998 resultados para Genes, Synthetic


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Healing large bone defects and non-unions remains a significant clinical problem. Current treatments, consisting of auto and allografts, are limited by donor supply and morbidity, insufficient bioactivity and risk of infection. Biotherapeutics, including cells, genes and proteins, represent promising alternative therapies, but these strategies are limited by technical roadblocks to biotherapeutic delivery, cell sourcing, high cost, and regulatory hurdles. In the present study, the collagen-mimetic peptide, GFOGER, was used to coat synthetic PCL scaffolds to promote bone formation in critically-sized segmental defects in rats. GFOGER is a synthetic triple helical peptide that binds to the [alpha]2[beta]1 integrin receptor involved in osteogenesis. GFOGER coatings passively adsorbed onto polymeric scaffolds, in the absence of exogenous cells or growth factors, significantly accelerated and increased bone formation in non-healing femoral defects compared to uncoated scaffolds and empty defects. Despite differences in bone volume, no differences in torsional strength were detected after 12 weeks, indicating that bone mass but not bone quality was improved in this model. This work demonstrates a simple, cell/growth factor-free strategy to promote bone formation in challenging, non-healing bone defects. This biomaterial coating strategy represents a cost-effective and facile approach, translatable into a robust clinical therapy for musculoskeletal applications.


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The purpose of this paper is to determine the prevalence of the toxic shock toxin gene (tst) and to enumerate the circulating strains of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in Australian isolates collected over two decades. The aim was to subtype these strains using the binary genes pvl, cna, sdrE, pUB110 and pT181. Isolates were assayed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for mecA, nuc, 16 S rRNA, eight single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and for five binary genes. Two realtime PCR assays were developed for tst. The 90 MRSA isolates belonged to CC239 (39 in 1989, 38 in 1996 and ten in 2003), CC1 (two in 2003) and CC22 (one in 2003). The majority of the 210 MSSA isolates belonged to CC1 (26), CC5 (24) and CC78 (23). Only 18 isolates were tst-positive and only 15 were pvl-positive. Nine MSSA isolates belonged to five binary types of ST93, including two pvlpositive types. The proportion of tst-positive and pvl-positive isolates was low and no significant increase was demonstrated. Dominant MSSA clonal complexes were similar to those seen elsewhere, with the exception of CC78. CC239 MRSA (AUS-2/3) was the predominant MRSA but decreased significantly in prevalence, while CC22 (EMRSA-15) and CC1 (WA-1) emerged. Genetically diverse ST93 MSSA predated the emergence of ST93- MRSA (the Queensland clone).


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Raman and infrared spectroscopies were used to characterise two samples of triclinic ejkaite Na4[UO2(CO3)3] and its synthetic trigonal analogue. The v3 (UO2)2+ mode is not Raman active, whereas both the v3 and v1 (UO2)2+ modes are infrared active. U--O bond lengths in uranyls were calculated from the spectra obtained and compared with bond lengths derived from crystal structure analyses. From the higher number of bands related to the uranyl and carbonate vibrations, the presence of symmetrically distinct (UO2)2+ and (CO3)2- units in both structures is proposed.


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The mineral reevesite and the cobalt substituted reevesite have been synthesised. The d(003) spacings of the minerals ranged from 7.54 to 7.95 Å. The maximum d(003) value occurred at around Ni:Co 0.4:0.6. This maximum in interlayer distance is proposed to be due to a greater number of carbonate anions and water molecules intercalated into the structure. The stability of the reevesite and cobalt doped reevesite was determined by thermogravimetric analysis. The maximum temperature of the reevesite occurs for the unsubstituted reevesite and is around 220°C. The effect of cobalt substitution results in a decrease in thermal stability of the reevesites. Four thermal decomposition steps are observed and are attributed to dehydration, dehydroxylation and decarbonation, decomposition of the formed carbonate and oxygen loss at ~807 °C. A mechanism for the thermal decomposition of the reevesite and the cobalt substituted reevesite is proposed.


