841 resultados para General attitude toward training


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Weight stigma, a negative attitude toward persons who are overweight, can lead to emotional detriment (increased vulnerability to depression and anxiety, decreased self-esteem) and discriminatory practices (denial of employment, lower wages, refusal of job promotion or college admission, healthcare deprivation), which have increased dramatically in the United States over the past decade. We report two experiments that implicate nostalgia as a resource or strategy for weight stigma reduction. We hypothesized and found that nostalgia about an encounter with a person who is overweight improves attitudes toward the group "overweight." Undergraduates who recalled a nostalgic (vs. ordinary) interaction with an overweight person subsequently showed more positive outgroup attitudes. The effect of nostalgia on outgroup attitudes was mediated by greater inclusion of the outgroup in the self and increased outgroup trust (Experiments 1 and 2), as well as reduced intergroup anxiety and greater perceptions of a common ingroup identity (Experiment 2). The findings have interventional potential. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A evolução da sociedade e da tecnologia sustenta a globalização da sociedade atual e exige aos cidadãos novas literacias. A educação na sociedade do conhecimento é indissociável das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), tanto como elemento mediador como potenciador das aprendizagens. A Web 2.0, entendida como Web social, potencia o acesso à informação, faculta aos docentes a oportunidade de desenvolver os seus conhecimentos e competências, e oferece oportunidades de construção de situações inovadoras de educação no seu percurso profissional, promovendo condições de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. O presente estudo, formalmente integrado no Programa Doutoral em Multimédia em Educação da Universidade de Aveiro, valoriza o levantamento da perceção da necessidade de envolvimento dos docentes em processos informais de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, na promoção do seu desenvolvimento profissional, salientando o papel das redes sociais neste contexto. Adotou-se como metodologia de investigação o survey, com o objetivo de realizar o levantamento das competências de utilização da Web 2.0 pelos professores do ensino básico e secundário, das escolas do ensino público do concelho de Aveiro, no contexto da aprendizagem informal. Através do survey procurou-se caracterizar o contexto profissional em que estes professores estão inseridos, considerando essencialmente duas dimensões: i) equipamentos e recursos e ii) atitude geral da escola face à integração das TIC nas rotinas profissionais. Centrou-se na obtenção de dados que permitissem a descrição de: i) competências TIC dos professores e a identificação dos seus percursos formativos e necessidades de formação; ii) hábitos e finalidades de utilização das tecnologias digitais em contexto profissional e de desenvolvimento profissional; e, ainda, iii) utilização de redes sociais/comunidades educativas, vantagens e condicionantes identificadas e importância para o desenvolvimento profissional; e, finalmente, iv) levantamento da opinião dos professores acerca das suas perceções de impactes associados à integração da utilização das redes nas suas práticas profissionais, nomeadamente nas práticas educativas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados, numa perspetiva qualitativa e exploratória, em função das frequências relativas de resposta e comparando os diferentes grupos de docentes identificados – professores de escolas básicas e professores de escolas secundárias; professores membros e não membros de redes. Os resultados apontam para uma melhoria das competências dos professores na utilização das TIC, sobretudo ao nível das competências básicas, face a outros estudos anteriores realizados em Portugal, como por exemplo Paiva (2002), Barbosa (2009) e Brito (2010). Uma grande parte dos docentes utiliza redes sociais/comunidades educativas, tendo-se identificado prioritariamente uma utilização de cariz genérico e tendencialmente pouco frequente, em detrimento de uma utilização de redes de cariz mais profissional. Os professores, no geral, e os utilizadores de redes, em particular, reconhecem o potencial educativo destas ferramentas/serviços Web 2.0. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade das escolas assumirem o incentivo e a adoção de estratégias que possam impulsionar o desenvolvimento de competências de utilização das TIC/ferramentas e serviços Web 2.0 que garantam equidade no acesso a redes sociais/comunidades educativas pelos professores. Esta recomendação pretende constituir uma via para as escolas promoverem a criação de redes sociais/comunidades educativas e fomentarem, pela sua utilização, o desenvolvimento de hábitos de trabalho colaborativo e de partilha entre os seus professores, contribuindo desta forma para potenciar as competências dos professores no acompanhamento da evolução tecnológica e no acesso a outras oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional ao longo da vida. Isto é, “equipar” os professores para melhor poderem enfrentar os desafios do Século XXI para a educação, na preparação dos jovens para a sociedade global do conhecimento.


