114 resultados para Gdansk


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This paper proposes a new hybrid nine-level inverter topology for IM drive. The nine-level structure is realized by using two three-phase two-level inverters fed by isolated DC voltage sources and six H-bridges fed by capacitors. The number of switches required in this topology is only 36 where as the conventional nine-level topologies require 48 switches. The voltages across the capacitors, feeding the H-bridges that operate at asymmetric voltages, are effectively balanced by making use of the switching state redundancies. In this topology, the requirement of DC link voltage is only half of the maximum magnitude of the voltage space vector. As the two-level inverters are powered by isolated voltage sources, the circulation of triplen harmonic current in the motor winding is prevented. The proposed drive system is capable of functioning in three-level mode in case of any switch failure in H-bridges. The performance of the proposed topology in the entire modulation range is verified by simulation study and experiment.


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A current-error space phasor based hysteresis controller with nearly constant switching frequency is proposed for a general n-level voltage source inverter fed three-phase induction motor drive. Like voltage-controlled space vector PWM (SVPWM), the proposed controller can precisely detect sub-sector changes and for switching it selects only the nearest switching voltage vectors using the information of the estimated fundamental stator voltages along α and β axes. It provides smooth transition between voltage levels, including operation in over modulation region. Due to adjacent switching amongst the nearest switching vectors forming a triangular sub-sector, in which tip of the fundamental stator voltage vector of the machine lies, switching loss is reduced while keeping the current-error space phasor within the varying parabolic boundary. Appropriate dimension and orientation of this parabolic boundary ensures similar switching frequency spectrum like constant switching frequency SVPWM-based induction motor (IM) drive. Inherent advantages of multi-level inverter and space phasor based current hysteresis controller are retained. The proposed controller is simulated as well as implemented on a 5-level inverter fed 7.5 kW open-end winding IM drive.


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On the basis of the ”Gdansk Convention on Preservation of Living Resources of the Baltic Sea” the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC) has been regulating catches of most important fish species in the area since 1974. This article reviews, in a first step for Baltic Sea cod, the development of stocks and fishery since 1970 in the light of respective catch regulations of IBSFC. TACs have been fixed by IBSFC by species for the whole Baltic Sea and resulting quotas have been split according to national and/or international fishery zones from 1975 up to now. The Baltic Sea cod is on biological background treated in scientific stock assessment as two separate stocks. Both stocks, in the western and eastern Baltic Sea, show clearly different developments over the period since 1970. After a short living peak in stock size of the eastern compartment about 20 years ago this stock has been on a very low level since the late 1980’s. During that period with increasing effort big cod catches have been landed.. The level of fishing effort is more or less the same still with much lower catches nowadays. A detailed description of development of stock sizes and recruitment is given. The conclusion is that with the present regime of regulation on the basis of one TAC for the total Baltic Sea and with high fishing capacity available for cod it will be impossible to meet the aim of good and stable yields.


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The effects of both the major Baltic inflow in January 1993 and two smaller inflows in December 1993 and March 1994 on the environnmental conditions in the Bornholm, Gdansk and eastern Gotland Basins are described. These inflows terminated the 16-year stagnation of the central Baltic deepwater and led to a moderate increase in salinity, but to the highest oxygen concentrations in the Gotland Deep since the 30ies.


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The performance of an RF output matching network is dependent on integrity of the ground connection. If this connection is compromised in anyway, additional parasitic elements may occur that can degrade performance and yield unreliable results. Traditionally, designers measure Constant Wave (CW) power to determine that the RF chain is performing optimally, the device is properly matched and by implication grounded. It is shown that there are situations where modulation quality can be compromised due to poor grounding that is not apparent using CW power measurements alone. The consequence of this is reduced throughput, range and reliability. Measurements are presented on a Tyndall Mote using a CC2420 RFIC todemonstrate how poor solder contact between the ground contacts and the ground layer of the PCB can lead tothe degradation of modulated performance. Detailed evaluation that required the development of a new measurement definition for 802.15.4 and analysis is presented to show how waveform quality is affected while the modulated output power remains within acceptable limits.


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The GENESI project has the ambitious goal of bringing WSN technology to the level where it can provide the core of the next generation of systems for structural health monitoring that are long lasting, pervasive and totally distributed and autonomous. This goal requires embracing engineering and scientific challenges never successfully tackled before. Sensor nodes will be redesigned to overcome their current limitations, especially concerning energy storage and provisioning (we need devices with virtually infinite lifetime) and resilience to faults and interferences (for reliability and robustness). New software and protocols will be defined to fully take advantage of the new hardware, providing new paradigms for cross-layer interaction at all layers of the protocol stack and satisfying the requirements of a new concept of Quality of Service (QoS) that is application-driven, truly reflecting the end user perspective and expectations. The GENESI project will develop long lasting sensor nodes by combining cutting edge technologies for energy generation from the environment (energy harvesting) and green energy supply (small form factor fuel cells); GENESI will define models for energy harvesting, energy conservation in super-capacitors and supplemental energy availability through fuel cells, in addition to the design of new algorithms and protocols for dynamic allocation of sensing and communication tasks to the sensors. The project team will design communication protocols for large scale heterogeneous wireless sensor/actuator networks with energy-harvesting capabilities and define distributed mechanisms for context assessment and situation awareness. This paper presents an analysis of the GENESI system requirements in order to achieve the ambitious goals of the project. Extending from the requirements presented, the emergent system specification is discussed with respect to the selection and integration of relevant system components.The resulting integrated system will be evaluated and characterised to ensure that it is capable of satisfying the functional requirements of the project


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Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Universitat de Barcelona; Gdansk University of Technology, Universidad de Cádiz, Universitas Bergensis; 2015


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Dipyrromethene-Cu(II) derivatives possessing two dodecane alkyl chains have been used for the modification of gold electrodes. Electroactive host molecules have been incorporated into a lipophilic dodecanethiol SAM deposited onto gold electrodes through hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions (embedment technique). The presence of dipyrromethene-Cu(II) redox centers on the electrode surface was proved by cyclic voltammetry and Osteryoung square-wave voltammetry. The Au electrodes incorporating redox active Cu(II)-dipyrromethene SAMs were used for the direct voltammetric determination of paracetamol in human plasma.


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This paper identifies characteristics of knowledge intensive processes and a method to improve their performance based on analysis of investment banking front office processes. The inability to improve these processes using standard process improvement techniques confirmed that much of the process was not codified and depended on tacit knowledge and skills. This led to the use of a semi-structured analysis of the characteristics of the processes via a questionnaire to identify knowledge intensive processes characteristics that adds to existing theory. Further work identified innovative process analysis and change techniques that could generate improvements based on an analysis of their properties and the issue drivers. An improvement methodology was developed to harness a number of techniques that were found to effective in resolving the issue drivers and improving these knowledge intensive processes.