372 resultados para Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.)
The tree leguminous gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium), acácia (Acacia mangium), leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) and sombreiro (Clitoria fairchildiana) are indicated for agroforestry systems, reclamation of degraded lands, reforestation and other purposes in the wet tropic. Despite the importance of legumes the preamazon region it is lacking in information about the symbiotic capacity and diversity of indigenous rhizobia of these legumes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the phenotypic and genetic diversity of rhizobia species nodulating gliricidia sombreiro, leucena and acacia in the Maranhão pre-Amazon region and authenticate isolates of these species in siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum). For this they were installed two experiments. Sampling was carried out on a alley cropping system, was sampled 20 plants of each species by collecting 10 nodules per plant. It was made isolation, cultural characterization, partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing and analysis of the symbiotic ability of bacterial strains with siratro. The authentication experiment was done in two steps for each legume (gliricidia, acácia, sombreiro and leucena), in the greenhouse and in a completely randomized design with three replications with sterile Hoagland nutrient solution as substrate. Gliricídia, Sombreiro, leucena and acacia are colonized by distinct groups of rhizobia. Gliricidia nodulate preferably with Rhizobium, sombreiro and acacia nodulate preferably with Bradyrhizobium and leucena has Mesorhizobium main symbiote. Endophytic strains of ten genera were found colonizing the gliricidia, sombrero, leucena and acacia nodules and a strain of Arthrobacter sp. had a positive nodulation with siratro. This is the first report on isolation of Methylobacterium sp. in gliricidia nodules and endophytic ability of Terriglobus sp. strains. Indigenous strains of pre-Amazon region of Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Rhizobium genus nodulate with siratro, but are ineficiente or had low efficiency to promote their growth.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Quantifying the relative contribution of different phosphorus (P) sources to P uptake can lead to greater understanding of the mechanisms that increase available P in integrated P management systems. The P-32-P-33 double isotope labeling technique was used to determine the relative contribution of green manures (GMs) and P fertilizers to P uptake by Setaria grass (Setaria sphacelata) grown in an amended tropical acid soil (Bungor series) in a glasshouse study. The amendments were factorial combinations of GMs (Calopogonium caeruleum , Gliricidia sepium and Imperata cylindrica) and P fertilizers [phosphate rocks (PRs) from North Carolina (NCPR), China (CPR) and Algeria (APR), and triple superphosphate (TSP)]. Dry matter yield, P uptake, and P utilization from the amendments were monitored at 4, 8, and 15 weeks after establishment (WAE). The GMs alone or in combination with P fertilizers contributed less than 5% to total P uptake in this soil, but total P uptake into Setaria plants in the GM treatments was three to four times that of the P fertilizers because the GMs mobilized more soil P. Also, the GMs markedly increased fertilizer P utilization in the combined treatments, from 3% to 39% with CPR, from 6-9% to 19-48% with reactive PRs, and from 6% to 37% with TSP in this soil. Both P GM and the other decomposition products were probably involved in reducing soil P-retention capacity. Mobilization of soil P was most likely the result of the action of the other decomposition products. These results demonstrate the high potential of integrating GMs and PRs for managing P in tropical soils and the importance of the soil P mobilization capacity of the organic components. Even the low-quality Imperata GM enhanced the effectiveness of the reactive APR more than fourfold.
Edible herbage production and water-use-efficiency of three tree legumes (Leucaena leucocephala cv. Tarramba, L. pallida x L. leucocephala (KX2) and Gliricidia sepium), cut at different times of the year (February, April, June and uncut) were compared in a semi-arid area of Timor Island, Indonesia. Cutting in the early and mid dry-season (April and June) resulted in higher total leaf production (P< 0.05) and water-use-efficiency (P< 0.05), than cutting late in the wet-season (February) or being left uncut. For the leucaena treatments removing leaf in the early to mid dry-season reduced transpiration, saving soil water for subsequent regrowth as evidenced by the higher relative water contents of leaves from these treatments. This cutting strategy can be applied to local farming conditions to increase the supply of feed for livestock during the dry season.
Os biofertilizantes, resultantes da fermentação de estercos ou de material vegetal, são insumos alternativos. Por outro lado, o coentro é uma hortaliça folhosa condimentar de grande expressão socioeconômica no norte e nordeste do Brasil. Objetivou-se testar diferentes biofertilizantes em coentro, cv. Verdão, em casa de vegetação, na Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental (Iranduba-AM), de 12/11/13 a 28/11/13.
