93 resultados para Genichi Taguchi


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There is an increasing reliance on computers to solve complex engineering problems. This is because computers, in addition to supporting the development and implementation of adequate and clear models, can especially minimize the financial support required. The ability of computers to perform complex calculations at high speed has enabled the creation of highly complex systems to model real-world phenomena. The complexity of the fluid dynamics problem makes it difficult or impossible to solve equations of an object in a flow exactly. Approximate solutions can be obtained by construction and measurement of prototypes placed in a flow, or by use of a numerical simulation. Since usage of prototypes can be prohibitively time-consuming and expensive, many have turned to simulations to provide insight during the engineering process. In this case the simulation setup and parameters can be altered much more easily than one could with a real-world experiment. The objective of this research work is to develop numerical models for different suspensions (fiber suspensions, blood flow through microvessels and branching geometries, and magnetic fluids), and also fluid flow through porous media. The models will have merit as a scientific tool and will also have practical application in industries. Most of the numerical simulations were done by the commercial software, Fluent, and user defined functions were added to apply a multiscale method and magnetic field. The results from simulation of fiber suspension can elucidate the physics behind the break up of a fiber floc, opening the possibility for developing a meaningful numerical model of the fiber flow. The simulation of blood movement from an arteriole through a venule via a capillary showed that the model based on VOF can successfully predict the deformation and flow of RBCs in an arteriole. Furthermore, the result corresponds to the experimental observation illustrates that the RBC is deformed during the movement. The concluding remarks presented, provide a correct methodology and a mathematical and numerical framework for the simulation of blood flows in branching. Analysis of ferrofluids simulations indicate that the magnetic Soret effect can be even higher than the conventional one and its strength depends on the strength of magnetic field, confirmed experimentally by Völker and Odenbach. It was also shown that when a magnetic field is perpendicular to the temperature gradient, there will be additional increase in the heat transfer compared to the cases where the magnetic field is parallel to the temperature gradient. In addition, the statistical evaluation (Taguchi technique) on magnetic fluids showed that the temperature and initial concentration of the magnetic phase exert the maximum and minimum contribution to the thermodiffusion, respectively. In the simulation of flow through porous media, dimensionless pressure drop was studied at different Reynolds numbers, based on pore permeability and interstitial fluid velocity. The obtained results agreed well with the correlation of Macdonald et al. (1979) for the range of actual flow Reynolds studied. Furthermore, calculated results for the dispersion coefficients in the cylinder geometry were found to be in agreement with those of Seymour and Callaghan.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää jätteenpolton typenoksidipäästöjen puhdistusmahdollisuuksia. Työssä käydään läpi typen oksidien muodostuminen poltossa ja typen oksidien poistomenetelmät. Poistomenetelmiä käsiteltäessä painotus on arinapoltossa ja erityisesti selektiivisessä ei-katalyyttimenetelmässä (SNCR). Työn kokeellinen osa tehtiin Ekokem Oy Ab:n jätevoimalassa Riihimäellä. Kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin ensin ammoniakkiveden massavirran, SNCR-laitteiston veden massavirran ja räjähdysnuohouksen vaikutusta typenoksidipitoisuuteen. Samalla selvitettiin muita typenoksidipitoisuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä SNCR-laitteiston puhdistustehokkuus. Sen jälkeen selvitettiin parhaita toiminta-arvoja öljyisen veden massavirralle, SNCR-laitteiston massavirralle ja primääri- ja sekundääri-ilman suhteelle typenoksidipitoisuuden, ammoniakki-slip:n, ilokaasupitoisuuden, ammoniakkiveden kulutuksen ja höyryn tuotannon kannalta. Tulokseksi saatiin, että ammoniakkiveden massavirran lisääminen pienentää typenoksidipitoisuutta, mutta voi aiheuttaa ammoniakkipäästön. Paras SNCR-laitteiston veden massavirta on suurin tutkittu, 800 kg/h, jolloin typenoksidipitoisuus sekä typenoksidipitoisuuden hetkittäinen vaihtelu, ammoniakkiveden kulutus ja ammoniakkipäästö ovat pienimmät. Samalla tosin höyryn virtaama pienenee. SNCR-laitteiston puhdistustehokkuudeksi saatiin 60 %. Räjähdysnuohouksella ei ole havaittavaa, eikä öljyisen veden massavirralla merkittävää vaikutusta typenoksidipitoisuuteen. Ammoniakkiveden kulutuksen kannalta paras öljyisen veden määrä on 600 kg/h, kun taas ammoniakki-slip:n kannalta paras öljyisen veden määrä on 950 kg/h. Primääri-ilman osuuden pienentäminen pienentää ammoniakki-slip:iä ja ammoniakkiveden kulutusta.