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No âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e da Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, realizada em contexto de Creche, foi desenvolvido o presente relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional na Educação Pré-Escolar. A prática educativa sustentou-se num quadro teórico-concetual de referência, com vista à construção de saberes para a Educação de Infância, pelo compromisso e responsabilização progressiva da ação docente, tendo sido encarado como um momento de singular importância. Desta forma, este documento procura ilustrar o processo de desenvolvimento de competências profissionais pela estudante para este nível de educação. Nesta linha de pensamento, importa referenciar a metodologia de investigação-ação, que fundamentou a prática pedagógica da estudante ao longo das várias etapas do processo educativo: Observação, Planificação, Ação, Avaliação, Comunicação e Articulação. Assim, apoiada em estratégias e atitudes investigativas e reflexivas, esta metodologia potenciou a transformação, melhoria e adequação das suas práticas. O contexto de formação assumiu-se, portanto, como um lugar privilegiado de articulação entre teoria e prática, onde o processo de ensino e aprendizagem ficou pautado por intencionalidades educativas com vista ao desenvolvimento integral de cada criança, bem como pela construção de saberes e competências profissionais pela estagiária, elencadas nos Decretos-Lei n.º 240 e 241 de 2001. Tomando em consideração o processo desenvolvido, importa realçar a importância de uma formação profissional ao longo da vida, de modo a potenciar o desenvolvimento de uma atitude perante a Educação cada vez mais crítica, problematizadora, indagadora, reflexiva e investigativa, em prol do desenvolvimento holístico de cada criança.


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This paper presents a new model of voter behaviour under methods of proportional representation (PR). We abstract away from rounding, and assume that a party securing k percent of the vote wins exactly k percent of the available seats. Under this assumption PR is not manipulable by any voter aiming at maximisation of the number of seats in the parliament of her most preferred party. However in this paper we assume that voters are concerned, first and foremost, with the distribution of power in the post-election parliament. We show that, irrespective of which positional scoring rule is adopted, there will always exist circumstances where a voter would have an incentive to vote insincerely. We demonstrate that a voter’s attitude toward uncertainty can influence her incentives to make an insincere vote. Finally, we show that the introduction of a threshold - a rule that a party must secure at least a certain percentage of the vote in order to reach parliament - creates new opportunities for strategic voting. We use the model to explain voter behaviour at the most recent New Zealand general election.


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Le vote pour le mouvement réformateur est-il un vote pour la démocratie ? Dans ce mémoire, nous avons mis à l’épreuve l’hypothèse selon laquelle le caractère plus démocratique des partis associés au mouvement réformateur tend automatiquement à attirer les électeurs plus démocrates. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des données de sondage qui nous ont aidés à dégager les attitudes et les caractéristiques des électeurs et à les mettre en relation avec leur vote. Ainsi, nous avons dressé le portrait de l’électorat iranien et nous en avons mis en évidence les caractéristiques sociodémographiques déterminant le vote. Nos résultats montrent que, conformément à nos hypothèses et à l’interprétation générale qui est faite des élections iraniennes, l’âge et le niveau d’éducation présentent une corrélation avec le choix électoral dans le sens attendu, qui prévoit qu’un électorat plus jeune et plus éduqué vote pour le mouvement réformateur. En revanche, en ce qui concerne le sexe et le degré d’urbanisation, nos résultats vont à l’encontre de nos hypothèses et des suppositions liées au comportement électoral en Iran. Nous démontrons que les femmes sont en réalité plus nombreuses à voter pour le mouvement conservateur et que les choix électoraux des habitants des villes et de ceux des villages ne diffèrent pas. Nous avons également vérifié la relation entre les attitudes et le vote. Nos résultats révèlent que les électeurs ayant une attitude plus positive envers la démocratie, reconnaissant plus de droits aux femmes, moins religieux et économiquement plus libéraux, sont plus nombreux à voter pour le mouvement réformateur. Nous reconnaissons, en conclusion, l’impact des attitudes envers la démocratie sur le choix électoral en Iran ainsi que l’effet d’autres attitudes liées à l’égalité, à la religion et à l’économie. Nous affirmons surtout que ces attitudes départagent aussi bien, sinon mieux, la population iranienne par rapport à ses choix électoraux que les caractéristiques telles que le sexe ou le degré d’urbanisation.


