999 resultados para Genes p 53


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Objective: To evaluate infection control practices among dentists in private and public practice. Design: Survey and cross-sectional analysis. Setting: Sertaozinho city, Brazil. Participants: All dentists who were currently working at the study city, and agreed to participate, resulting in a study population of 135 dentists. Methods: Participants were personally interviewed and variables were submitted to X(2) or Fisher`s exact test. Results: Hand washing before and after each patient was reported by 86.7% of dentists, but private practitioners used liquid soap and paper towels more often than their public colleagues (p<0.001). Most of the study population (97.8%) used gloves routinely during clinical sessions, but 8.2% reused them. Dry-heat was the main method employed for sterilisation of heat-stable devices by 80.0% of dentists, but adequate temperature and time of exposure was accomplished by only 32.1% of public and 70.0% of private professionals (p<0.001). Heat-sensitive devices were disinfected with an adequate substance by 60.0% of both affiliation dentists (p=0.908). Conclusions: There is a large gap between infection control recommendations and practices observed among the study population, and the situation is worse in public services. To reverse that situation, infection control issues must be openly debated by professional associations, dental schools and health authorities.


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Objective: To assess whether the -11391G > A polymorphism in the regulatory region of the adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) is associated with birth size, postnatal growth, adiponectinemia, and cardiometabolic risk in adult life. Design: Case-control study nested within a prospective cohort of 2063 community subjects born in 1978/1979 and followed since birth to date. Methods: ADIPOQ -11391G > A genotype-phenotype associations were evaluated in 116 subjects born large for gestational age (LGA) and 392 gender-matched controls at birth (birth size), at 8-10 years (catch-down growth), and at 23-25 years of age (cardiometabolic profile). Results: The -11391A variant allele frequency was higher in LGA subjects (P=0.04). AA genotype was associated with augmented probability of being born LGA (odds ratio=4.14; 95% confidence interval: 1.16-16.7; P=0.03). This polymorphism was associated neither with body composition nor with postnatal growth pattern. At the age of 23-25 years, the -11391A variant allele was associated with higher serum adiponectin levels (GG: 10.7 +/- 6.2 versus GA: 12.2 +/- 6.5 versus AA: 14.2 +/- 6.8 mu g/ml; P < 0.01). Subjects born LGA presented higher body mass index (BMI; P=0.01), abdominal circumference (P=0.04), blood pressure (P=0.04), and homeostasis assessment model for insulin resistance (P=0.01) than adequate for gestational age. Symmetry at birth did not influence these variables. The occurrence of catch-down of weight was associated with lower BMI and abdominal circumference (P < 0.001) at 23-25 years. Conclusions: The -11391A ADIPOQ gene variant was associated with increased chance of being born LGA and with higher adiponectin levels in early adult life.


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OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the effect of oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate on the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in children undergoing cardiac surgery. DESIGN. Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING. Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at a tertiary care hospital. patients. One hundred sixty children undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease, randomized into 2 groups: chlorhexidine (n = 87) and control (n = 73). INTERVENTIONS. Oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate or placebo preoperatively and twice a day postoperatively until PICU discharge or death. RESULTS. Patients in experimental and control groups had similar ages (median, 12.2 vs 10.8 months; P =. 72) and risk adjustment for congenital heart surgery 1 score distribution (66% in category 1 or 2 in both groups; P =. 17). The incidence of nosocomial pneumonia was 29.8% versus 24.6% (Pp. 46) and the incidence of VAP was 18.3% versus 15% (Pp. 57) in the chlorhexidine and the control group, respectively. There was no difference in intubation time (P =. 34), need for reintubation (P =. 37), time interval between hospitalization and nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis (P =. 63), time interval between surgery and nosocomial pneumonia diagnosis (P =. 10), and time on antibiotics (P =. 77) and vasoactive drugs (P =. 16) between groups. Median length of PICU stay (3 vs 4 days; P =. 53), median length of hospital stay (12 vs 11 days; P =. 67), and 28-day mortality (5.7% vs 6.8%; P =. 77) were also similar in the chlorhexidine and the control group. CONCLUSIONS. Oral hygiene with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate did not reduce the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia and VAP in children undergoing cardiac surgery.


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The types of Haemaphysalis cinnabarina Koch and its junior synonym H. sanguinolenta Koch, both from State of Para, Brazil, have been studied. Although H. cinnabarina has been considered a synonym of H. punctata Canestrini and Fanzago (a Palearctic species), they were compared to another closely related species H. chordedis (Packard) (a Nearctic species). Based on the morphology and geographical distance among of H. cinnabarina, H. chordedis and H. punctata, we are reasonably sure that all are valid taxa. The lack of additional reports of H. cinnabarina is more related to few investigations in South America, mainly in Northern Brazil, rather than suggesting that it does not exist.


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Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro?", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.


