977 resultados para Gaussian Relay Channel`


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We consider the problem of distributed joint source-channel coding of correlated Gaussian sources over a Gaussian Multiple Access Channel (MAC). There may be side information at the encoders and/or at the decoder. First we specialize a general result in [16] to obtain sufficient conditions for reliable transmission over a Gaussian MAC. This system does not satisfy the source channel separation. Thus, next we study and compare three joint source channel coding schemes available in literature.


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In this paper, we consider robust joint designs of relay precoder and destination receive filters in a nonregenerative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. The network consists of multiple source-destination node pairs assisted by a MIMO-relay node. The channel state information (CSI) available at the relay node is assumed to be imperfect. We consider robust designs for two models of CSI error. The first model is a stochastic error (SE) model, where the probability distribution of the CSI error is Gaussian. This model is applicable when the imperfect CSI is mainly due to errors in channel estimation. For this model, we propose robust minimum sum mean square error (SMSE), MSE-balancing, and relay transmit power minimizing precoder designs. The next model for the CSI error is a norm-bounded error (NBE) model, where the CSI error can be specified by an uncertainty set. This model is applicable when the CSI error is dominated by quantization errors. In this case, we adopt a worst-case design approach. For this model, we propose a robust precoder design that minimizes total relay transmit power under constraints on MSEs at the destination nodes. We show that the proposed robust design problems can be reformulated as convex optimization problems that can be solved efficiently using interior-point methods. We demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed design through simulations.


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Network life time maximization is becoming an important design goal in wireless sensor networks. Energy harvesting has recently become a preferred choice for achieving this goal as it provides near perpetual operation. We study such a sensor node with an energy harvesting source and compare various architectures by which the harvested energy is used. We find its Shannon capacity when it is transmitting its observations over a fading AWGN channel with perfect/no channel state information provided at the transmitter. We obtain an achievable rate when there are inefficiencies in energy storage and the capacity when energy is spent in activities other than transmission.


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Given the significant gains that relay-based cooperation promises, the practical problems of acquisition of channel state information (CSI) and the characterization and optimization of performance with imperfect CSI are receiving increasing attention. We develop novel and accurate expressions for the symbol error probability (SEP) for fixed-gain amplify-and-forward relaying when the destination acquires CSI using the time-efficient cascaded channel estimation (CCE) protocol. The CCE protocol saves time by making the destination directly estimate the product of the source-relay and relay-destination channel gains. For a single relay system, we first develop a novel SEP expression and a tight SEP upper bound. We then similarly analyze an opportunistic multi-relay system, in which both selection and coherent demodulation use imperfect estimates. A distinctive aspect of our approach is the use of as few simplifying approximations as possible, which results in new results that are accurate at signal-to-noise-ratios as low as 1 dB for single and multi-relay systems. Using insights gleaned from an asymptotic analysis, we also present a simple, closed-form, nearly-optimal solution for allocation of energy between pilot and data symbols at the source and relay(s).


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We consider the MIMO X channel (XC), a system consisting of two transmit-receive pairs, where each transmitter communicates with both the receivers. Both the transmitters and receivers are equipped with multiple antennas. First, we derive an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC under individual power constraint at each transmitter. The sum-rate capacity of the two-user multiple access channel (MAC) that results when receiver cooperation is assumed forms an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC. We tighten this bound by considering noise correlation between the receivers and deriving the worst noise covariance matrix. It is shown that the worst noise covariance matrix is a saddle-point of a zero-sum, two-player convex-concave game, which is solved through a primal-dual interior point method that solves the maximization and the minimization parts of the problem simultaneously. Next, we propose an achievable scheme which employs dirty paper coding at the transmitters and successive decoding at the receivers. We show that the derived upper bound is close to the achievable region of the proposed scheme at low to medium SNRs.


