102 resultados para Gloves.


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This study tested the hypothesis of airborne transmission of Salmonella Agona (Trial I) and Salmonella Typhimurium (Trial II) in weaned pigs. The trials were performed using stainless-steel/glass isolation cabinets connected by air ducts to permit an unidirectional airflow from cabinet 1 (two control pigs) to cabinet 3 (two sentinel pigs), passing through cabinet 2 (two inoculated pigs). Air samples, pooled faecal samples from the floor and rectal swabs were collected daily and assessed by culture and PCR. A fumigation chamber and rubber gloves coupled to the cabinets allowed sampling without opening the system. Trials I and II lasted 15 and 19 days respectively. The recovery of S. Agona and S. Typhimurium and detection of scroconversion in sentinel pigs indicate that airborne Salmonella transmission in weaned pigs over short distances is possible. Further studies on the role of aerosols in the epidemiology of Salmonella in intensive pig production should be performed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the safety of mixer/loaders and applicators of paraquat to maize crop by knapsack sprayers and to determine the efficacy of safety measures applied to the sprayers. Potential dermal exposure (PDE) was evaluated in 22 worker body parts. The Cu2+ cation of a copper-based fungicide was used as tracer in the spray solution. Sanitary pads and cotton gloves were used to collect the pesticide solution on the sampled body parts. It was observed that paraquat application in front of the applicator's body (0.5 and 1.0 m lance) is unsafe because PDE was 1,979.8 ml/day (for 0.5 m lance) and 1,290.4 ml/day (for 1.0 m lance) and needs 50-80% and 37-69% control of PDE respectively. Control can be achieved by the use of protective garment on the legs and feet only, which received 92-93% of the PDE. Switching the spray nozzle to the back of the operator reduced the PDE by 98% and was sufficient to make working conditions safe, while maintaining the efficiency of application and making the work lighter and more comfortable. Mixer/loaders received 86% of the PDE to the hands and the work condition was safe (MOS > 1), however impermeable gloves could be used as a further safety measure.


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Purpose: This study was conducted to comparatively evaluate, in a prospective and randomized manner, 2 techniques for providing double-gloving protection during arch bar placement for intermaxillary fixation. Materials and Methods: A total of 42 consecutive patients in whom application of an Erich bar was indicated for intermaxillary fixation were equally divided into 2 groups. In group 1, 2 sterile surgical gloves were used; in group 2, a nonsterile disposable inner glove was used under a sterile surgical glove. Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and binomial statistical tests were used to analyze the findings. Results: A total of 103 perforations were found in the outer gloves (47 in group 1 and 56 in group 2), along with 5 perforations in inner gloves in both groups (α = .01). No significant statistical difference was found between groups in terms of inner glove perforations (α = .05). The nondominant hand presented with 70.9% of the perforations, statistically significant to 1%. Conclusions: Both double-gloving techniques were found to provide effective clinician protection. The use of a nonsterile disposable glove under the surgical glove is possible for less-invasive procedures, offering the same safety as using 2 sterile surgical gloves while decreasing operational costs. This method does not eliminate the need to change gloves when a perforation is suspected or noted during the surgery, however. © 2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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The number of infectious illnesses and cross infection is spreading drastically among the professionals of the dentistry area. Controlling infections in dental offices is one of the greatest challenges for dentists and researchers of this area. In practice, contacts between professionals and infected patients are relatively common. The transmission of infectious illnesses from the health professionals to their patients is also possible, either by direct contact or due to lack of cares in relation to biosafety, increasing the cycle of cross infection. Molecular typing is necessary since these methods are an important tool to investigate the epidemiology of bacterial infections. Moreover, they are important for supplying information and precedents through the analysis of the infectious agents eletrophoretic profile. The aim of the present work was to analyze by molecular typing the genomic profile of aerobic bacteria isolated from the Clinics of Surgery and Face Traumatology, Ribeirão Preto University, through the technique of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and grouped based on similarity coefficients. Of two carried out collections, 55 strains were isolates belonging to the following groups: 12 Staphylococcus aureus; 13 Klebsiella oxytoca; 7 Klebsiella pneumoniae; 8 Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 5 Hafnia alvei; 5 Proteus vulgaris; 4 Escherichia coli; and 1 Proteus mirabilis. The adopted molecular typing strategy allowed the determination of the persistence of definitive strains at the collection environment, besides the identification of strains proceeding from the hands and gloves of the surgeon dentists, which could have been found in distant places as sinks and reflectors.


