB-eko 28 estatu kideetako liderrek eta Turkiak akordio bat sinatu zuten, martxoaren 20tik aurrera batasunera itsasoz ilegalki iritsitako pertsona guztiak nazioarteko babesa izan ezean Turkiara itzuliko direla adostuz. Akordio hau egin arte estatu kideak ez zuten lortu inongo adostasunik, izan ere, batzuek, Espainia barne, ez zuten obligaziozko harrera mekanismo iraunkorrik ezarri nahi izan eta azkenean oso negatiboki kritikatua izan den akordioa sinatu zuten. Ordutik uharte greziarretan dauden bost errekonozimentu zentroek (orain atxiloketa zentro bihurtu direnak) 7000 pertsona baino gehiago hartu dituzte. Gaineratu behar da, Europar Batasunak orain arte errefuxiatuen krisian eman duen laguntza ekonomiko eta pertsonala oso txikia izan dela. Asiloa Laguntzeko Europako Bulegoak (EASO) eskatu dituen 374 adituetatik estatuek bakarrik 84 eskaini dituzte, eta Siriako fondo fiduaziariorako eskatutako 500 milioi eurotatik 18 milioi besterik ez dituzte bildu.
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The Government of Indonesia (GoI) increasingly relies on the private sector financing to build and operate infrastructures through public private partnership (PPP) schemes. However, PPP does not automatically provide the solution for the financing scheme due to value for money (VFM) issues. The procurement authority must show whether a PPP proposal is the optimal solution that provides best VFM outcome. The paper presents a literature review of comparing quantitative VFM methodology for PPP infrastructure project procurement in Indonesia and Australia. Public Sector Comparator (PSC) is used to assess the potential project VFM quantitatively in Australia. In Indonesia, the PSC has not been applied, where the PPP procurement authority tends to utilize a common project evaluation method that ignores the issues of risk. Unlike the conventional price bid evaluation, the PSC enables a financial comparison including costs/gains and risks. Since the construction of PSC is primarily on risk management approach, it can facilitate risk negotiation processes between the involved parties. The study indicates that the quantitative VFM methodology of PSC is potentially applicable in Indonesia for water supply sector. Various supporting regulations are available that emphasize the importance of VFM and risk management in infrastructure investment. However, the study also reveals a number of challenges that need to be anticipated, such as the need of a more comprehensive PPP policy at both central and local government level, a more specific legal instrument for bidding evaluation method and the issue of institutional capacity development in PPP Units at the local level.
The development of toll roads in Indonesia started around 1978. Initially, the management and development of toll roads sat directly under the Government of Indonesia (GoI) being undertaken through PT JasaMarga, a state owned enterprise specifically established to provide toll roads. Due to the slow growth and low capability of toll roads to fulfil infrastructure needs in the first ten years of operation (only 2.688kms/year), GoI changed its strategy in 1989 to one of using private sector participation for roads delivery through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. In this latter period, PT JasaMarga had two roles, both as regulator on behalf of the private sector as well as being the operator. However, from 1989 to 2004 the growth rate of toll roads actually decreased further to 2.300kms/year. Facing this challenge of low growth rate of toll roads, in 2004GoI changed the toll road management system and the role of regulator was returned to the Government through the establishment of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT). GoI also amended the institutional framework to strengthen the toll road management system. Despite the introduction of this new institutional framework, the growth of toll roads still showed insignificant change. This problem in toll road development has generated an urgent need for research into this issue. The aim of the research is to understand the performance of the new institutional framework in enhancing PPP procured toll road development. The methodology of the research was to undertake a questionnaire survey distributed to private sector respondents involved in toll road development. The results of this study show that there are several problems inherent in the institutional framework, but the most significant problem comes from the uncertainty of the function of the strategic executive body in the land expropriation process.