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Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia is a benign and rare intravascular process thought to arise from an organizing thrombus. Involvement of the adrenal gland is extremely rare, with only one case reported in the literature. We report a case of this vascular lesion in the adrenal gland, treated with laparoscopic adrenalectomy.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução e os fatores prognósticos da prostatectomia radical. MÉTODOS: Um total de 500 pacientes foi submetido à prostatectomia radical, entre 2000 e 2006. Estádio clínico, PSA pré-operatório e escore de Gleason foram avaliados em conjunto com o estádio patológico e margens cirúrgicas. O seguimento foi feito pela monitorização do PSA e correlação com diversos critérios. RESULTADOS: Dos 500 pacientes com doença clinicamente localizada tiveram seguimento médio de 36,7 ± 18,8 meses. O tempo operatório foi de 190 ± 45 minutos e o sangramento intra-operatório de 630 mL. O PSA pré-operatório médio foi de 7,8 ± 4,5 ng/dL, com maior proporção de escore de Gleason<6 (72%) e estádio TNM pT2c (65%). As complicações pós-operatórias foram incontinência em 2% pacientes e 46% com impotência sexual. CONCLUSÃO: A chance de recorrência esteve diretamente associada com PSA=10 ng/mL, escores de Gleason maiores e inversamente proporcionais à idade dos pacientes.


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The present research aims to evaluate the usefulness of the application of Life Cycle Management in the agricultural sector focusing on the environmental and socio-economic aspects of decision making in the Colombian cocoa production. Such appraisal is based on the application of two methodological tools: Life Cycle Assessment, which considers environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of the cocoa production system, and Taguchi Loss Function, which measures the economic impact of a process' deviation from production targets. Results show that appropriate improvements in farming practices and supply consumption can enhance decision-making in the agricultural cocoa sector towards sustainability. In terms of agri-business purposes, such qualitative shift allows not only meeting consumer demands for environmentally friendly products, but also increasing the productivity and competitiveness of cocoa production, all of which has helped Life Cycle Management gain global acceptance. Since farmers have an important role in improving social and economic indicators at the national level, more attention should be paid to the upgrading of their cropping practices. Finally, one fundamental aspect of national cocoa production is the institutional and governmental support available for farmers in face of socio-economic or technological needs.


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To ensure quality of machined products at minimum machining costs and maximum machining effectiveness, it is very important to select optimum parameters when metal cutting machine tools are employed. Traditionally, the experience of the operator plays a major role in the selection of optimum metal cutting conditions. However, attaining optimum values each time by even a skilled operator is difficult. The non-linear nature of the machining process has compelled engineers to search for more effective methods to attain optimization. The design objective preceding most engineering design activities is simply to minimize the cost of production or to maximize the production efficiency. The main aim of research work reported here is to build robust optimization algorithms by exploiting ideas that nature has to offer from its backyard and using it to solve real world optimization problems in manufacturing processes.In this thesis, after conducting an exhaustive literature review, several optimization techniques used in various manufacturing processes have been identified. The selection of optimal cutting parameters, like depth of cut, feed and speed is a very important issue for every machining process. Experiments have been designed using Taguchi technique and dry turning of SS420 has been performed on Kirlosker turn master 35 lathe. Analysis using S/N and ANOVA were performed to find the optimum level and percentage of contribution of each parameter. By using S/N analysis the optimum machining parameters from the experimentation is obtained.Optimization algorithms begin with one or more design solutions supplied by the user and then iteratively check new design solutions, relative search spaces in order to achieve the true optimum solution. A mathematical model has been developed using response surface analysis for surface roughness and the model was validated using published results from literature.Methodologies in optimization such as Simulated annealing (SA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Conventional Genetic Algorithm (CGA) and Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA) are applied to optimize machining parameters while dry turning of SS420 material. All the above algorithms were tested for their efficiency, robustness and accuracy and observe how they often outperform conventional optimization method applied to difficult real world problems. The SA, PSO, CGA and IGA codes were developed using MATLAB. For each evolutionary algorithmic method, optimum cutting conditions are provided to achieve better surface finish.The computational results using SA clearly demonstrated that the proposed solution procedure is quite capable in solving such complicated problems effectively and efficiently. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a relatively recent heuristic search method whose mechanics are inspired by the swarming or collaborative behavior of biological populations. From the results it has been observed that PSO provides better results and also more computationally efficient.Based on the results obtained using CGA and IGA for the optimization of machining process, the proposed IGA provides better results than the conventional GA. The improved genetic algorithm incorporating a stochastic crossover technique and an artificial initial population scheme is developed to provide a faster search mechanism. Finally, a comparison among these algorithms were made for the specific example of dry turning of SS 420 material and arriving at optimum machining parameters of feed, cutting speed, depth of cut and tool nose radius for minimum surface roughness as the criterion. To summarize, the research work fills in conspicuous gaps between research prototypes and industry requirements, by simulating evolutionary procedures seen in nature that optimize its own systems.