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Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus présentes dans toutes les sphères de la société y compris dans l’éducation. Pour favoriser des usages effectifs de ces technologies par des enseignants dans les salles de classe, il devient pertinent de s’intéresser aux usages qu’en font certains formateurs et futurs enseignants dans le cadre de la formation initiale. Ainsi, dans le contexte de la formation initiale des enseignants en Côte d’Ivoire à l’ENS d’Abidjan, l’objectif général de la présente thèse est de documenter les usages et la compétence TIC. Pour répondre à ces préoccupations, une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée à l’Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) d’Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire. Les entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec des formateurs (n = 9) et des futurs enseignants (n = 15) ont été analysées, en adoptant une approche méthodologique basée essentiellement sur l’analyse du contenu. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques. La thèse tente ainsi de décrire des usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants, de dresser un profil des formateurs usagers des TIC dans le cadre de la formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan. Elle veut aussi examiner les usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants, en formation initiale, pour certaines des composantes de la compétence TIC. Les résultats obtenus permettent de dresser une typologie des usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants dans le cadre de leurs activités d’apprentissage. Pour ce qui est des formateurs, trois profils d’usagers ont été dressés : 1. Les usagers de bas niveau qui font usage des TIC uniquement pour la recherche et la production de documents ; 2. Les usagers de niveau moyen qui, en plus de la recherche et la production de documents, utilisent les outils électroniques de communication dans leurs pratiques professionnelles, et font souvent usage des TIC dans leur classe ; 3. Les usagers de bon niveau qui, en plus de faire usage des outils de communication dans leurs pratiques professionnelles et d’intégrer les TIC dans leurs pratiques en classe, disposent de pages Web à but éducatif. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des discours des futurs enseignants sur les usages des TIC laisse percevoir que la compétence TIC se révèle de façon inégale à travers quatre de ses composantes. En effet, même s’ils n’ont pas une posture critique face aux TIC, ces futurs enseignants ont une conscience de leurs avantages dans le cadre de leur formation. Ainsi, ils utilisent les TIC pour communiquer, rechercher les informations, les interpréter afin de résoudre un problème, se constituer un réseau d’échanges et de formation continue. Même si l’intégration des TIC dans la formation initiale des enseignants en Côte d’Ivoire n’est pas encore effective, des formateurs et des futurs enseignants en font usage dans le cadre de la formation.