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This is an exploratory and descriptive study that was jointly carried out by Nursing Care and Occupational Therapy as part of a Research Project that intended to prepare children for elective surgery at the University of São Paulo's Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais. Objective: using toys as a therapeutic resource for relieving the child's real and unconscious tensions concerning hospitalization for surgical treatment at the HRAC - USP. Method: 44 children participated in the study. An observation form was used to collect data and it was applied at two separate times: the first time was the day before the surgery was to take place and the second on the day of the surgery just before the event. Twenty one variables were elaborated by the researchers to categorize behaviors regarding hospitalization. The resources used were: storytelling, dramatization and demonstration of nursing interventions with puppets dressed in surgical garb (gloves, surgical gown, mask and cap) with medical equipment commonly used in hospital. Results: of the 21 variables analyzed, 8 showed statistically significant differences on the McNemar Test (p<0.05). Conclusion: interactive play enables hospitalized children to interact in the hospital environment, so that they can express feelings and emotions and it contributes to humanized hospital assistance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Entre os produtos de origem animal os peixes são um dos mais susceptíveis à deterioração e podem representar risco para a saúde, se estiverem contaminados por micro-organismos patogênicos. Desta forma, as indústrias de pescado precisam ter cuidados especiais durante todas as etapas do processamento. Este estudo avaliou os perigos microbiológicos na linha de beneficiamento e produtos em uma indústria de pescado e propõe a sua adequação aos pré-requisitos necessários para a implantação do sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (APPCC). Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas e físico-químicas em 144 amostras (filés e postas) de peixes congelados de diferentes espécies coletadas diretamente na indústria; foram também submetidas a análises microbiológicas 12 amostras de gelo, 24 amostras de água e 340 amostras de superfícies (equipamentos, utensílios e luvas de manipuladores). As Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) foram avaliadas por meio de uma lista de verificação aplicada durante cinco vistorias na indústria. Foram realizados treinamentos e avaliadas as temperaturas de matérias-primas e de produtos semi-elaborados. Foi então proposto um plano APPCC para a linha de processamento de filé de peixe congelado. Entre os patógenos avaliados somente Estafilococos coagulase positiva foi detectado em 2,7% das amostras de peixes, resultado que está dentro do limite estabelecido na legislação brasileira. entretanto valores acima do estabelecido na legislação nacional para pl-! e B VT foram detectados em 18,1% e em 3,5% das amostras, respectivamente. Nas amostras de gelo e água não foram detectadas a presença de coliformes a 35°C e a 45°C. Do total de amostras de equipamentos e utensílios analisadas, 50% e 81,82% estavam dentro da recomendação estabelecida pela OPAS, de 1,7 log UFC/cm2 para mesófilos aeróbios e ausência de coliformes a 45°C, no primeiro e segundo período de coleta, respectivamente. As luvas, no primeiro período de coleta apresentaram contagem acima de 4 log UFC/luva de mesófilos aeróbios em 76,67% das amostras e no segundo período em apenas 21,67%. a avaliação das BPF nas duas primeiras vistorias a indústria foi classificada como de Risco Alto, por ter apresentado percentual de conformidades abaixo de 50%, e como de Risco Médio nas vistorias subsequentes, por ter atendido de 51 a 75% dos itens preconizados na lista de verificação. Com os resultados obtidos foi possível constatar que as BPF não estão totalmente implantadas na indústria analisada, detectando-se diversas não conformidades. A elaboração do plano APPCC seguiu as etapas: formação da equipe, descrição do produto, elaboração do fluxograma de produção, análise dos perigos, identificação dos Pontos Críticos de Controle (PCCs), estabelecimento de limites críticos e ações corretivas, e procedimentos de monitoração, registros e de verificação. A implementação do plano APPCC proposto é aplicável e pode contribuir, significativamente, para a elaboração de produtos de pescado com melhor qualidade e segurança alimentar.