We have tested a methodology for the elimination of the selectable marker gene after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of barley. This involves segregation of the selectable marker gene away from the gene of interest following co-transformation using a plasmid carrying two T-DNAs, which were located adjacent to each other with no intervening region. A standard binary transformation vector was modified by insertion of a small section composed of an additional left and right T-DNA border, so that the selectable marker gene and the site for insertion of the gene of interest (GOI) were each flanked by a left and right border. Using this vector three different GOIs were transformed into barley. Analysis of transgene inheritance was facilitated by a novel and rapid assay utilizing PCR amplification from macerated leaf tissue. Co-insertion was observed in two thirds of transformants, and among these approximately one quarter had transgene inserts which segregated in the next generation to yield selectable marker-free transgenic plants. Insertion of non-T-DNA plasmid sequences was observed in only one of fourteen SMF lines tested. This technique thus provides a workable system for generating transgenic barley free from selectable marker genes, thereby obviating public concerns regarding proliferation of these genes.
A. Background and context 1. Education, particularly basic education (grades1-9), has been considered critical to promoting national economic growth and social well being1. Three factors that con-tribute to the above are: (i) Education increases human capital inherent in a labor force and thus increases productivity. It also increases capacity for working with others and builds community consensus to support national development. (ii) Education can in-crease the innovative capacity of a community to support social and economic growth—use of new technologies, products and services to promote growth and wellbeing. (iii) Education can facilitate knowledge transfer needed to understand the social and eco-nomic innovations and new processes, practices and values. Cognizant of the above benefits of education, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the Education for All (EFA) declarations advocating universal basic education were formulated and ratified by UN member countries. 2. Achieving universal primary education (grade 6) may not be sufficient to maxim-ize the above noted socio-economic and cultural benefits. There is general consensus that basic literacy and numeracy up to grade 9 are essential foundational blocks for any good education system to support national development. Basic Education provides an educational achievement threshold that ensures the learning is retained. To achieve this, the donor partner led interventions and the UN declarations such as the MDG goals have sought universal access to basic education (grades 1-9). As many countries progress towards achieving the universal access targets, recent research evidence suggests that we need more than just access to basic education to impact on the na-tional development. Measuring basic education completion cycle, gross enrolment rate (GER) and participation rate etc., has to now include a focus on quality and relevance of the education2. 3. While the above research finding is generally accepted by the Government of In-donesia (GoI), unlike many other developing countries, Indonesia is geographically and linguistically complex and has the fourth largest education sector in the world. It has over 3000 islands, 17,000 ethnic groups and it takes as long as 7 hours to travel from east to west of the country and has multiple time differences. The education system has six years of primary education (grades 1-6), 3 years of junior secondary education (grades 7-9) and three years of senior secondary education (grades 10-12). Therefore, applying the findings of the above cited research in a country like Indonesia is a chal-lenge. Nevertheless, since the adoption of the National Education Law (2003)3 the GoI has made significant progress in improving access to and quality of basic education (grades 1-9). The 2011/12 national education statistics show the primary education (grades 1-6) completion rate was 99.3%, the net enrolment rate (NER) was 95.4% and the GER was 115.4%. This is a significant achievement considering the complexities faced within Indonesia. This increase in the primary education sub-sector, however, has not flowed onto the Junior Secondary School (JSS) education. The transition from pri-mary to JSS is still short of the GoI targets. In 2012, there were 146,826 primary schools feeding into 33,668 junior secondary schools. The transition rate from primary to secondary in 2011/12 was 78%. When considering district or sub-district level data the transition in poor districts could be less than the aggregated national rate. Poverty and lack of parents’ education, confounded by opportunity cost, are major obstacles to transitioning to JSS4. 4. Table 1 presents a summary of GoI initiatives to accelerate the transition to JSS. GoI, with assistance from the donor community, has built 2465 new regular JSS, mak-ing the total number of regular JSS 33,668. In addition, 57,825 new classrooms have been added to existing regular JSS. Also, in rural and remote areas 4136 Satu-Atap5 (SATAP) schools were built to increase access to JSS. These SATAP schools are the focus of this study as they provide education opportunities to the most marginalized, ru-ral, remote children who otherwise would not have access to JSS and consequently not complete basic education.
