929 resultados para Gentle, Francesco


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La tesi inizia con lo studio degli antichi sistemi di adduzione delle acque a Fermo (nel periodo compreso tra l'età romana e l'età medioevale), per poi trattare il tema delle fonti pubbliche medioevali presenti nella città e quelle monumentali esistenti nella regione Marche. Infine si arriva al tema specifico della trattazione, andando ad analizzare la Fonte San Francesco di Paola fino a pervenire al progetto di restauro e di valorizzazione.


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This work is focused on the reconstruction of the intellectual biography of Francesco Platone de' Benedetti, prince of the Bologna's printers (1482-1486), that is the same with his typographical outputs. The research had been divided in two parts: the first, with his life, invesitigated by archive documents, and the second part, focused on the census of his editions, with a particular attention to his types. The research on the typographical types had been developed with Adobe Photoshop, that had allowed me to virtually reconstruct the cases of the Gotic and Roman types used by de' Benedetti.


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La tesi presenta l’attività di Giovanni Francesco da Rimini, pittore attivo all’incirca dal 1440 al 1470. Analizzando le varie esperienze tra Padova, Perugia, Firenze e Bologna, si ricostruisce un catalogo delle sue opere.


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Il lavoro svolto si concentra sulla città di Mirandola, dopo il terremoto del 2012. Viene svolto uno studio storico della città, e un'analisi sullo stato di fatto. Riflessioni sul limite tra città contemporanea e città storica. Viene proposta la ricostruzione del segno delle mura come limite, in modo da restituire un'identità alla città. Infine, il progetto si concentra sull'area dell'ex convento di San Francesco, complesso abbandonato dopo il sisma. La volontà è quella di riuscire a restituirlo alla cittadini di Mirandola, come nuovo centro culturale. Il progetto si impegna a mantenere l'esistente, aggiungendo un nuovo volume, che verrà occupata da una sala conferenze e da una parte della biblioteca.


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A field study of thermal circulation over very gentle slope is described for a specific day characterised by weak synoptic conditions. The emphasis was on morning and evening transitions, but measurements cover the entire day; therefore a brief analysis is performed to represent the general thermal circulation pattern. Both transition periods are characterised by complex dynamic behaviours. During evening transition, the upslope flow has got through a stagnation condition characterised by wind velocity U<0:5 m=s. Only when the stagnating air has become negative buoyant, the flow is allowed to pour downslope like a slab. Some features of front formation has been found during the transition development, such as delay time of downslope flow start up along the slope, and the presence of positive turbulent kinetic energy at the onset of the motion. Eventually the observed evening transition has followed a mixed mechanisms, with features from different models. Therefore the Rayleigh number seems not to be a good criterion by which parametrise evening transition itself. Morning transition is characterised by destruction of nocturnal temperature inversion and the onset of upslope flow. Inversion destruction can be described in terms of CBL growth at surface and inversion decent from the top of the layer. KH has found to be a good indicator of inversion breakup, if used as parameter to study the inversion breakup in terms of temperature reversal. After the inversion breakup, buoyancy and mechanical productions supply the flow with the necessary energy to start the upslope wind. More quantitative analysis are provided by the study of stability parameters and turbulent kinetic energy budgets. Gradient Richardson number has been used in this terms, finding that a mixed SBL-CBL behaviour dominates the most of the observed layers. Tke budget has shown high turbulent behaviour during morning transition while the evening transition has developed entirely in laminar condition, apart from short intermittent turbulent events.


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Andrea Memmo ist in der Geschichte der Architekturtheorie vor allem deswegen bekannt, weil er durch die Veröffentlichung der 'Elementi d'architettura lodoliana, ossia l'arte del fabricare con solidità scientifica e con eleganza non capricciosa' (Rom 1786) entscheidend dazu beigetragen hat, die originellen architektonischen Konzepte der Nachwelt zu überliefern, die der venezianische Franziskaner Carlo Lodoli zwischen 1730 und 1750 mündlich verbreitet hatte. Der vorliegende Beitrag unternimmt es, anhand des bislang für verloren gehaltenen 'Piano Accademico', den Memmo um 1767 für die venezianische Akademie zum Zwecke der Unterrichtsreform der bildenden Künste (Skulptur, Malerei und Architektur) ausgearbeitet hatte, klarzustellen, welche wichtige Rolle der Aufenthalt in Rom für Memmo gespielt hat. Dies wird auch durch die Briefe belegt, die er während der Ausarbeitung seines Werkes über Lodoli verfasst hatte. Im Rom der 1780er Jahre waren für ihn ausschlaggebend 1. die Beziehungen zur dortigen Accademia di S. Luca und 2. seine Freundschaft zum spanische Botschafter José Nicolas de Azara. Azara hatte ihn dazu ermutigt, über den Padre Lodoli zu schreiben, um dessen Gedanken denen des mit Azara befreundeten Francesco Milizia gegenüberzustellen.