942 resultados para Global problem


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Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) plays a key role in eutrophication, a global problem decreasing habitat quality and in-stream biodiversity. Mitigation strategies are required to prevent SRP fluxes from exceeding critical levels, and must be robust in the face of potential changes in climate, land use and a myriad of other influences. To establish the longevity of these strategies it is therefore crucial to consider the sensitivity of catchments to multiple future stressors. This study evaluates how the water quality and hydrology of a major river system in the UK (the River Thames) respond to alterations in climate, land use and water resource allocations, and investigates how these changes impact the relative performance of management strategies over an 80-year period. In the River Thames, the relative contributions of SRP from diffuse and point sources vary seasonally. Diffuse sources of SRP from agriculture dominate during periods of high runoff, and point sources during low flow periods. SRP concentrations rose under any future scenario which either increased a) surface runoff or b) the area of cultivated land. Under these conditions, SRP was sourced from agriculture, and the most effective single mitigation measures were those which addressed diffuse SRP sources. Conversely, where future scenarios reduced flow e.g. during winters of reservoir construction, the significance of point source inputs increased, and mitigation measures addressing these issues became more effective. In catchments with multiple point and diffuse sources of SRP, an all-encompassing effective mitigation approach is difficult to achieve with a single strategy. In order to attain maximum efficiency, multiple strategies might therefore be employed at different times and locations, to target the variable nature of dominant SRP sources and pathways.


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In this paper we bring together work on landscape, temporality and lay knowledges to propose new ways of understanding climate change. A focus on the familiar landscapes of everyday life offers an opportunity to examine how climate change could be researched as a relational phenomenon, understood on a local level, with distinctive spatialities and temporalities. Climate change can be observed in relation to landscape but also felt, sensed, apprehended emotionally as part of the fabric of everyday life in which acceptance, denial, resignation and action co-exist as personal and social responses to the local manifestations of a global problem.


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Climate change as a global problem has moved relatively swiftly into high profile political debates over the last 20 years or so, with a concomitant diffusion from the natural sciences into the social sciences. The study of the human dimensions of climate change has been growing in momentum through research which attempts to describe, evaluate, quantify and model perceptions of climate change, understand more about risk and assess the construction of policy. Cultural geographers’ concerns with the construction of knowledge, the workings of social relations in space and the politics and poetics of place-based identities provide a lens through which personal, collective and institutional responses to climate change can be evaluated using critical and interpretative methodologies. Adopting a cultural geography approach, this paper examines how climate change as a particular environmental discourse is constructed through memory, observation and conversation, as well as materialised in farming practices on the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, UK


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Bakgrund: Uppkomsten av vårdrelaterade infektioner (VRI) är ett globalt problem. Den vanligaste smittvägen är via personalens händer. Bra handhygien är väsentligt för att minska VRI. Med bättre följsamhet till handhygien kan uppkomsten av VRI minskas, därför har forskning om följsamhet till handhygien och faktorer som inverkar, stort betydelse. Syfte: Syftet var att sammanställa och beskriva aktuell forskning om sjuksköterskors följsamhet till handhygien och vilka faktorer främjar respektive hindrar följsamheten till handhygien. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som baserades på artiklar publicerade de senaste fem åren, från länder som följer Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) handhygieniska riktlinjer. Sexton artiklar valdes efter kvalitetsgranskning för analys och beskrivning. Artiklarna bearbetades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sjuksköterskors följsamhet till handhygien var låg. Följande främjande faktorer identifierades: handhygien efter patientkontakt, materialtillgång, förebilder, utbildning, verbala och visuella påminnelser, positiva individuella attityder, kvinnlig könstillhörighet, yrkesgrupp, specialitet, patientens skydd, arbetskultur och samhällets inställning till handhygien. Följande hindrande faktorer identifierades: hög arbetsbelastning, bristande utbildning, kunskapsbrist, individuella attityder, hudpåverkan, materialtillgång, arbetskultur och samhällets inställning till handhygien, manlig könstillhörighet, yrkesgrupp, specialitet. Slutsats: Enligt resultat rekommenderas: samspelet med kollegor och patienter, stöd av teamarbete ledare, förebilder, materialtillgång, utbildning, påminnelser, intervention med tillgång till information, stöd, resurser och möjligheter för regelbunden kunskapsuppföljning, motivera till handhygien före patientkontakt, involvera patienter.


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Computer security is becoming a global problem. Recent surveys show that there increased concern about security risks such as hackers. There is also an increase in the growth of Internet access around the world. This growth of the Internet has resulted in the development of new businesses such as e-commerce and with the new businesses come new associated security risks such as on-line fraud and hacking. Is it fair to assume the security practices are the same all over the world? The paper tries to look at security practices from a number of different countries perspective and tries to show that security practices are not generic and vary from country to country.