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We consider the basic bidirectional relaying problem, in which two users in a wireless network wish to exchange messages through an intermediate relay node. In the compute-and-forward strategy, the relay computes a function of the two messages using the naturally occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes in a Gaussian multiple-access channel (MAC), and the computed function value is forwarded to the user nodes in an ensuing broadcast phase. In this paper, we study the problem under an additional security constraint, which requires that each user's message be kept secure from the relay. We consider two types of security constraints: 1) perfect secrecy, in which the MAC channel output seen by the relay is independent of each user's message and 2) strong secrecy, which is a form of asymptotic independence. We propose a coding scheme based on nested lattices, the main feature of which is that given a pair of nested lattices that satisfy certain goodness properties, we can explicitly specify probability distributions for randomization at the encoders to achieve the desired security criteria. In particular, our coding scheme guarantees perfect or strong secrecy even in the absence of channel noise. The noise in the channel only affects reliability of computation at the relay, and for Gaussian noise, we derive achievable rates for reliable and secure computation. We also present an application of our methods to the multihop line network in which a source needs to transmit messages to a destination through a series of intermediate relays.


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In geographical forwarding of packets in a large wireless sensor network (WSN) with sleep-wake cycling nodes, we are interested in the local decision problem faced by a node that has ``custody'' of a packet and has to choose one among a set of next-hop relay nodes to forward the packet toward the sink. Each relay is associated with a ``reward'' that summarizes the benefit of forwarding the packet through that relay. We seek a solution to this local problem, the idea being that such a solution, if adopted by every node, could provide a reasonable heuristic for the end-to-end forwarding problem. Toward this end, we propose a local relay selection problem consisting of a forwarding node and a collection of relay nodes, with the relays waking up sequentially at random times. At each relay wake-up instant, the forwarder can choose to probe a relay to learn its reward value, based on which the forwarder can then decide whether to stop (and forward its packet to the chosen relay) or to continue to wait for further relays to wake up. The forwarder's objective is to select a relay so as to minimize a combination of waiting delay, reward, and probing cost. The local decision problem can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem studied in the operations research literature. We formulate the local problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) and characterize the solution in terms of stopping sets and probing sets. We provide results illustrating the structure of the stopping sets, namely, the (lower bound) threshold and the stage independence properties. Regarding the probing sets, we make an interesting conjecture that these sets are characterized by upper bounds. Through simulation experiments, we provide valuable insights into the performance of the optimal local forwarding and its use as an end-to-end forwarding heuristic.


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The K-user multiple input multiple output (MIMO) Gaussian symmetric interference channel where each transmitter has M antennas and each receiver has N antennas is studied from a generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) perspective. An inner bound on the GDOF is derived using a combination of techniques such as treating interference as noise, zero forcing (ZF) at the receivers, interference alignment (IA), and extending the Han-Kobayashi (HK) scheme to K users, as a function of the number of antennas and the log INR/log SNR level. Several interesting conclusions are drawn from the derived bounds. It is shown that when K > N/M + 1, a combination of the HK and IA schemes performs the best among the schemes considered. When N/M < K <= N/M + 1, the HK-scheme outperforms other schemes and is found to be GDOF optimal in many cases. In addition, when the SNR and INR are at the same level, ZF-receiving and the HK-scheme have the same GDOF performance.


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In this paper, the Gaussian many-to-one X channel (XC), which is a special case of general multiuser XC, is studied. In the Gaussian many-to-one XC, communication links exist between all transmitters and one of the receivers, along with a communication link between each transmitter and its corresponding receiver. As per the XC assumption, transmission of messages is allowed on all the links of the channel. This communication model is different from the corresponding manyto- one interference channel (IC). Transmission strategies, which involve using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference from a subset of transmitters as noise, are formulated for the above channel. Sum-rate is used as the criterion of optimality for evaluating the strategies. Initially, a 3 x 3 many-to-one XC is considered and three transmission strategies are analyzed. The first two strategies are shown to achieve sum-rate capacity under certain channel conditions. For the third strategy, a sum-rate outer bound is derived and the gap between the outer bound and the achieved rate is characterized. These results are later extended to the K x K case. Next, a region in which the many-to-one XC can be operated as a many-to-one IC without the loss of sum-rate is identified. Furthermore, in the above region, it is shown that using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference as noise achieve a rate point that is within K/2 -1 bits from the sum-rate capacity. Subsequently, some implications of the above results to the Gaussian many-to-one IC are discussed. Transmission strategies for the many-to-one IC are formulated, and channel conditions under which the strategies achieve sum-rate capacity are obtained. A region where the sum-rate capacity can be characterized to within K/2 -1 bits is also identified. Finally, the regions where the derived channel conditions are satisfied for each strategy are illustrated for a 3 x 3 many-to-one XC and the corresponding many-to-one IC.