We studied the feeding behavior of bats and their role in the seed dispersal of Vismia cayennensis in Manaus region, Amazonas State, northern Brazil. The characteristics of the plant and its fruits fit the chiropterocory syndrome. Five species of phyllostomid bats fed on Vismia fruits: Sturnira lilium, Sturnira tildae, Artibeus concolor, Carollia perspicillata and Rhinophylla pumilio. Apparently there is a relationship between flock foraging behavior and fruit availability in early night. The feeding behavior was similar for all bat species, varying with the presentation mode of the fruits. Seed germination tests and the distributional patterns of the plants indicate that bats are the dispersers of V. cayennensis.
Cuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F. Macbr. is an herb, which occurs preferably in wet places. Amongst other species of the genus, C. carthagenensis is distinguished for its great chemical potential and frequent use in popular medicine. In this study the morphological and anatomical structures were identified, as well as the histochemical characterization was done. Samples of root, stem and leaves were collected from adult plants. This material was processed for anatomical and histochemical analysis in light microscopy and for morphological analysis, in scanning electron microscopy. Important morphological and anatomical considerations were added for C. carthagenensis, such as: the occurrence of aerenchymatous phellem with suberized layers; the types of trichomes present in the vegetative organs, the characterization of secretory trichomes, as well as the secreted substances. The groups of secondary metabolites presents in the root, stem and leaf of C. carthagenensis with more intense histochemical reaction were: proanthocyanidins, phenolic compounds, acids polysaccharides (mucilage especially) and lipids.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate herbage accumulation, morphological composition, growth rate and structural characteristics in Mombasa grass swards subject to different cutting intervals (3, 5 and 7 wk) during the rainy and dry seasons of the year. Treatments were assigned to experimental units (17.5 m(2)) according to a complete randomised block design, with four replicates. Herbage accumulation was greater in the rainy than in the dry season (83 and 17%, respectively). Herbage accumulation (24,300 kg DM ha(-1)), average growth rate (140 kg DM ha(-1) d(-1)) and sward height (111 cm) were highest in the 7 wk cutting interval, but leaf proportion (56%), leaf:stem (1.6) and leaf:non leaf (1.3) ratios decreased. Herbage accumulation, morphological composition and sward structure of Mombasa grass sward may be manipulated through defoliation frequency. The highest leaf proportion was recorded in the 3-wk cutting interval. Longer cutting intervals affected negatively sward structure, with potential negative effects on utilization efficiency, animal intake and performance.
A definição dos princípios adequados de manejo do pastejo capazes de possibilitar que as pastagens mantenham-se produtivas e persistentes tem sido uma preocupação constante dos pesquisadores brasileiros. No entanto, foi durante as duas últimas décadas que ocorreram grandes mudanças e um avanço significativo na compreensão dos processos determinantes da correta utilização das plantas forrageiras tropicais em pastagens. Este texto tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir os principais resultados obtidos sobre o manejo do pastejo de alguns cultivares de Panicum maximum e de Brachiaria brizantha, bem como a importância da utilização de metas de pasto como guia de campo para o monitoramento e controle do processo de pastejo para planejar e recomendar práticas de manejo eficientes.
