865 resultados para Gastric foreign bodies


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of abdominal radiography in the detection of illegal intracorporeal containers (hereafter, packets), with low-dose computed tomography (CT) as the reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional ethical review board, with written informed consent. From July 2007 to July 2010, 330 people (296 men, 34 women; mean age, 32 years [range, 18-55 years]) suspected of having ingested drug packets underwent supine abdominal radiography and low-dose CT. The presence or absence of packets at abdominal radiography was reported, with low-dose CT as the reference standard. The density and number of packets (≤ 12 or >12) at low-dose CT were recorded and analyzed to determine whether those variables influence interpretation of results at abdominal radiography. RESULTS: Packets were detected at low-dose CT in 53 (16%) suspects. Sensitivity of abdominal radiography for depiction of packets was 0.77 (41 of 53), and specificity was 0.96 (267 of 277). The packets appeared isoattenuated to the bowel contents at low-dose CT in 16 (30%) of the 53 suspects with positive results. Nineteen (36%) of the 53 suspects with positive low-dose CT results had fewer than 12 packets. Packets that were isoattenuated at low-dose CT and a low number of packets (≤12) were both significantly associated with false-negative results at abdominal radiography (P = .004 and P = .016, respectively). CONCLUSION: Abdominal radiography is mainly limited by low sensitivity when compared with low-dose CT in the screening of people suspected of carrying drug packets. Low-dose CT is an effective imaging alternative to abdominal radiography.


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PURPOSE: To describe the use of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) to clarify the position and patency of aqueous shunt devices in the anterior chamber of eyes where corneal edema or tube position does not permit a satisfactory view. DESIGN: Noncomparative observational case series. METHODS: Four cases are reported in which aqueous shunt malposition or obstruction was suspected but the shunt could not be seen on clinical examination. The patients underwent AS-OCT to identify the position and patency of the shunt tip. RESULTS: In each case, AS-OCT provided data regarding tube position and/or patency that could not be obtained by slit-lamp examination or by gonioscopy that influenced management. CONCLUSIONS: AS-OCT can be used to visualize anterior chamber tubes in the presence of corneal edema that precludes an adequate view or in cases where the tube is retracted into the cornea. In such cases, AS-OCT is useful in identifying shunt patency and position, which helps guide clinical decision making.


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All manner of foreign bodies have been extracted from the bladder. Introduction into the bladder may be through self-insertion, iatrogenic means or migration from adjacent organs. Extraction should be tailored according to the nature of the foreign body and should minimise bladder and urethral trauma. We report a case of a bullet injury to the bladder, which finally presented as a gross hematuria after remaining asymptomatic for four years. We present here an alternative to suprapubic cystostomy with a large bladder foreign body treated via a combined transurethral unroofing followed by removal using a grasper passed through a suprapubic laparoscopic port.


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A young patient suffering from schizophrenia had intense headaches and photophobia which were induced by intra-ocular injections of mercury. The clinical diagnosis was established once foreign bodies were visualized on regular X-rays of the patients skull. The mercury intoxication in combination with the secondary irreversible lesions to the eyes necessitated a bilateral enucleation and the use of a chelating treatment with sodium-dimercapto-1-propane sulfate (DMP). Automutilation is a very rare and dramatic complication of schizophrenia. The psychiatric handling and meaning of such dramatic automutilation is discussed in this case report together with a recent review of the toxicologic treatment of mercury intoxication in humans.


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The immune system is the responsible for body integrity and prevention of external invasion. On one side, nanoparticles are no triggers that the immune system is prepared to detect, on the other side it is known that foreign bodies, not only bacteria, viruses and parasites, but also inorganic matter, can cause various pathologies such as silicosis, asbestosis or inflammatory reactions. Therefore, nanoparticles entering the body, after interaction with proteins, will be either recognized as self-agents or detected by the immune system, encompassing immunostimulation or immunosuppression responses. The nature of these interactions seems to be dictated not specially by the composition of the material but by modifications of NP coating (composition, surface charge and structure). Herein, we explore the use of gold nanoparticles as substrates to carry multifunctional ligands to manipulate the immune system in a controlled manner, from undetection to immunostimulation. Murine bone marrow macrophages can be activated with artificial nanometric objects consisting of a gold nanoparticle functionalized with peptides. In the presence of some conjugates, macrophage proliferation was stopped and pro-inflammatory cytokines were induced. The biochemical type of response depended on the type of conjugated peptide and was correlated with the degree of ordering in the peptide coating. These findings help to illustrate the basic requirements involved in medical NP conjugate design to either activate the immune system or hide from it, in order to reach their targets before being removed by phagocytes. Additionally, it opens up the possibility to modulate the immune response in order to suppress unwanted responses resulting from autoimmunity, or allergy or to stimulate protective responses against pathogens.


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The foreign body ingestion ocurrs often with children, olds, psychiatrics patients, prisoners or after excessive alcoholic ingestion. Most of foreign bodies (80-90%) passes spontaneously, 10 a 20% have to be removed by endoscopy and only one per cent (1%) needs to be removed by surgery. The authors report a case of a 49-year-old woman who swallowed a needle which impacted in cecum. The patient had psychosis maniac-depressive and swallowed the foreign body aiming self-damage. The presence of foreign body in cecum is rare because of physiologic straitments in the gastrointestinal tract. The ingestion of needle corresponds six percent (6%) of swallowed objects aiming self-damage. Colonoscopy served for localization the foreign body and its withdrawal with success. Colonoscopy for removing foreign bodies is a safe and cheap procedure.


