942 resultados para Geo-mashups
When publishing information on the web, one expects it to reach all the people that could be interested in. This is mainly achieved with general purpose indexing and search engines like Google which is the most used today. In the particular case of geographic information (GI) domain, exposing content to mainstream search engines is a complex task that needs specific actions. In many occasions it is convenient to provide a web site with a specially tailored search engine. Such is the case for on-line dictionaries (wikipedia, wordreference), stores (amazon, ebay), and generally all those holding thematic databases. Due to proliferation of these engines, A9.com proposed a standard interface called OpenSearch, used by modern web browsers to manage custom search engines. Geographic information can also benefit from the use of specific search engines. We can distinguish between two main approaches in GI retrieval information efforts: Classical OGC standardization on one hand (CSW, WFS filters), which are very complex for the mainstream user, and on the other hand the neogeographer’s approach, usually in the form of specific APIs lacking a common query interface and standard geographic formats. A draft ‘geo’ extension for OpenSearch has been proposed. It adds geographic filtering for queries and recommends a set of simple standard response geographic formats, such as KML, Atom and GeoRSS. This proposal enables standardization while keeping simplicity, thus covering a wide range of use cases, in both OGC and the neogeography paradigms. In this article we will analyze the OpenSearch geo extension in detail and its use cases, demonstrating its applicability to both the SDI and the geoweb. Open source implementations will be presented as well
El mundo del software está cambiando. El desarrollo de Internet y las conexiones de datos hacen que las personas estén conectadas prácticamente en cualquier lugar. La madurez de determinadas tecnologías y el cambio del perfil de los usuarios de consumidor a generador de contenidos son algunos de los pilares de este cambio. Los Content Management Systems (CMS) son plataformas que proporcionan la base para poder generar webs colaborativas de forma sencilla y sin necesidad de tener excesivos conocimientos previos y son responsables de buena parte de este desarrollo. Una de las posibilidades que todavía no se han explotado suficientemente en estos sistemas es la georreferenciación de contenidos. De esta forma, aparece una nueva categoría de enlaces semánticos en base a las relaciones espaciales. En el actual estado de la técnica, se puede aprovechar la potencia de las bases de datos espaciales para manejar contenidos georreferenciados y sus relaciones espaciales, pero prácticamente ningún CMS lo aprovecha. Este proyecto se centra en desarrollar un módulo para el CMS Drupal que proporcione un soporte verdaderamente espacial y una interfaz gráfica en forma de mapa, mediante las que se puedan georreferenciar los contenidos. El módulo es independiente del proveedor de cartografía, ya que se utiliza la librería Open Source de abstracción de mapas IDELab Mapstraction Interactive. De esta forma se aúna la independencia tecnológica con la gestión verdaderamente espacial de los contenidos
Paul Crutzen (2006) has suggested a research initiative to consider whether it would be feasible to artificially enhance the albedo of the planet Earth to counteract greenhouse warming. The enhancement of albedo would be achieved by intentionally injecting sulfur into the stratosphere. The rational for proposing the experiment is the observed cooling of the atmosphere following the recent major volcanic eruptions by El Chichon in 1984 and Mount Pinatubo in 1991 (Hansen et al., 1992). Although I am principally not against a research initiative to study such a potential experiment, I do have important reservations concerning its general feasibility. And its potential feasibility, I believe, must be the key motivation for embarking on such a study. Here I will bring up three major issues, which must be more thoroughly understood before any geo-engineering of climate could be considered, if at all. The three issues are (i) the lack of accuracy in climate prediction, (ii) the huge difference in timescale between the effect of greenhouse gases and the effect of aerosols and (iii) serious environmental problems which may be caused by high carbon dioxide concentration irrespective of the warming of the climate.
