82 resultados para Geburtshilfe


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Introduction: Throughout follicular growth and subsequent corpus luteum formation the leukocyte number increases and follicular vascularisation changes. These processes are enhanced under exogenous stimulation with gonadotropins. Cytokines released by leukocytes contribute to further recruitment and vascularisation of the follicle, and they play an important role in regulating ovarian steroidogenesis by influencing theca and granulosa–lutein cell function. Changes in cytokine and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations in the ovary as a consequence of gonadotropin stimulation may negatively influence oocyte quality. In this project we have compared the intrafollicular production of inflammatory cytokines and growth factors between natural IVF cycles (NC) and classical, gonadotropin-stimulated IVF cycles (gsIVF). Material and Methods: Serum on the day of oocyte retrieval and follicular fluid (FF) were collected in 37 NC and 39 gsIVF cycles. Thirteen women within this population underwent one NC and one gsIVF cycle each. A total of 14 cytokines from Bio-Plex panels I and II were determined in matched serum and FF samples using Luminex xMAP technology on the Bio-Plex(R) platform, using the serum protocol. Results: Tumour necrosis factor-alpha, RANTES, eotaxin and interferon-gamma-induced protein-10 levels were lower in FF than in serum, and thus not further investigated. Interleukin (IL)-6, -8, -10, -15, -18, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), VEGF and leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) showed higher median concentrations in FF than in serum, indicating possible ovarian production. Moreover, most of these showed higher evels in the gsIVF than in the NC groups in the serum, but not in the follicular fluid. IL-8 was reduced in gsIVF cycles. Conclusion: The fact that serum but not FF levels of the studied cytokines were higher in the stimulated than in the natural cycles can be attributed to the increased number of active follicles present after controlled ovarian stimulation.


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Oxidised low density lipoproteins (oxLDL) are key players in the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Since there are similarities between the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and atherosclerosis we hypothesised an increased accumulation of oxLDL at the materno-foetal and foeto-foetal interface within the placental tissue of preeclamptic women compared to women with normotensive pregnancies (controls). Moreover, we analysed maternal and foetal serum lipid parameters.


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Die vorliegende Kasuistik beschreibt die gefundenen Ohr-Akupunkturpunkte bei frühgeborenen bichorial triamnioten Drillingen im Alter von 31 Wochen und 2 Tagen. Die Schwangerschaft ist durch IVF entstanden und wurde wegen einer Präeklampsie per Sectio beendet. Die Drillinge wurden am 17. Lebenstag mit dem Svesa Pointselektor 1 070 auf elektrisch aktive Akupunkturpunkte am Ohr untersucht. Je schlechter der klinische Zustand des Neugeborenen, desto mehr Akupunkturpunkte konnten am Ohr gefunden werden. Die identifizierten Reflexzonen/Akupunkturpunkte am Ohr zeigen zum Teil Übereinstimmungen mit der Pathologie im Körper und dem klinischen Zustand des Neugeborenen. Der Schwerpunkt lag bei Organpunkten, was mit dem entsprechenden klinischen Zustand des Organs korrelierte. Psychische Punkte wurden nicht gefunden.


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