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The authors present five cases of maxillary sinus foreign bodies, four of them (80%) originated from surgical problems. They discuss their findings, enphasizing the difficulty and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. They recommend the use of tied gauze in the surgical procedures in the maxillary sinus.


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Pyogenic hepatic abscess by a foreign body is a rare disease and its diagnosis is habitually made during necropsy. The authors present a case of a woman operated because of a pyogenic hepatic abscess, in the interior of which bristle made of material of vegetable origin were encountered and identified in the laboratory as the principal rib of a leaf, known in Brazil as piaçava. The hepatic abscess was drained and the patient was discharged. The probable mechanism for the formation of the hepatic abscess consisted of the accidental ingestion, perforation of the intestines and penetration in the liver.


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A 54 - year-old male returned 14 years after a gunshot wound to the chest with intermitent hemoptysis that progressed to frank pulmonary hemorrhage. The complications of retained intrapulmonary foreign body are briefly reviewed.


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There is no large series about retained foreign bodies in abdominal cavity. In fact data are underestimated because of the lack of reports considering its serious medicolegal implications. An inflammatory fibrotic process inside the peritoneal cavity, a virtual discharge of inorganic material through the surgical incision and also a slow process of transmural migration into the intestinal lumen are the most frequent pathophysiologic situations. It is not uncommon the incidental diagnosis of foreign body and radiographic studies may be particularly helpful to elucidate the etiology. An early recognition minimizes the surgical risks and contributes to avoid severe complications. The best approach is to adopt preventive measures. Careful peroperative materials vigilance and instrumentation and also a meticulous check at the end of operations are essential to avoid such legal responsibility.


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Despite being unusual, retained foreign bodies after surgical procedures is a matter of great concern for surgeons. The main purpose of this article is to describe five cases of intestinal obstruction due to intraluminal surgical sponges. The average time between the first operation and the intestinal obstruction was eight months. All patients referred abdominal pain and change of intestinal habit prior to the intestinal obstruction. In two cases bowel perforation was also observed, in addition to the intestinal obstruction. Four patients had no postoperative complications. One patient died due to an intra-abdominal abscess and sepsis.


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Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical condition of acute abdomen. Approximately 7 percent of the population will have appendicitis during their lifetime, with the peak incidence occurring between 10 through 30 years-old. Obstruction of the appendix lumen with subsequent bacterial infection initiates the pathophysiological sequence of acute appendicitis. Obstruction may have multiple causes, including fecalith, lymphoid hyperplasia (related to viral illnesses, including upper respiratory infection, mononucleosis, and gastroenteritis), foreign bodies, carcinoid tumor, and parasites. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, Enterobius vermicularis has been reported as the main parasite that causes appendix obstruction. Rarely, Taenia sp., has been pointed as a cause of parasitic appendicitis. We reported a 30 years-old patient clinically diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The appendectomy was performed through a McBurney incision. The patient's convalescence was uneventful, and he was discharged from hospital 48 hours after operation. Histological examination of the appendix showed acute appendicitis, and it was found a parasite (Taenia sp.) lying inside of the appendix lumen at a transverse section. He has received 10 mg/Kg weight of praziquantel for taeniasis treatment.


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L’objectif de cette étude était de démontrer que le léchage excessif de surface (LES) chez le chien représente un signe clinique d’un trouble digestif sous-jacent plutôt qu’un trouble obsessionnel compulsif. Vingt chiens présentés pour LES (groupe L) ont été divisés en 2 sous-groupes de 10 chiens chacun : L0, sans, et LD, avec des signes cliniques digestifs concomitants. Dix chiens en santé ont été assignés à un groupe contrôle (groupe C). Une évaluation comportementale complète, un examen physique et neurologique ont été réalisés avant un bilan diagnostic gastro-intestinal (GI) complet (hématologie, biochimie, analyse urinaire, mesure des acides biliaires pré et post-prandiaux et de l’immunoréactivité spécifique de la lipase pancréatique canine, flottaison fécale au sulfate de zinc, culture de selles, échographie abdominale et endoscopie GI haute avec prise de biopsies). En fonction des résultats, un interniste recommandait un traitement approprié. Les chiens étaient suivis pendant 90 jours durant lesquels le comportement de léchage était enregistré. Des troubles GI ont été identifiés chez 14/20 chiens du groupe L. Ces troubles GI sous-jacents incluaient une infiltration éosinophilique du tractus GI, une infiltration lymphoplasmocytaire du tractus GI, un retard de vidange gastrique, un syndrome du côlon irritable, une pancréatite chronique, un corps étranger gastrique et une giardiose. Une amélioration >50% en fréquence ou en durée par rapport au comportement de léchage initial a été observée chez une majorité de chiens (56%). La moitié des chiens ont complètement cessé le LES. En dehors du LES, il n’y avait pas de différence significative de comportement (p.ex. anxiété), entre les chiens L et les chiens C. Les troubles GI doivent être considérés dans le diagnostic différentiel du LES chez le chien.