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Information security is portrayed as a global problem that impacts all countries that are considered as part of the Information Society. Recent surveys show that there are increased concerns about computer crime. The paper will focus upon recent national security surveys from Australia and New Zealand and the trends that this research shows. Is it fair to assume the security practices are the same all over the world? The paper looks at security practices from a number of different countries perspectives and shows that security practices are not generic and vary from country to country. The paper will also evaluate the worth that National Security Surveys have in the field of Information Security Surveys.


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Youth violence is a global problem. Few studies have examined whrther the prevalence or predictors of youth violence are similar in comparable Western countries like Australia and the United States (US). In the current article, analyses are conducted using two waves of data collected as part of a longitudinal study of adolescent development in approximately 4,000 students aged 12 to 16 years in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, US. Students completed a self-report survey of problem behaviours including violent behaviour, as well as risk and protective factors across five domains (individual, family, peer, school, community). Compared to Washington State, rates of attacking or beating another over the past 12 months were lower in Victoria for females in the first survey and higher for Victorian males in the follow-up survey. Preliminary analyses did not show state-specific predictors of violent behaviour. In the final multivariate analyses of the combined Washington State and Victorian samples, protective factors were being female and student emotion control. Risk factors were prior violent behaviour, family conflict, association with violent peers, community disorganisation, community norms favourable to drug use, school suspensions and arrests. Given the similarity of influential factors in North America and Australia, application of US early intervention and prevention programs may be warranted, with some tailoring to the Australian context.


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Cyber violence is growing; it is a global problem for governments, educational authorities, teachers, parents and children alike, the author argues. Given the insidious nature and rapid rise in cyber violence, the paucity of empirical research on cyber violence and cyber safety, it is clear that we need a concerted effort on both the policy and practical level. Most importantly, we need substantial funding to investigate what remains an under-researched area so as to inform good policy and practice. The article discusses why cyber violence is happening; what the main issues are; how to improve cyber safety; and existing safety initiatives. The author concludes that current initiatives to address cyber violence and cyber safety are well intended but we need to make a more concerted and systematic effort, based on further research, if we are to tackle the problem through policy and practice on the national and global level.


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Government policies have enormous influence on the health of nations. Arguably, this is illustrated most vividly with tobacco control. However, smoking continues to be a global problem and the major cause of preventable death. The countries with the highest per-capita smoking prevalence rates include (alphabetically) Bangladesh (20.9% of adults), Brazil (16.2% of adults), China (31.4% of adults), Germany (27.2% of adults), India (32.7% of men, 1.4% of women), Indonesia (34.5% of adults), Japan (43.3% of men and 12% of women), the Russian Federation (60.4% of men, 15.5% of women), Turkey (34.6%), and the United States(23.2%).1 Prevalence rates among younger people vary, but in the United States, 18.4% of youths still smoke.


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Sustainable development is an international problem as it affects everyone everywhere.Up until recently, it has been pursued on a national scale leading from a confused understanding of sustainability from the international community. The various international summits and meetings on the topic have allowed establishment of general guidelines and attitudes that need to be taken by national policy writers. Because of the lack of understanding on the topic, as it encompasses many aspects of social, economic and environmental behaviours, there has been a general individual interpretation of these ideas that has then shaped national policies. These policies differ in nature and therefore must be analysed to identify these differences and their implications on the built environment. The Melbourne 2030 plan and the London plan are two of the leading and highly mentioned policies stemming from the advanced nature of the respective economies. These nations’ polices have implications that trickle down to the very core of building design and lead stakeholders in certain directions as opposed to others. The research attempts to highlight the paths taken by these different nations and what influence this has had on the overall state of sustainable development in the localised communities respectively. Analysing the state of sustainable development ideas from the international, to the national and down to the local policy strategies will give a clear picture of the state of policy direction in the localised context. Looking then at two buildings in these contexts identifies how policy can play a major role in shaping sustainable design related outcomes. The research finds that the UK and London plan is well-structured and pays close attention to the built environment while there is much less evidence of this in the Australia and Melbourne policy plans. This can be seen in the overall outcome of the chosen building case studies where the chosen London building shows more promise in its sophisticated use of technologies to achieve a highly sustainable building as compared to the chosen Melbourne building. It has been suggested that because of the differences in rating tools and their applications, there may be problems in successfully comparing two buildings in different contexts. This gives rise to the question of global sustainability where it is understood that sustainability is a global problem and cannot be tackled on a fragmented basis. This then may suggest that the international stage of sustainable understanding should be holistic in that it should be tackled at a global stage instead of the current fragmented national stage.