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Davantage d’évaluations de projets internationaux dans les pays en développement se réalisent pour informer les décisions sur la base de données probantes. L’utilisation des résultats d’évaluation est remise en cause et pour y remédier des évaluations participatives qui incluent à certaines étapes du processus évaluatif des acteurs non évaluateurs sont proposées. Parmi celles-ci, les évaluations participatives pratiques visent principalement à améliorer l’utilisation du processus et des résultats des évaluations. Ces évaluations participatives pratiques seraient obstruées par des attitudes individuelles négatives, ou résistance individuelle au changement, et favorisées par des attitudes individuelles positives, ou propension. Cette thèse propose d’étudier la propension individuelle des gestionnaires envers les évaluations participatives pratiques d’intervention (EPP), les éléments influençant cette propension, et de caractériser des niveaux de propension des individus envers les EPP. Tout d’abord une revue de littérature a proposé une définition multidimensionnelle de la propension envers les EPP comme étant une attitude favorable envers la pratique des EPP qui se décline à chaque étape d’une évaluation sous les volets affectif et cognitif. Les dimensions identifiées théoriquement étaient : apprentissage, travail en groupe, emploi de méthodes systématiques, usage de l’esprit critique. Ces dimensions ont servi de cadre pour la partie empirique de la thèse. Une étude de cas multiples avec les gestionnaires d’une institution de santé en Haïti a été menée pour contextualiser la propension et identifier les éléments d’influence. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues semi-structurées et de sources documentaires. L’analyse des données concernant l’apprentissage a révélé une prédominance des formes d’apprentissage par l’action et par l’observation. Le travail en groupe se retrouve ancré dans la pratique des gestionnaires administratifs et des gestionnaires cliniques. Les méthodes systématiques se reflètent principalement dans la consultation de plusieurs acteurs ayant de l’intérêt pour la problématique immédiate à solutionner plutôt que par l’outillage méthodologique. L’emploi de méthodes systématiques prend généralement la forme de consultation élargie d’avis pour régler une situation ou prend la forme de tentative de validation des informations reçues. L’esprit critique se déclenche sous stimulation lorsque l’image individuelle, professionnelle, corporative ou organisationnelle est touchée ou lors de suggestions jugées constructives. En plus de contextualiser quatre composantes de la propension individuelle envers les EPP, les gestionnaires se sont positionnés par rapport à la propension de leurs collègues sur la base de la réactivité, plus ou moins réactif vis-à-vis des composantes de la propension individuelle. Ainsi, la propension étudiée empiriquement a laissé émerger deux axes : un axe formalisation et un axe réactivité. L’axe formalisation reprend la contextualisation des quatre composantes de la propension individuelle envers les EPP, soit la forme d’expression des composantes. L’axe réactivité reprend le niveau d’activité déployé dans chaque composante de la propension individuelle, de réactif à plus proactif. De plus, des profils d’individus ayant différents niveaux de propension envers les EPP ont été développés. Des influences favorables et défavorables au niveau de propension envers les EPP ont été identifiées. L’originalité de cette thèse tient dans le fait de se positionner dans un courant récent de réflexion autour de la résistance aux changements et aux évaluations avec un regard positif et d’avoir défini théoriquement et appliqué empiriquement le concept pluridimensionnel de propension individuelle aux EPP. Des profils de niveau de propension individuelle aux EPP et les éléments d’influence favorables et défavorables associés peuvent servir d’outil de diagnostic aux types d’évaluation possibles, servir d’ajustement à la mise en place d’évaluations selon les interlocuteurs, permettre le suivi des changements de niveaux de propension pendant une EPP et servir de sources d’informations pour ajuster les plans d’évaluations participatives.


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Este trabajo constituye una revisión de la influencia de las variables individuales y contextuales sobre las actitudes hacia la discapacidad. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se describió el concepto de discapacidad desde una perspectiva social, en donde se concibió la discapacidad como un aspecto relacional en vez de una característica individual. Por otra parte se describieron las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, los tipos y sus consecuencias, teniendo en cuenta las percepciones, creencias, emociones, información sobre discapacidad y variables sociodemográficas las cuales tienen un papel significativo en la formación y mantenimiento de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad. Adicionalmente se presentaron algunas de las estrategias de intervención que tiene como propósito mejorar las actitudes, aspecto que puede ayudar o contribuir a la aceptación de las personas con discapacidad. Finalmente, el presente trabajo muestra la necesidad de continuar el estudio de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, y el mejorar las intervenciones basadas en los hallazgos presentados.