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By using suitable parameters, we present a uni¯ed aproach for describing four methods for representing categorical data in a contingency table. These methods include: correspondence analysis (CA), the alternative approach using Hellinger distance (HD), the log-ratio (LR) alternative, which is appropriate for compositional data, and the so-called non-symmetrical correspondence analysis (NSCA). We then make an appropriate comparison among these four methods and some illustrative examples are given. Some approaches based on cumulative frequencies are also linked and studied using matrices. Key words: Correspondence analysis, Hellinger distance, Non-symmetrical correspondence analysis, log-ratio analysis, Taguchi inertia


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The effect of stratospheric radiative damping time scales on stratospheric variability and on stratosphere–troposphere coupling is investigated in a simplified global circulation model by modifying the vertical profile of radiative damping in the stratosphere while holding it fixed in the troposphere. Perpetual-January conditions are imposed, with sinusoidal topography of zonal wavenumber 1 or 2. The depth and duration of the simulated sudden stratospheric warmings closely track the lower-stratospheric radiative time scales. Simulations with the most realistic profiles of radiative damping exhibit extended time-scale recoveries analogous to polar-night jet oscillation (PJO) events, which are observed to follow sufficiently deep stratospheric warmings. These events are characterized by weak lower-stratospheric winds and enhanced stability near the tropopause, which persist for up to 3 months following the initial warming. They are obtained with both wave-1 and wave-2 topography. Planetary-scale Eliassen–Palm (EP) fluxes entering the vortex are also suppressed, which is in agreement with observed PJO events. Consistent with previous studies, the tropospheric jets shift equatorward in response to the warmings. The duration of the shift is closely correlated with the period of enhanced stability. The magnitude of the shift in these runs, however, is sensitive only to the zonal wavenumber of the topography. Although the shift is sustained primarily by synoptic-scale eddies, the net effect of the topographic form drag and the planetary-scale fluxes is not negligible; they damp the surface wind response but enhance the vertical shear. The tropospheric response may also reduce the generation of planetary waves, further extending the stratospheric dynamical time scales.


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Trata do .problema de análise de dados na administração de negócios. Aborda as tecnologias de base estatística para análise de dados e informações e apoio ao processo decisório. Abrange o uso de tecnologia de delineamento de experimentos em diversas áreas da administração apresenta o uso de delineamento de experimentos (DOX) na filosofia de Taguchi, programa de qualidade Seis Sigma e na reengenharia de processos. Descreve a geração do conhecimento ou "inteligência" a partir da transformação de dados em informações e informações em conhecimento


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This paper proposes a procedure to control on-line processes for attributes, using an Shewhart control chart with two control limits (warning limit and control limit) and will be based on a sequence of inspection (h). The inspection procedure is based on Taguchi et al. (1989), in which to inspect the item, if the number of non-conformities is higher than an upper control limit, the process needs to be stopped and some adjustment is required; and, if the last inspection h, from all items inspected present a number of non-conformities between the control limit and warning limit. The items inspected will suffer destructive inspection, being discarded after inspection. Properties of an ergodic Markov chain are used to get the expression of average cost per item and the aim was the determination of four optimized parameters: the sampling interval of the inspections (m); the constant W to draw the warning limit (W); the constant C to draw the control limit (C), where W £ C, and the length of sequence of inspections (h). Numerical examples illustrate the proposed procedure


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The search for better performance and competitive advantage in the current market scenario has made organizations keep their focus on quality planning and the use of effective techniques aimed at continuous improvement and optimization of processes and resources. The situation is not different for the painting process in the automotive industry, which has a significant amount of variables and influential external factors. This work, developed at General Motors in São José dos Campos, aims to analyze the feasibility of changing the painting process of the pickup S10 railings in the Antracite color located in the main line to the another line located in a Painting Repair Booth at the plant and, therefore, to study the possibility about reducing the window of cure for Antracite’s enamel by using Design of Experiments’ techniques. Applying this method is possible to find the best arrangement among studied factors of Painting Repair Booth that are, in this case, the Temperature, in Celsius degrees, and Skid’s Steps, in seconds, and it’s also possible to get their behavior according to quality requirements specified by GM rules for the Brightness and Paint Adhesion on the part. As a result, it can conclude that is possible to paint the S10 Antracite railings in the painting process’ line of Painting Repair Booth, and with the new configuration obtained by the Design of Experiments for the process variables, there are significant gains related to the parts’ quality, costs reduction and the optimization of production capacity, much in the main line as in the line of the Painting Repair Booth