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As hepatites virais representam um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo. A hepatite B e a hepatite C são as de principal interesse para os profissionais da área de saúde em função do modo de transmissão e da possibilidade de aquisição ocupacional. O presente trabalho teve por principal objetivo verificar a soroprevalência da infecção pelo Vírus da Hepatite B (VHB) e pelo Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC) em cirurgiões-dentistas e relacioná-la com os fatores de risco. Participaram do estudo 97 cirurgiões-dentistas, sendo 39 do gênero masculino e 58 do gênero feminino, no período de junho a dezembro de 2005, que atuam no município de Belém, Pará, Brasil. Os dados epidemiológicos foram obtidos por meio de inquéritos e os sorológicos por um ensaio imunoenzimático para a pesquisa de antígeno e anticorpo tanto para o VHB quanto para o VHC. O teste de Tendência foi utilizado para a análise estatística dos resultados. A prevalência do VHB foi de 6,2%, enquanto do VHC foi de 3,1% entre a população estudada. Das amostras sororreativas para os marcadores da hepatite B, a prevalência foi de 1,03% (1/97) para o anti-HBc total, 5,16% (5/97) para a presença simultânea do anti-HBc total e anti-HBs e 54,61% (53/97) para o anti-HBs. Quando comparado ao encontrado na população de doadores de sangue no Estado do Pará a prevalência do VHC na população estudada foi significativamente maior, enquanto a do VHB foi semelhante. Além disso, 37,7% (36/97) relataram terem tido algum tipo de exposição ocupacional, estando o acidente com objetos pérfuro-cortante como o mais relatado (86,1%). A medida adotada após a exposição foi sempre a lavagem com água e sabão e apenas 2,8% (1/36) dos acidentados relataram à realização de testes sorológicos. O conhecimento das normas de biossegurança e a utilização de pelo menos uma barreira de proteção individual foram relatados por todos, sendo o uso de luvas e máscara a resposta mais mencionada (96,9%). Encontravam-se imunizados contra o VHB por meio de vacina 54,61% (53/97) dos cirurgiões-dentistas, enquanto que imunes por infecção natural 5,16% (5/97). O elevado percentual de ocorrência de acidentes ocupacionais, aliado a baixa soroconversão pós-exposição dentre os cirurgiões-dentistas participantes demonstra a necessidade de se conhecer a prevalência de infecções de risco ocupacional em profissionais da área de saúde para que se adotem medidas de prevenção e controle mais eficazes contra os agentes causadores.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To evaluate, by means of a microbiologic study, two kinds of soaps suggested by surgeons for presurgical handwashing, comparing a well-known antibacterial soap with a new soap formulated from vegetable oils. Materials and methods: Ten volunteers performed handwashing according to previously established protocols for routine antisepsis in operating rooms using 3 different soaps: a common, commercially marketed soap, serving as the control group (Group 1), with no antibacterial characteristics; a soap with 2% chlorhexidine (Group II); and a new soap formulated from vegetable oils at a concentration of 20%, known as surfactant, which was designed by the Chemistry Institute (Unesp/Araraquara – Grupo de Materiais Fotônicos) (Group III). The microbiological samples were collected immediately before and after handwashing and one hour later with the volunteer wearing surgical gloves. Results: ANOVA revealed that the following significant differences are found in the number of bacterial colonies: between soap types (a smaller number of colonies in the Group II soap), between periods (reduction in the number of colonies in the Group II soap), and the significant effect of the soap versus time interaction. Conclusion: The 2% chlorhexidine soap performed better in reducing the number of bacterial colonies on the hands immediately after handwashing and after one hour with the use of surgical gloves, when compared to the 20% surfactant soap.