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A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular tem vindo a revelar-se um desafio tremendo para os professores, que têm tentado incluir as crianças com deficiência sem negligenciar as necessidades das crianças ditas normais. Os professores assumem, assim, um papel determinante na promoção da educação inclusiva, que está fortemente ligada às atitudes dos professores face aos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais. O objectivo deste estudo é então investigar as atitudes gerais dos professores, determinando o modo como estes percepcionam as vantagens da inclusão quer para os alunos ditos normais quer para os alunos com deficiência e perceber de que forma essas atitudes são influenciáveis, tendo em conta a experiência profissional, a experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência e a formação inicial dos docentes. A amostra foi constituída por 640 professores do ensino regular (N=463 do género feminino e N=177 do género masculino). Foi aplicado o APIAD – Atitudes dos Professores face à Inclusão de Alunos com Deficiência (Leitão, 2011). Concluiu-se que os docentes com menos de 5 anos de serviço apresentam atitudes gerais mais favoráveis em relação à inclusão (p=0,000) e em relação às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos ditos normais (p=0,024), quando comparados com o grupo com mais de 10 anos de experiência. Quanto à experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência, os resultados indicaram que os professores com experiência possuem atitudes mais favoráveis, do que aqueles que não têm experiência, quer gerais (p=0,000) quer face às vantagens da inclusão (p=0,023) quer ainda às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (p=0,013). No que se refere à formação inicial, os professores, com contacto com alunos com deficiência durante a sua formação, revelaram atitudes gerais mais positivas (p=0,000) do que os professores sem essa formação inicial, o mesmo acontecendo no que se refere às atitudes percepcionadas no que diz respeito às vantagens da inclusão (p=0,016) e às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (p=0,006)


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This paper reports on the latest contributions to over 20 years of research on organic food consumers. There is a general consensus in the literature on the reasons why people buy organic food. However, there is also a gap between consumers’ generally positive attitude toward organic food and their relatively low level of actual purchases. Product differentiation based on intangible features, such as credence attributes such as organic, in fast-moving consumer goods categories is enjoying rapid growth. However, there are many difficulties with research in this area, including the errors inherent in research that relies on consumer self-reporting methodologies. Further, in relation to organic food, there is a divergence between consumers’ perception of its superior health features and scientific evidence. Fresh fruits and vegetables are of vital importance to the organic sector as they are the entry point for many customers and account for one-third of sales. Further, although there is a small proportion of dedicated organic food buyers, most sales come from the majority of buyers who switch between conventional and organic food purchases. This paper identifies the practical implications for generic organic food marketing campaigns, as well as for increasing sales of specific products. It concludes with suggested priorities for further research.


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Woodworking industries still consists of wood dust problems. Young workers are especially vulnerable to safety risks. To reduce risks, it is important to change attitudes and increase knowledge about safety. Safety training have shown to establish positive attitudes towards safety among employees. The aim of current study is to analyze the effect of QR codes that link to Picture Mix EXposure (PIMEX) videos by analyzing attitudes to this safety training method and safety in student responses. Safety training videos were used in upper secondary school handicraft programs to demonstrate wood dust risks and methods to decrease exposure to wood dust. A preliminary study was conducted to investigate improvement of safety training in two schools in preparation for the main study that investigated a safety training method in three schools. In the preliminary study the PIMEX method was first used in which students were filmed while wood dust exposure was measured and subsequently displayed on a computer screen in real time. Before and after the filming, teachers, students, and researchers together analyzed wood dust risks and effective measures to reduce exposure to them. For the main study, QR codes linked to PIMEX videos were attached at wood processing machines. Subsequent interviews showed that this safety training method enables students in an early stage of their life to learn about risks and safety measures to control wood dust exposure. The new combination of methods can create awareness, change attitudes and motivation among students to work more frequently to reduce wood dust. 