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The Latrobe Valley region of Victoria, Australia, has the highest rate of asbestos disease in the state due to extensive past use of asbestos in the power industry. Current responses to asbestos disease epidemics in Australia and internationally are dominated by medical, scientific, legal and government perspectives. The voices and perspectives of those most directly affected – exposed and diseased workers, their families and communities – are relatively rarely heard.A qualitative interview study was conducted to determine what people in the Latrobe Valley community think could or should be done following their own asbestos disease epidemic. Analysis identified several themes. Notably, these represent a sophisticated community understanding of issues that is largely consistent with state-of-the-art occupational health and public health knowledge.Some themes are well known already, eg the need for fair and timely compensation, adequate healthcare facilities and services, and more education. Others point to neglected possibilities, such as the need for reconciliation and social healing to complement the dominant individual medico-legal focus. Employer suppression of hazard information and denial of asbestos-related disease in past decades continues to have a profound effect on people's views in the present. Reconciliation in some form, eg acknowledgement of or apology for past wrongs, was identified as a necessary first step in developing new and better policy and practice responses; action in this regard has important implications for the implementation and effectiveness of other policy and practice interventions. Further, a need for substantive community participation in the development of policy and practice responses – currently lacking – was identified. Findings suggest that community is an under-recognised and under-utilised resource in responding to a local asbestos disease epidemic.The Latrobe Valley situation is a microcosm of the broader Australian and international story. It offers insights on the perspectives of those most affected by asbestos issues, how such people and their views can be used to strengthen current policy and practice responses, and how their participation is essential to building comprehensive public and social health responses to this global problem.


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A tuberculose resistente a múltiplos fármacos (TB MDR) é definida como uma forma de tuberculose (TB) causada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistente a pelo menos isoniazida e rifampicina. A TB MDR é um problema mundial crescente resultante da não adesão dos pacientes ao tratamento e pelo gerenciamento ineficaz da doença pelos sistemas de saúde. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de identificar os fatores de risco e os padrões de transmissão da TB MDR no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, comparando os resultados obtidos com aqueles casos de TB suscetíveis aos fármacos. Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000 foram identificados 60 isolados MDR no Laboratório Central do RS (LACEN) e 202 isolados suscetíveis aos fármacos anti-TB. Estes isolados foram analisados utilizando a técnica de Polimorfismo do Tamanho dos Fragmentos de Restrição (RFLP) baseado no IS6110. Os dados clínicos e demográficos dos pacientes portadores destas linhagens também foram analisados. Nos isolados que apresentaram seis ou menos cópias de IS6110 foi realizada uma segunda técnica de genotipagem, o Spoligotyping. Os pacientes portadores de linhagens de M. tuberculosis com padrões idênticos foram considerados clusters. Foi observado que entre os 262 isolados, 94 (36%) pertenciam a 20 distintos clusters, e após a análise por Spoligotyping, 89 destes isolados (34%) permaneceram em cluster. Os isolados MDR não diferiram estatisticamente dos isolados suscetíveis na proporção de formação de cluster. Foi observada associação significante entre a ocorrência de TB MDR e tratamento prévio (p < 0,001) e falência no tratamento (p < 0,001). No entanto, os pacientes HIV positivos foram associados com TB suscetível (p = 0,024). Também foi identificado que pacientes não casados desenvolveram mais TB devida à transmissão recente (p < 0,005). A introdução da terapia supervisionada de curta duração (DOTS) no RS será importante, pois auxiliará na diminuição das taxas de falência e abandono de tratamento, evitando o desenvolvimento de novas linhagens MDR.


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Os ácaros ectoparasitas Varroa destructor, que parasitam as abelhas tornaram-se um problema global. Embora seja pouco provável que estes ácaros, por si só, provoquem a mortalidade das colmeias, eles desempenham um importante papel como vetor de muitas doenças virais. E estas doenças são identificados como algumas das mais importantes razões para a Desordem do Colapso das Colônias. Os efeitos da infestação do V.destructor são distintas em diferentes partes do mundo. Maiores mortalidades de colônias têm sido relatadas em colônias de abelhas européias (AE) em países da Europa, Ásia e América do Norte. No entanto, este ácaro está presente no Brasil já por muitos anos e não existem relatos de perdas em colônias das abelhas africanizadas (AA). Estudos realizados no México mostraram que alguns comportamentos de resistência ao ácaro Varroa - especialmente o grooming e o comportamento higiênico - são diferentes em cada uma das subespécie. Poderiam então esses mecanismos explicar por que as abelhas africanizadas são menos suscetíveis à Desordem do Colapso das Colônias? A fim de responder a esta pergunta, propomos um modelo matemático baseado em equações diferenciais, com o objetivo de analisar o papel desses mecanismos de resistência na saúde geral da colônia e na capacidade da colônia para enfrentar desafios ambientais.


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Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is an increasing global problem. The extent and burden of MDR-TB varies significantly from country to country and region to region. Globally, about three per cent of all newly diagnosed patients have MDR-TB and the proportion is higher in patients who had previously received anti-tuberculosis (anti-TB) treatment reflecting the failure of programs designed to ensure complete cure of patients with tuberculosis. The management of MDR-TB is a challenge that should be undertaken by experienced clinicians at centers equipped with reliable laboratory services and implementation of DOTS-Plus strategy.