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One approach to reducing the yield losses caused by banana viral diseases is the use of genetic engineering and pathogen-derived resistance strategies to generate resistant cultivars. The development of transgenic virus resistance requires an efficient banana transformation method, particularly for commercially important 'Cavendish' type cultivars such as 'Grand Nain'. Prior to this study, only two examples of the stable transformation of banana had been reported, both of which demonstrated the principle of transformation but did not characterise transgenic plants in terms of the efficiency at which individual transgenic lines were generated, relative activities of promoters in stably transformed plants, and the stability of transgene expression. The aim of this study was to develop more efficient transformation methods for banana, assess the activity of some commonly used and also novel promoters in stably transformed plants, and transform banana with genes that could potentially confer resistance to banana bunchy top nanovirus (BBTV) and banana bract mosaic potyvirus (BBrMV). A regeneration system using immature male flowers as the explant was established. The frequency of somatic embryogenesis in male flower explants was influenced by the season in which the inflorescences were harvested. Further, the media requirements of various banana cultivars in respect to the 2,4-D concentration in the initiation media also differed. Following the optimisation of these and other parameters, embryogenic cell suspensions of several banana (Musa spp.) cultivars including 'Grand Nain' (AAA), 'Williams' (AAA), 'SH-3362' (AA), 'Goldfinger' (AAAB) and 'Bluggoe' (ABB) were successfully generated. Highly efficient transformation methods were developed for both 'Bluggoe' and 'Grand Nain'; this is the first report of microprojectile bombardment transformation of the commercially important 'Grand Nain' cultivar. Following bombardment of embryogenic suspension cells, regeneration was monitored from single transfom1ed cells to whole plants using a reporter gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (gfp). Selection with kanamycin enabled the regeneration of a greater number of plants than with geneticin, while still preventing the regeneration of non-transformed plants. Southern hybridisation confirmed the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (npt II) was stably integrated into the banana genome and that multiple transgenic lines were derived from single bombardments. The activity, stability and tissue specificity of the cauliflower mosaic virus 358 (CaMV 35S) and maize polyubiquitin-1 (Ubi-1) promoters were examined. In stably transformed banana, the Ubi-1 promoter provided approximately six-fold higher p-glucuronidase (GUS) activity than the CaMV 35S promoter, and both promoters remained active in glasshouse grown plants for the six months they were observed. The intergenic regions ofBBTV DNA-I to -6 were isolated and fused to either the uidA (GUS) or gfjJ reporter genes to assess their promoter activities. BBTV promoter activity was detected in banana embryogenic cells using the gfp reporter gene. Promoters derived from BBTV DNA-4 and -5 generated the highest levels of transient activity, which were greater than that generated by the maize Ubi-1 promoter. In transgenic banana plants, the activity of the BBTV DNA-6 promoter (BT6.1) was restricted to the phloem of leaves and roots, stomata and root meristems. The activity of the BT6.1 promoter was enhanced by the inclusion of intron-containing fragments derived from the maize Ubi-1, rice Act-1, and sugarcane rbcS 5' untranslated regions in GUS reporter gene constructs. In transient assays in banana, the rice Act-1 and maize Ubi-1 introns provided the most significant enhancement, increasing expression levels 300-fold and 100-fold, respectively. The sugarcane rbcS intron increased expression about 10-fold. In stably transformed banana plants, the maize Ubi-1 intron enhanced BT6.1 promoter activity to levels similar to that of the CaMV 35S promoter, but did not appear to alter the tissue specificity of the promoter. Both 'Grand Nain' and 'Bluggoe' were transformed with constructs that could potentially confer resistance to BBTV and BBrMV, including constructs containing BBTV DNA-1 major and internal genes, BBTV DNA-5 gene, and the BBrMV coat protein-coding region all under the control of the Ubi-1 promoter, while the BT6 promoter was used to drive the npt II selectable marker gene. At least 30 transgenic lines containing each construct were identified and replicates of each line are currently being generated by micropropagation in preparation for virus challenge.