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The problem of semantics is inherent in any discussion of ethics. The general term "ethics" is itself commonly confused. In addition, systems of ethics must be built upon assumptions, and assumptions are necessarily subject to lengthy debate. These two problems are encountered in my investigation of the ethical practices of the modern business community and to remedy the situation I have taken two steps: the first being an attempt to clarify the meaning of terms used therein;-and the second being a clear description of the assumptions utilized to further my analysis. To satisfy those who would disagree with these assumptions, I have attempted to outline the consequences of differing premises. The first assumption in my discussion is that the capitalistic economy is powered by the motivation supplied by man's self-interest. We are conditioned to basing our courses of action upon an orientation toward gratifying this self-interest. Careers are chosen by blending aptitude, interest, and remuneration. of course, some people are less materially inclined than others, but the average member of our capitalistic society is concerned with the physical rewards derived from his employment. Status and happiness are all-important considerations in pursuing a chosen course of action, yet all too often they are measured in physical terms. The normal self-interest natural to mankind is heightened in capitalism, due to the emphasis placed upon material compensation. Our thinking becomes mechanistic as life devolves into a complex game played by the rules. We are accustomed to performing meaningless or unpleasant duties to fulfill our gratifications. Thought, consequently, interferes with the completion of our everyday routines. We learn quickly not to be outspoken, as the outspoken one threatens the security of his fellow man. The majority of the people are quite willing to accept others views on morality, and indeed this is the sensible thing to do as one does not risk his own neck. The unfortunate consequence of this situation has been the substitution of the legal and jural for the moral and ethical. Our actions are guided by legal considerations and nowhere has this been more evident than in the business community. The large legal departments of modern corporations devote full time to inspecting the legality of corporate actions. The business community has become preoccupied with the law, yet this is necessarily so. Complex, modern, capitalistic society demands an elaborate framework of rules and regulations. Without this framework it would be impossible to have an orderly economy, to say nothing of protecting the best interests of the people. However, the inherent complexities, contradictions, and sometimes unfair aspects of our legal system can tempt men to take things into their own hands. From time to time cases arise where men have broken laws while acting in good faith, and other cases where men have been extremely unethical without being illegal. Examples such as these foster the growth of cynicism, and generally create an antagonistic attitude toward the law on the part of business. My second assumption is that the public, on the whole, has adopted an apathetic attitude toward business morality. when faced with an ethical problem, far too many people choose to cynically assume that, if I don't do it someone else will. "The danger of such an assumption lies in that it eliminates many of the inhibitions that normally would preclude unethical action. The preventative factor in contemplating an unethical act not only lies in it going against the "right course of action", but also in that it would display the actor as one of the few, immoral practitioners. However, if the contemplator feels that many other people follow the same course of action, he would not feel himself to be so conspicuous. These two assumptions underly my entire discussion of modern business ethics., and in my judgment are the two most important causal factors in unethical acts perpetrated by the business community. The future elimination of these factors seems improbable, if not futile, yet there is no reason to consider things worse than they ever have been before. The heightened public interest in business morality undoubtedly lies in part in the fact that examples of corporate malpractice are of such magnitude in scope, and hence more newsworthy.