Editorial -- Sistema de jubilaciones y pensiones en América Latina: Reformas, paradigmas y temas emergentes / Fabio M. Bertranou -- No hay seguridad social sin gestión de calidad / Luis G. Bulit Goñi -- Reciprocidad jubilatoria / Pablo Casali -- El estrés ocupacional. Un nuevo desafío para los sistemas de protección de los trabajadores / David A. Martínez ; Marcela Vargas Gómez -- El financiamiento de los futuros sistemas de pensiones / Ariel G. Pino -- Las reformas de los regímenes de la previsión social brasileña de 1998 a 2003 / María Beatriz da Cunha Fernándes -- Formulación de un sistema de protección social en Colombia / Gina Magnolia Riaño Barón -- Levantamiento de información desagregada del sistema de pensiones chileno: encuesta “Historia laboral y seguridad social” e Historias previsionales / Ximena Quintanilla D. -- Los servicios sociales. Algunas experiencias en España y el Cono Sur / Ana María Talmon -- Apéndice -- In Memoriam -- Recensiones
Este trabajo investiga la relación de determinadas características del alumnado de Educación Primaria y de Secundaria (teorías implícitas de la inteligencia, metas académicas de logro, autoconcepto social, compromiso con las tareas artísticas y actitudes hacia la enseñanza artística en la escuela) con el rendimiento académico (calificación y comprensión artística) en la asignatura de Educación Artística. Se formulan cuatro hipótesis que plantean relación débil de las calificaciones académicas en la asignatura de Artes Visuales con el nivel de comprensión, así como relación positiva y significativa del rendimiento académico en Educación Artística con concepciones sobre la propia inteligencia como incremental, con el compromiso con las tareas artísticas, con las actitudes hacia la asignatura, con las metas de aprendizaje y con el autoconcepto social. Los resultados, obtenidos de una muestra de 606 escolares de Educación Primaria y Secundaria, confirman parcialmente las hipótesis de investigación pues se constata cierta relación significativa, positiva e irregular entre calificación en Educación Artística y comprensión artística, se confirma la relación previamente hipotetizada del compromiso con las tareas artísticas y de las actitudes hacia la Educación Artística con el rendimiento académico en la asignatura de Arte, y se señala asimismo relación estadísticamente significativa de las metas académicas de aprendizaje y del autoconcepto social con la calificación y con la comprensión artísticas, si bien las metas de desempeño también muestran ciertas relaciones significativas con el rendimiento artístico. Se concluye subrayando la relevancia del presente trabajo al establecer relaciones significativas entre características del alumnado y su rendimiento académico en la asignatura de Educación Plástica y Visual.
[Es] Esta línea de investigación integra dos perspectivas de aproximación a una temática de gran amplitud y complejidad como es la del desarrollo psicosocial humano, máxime teniendo en cuenta que se presta además una atención específica a la función que en dicho desarrollo cumple la mediación educativa. Obviamente el desarrollo personal y social de cada individuo admite otros muchos abordajes pero los aquí presentados son muy importantes. Se considera, en primer lugar, la incidencia que tienen las interacciones sociales producidas en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento sobre el desarrollo psicosocial. Y, en segundo lugar, se incide en el papel decisivo que los modos de entender la vida juegan en los procesos de sociopersonalización.
Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado
Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado
Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado
[Es] Las habilidades sociales, o habilidades interpersonales, han sido objeto de creciente interés durante los últimos años en psicología social, clínica y educativa; y, sin embargo, tanto su evaluación como la intervención psicológica para su mejora se topan con una desconcertante proliferación de clasificaciones o categorías divergentes de las mismas. En este trabajo, y como resultado de sucesivos análisis factoriales, se proponen cinco grandes categorías de habilidades sociales (Interacción con personas desconocidas en situaciones de consumo, Interacción con personas que atraen, Interacción con amigos y compañeros, Interacción con familiares, y Hacer y rechazar peticiones a los amigos/as) que responden a distintos contextos de interacción social. Las cinco escalas, correspondientes a tales categorías, de un nuevo instrumento de medida, el Cuestionario de Dificultades Interpersonales (CDI), con alta consistencia interna (·= 0,896), explican el 47,47% de la varianza total. Los análisis correlacionales entre el CDI y el Test de Autoverbalizaciones en la Interacción Social (SISST) de Glass, Merluzzi, Biever y Larsen (1982) revelan diferencias cognitivas significativas entre los sujetos de alta y baja habilidad social, dándose una mayor frecuencia de autoverbalizaciones positivas y una menor frecuencia de autoverbalizaciones negativas en los sujetos de alta habilidad social que en los sujetos de baja habilidad social.