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Obesity represents a major health, social and economic burden to many developing and Westernized communities, with the prevalence increasing at a rate exceeding almost all other medical conditions. Despite major recent advances in our understanding of adipose tissue metabolism and dynamics, we still have limited insight into the regulation of adipose tissue mass in humans. Any significant increase in adipose tissue mass requires proliferation and differentiation of precursor cells (preadipocytes) present in the stromo-vascular compartment of adipose tissue. These processes are very complex and an increasing number of growth factors and hormones have been shown to modulate the expression of genes involved in preadipocyte proliferation and differentiation. A number of transcription factors, including the C/EBP family and PP ARy, have been identified as integral to adipose tissue development and preadipocyte differentiation. Together PP ARy and C/EBPa regulate important events in the activation and maintenance of the terminally differentiated phenotype. The ability of PP ARy to increase transcription through its DNA recognition site is dependent on the binding of ligands. This suggests that an endogenous PP ARy ligand may be an important regulator of adipogenesis. Adipose tissue functions as both the major site of energy storage in the body and as an endocrine organ synthesizing and secreting a number of important molecules involved in regulation of energy balance. For optimum functioning therefore, adipose tissue requires extensive vascularization and previous studies have shown that growth of adipose tissue is preceded by development of a microvascular network. This suggests that paracrine interactions between constituent cells in adipose tissue may be involved in both new capillary formation and fat cell growth. To address this hypothesis the work in this project was aimed at (a) further development of a method for inducing preadipocyte differentiation in subcultured human cells; (b) establishing a method for simultaneous isolation and separate culture of both preadipocytes and microvascular endothelial cells from the same adipose tissue biopsies; (c) to determine, using conditioned medium and co-culture techniques, if endothelial cell-derived factors influence the proliferation and/or differentiation of human preadipocytes; and (d) commence characterization of factors that may be responsible for any observed paracrine effects on aspects of human adipogenesis. Major findings of these studies were as follows: (A) Inclusion of either linoleic acid (a long-chain fatty acid reported to be a naturally occurring ligand for PP ARy) or Rosiglitazone (a member of the thiazolidinedione class of insulin-sensitizing drugs and a synthetic PPARy ligand) in differentiation medium had markedly different effects on preadipocyte differentiation. These studies showed that human preadipocytes have the potential to accumulate triacylglycerol irrespective of their stage of biochemical differentiation, and that thiazolidinediones and fatty acids may exert their adipogenic and lipogenic effects via different biochemical pathways. It was concluded that Rosiglitazone is a more potent inducer of human preadipocyte differentiation than linoleic acid. (B) A method for isolation and culture of both endothelial cells and preadipocytes from the same adipose tissue biopsy was developed. Adipose-derived microvascular endothelial cells were found to produce factor/s, which enhance both proliferation and differentiation of human preadipocytes. (C) The adipogenic effects of microvascular endothelial cells can be mimicked by exposure of preadipocytes to members of the Fibroblast Growth Factor family, specifically ~-ECGF and FGF-1. (D) Co-culture of human preadipocytes with endothelial cells or exposure of preadipocytes to either ~-ECGF or FGF-1 were found to 'prime' human preadipocytes, during their proliferative phase of growth, for thiazolidinedione-induced differentiation. (E) FGF -1 was not found to be acting as a ligand for PP ARy in this system. Findings from this project represent a significant step forward in our understanding of factors involved in growth of human adipose tissue and may lead to the development of therapeutic strategies aimed at modifying the process. Such strategies would have potential clinical utility in the treatment of obesity and obesity related disorders such as Type II Diabetes.


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Background The purpose of this study was to identify candidate metastasis suppressor genes from a mouse allograft model of prostate cancer (NE-10). This allograft model originally developed metastases by twelve weeks after implantation in male athymic nude mice, but lost the ability to metastasize after a number of in vivo passages. We performed high resolution array comparative genomic hybridization on the metastasizing and non-metastasizing allografts to identify chromosome imbalances that differed between the two groups of tumors. Results This analysis uncovered a deletion on chromosome 2 that differed between the metastasizing and non-metastasizing tumors. Bioinformatics filters were employed to mine this region of the genome for candidate metastasis suppressor genes. Of the 146 known genes that reside within the region of interest on mouse chromosome 2, four candidate metastasis suppressor genes (Slc27a2, Mall, Snrpb, and Rassf2) were identified. Quantitative expression analysis confirmed decreased expression of these genes in the metastasizing compared to non-metastasizing tumors. Conclusion This study presents combined genomics and bioinformatics approaches for identifying potential metastasis suppressor genes. The genes identified here are candidates for further studies to determine their functional role in inhibiting metastases in the NE-10 allograft model and human prostate cancer.