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Information technology research over the past two decades suggests that the installation and use of computers fundamentally affects the structure and function of organisations and, m particular, the workers in these organizations. Following the release of the IBM Personal Computer in 1982, microcomputers have become an integral part of most work environments. The accounting services industry, in particular, has felt the impact of this ‘microcomputer revolution’. In Big Six accounting firms, there is almost one microcomputer for each professional accountant employed, Notwithstanding this, little research has been done on the effect of microcomputers on the work outcomes of professional accountants working in these firms. This study addresses this issue. It assesses, in an organisational setting, how accountant’ perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of microcomputers act on their computer anxieties, microcomputer attitudes and use to affect their job satisfaction and job performance. The research also examines how different types of human-computer interfaces affect the relationships between accountants' beliefs about microcomputer utility and ease of use, computer anxiety, microcomputer attitudes and microcomputer use. To attain this research objective, a conceptual model was first developed, The model indicates that work outcomes (job satisfaction and job performance) of professional accountants using microcomputers are influenced by users' perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of microcomputers via paths through (a) the level of computer anxiety experienced by users, (b) the general attitude of users toward using microcomputers, and (c) the extent to which microcomputers are used by individuals. Empirically testable propositions were derived from the model to test the postulated relationships between these constructs. The study also tested whether or not users of different human-computer interfaces reacted differently to the perceptions and anxieties they hold about microcomputers and their use in the workplace. It was argued that users of graphical interfaces, because of the characteristics of those interfaces, react differently to their perceptions and anxieties about microcomputers compared with users of command-line (or textual-based) interfaces. A passive-observational study in a field setting was used to test the model and the research propositions. Data was collected from 164 professional accountants working in a Big Six accounting firm in a metropolitan city in Australia. Structural equation modelling techniques were used to test the, hypothesised causal relationships between the components comprising the general research model. Path analysis and ordinary least squares regression was used to estimate the parameters of the model and analyse the data obtained. Multisample analysis (or stacked model analysis) using EQS was used to test the fit of the model to the data of the different human-computer interface groups and to estimate the parameters for the paths in those different groups. The results show that the research model is a good description of the data. The job satisfaction of professional accountants is directly affected by their attitude toward using microcomputers and by microcomputer use itself. However, job performance appears to be only directly affected by microcomputer attitudes. Microcomputer use does not directly affect job performance. Along with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, computer anxiety is shown to be an important determinant of attitudes toward using microcomputers - higher levels of computer anxiety negatively affect attitudes toward using microcomputers. Conversely, higher levels of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness heighten individuals' positive attitudes toward using microcomputers. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness also indirectly affect microcomputer attitudes through their effect on computer anxiety. The results show that higher levels of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness result in lower levels of computer anxiety. A surprising result from the study is that while perceived ease of use is shown to directly affect the level of microcomputer usage, perceived usefulness and attitude toward using microcomputers does not. The results of the multisample analysis confirm that the research model fits the stacked model and that the stacked model is a significantly better fit if specific parameters are allowed to vary between the two human-computer interface user groups. In general, these results confirm that an interaction exists between the type of human-computer interface (the variable providing the grouping) and the other variables in the model The results show a clear difference between the two groups in the way in which perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness affect microcomputer attitude. In the case of users of command-line interfaces, these variables appear to affect microcomputer attitude via an intervening variable, computer anxiety, whereas in the graphical interface user group the effect occurs directly. Related to this, the results show that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have a significant direct effect on computer anxiety in command-line interface users, but no effect at all for graphical interface users. Of the two exogenous variables only perceived ease of use, and that in the case of the command-line interface users, has a direct significant effect on extent of use of microcomputers. In summary, the research has contributed to the development of a theory of individual adjustment to information technology in the workplace. It identifies certain perceptions, anxieties and attitudes about microcomputers and shows how they may affect work outcomes such as job satisfaction and job performance. It also shows that microcomputer-interface types have a differential effect on some of the hypothesised relationships represented in the general model. Future replication studies could sample a broader cross-section of the microcomputer user community. Finally, the results should help Big Six accounting firms to maximise the benefits of microcomputer use by making them aware of how working with microcomputers affects job satisfaction and job performance.