O objetivo desta tese é investigar a atuação da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina (CEPAL) e do Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB) na história da educação em administração no Brasil. Esta tese partiu de uma metodologia historiográfica consolidada na área, mas utilizou a abordagem descolonial para problematizar o termo história e, assim, propor uma nova agenda de pesquisa. A importação de temas de pesquisa historiográfica como americanização e Guerra Fria provoca um mimetismo de agendas de investigação e termina por subalternizar outros eventos locais que contribuíram para a historiografia da administração. A investigação geo-histórica desta tese é feita a partir da interação entre dois conceitos de desenvolviment(ism)o – o que emerge a partir da realidade da América Latina e o que é recebido de fora via americanização – que ora se aproximam, ora se afastam, e que estão inseridos na long durée da modernidade/colonialidade da América Latina. A busca pela ciência da administração se iniciou, no Brasil, vinculada ao processo de modernização e desenvolvimento do país, que levou à criação, durante a década de 1950, das primeiras escolas de ensino de graduação em administração e dos cursos objetos desta tese, que formaram 1.316 profissionais em nível de pós-graduação. Neste período deve ser minimizado o papel da americanização e relativizada a atuação destas escolas de ensino de graduação na geo-história da administração. Devemos, portanto, descolonizar a atuação da CEPAL e do ISEB como instituições de ensino e pesquisa para trazer à tona conhecimentos da tradição do pensamento social crítico latino-americano que foram subalternizados na literatura de administração, para que possam informar a área no Brasil e no exterior. Este é um caminho para descolonizar a agenda de pesquisa historiográfica e escapar da tendência de reproduzir acriticamente conhecimento recebido do exterior.
By the end of the 21st Century, economy globalization trends to show a velocity process through which market being expanded characterized by an intense going on of the internationalization of finance, after that marginalizing the periphery of the social spaces. It is clear to see that this process occurred in those less developed countries happens in an accentuated way just because income distribution that is so regressive and also because the insufficient enclosing of the social programs, we find this situation in a big part of Brazilian cities. The marginalizing social economical process observed in Natal, a city located in the east coast part of Northeast region in Brazil and that owns a population upper to 778 thousand in habitants is nearly linked to the extension of goods and services commerce. The installation of new urban activities in the city pointed out tourist activity as the greater impulsive thing in the phenomenon promotion, most of them aiming to promote Natal to the national and international scenery. It privilege strongly in the South zone with economical implementations such as shopping s centers, supermarkets, and home buildings condominiums leading to a loss of functionality of some traditional district located in central areas of the city. Notwithstanding, some spaces, for instance Alecrim district officially created in 1911, has notably resisted to the expansion of the urban process pointed out in Natal in the last years. So that this put Alecrim District as a district with originally characteristics reaffirmed along the historical process form old times. The predominance of some residential characteristics such as the incidence of some villages and a concentration of a big and confuse popular commerce distributed along streets puts Alecrim District as a resistant space in Natal. The same way analyze Alecrim District under the prism of Historic Geography because we understand this way it accomplishes a fundamental role in the theoretical methodological development of our work, just when we analyze the time as a variant in our object of study. It is still inside this theoretical field that we carry out a brief reviewing about quarter/district definition, under the optic from several registered and scientific resources taken into account along this work, because we understand that it was necessary to think this important spatial unit especially to know exactly what we are referring to as a district and so we can reaffirm Alecrim as an important and traditional district to Natal and it has been resisting to spatial transformation verified in the last years in Natal city. To give support to our reflection we used methodological tools related to inhabitants lifestyles knowledge and also the study of Alecrim District as a space that promote a certain centrality in Natal as some indicators to keep original characteristics in the district in Natal
P>In livestock genetic resource conservation, decision making about conservation priorities is based on the simultaneous analysis of several different criteria that may contribute to long-term sustainable breeding conditions, such as genetic and demographic characteristics, environmental conditions, and role of the breed in the local or regional economy. Here we address methods to integrate different data sets and highlight problems related to interdisciplinary comparisons. Data integration is based on the use of geographic coordinates and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In addition to technical problems related to projection systems, GIS have to face the challenging issue of the non homogeneous scale of their data sets. We give examples of the successful use of GIS for data integration and examine the risk of obtaining biased results when integrating datasets that have been captured at different scales.