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The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the IPPA in the perception of illness and wellbeing in MS patients. Methods - This is a quasi experimental study non-randomized study with 24 MS patients diagnosed at least 1 year before, and with an EDSS score of under 7. We used the IPPA in 3 groups of eight people in 3 Portuguese hospitals (Lisbon, Coimbra, and Porto). The sessions were held once a week for 90 minutes, over a period of 7 weeks. The instruments used were: We asked the subjects the question “Please classify the severity of your disease?” and used the Personal Wellbeing Scale (PWS) at the beginning (time A) and end (time B) of the IPPA. We used the SPSS version 20. A non-parametric statistical hypothesis test (Wilcoxon test) was used for the variable analysis. The intervention followed the recommendations of the Helsinki Declaration. Results – The results suggest that there are differences between time A and B, the perception of illness decreased (p<0.08), while wellbeing increased (p<0.01). Conclusions: The IPPA can play an important role in modifying the perception of disease severity and personal wellbeing.


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14 is a recently published novel by a French contemporary writer, Jean Echenoz. Having the First World War as its core subject, the text covers the main traditional themes of war novels. Its interest, however, does not lie in what it says about the war, but rather in how the war is told. In fact, 14 points out the main horrors of the war, without engaging in pathos. In order to do so, Echenoz resorts to two groups of techniques, whose main purpose is to lighten the dramatic effect of the war scenes depicted. Surprisingly, the result is a text which recounts the crude horrors of war.


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In this article I focus on women workers’ experiences of transformation from line work to teamworking in Finnish clothing companies in the 1990s and also show what happened after this transformation in the clothing branch. The undertone of it is rather melancholic. Following an initial period of intensive and successful development, clothing work was moved from Finland to countries of cheap labour, such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia, and even China. In this type of network manufacturing, the development of modern information and communication technologies played a central role. My aim is to present the standpoint of women clothing workers in this process. The main body of the empirical data of my study consists of dialogues with clothing workers, union representatives, supervisors and managers. I also make use of my fieldwork notes, memos and research diaries from three companies over a period of five years. Furthermore, in the background lie the action research material from Scandinavian type work conferences and the survey material of an extensive mail inquiry that covered the whole branch in Finland. My own research started in 1991 as a mail inquiry and then continued as a case study in companies from 1992 to 2000, by employing action research and ethnographic methodologies.


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Patients scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan sometimes require screening for ferromagnetic Intra Orbital Foreign Bodies (IOFBs). To assess this, they are required to fill out a screening protocol questionnaire before their scan. If it is established that a patient is at high risk, radiographic imaging is necessary. This review examines literature to evaluate which imaging modality should be used to screen for IOFBs, considering that the eye is highly sensitive to ionising radiation and any dose should be minimised. Method: Several websites and books were searched for information, these were as follows: PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar. The terms searched related to IOFB, Ionising radiation, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety, Image Quality, Effective Dose, Orbits and X-ray. Thirty five articles were found, several were rejected due to age or irrelevance; twenty eight were eventually accepted. Results: There are several imaging techniques that can be used. Some articles investigated the use of ultrasound for investigation of ferromagnetic IOFBs of the eye and others discussed using Computed Tomography (CT) and X-ray. Some gaps in the literature were identified, mainly that there are no articles which discuss the lowest effective dose while having adequate image quality for orbital imaging. Conclusion: X-ray is the best method to identify IOFBs. The only problem is that there is no research which highlights exposure factors that maintain sufficient image quality for viewing IOFBs and keep the effective dose to the eye As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).


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Sociedade e Território - Enjeux sociaux et transformations du territoire, Nº Especial, Lisboa, p. 53-56


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O sistema de colocação dos professores do ensino secundário em Portugal é um sistema centralizado, gerido pelo governo, mais precisamente pelo Ministério da Educação e Ciência. É um sistema que todos os anos apresenta problemas e, por esse motivo, é alvo de críticas por parte dos seus intervenientes, sobretudo pelos professores. Este artigo pretende identificar esses problemas, para isso efetuou-se uma revisão sistemática e uma meta análise de como é efetuada a colocação de professores em Portugal. Pretendeu-se ainda perceber e descrever como este sistema funciona na União Europeia. Para se encontrar soluções de melhoria para o sistema de colocação de professores efetuaram-se entrevistas a dirigentes escolares. Finalmente, a partir das soluções encontradas em países da União Europeia e das soluções oriundas das opiniões dos dirigentes escolares, são apresentados um conjunto de requisitos que o sistema de colocação de professores deve ter em atenção, de forma a evitar os problemas identificados.