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For over two decades the issue of East Timor's right to self-determination has been a ‘prickly’ issue in Australian foreign policy. The invasion by Indonesian forces in 1975 was expected, as Australian policy-makers had been well informed of the events leading up to the punitive action being taken. Indeed, prior discussions involving the future of the territory were held between the Australian Prime Minister and the Indonesian President in 1974. In response to the events unfolding in the territory the Australian Labor Government at the time was presented with two policy options for dealing with the issue. The Department of Defence recommended the recognition of an independent East Timor; whereas the Department of Foreign Affairs proposed that Australia disengage itself as far as possible from the issue. The decision had ramifications for future policy considerations especially with changes in government. With the Department of Foreign Affairs option being the prevailing policy what were the essential ingredients that give explanation for the government's choice? It is important to note the existence of the continuity and cyclical nature of attitudes by Labor governments toward Indonesia before and after the invasion. To do so requires an analysis of the influence ‘Doc’ Evatt had in shaping any possible Labor tradition in foreign policy articulation. The support given by Evatt for the decolonisation of the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) gave rise to the development of a special relationship-so defined. Evidence of the effect Evatt had on future Labor governments may be found in the opinions of Gough Whitlam. In 1975 when he was Prime Minister, Whitlam felt the East Timor issue was merely the finalisation of Indonesia's decolonisation honouring Evatt's long held anti-colonialist tradition existing in the Australian Labor Party. The early predisposition toward Indonesia's cohesiveness surfaced again in the Hawke and Keating Labor governments of later years. It did not vary a great deal with changes in government The on-going commitment to preserving and strengthening the bilateral relationship meant Indonesia's territorial integrity became the focus of the Australian political elites’ regional foreign policy determinations. The actions taken by policy-makers served to promote the desire for a stable region ahead of independence claims of the East Timorese. From a realist perspective, the security dilemma for Australian policy-makers was how to best promote regional order and stability in the South East Asian region. The desire for regional cohesiveness and stability continues to drive Australian political elites to promote policies that gives a priority to the territorial integrity of regional states. Indonesia, in spite of its diversity, was only ever thought of as a cohesive unitary state and changes to its construct have rarely been countenanced. Australia's political elite justifications for this stance vacillate between strategic and economic considerations, ideological (anti-colonialism) to one of being a pragmatic response to international politics. The political elite argues the projection of power into the region is in Australia’s national interest. The policies from one government to the next necessarily see the national interest as being an apparent fixed feature of foreign policy. The persistent fear of invasion from the north traditionally motivated Australia's political elite to adopt a strategic realist policy that sought to ‘shore up’ the stability, strength and unity of Indonesia. The national interest was deemed to be at risk if support for East Timorese independence was given. The national interest though can involve more than just the security issue, and the political elite when dealing with East Timor assumed that they were acting in the common good. Questions that need to be addressed include determining what is the national interest in this context? What is the effect of a government invoking the national interest in debates over issues in foreign policy? And, who should participate in the debate? In an effort to answer these questions an analysis of how the ex-foreign affairs mandarin Richard Woolcott defines the national interest becomes crucial. Clearly, conflict in East Timor did have implications for the national interest. The invasion of East Timor by Indonesia had the potential to damage the relationship, but equally communist successes in 1975 in Indo-China raised Australia's regional security concerns. During the Cold War, the linking of communism to nationalism was driving the decision-making processes of the Australian policy-makers striving to come to grips with the strategic realities of a changing region. Because of this, did the constraints of world politics dominated by Cold War realities combined with domestic political disruption have anything to do with Australia's response? Certainly, Australia itself was experiencing a constitutional crisis in late 1975. The Senate had blocked supply and the Labor Government did not have the funds to govern. The Governor-General by dismissing the Labor Government finally resolved the impasse. What were the reactions of the two men charged with the responsibility of forming the caretaker government toward Indonesia's military action? And, could the crisis have prevented the Australian government from making a different response to the invasion? Importantly, and in terms of economic security, did the knowledge of oil and gas deposits thought to exist in the Timor Sea influence Australia's foreign policy? The search for oil and gas requires a stable political environment in which to operate. Therefore for exploration to continue in the Timor Sea Australia must have had a preferred political option and thoughts of with whom they preferred to negotiate. What was the extent of each government's cooperation and intervention in the oil and gas industry and could any involvement have influenced the Australian political elites’ attitude toward the prospect of an independent East Timor? Australia's subsequent de jure recognition that East Timor was part of Indonesia paved the way for the Timor Gap (Zone of Cooperation) Treaty signing in 1989. The signing underpinned Australia's acceptance of Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor. The outcome of the analysis of the issues that shaped Australia's foreign policy toward East Timor showed that the political elite became locked into an integration model, which was defended by successive governments. Moreover, they formed an almost reflexive defence of Indonesia both at the domestic and international level.


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The Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care (BOMHC) initiative encourages general practitioners to use electronic mental health resources (EMHRs) during consultation with patients requiring psychological assistance. However, there is little data on GPs’ acceptance and use of EMHRs.

Semistructured interviews were conducted with 27 GPs to determine their attitude toward EMHRs, and their use during consultation with patients.

Few GPs reported frequently using EMHRs in consultation. Identified barriers to use included lack of familiarity with information technology, and insufficient knowledge of available resources. Identified advantages of electronic resources included high patient acceptance, time efficiency, and improved quality of information.

General practitioners recognise several advantages of utilising electronic resources for managing patients with mental illness. However, GPs are not sufficiently familiar with electronic resources to use them effectively. This could be overcome by education.