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Background The androgen receptor is a ligand-induced transcriptional factor, which plays an important role in normal development of the prostate as well as in the progression of prostate cancer to a hormone refractory state. We previously reported the identification of a novel AR coactivator protein, L-dopa decarboxylase (DDC), which can act at the cytoplasmic level to enhance AR activity. We have also shown that DDC is a neuroendocrine (NE) marker of prostate cancer and that its expression is increased after hormone-ablation therapy and progression to androgen independence. In the present study, we generated tetracycline-inducible LNCaP-DDC prostate cancer stable cells to identify DDC downstream target genes by oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Results Comparison of induced DDC overexpressing cells versus non-induced control cell lines revealed a number of changes in the expression of androgen-regulated transcripts encoding proteins with a variety of molecular functions, including signal transduction, binding and catalytic activities. There were a total of 35 differentially expressed genes, 25 up-regulated and 10 down-regulated, in the DDC overexpressing cell line. In particular, we found a well-known androgen induced gene, TMEPAI, which wasup-regulated in DDC overexpressing cells, supporting its known co-activation function. In addition, DDC also further augmented the transcriptional repression function of AR for a subset of androgen-repressed genes. Changes in cellular gene transcription detected by microarray analysis were confirmed for selected genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Conclusion Taken together, our results provide evidence for linking DDC action with AR signaling, which may be important for orchestrating molecular changes responsible for prostate cancer progression.


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The aim of this project was to investigate the in vitro osteogenic potential of human mesenchymal progenitor cells in novel matrix architectures built by means of a three-dimensional bioresorbable synthetic framework in combination with a hydrogel. Human mesenchymal progenitor cells (hMPCs) were isolated from a human bone marrow aspirate by gradient centrifugation. Before in vitro engineering of scaffold-hMPC constructs, the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation potential was demonstrated by staining of neutral lipids and induction of bone-specific proteins, respectively. After expansion in monolayer cultures, the cells were enzymatically detached and then seeded in combination with a hydrogel into polycaprolactone (PCL) and polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite (PCL-HA) frameworks. This scaffold design concept is characterized by novel matrix architecture, good mechanical properties, and slow degradation kinetics of the framework and a biomimetic milieu for cell delivery and proliferation. To induce osteogenic differentiation, the specimens were cultured in an osteogenic cell culture medium and were maintained in vitro for 6 weeks. Cellular distribution and viability within three-dimensional hMPC bone grafts were documented by scanning electron microscopy, cell metabolism assays, and confocal laser microscopy. Secretion of the osteogenic marker molecules type I procollagen and osteocalcin was analyzed by semiquantitative immunocytochemistry assays. Alkaline phosphatase activity was visualized by p-nitrophenyl phosphate substrate reaction. During osteogenic stimulation, hMPCs proliferated toward and onto the PCL and PCL-HA scaffold surfaces and metabolic activity increased, reaching a plateau by day 15. The temporal pattern of bone-related marker molecules produced by in vitro tissue-engineered scaffold-cell constructs revealed that hMPCs differentiated better within the biomimetic matrix architecture along the osteogenic lineage.