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PURPOSE: In this study, the authors compared the cardiorespiratory responses between the 30-15 Intermittent Ice Test (30-15(IIT)) and the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15(IFT)) in semiprofessional hockey players. METHODS: Ten players (age 24 ± 6 y) from a Swiss League B team performed the 30-15(IIT) and 30-15(IFT) in random order (13 ± 4 d between trials). Cardiorespiratory variables were measured with a portable gas analyzer. Ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory-compensation point (RCP), and maximal speeds were measured for both tests. Peak blood lactate ([La(peak)]) was measured at 1 min postexercise. RESULTS: Compared with 30-15(IFT), 30-15(IIT) peak heart rate (HR(peak); mean ± SD 185 ± 7 vs 189 ± 10 beats/min, P = .02) and peak oxygen consumption (VO(2peak)); 60 ± 7 vs 62.7 ± 4 mL/min/kg, P = .02) were lower, whereas [La(peak)] was higher (10.9 ± 1 vs 8.6 ± 2 mmol/L, P < .01) for the 30-15(IIT). VT and RCP values during the 30-15(IIT) and 30-15(IFT) were similar for %HR(peak) (76.3% ± 5% vs 75.5% ± 3%, P = .53, and 90.6% ± 3% vs. 89.8% ± 3%, P = .45) and % VO(2peak) (62.3% ± 5% vs 64.2% ± 6%, P = .46, and 85.9% ± 5% vs 84.0% ± 7%, P = .33). VO(2peak ))(r = .93, P < .001), HR(peak) (r = .86, P = .001), and final velocities (r = .69, P = .029) were all largely to almost perfectly correlated. CONCLUSIONS: Despite slightly lower maximal cardiorespiratory responses than in the field-running version of the test, the on-ice 30-15(IIT) is of practical interest since it is a specific maximal test with a higher anaerobic component.


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OBJECTIVES: Ultrasound scan in the mid-trimester of pregnancy is now a routine part of prenatal care in most European countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prenatal diagnosis of dysmorphic syndromes by fetal ultrasound examination. METHODS: Data from 20 registries of congenital malformations in 12 European countries were included in the study. RESULTS: There were 2454 cases with congenital heart diseases, 479 of which were recognized syndromes, including 375 chromosomal anomalies and 104 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies. Fifty-one of the 104 were detected prenatally (49.0%). One hundred and ninety-two of 1130 cases with renal anomalies were recognized syndromes, including 128 chromosomal anomalies and 64 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies; 162 of them (84.4%) were diagnosed prenatally, including 109 chromosomal anomalies and 53 non-chromosomal syndromes. Fifty-four of the 250 cases with limb defects were recognized syndromes, including 16 chromosomal syndromes and 38 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies; 21 of these 54 syndromes were diagnosed prenatally (38.9%), including 9 chromosomal syndromes. There were 243 cases of abdominal wall defects including 57 recognizable syndromes, 48 with omphalocele and 9 with gastroschisis; 48 were diagnosed prenatally (84.2%). Twenty-six of the 187 cases with diaphragmatic hernia had recognized syndromes, including 20 chromosomal aberrations and 6 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies. Twenty-two of them (84.6%) were detected prenatally. Sixty-four of 349 cases with intestinal anomalies were recognized syndromes; 24 were diagnosed prenatally (37.5%). There were 553 cases of cleft lip and palate (CL(P)) and 198 of cleft palate (CP) including 74 chromosomal anomalies and 73 recognized non-chromosomal syndromes. Prenatal diagnosis was made in 51 cases of CL(P) (53.7%) and 7 of CP (13.7%). Twenty-two of 188 anencephalic cases were syndromic and all were diagnosed prenatally. Of 290 cases with spina bifida, 18 were recognized syndromes, and of them 17 were diagnosed prenatally. All 11 syndromic encephaloceles were diagnosed prenatally. CONCLUSIONS: Around 50% of the recognized syndromes which are associated with major congenital anomalies (cardiac, renal, intestinal, limb defects, abdominal wall defects and oral clefts) can be detected prenatally by the anomaly scan. However the detection rate varies with the type of syndrome and with the different countries' policies of prenatal screening.


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OBJECTIVES: Co-morbidity between depression and anxiety disorders is common. In this study we define a quantitative measure of anxiety by summating four anxiety items from the SCAN interview in a large collection of major depression (MDD) cases to identify genes contributing to this complex phenotype. METHODS: A total of 1522 MDD cases dichotomised according to those with at least one anxiety item scored (n = 1080) and those without anxiety (n = 442) were analysed, and also compared to 1588 healthy controls at a genome-wide level, to identify genes that may contribute to anxiety in MDD. RESULTS: For the quantitative trait, suggestive evidence of association was detected for two SNPs, and for the dichotomous anxiety present/absent ratings for three SNPs at genome-wide level. In the genome-wide analysis of MDD cases with co-morbid anxiety and healthy controls, two SNPs attained P values of < 5 × 10⁻⁶. Analysing candidate genes, P values ≤ 0.0005 were found with three SNPs for the quantitative trait and three SNPs for the dichotomous trait. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides an initial genome-wide assessment of possible genetic contribution to anxiety in MDD. Although suggestive evidence of association was found for several SNPs, our findings suggest that there are no common variants strongly associated with anxious depression.


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Informa sobre los volúmenes de plancton superficial así como la distribución y composición especiológica de la comunidad fitoplanctónica, teniendo en consideración a los indicadores biológicos.