The silvopastoral system is a viable technological alternative to extensive cattle grazing, however, for it to be successful, forage grass genotypes adapted to reduced light need to be identified. The objective of this study was to select progenies of Panicum maximum tolerant to low light conditions for use in breeding programs and to study the genetic control and performance of some traits associated with shade tolerance. Six full-sib progenies were evaluated in full sun, 50% and 70% of light reduction in pots and subjected to cuttings. Progeny genotypic values (GV) increased with light reduction in relation to plant height (H) and specific leaf area (SLA). The traits total dry mass accumulation (DM) and leaf dry mass accumulation (LDM) had GV higher in 50% shade and intermediate in 70% shade. The GV of tiller number (TIL) and root dry mass accumulation (RDM) decreased with light reduction. The highest positive correlations were obtained for the traits H and RDM with SLA and DM; the highest negative correlations were between TIL and SLA and RDM, and H and LDM. The progenies showed higher tolerance to 50% light reduction and, among them, two stood out and will be used in breeding programs. It was also found that it is not necessary to evaluate some traits under all light conditions. All traits had high broad sense heritability and high genotypic correlation between progenies in all light intensities. There is genetic difference among the progenies regarding the response to different light intensities, which will allow selection for shade tolerance
IntroductionRhodnius neglectus is a triatomine that colonizes different palm species. In this study, we aimed to describe the presence of this triatomine bug in the royal palms (Roystonea oleracea) in a rural region of the State of Goiás.MethodsPalm infestation was investigated by dissecting the palms or by using live-bait traps.ResultsTwo palm trees were infested by R. neglectusnegative for Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent for Chagas disease. In the study area, R. neglectus is frequently found in households.ConclusionsThe adaptation of this species to palm trees introduced in Brazil for landscaping purposes poses another challenge for controlling the vectors of Chagas disease.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a identificação dos insetos visitantes e polinizadores das flores do "dendê" Elaeis guineensis Jacq., e do "caiaué" Elaeis oleifera (H.B.K) Cortés, atráves de coletas em locais e horários diferentes, quando as inflorescências masculinas das plantas encontravam-se em plena antese. Um total de 159 insetos foram observados tendo sido constatado dentre os diversos tipos de visitantes, os meliponídeos: Trigona sp. ("dendê" e "caiaué"), Apis mellifera adansonni e Partamona sp. ("dendê"). Constatou-se ainda a presença de uma quantidade razoável de insetos da família Curculionidae do gênero Elaeidobius, que voavam em torno das inflorescências, sendo evidente a sua participação na polinização das espécies estudadas. Além disso, verificou-se a presença de larvas de um coléoptero da família lycidae, junto as inflorescências das plantas.
Justicia pectoralis e J. gendarussa são espécies de interesse medicinal utilizadas popularmente em vários países da América do Sul e Central como analgésicas e antiinflamatórias. As folhas de J. pectoralis também são utilizadas por indígenas da Amazônia brasileira e da Venezuela em rapés alucinógenos. J. pectoralis e J. gendarussa foram caracterizadas morfologicamente sob condições padronizadas de cultivo e investigadas quanto a presença de algum princípio alucinógeno. Duas variedades de J. pectoralis, J. pectoralis var. stenophylla Leonard e J. pectoralis var. A. (indeterminada), foram diferenciadas pelo hábito, forma e número de folhas; J. gendarussa difere destas pelo hábito, forma das folhas e coloração das nervuras. O uso de J. pectoralis como alucinógena também é discutido.
Estudos recentes têm relatado o estado pluricarencial da população dos estados da Região Norte do Brasil. Paradoxalmente nessa região encontra-se uma grande biodiversidade da flora com variadas frutas e hortaliças, ainda não tão conhecidas, mas que os pesquisadores acreditam ser altamente nutritivas. Entre elas, tem-se o cariru, planta herbácea da família Portulacea, hortaliça própria da região amazônica e de fácil cultivo. Amostras dessa verdura foram submetidas a determinações analíticas a fim de obter maiores informações sobre seu valor nutricional. A maior fração desse vegetal é a água (92,24%), seguida de lipídeos (3,04%), carboidratos (2,94%), minerais totais (1,71%) e de proteína (0,07%), constituindo um alimento de reduzido valor calórico (40 Kcal/100g). Tendo em vista os resultados encontrados na análise de minerais, essa folhosa pode ser considerada como excelente fonte de ferro, zinco e molibdênio, já que o consumo de 200 g/dia desse alimento atenderia as necessidades diárias desses nutrientes. Chama-se atenção para os conteúdos de selênio e manganês, onde 100g dessa biomassa fresca podem fornecer duas e três vezes, respectivamente, as quantidades recomendadas para adultos pelos órgãos internacionais de saúde, com as devidas precauções, já que excessos desses oligominerais podem causar danos à saúde. Sendo assim, recomenda-se a inclusão dessa folhosa no hábito alimentar brasileiro, por apresentar minerais em quantidades suficientes para minimizar o estado carencial de muitas pessoas, residentes na região Norte do país, exatamente onde é encontrada em abundância e com custo reduzido.
A Amazônia é um importante centro de diversidade de Capsicum spp., em especial de C. chinense. Informações relativas à biologia reprodutiva são importantes para o melhoramento e conservação da espécie. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar o sistema de reprodução de C. chinense. Foram avaliados cinco genótipos e quatro tratamentos: polinização natural, proteção dos botões florais, autopolinização manual e polinização cruzada manual. Os genótipos avaliados demonstraram auto-compatibilidade e reprodução como plantas autógamas.