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The ideal dermal matrix should be able to provide the right biological and physical environment to ensure homogenous cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) distribution, as well as the right size and morphology of the neo-tissue required. Four natural and synthetic 3D matrices were evaluated in vitro as dermal matrices, namely (1) equine collagen foam, TissuFleece®, (2) acellular dermal replacement, Alloderm®, (3) knitted poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (10:90)–poly(-caprolactone) (PLGA–PCL) mesh, (4) chitosan scaffold. Human dermal fibroblasts were cultured on the specimens over 3 weeks. Cell morphology, distribution and viability were assessed by electron microscopy, histology and confocal laser microscopy. Metabolic activity and DNA synthesis were analysed via MTS metabolic assay and [3H]-thymidine uptake, while ECM protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. TissuFleece®, Alloderm® and PLGA–PCL mesh supported cell attachment, proliferation and neo-tissue formation. However, TissuFleece® contracted to 10% of the original size while Alloderm® supported cell proliferation predominantly on the surface of the material. PLGA–PCL mesh promoted more homogenous cell distribution and tissue formation. Chitosan scaffolds did not support cell attachment and proliferation. These results demonstrated that physical characteristics including porosity and mechanical stability to withstand cell contraction forces are important in determining the success of a dermal matrix material.


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Chromium oxide gel material was synthesised and appeared to be X-ray amorphous. The changes in the structure of the synthetic chromium oxide gel were investigated using hot-stage Raman spectroscopy based upon the results of thermogravimetric analysis. The thermally decomposed product of the synthetic chromium oxide gel in nitrogen atmosphere was confirmed to be crystalline Cr2O3 as determined by the hot-stage Raman spectra. Two bands were observed at 849 and 735 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum at 25 °C, which were attributed to the symmetric stretching modes of O-CrIII-OH and O-CrIII-O. With temperature increase, the intensity of the band at 849 cm-1 decreased, while the band at 735 cm-1 increased. These changes in intensity are attributed to the loss of OH groups and formation of O-CrIII-O units in the structure. A strongly hydrogen bonded water H-O-H bending band was found at 1704 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum of the chromium oxide gel, however this band shifted to around 1590 cm-1 due to destruction of the hydrogen bonds upon thermal treatment. Six new Raman bands were observed at 578, 540, 513, 390, 342 and 303 cm-1 attributed to the thermal decomposed product Cr2O3. The use of the hot-stage Raman microscope enabled low-temperature phase changes brought about through dehydration and dehydroxylation to be studied.


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The presence of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) in Bayer residue slurry inhibits the effectiveness of the seawater neutralisation process to reduce the pH and aluminium concentration in the residue. An increase in the slurry pH (reversion), after seawater neutralisation, is caused by the dissolution of calcium hydroxide and hydrocalumite (solid components found in bauxite refinery residue). Reversion was not observed when the final solution pH was greater than 10.5, due to hydrocalumite being in a state of equilibrium at high pH. Hydrocalumite has been found to form during the neutralisation process when high concentrations of calcium hydroxide are present in the residue liquor. The dissolution of hydrocalumite releases hydroxyl (OH-) and aluminium ions back into solution after the seawater neutralisation (SWN) process, which causes pH and aluminium reversion to occur. This investigation looks at the effect of Ca(OH)2 and subsequently hydrocalumite on the pH and aluminium concentration in bauxite refinery residue liquors after the SWN process.


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NF-Y is a heterotrimeric transcription factor complex. Each of the NF-Y subunits (NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC) in plants is encoded by multiple genes. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that five wheat NF-YC members (TaNF-YC5, 8, 9, 11 & 12) were upregulated by light in both the leaf and seedling shoot. Co-expression analysis of Affymetrix wheat genome array datasets revealed that transcript levels of a large number of genes were consistently correlated with those of the TaNF-YC11 and TaNF-YC8 genes in 3-4 separate Affymetrix array datasets. TaNF-YC11-correlated transcripts were significantly enriched with the Gene Ontology term photosynthesis. Sequence analysis in the promoters of TaNF-YC11-correlated genes revealed the presence of putative NF-Y complex binding sites (CCAAT motifs). Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of a subset of potential TaNF-YC11 target genes showed that ten out of the thirteen genes were also light-upregulated in both the leaf and seedling shoot and had significantly correlated expression profiles with TaNF-YC11. The potential target genes for TaNF-YC11 include subunit members from all four thylakoid membrane bound complexes required for the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy and rate limiting enzymes in the Calvin cycle. These data indicate that TaNF-YC11 is potentially involved in regulation of photosynthesis-related genes.