We report measurements of the nonlinear (NL) refractive index n(2) of lead-germanium films (LGFs) containing Cu and Cu(2)O nanoparticles (NPs). The thermally managed eclipse Z-scan technique with 150 fs pulses from a laser operating at 800 nm was used. The NL refractive index measured, n(2)=6.3x10(-12) cm(2)/W has electronic origin and the NL absorption coefficient alpha(2) is smaller than 660 cm/GW. The figure of merit n(2)/lambda alpha(2) is enhanced by more than two orders of magnitude in comparison with the result for the LGFs without the copper based NPs. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
It has been estimated that the entire Earth generates heat corresponding to about 40 TW (equivalent to 10,000 nuclear power plants) which is considered to originate mainly from the radioactive decay of elements like U, Th and K, deposited in the crust and mantle of the Earth. Radioactivity of these elements produce not only heat but also antineutrinos (called geo-antineutrinos) which can be observed by terrestrial detectors. We investigate the possibility of discriminating among Earth composition models predicting different total radiogenic heat generation, by observing such geo-antineutrinos at Kamioka and Gran Sasso, assuming KamLAND and Borexino (type) detectors, respectively, at these places. By simulating the future geo-antineutrino data as well as reactor antineutrino background contributions, we try to establish to which extent we can discriminate among Earth composition models for given exposures (in units of kt · yr) at these two sites on our planet. We use also information on neutrino mixing parameters coming from solar neutrino data as well as KamLAND reactor antineutrino data, in order to estimate the number of geo-antineutrino induced events. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.
This investigation was carried out within the Paraná sedimentary basin, involved the sampling of 77 pumped tubular wells, and was realized with the puipose of evaluating the radioactivity in the Brazilian part of Guarani (Botucatu-Pirambóia, Tacuarembó, Misiones) aquifer. The radioactivity due to nuclides belonging to uranium and thorium series decay was investigated in terms of the uranium isotopes 234U and 238U, radon (222Rn), and the radium isotopes 226Ra and 228Ra. The obtained results were compared with the maximum permissible concentration limits in drinking water defined by the Brazilian national standard, as well with the guidelines for drinking water quality established by the World Health Organization. The importance of water-rock/soil interactions was considered in order to explain most of the obtained data.
This paper presents two case histories from Brazil where geophysical and resistivity piezocone tests were carried out to detect contamination. At the first one, the site investigation program was carried out to detect salt-water intrusions in a superficial sedimentary aquifer, at the Paranaguá harbor, in Paraná State. The second case history is a sanitary landfill from Bauru City, São Paulo State. In both sites, superficial geophysical tests were interpreted to detect and delineate the shape of contamination plume, helping to locate the resistivity piezocone tests. It was found that the interpretation of resistivity piezocone tests is straightforward to assess salt-water intrusion in sedimentary sands. For tropical soils, this technique presented some limitations since the groundwater table sometimes is deeper than the layer penetratable to the cone. Moreover, the genesis of those soils affects soil behavior and soil and water sampling is required to support interpretation.
This paper presents a brief review about site investigation procedures for contaminated sites recommended by Brazilian and Canadian environmental agencies as well as discusses the theme of geo-environmental investigation as applied to Brazilian practice. The main definitions on the theme are reviewed and some guidelines are proposed for conducting a geo-environmental investigation of Brazilian contaminated sites using different site and laboratory investigation techniques based on the presented review and on the experience obtained from the investigation of a solid waste disposal site in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
A suit able decision-making on managing a contaminated site characterization program is strongly dependent of the diagnosis process. A detailed diagnosis can be done based on a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) elaboration using high resolution site characterization tools. The piezocone (CPTu) test is a high resolution tool which allows attaching several specific sensors, like the resistivity probe. This hybrid device is called the resistivity piezocone (RCPTu). A simulated geo-environmental site characterization program was performed on an erosion site using different tools (direct push tools soil samplers, hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling and RCPTu tests) to develop the CSM for a site similar to the Brazilian conditions. It was observed a good agreement between the site profiles interpreted by the different methods. The resistivity sensor attached to the piezocone improved the interpretation and the decision-making process on site was significantly better for the CSM elaboration. The RCPTu test data also allowed identifying the hydrogeological heterogeneities. The present study shows that the RCPTu test is also a useful and powerful tool to development an accurate CSM in a Brazilian condition, especially in an approach that prioritizes high resolution geo-environmental investigation. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
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