282 resultados para Gamefophytic sterility


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ICRISAT scientists, working with Indian programme counterparts, developed the world's first cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility (CMS)-based commercial hybrid in a food legume, the pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. The CMS, in combination with natural outcrossing of the crop, was used to develop viable hybrid breeding technology. Hybrid ICPH 2671 recorded 47% superiority for grain yield over the control variety ‘Maruti’ in multilocation on-station testing for 4 years. In the on-farm trials conducted in five Indian states, mean yield of this hybrid (1396 kg/ha) was 46.5% greater than that of the popular cv. ‘Maruti’ (953 kg/ha). Hybrid ICPH 2671 also exhibited high levels of resistance to Fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases. The outstanding performance of this hybrid has led to its release for cultivation in India by both a private seed company (as ‘Pushkal’) and a public sector university (as ‘RV ICPH 2671’). Recent developments in hybrid breeding technology and high yield advantages realized in farmers' fields have given hope for a breakthrough in pigeonpea productivity.


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Heat stress can cause sterility in sorghum and the anticipated increased frequency of high temperature events implies increasing risk to sorghum productivity in Australia. Here we summarise our research on specific varietal attributes associated with heat stress tolerance in sorghum and evaluate how they might affect yield outcomes in production environments by a crop simulation analysis. We have recently conducted a range of controlled environment and field experiments to study the physiology and genetics of high temperature effects on growth and development of sorghum. Sorghum seed set was reduced by high temperature effects (>36-38oC) on pollen germination around flowering, but genotypes differed in their tolerance to high temperature stress. Effects were quantified in a manner that enabled their incorporation into the APSIM sorghum crop model. Simulation analysis indicated that risk of high temperature damage and yield loss depended on sowing date, and variety. While climate trends will exacerbate high temperature effects, avoidance by crop management and genetic tolerance seems possible.


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Lactation delays the re-initiation of oestrous cyclicity in rats, resulting in physiological sterility for the duration of suckling. During this phase, the secretion of pituitary gonadotrophins is suppressed by an unknown mechanism. Continued application of the suckling stimulus by litter replacement (Bruce, 1958; Nicoll & Meites, 1959), or injections of prolactin (Meites & Nicoll, 1959), have been shown to prolong lactation considerably beyond the usual period. The present study aimed to demonstrate the role of prolactin in inhibiting the gonadotrophin secretion necessary for the re-establishment of oestrous cyclicity during lactation. Pregnant rats weighing approximately 300 g were obtained from the Institute colony and housed in individual cages. At parturition, the number of young in the litter was adjusted to eight, two or one as required. The day following the post-partum oestrus was regarded.


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Antiserum to the beta-subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone (oLH-beta) raised in monkeys (Macaca radiata) has been tested by a variety of criteria both in vivo and in vitro to establish its ability to neutralize oLH, hLH, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Passive administration of this antiserum caused inhibition of ovulation and termination of pregnancy in recipient monkeys as indicated by premature vaginal bleeding and a significant reduction in serum progesterone and estrogen levels. The results suggest that antiserum raised in monkeys against oLH-beta can neutralize monkey LH as well as monkey CG.


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Altruism is defined as any behaviour that lowers the Darwinian fitness of the actor while increasing that of the recipient. Such altruism (especially in the form of lifetime sterility exhibited by sterile workers in eusocial insects such as ants, bees, wasps and termites) has long been considered a major difficulty for the theory of natural selection. In the 1960s W. D. Hamilton potentially solved this problem by defining a new measure of fitness that he called inclusive fitness, which also included the effect of an individual's action on the fitness of genetic relatives. This has come to be known as inclusive fitness theory, Hamilton's rule or kin selection. E. O. Wilson almost single-handedly popularized this new approach in the 1970s and thus helped create a large body of new empirical research and a large community of behavioural ecologists and kin selectionists. Adding thrill and drama to our otherwise sombre lives, Wilson is now leading a frontal attack on Hamilton's approach, claiming that the inclusive fitness theory is not as mathematically general as the standard natural selection theory, has led to no additional biological insights and should therefore be abandoned. The world cannot but sit up and take notice.


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Objective: To study the efficacy of long-term buserelin acetate infusion to desensitize pituitary and block testicular function in adult male monkeys (Macaca radiata). Animals: Proven fertile male monkeys exhibiting normal testicular function. Protocol: Each of the control (n = 5) and experimental monkeys (n = 10) received a fresh miniosmotic pump every 21 days, whereas pumps in controls delivered vehicle of experimentals released 50-mu-g buserelin acetate every 24 hours. On day 170 (renewed every 60 days) a silastic capsule containing crystalline testosterone (T) was implanted in the experimental monkeys. At the end of 3 years, treatment was stopped, and recovery of testicular function and fertility monitored. Results: (1) Treatment resulted in marked reduction of nocturnal but not basal serum T; (2) the pituitary remained desensitized to buserelin acetate throughout the 3-year period; (3) animals were largely azoospermic with occasional oligospermia exhibited by two monkeys; and (4) withdrawal of treatment restored testicular function, with 70% of animals regaining fertility. Conclusion: Long-term infertility (but restorable) can be induced in male monkeys by constant infusion of buserelin acetate and T.


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The requirement for estrogen for pregnancy establishment has not been conclusively demonstrated in primates. Selective neutralization of estrogens was achieved in mated female monkeys during preimplantation and postimplantation periods by injecting characterized estrogen antiserum from either day 14 to 18 or day 28 to 32 of cycle. While estrogen deprivation during preimplantation period in 5 animals exposed to 14 ovulatory cycles resulted in only one pregnancy, only 3 of 13 monkeys treated during postimplantation period continued pregnancy to term. In comparison with controls (4 of 5 monkeys becoming pregnant), the percent protection against pregnancy in animals treated during preimplantation period was 93. The pregnancy termination in 10 of 13 monkeys treated during postimplantation period when compared with normal postimplantation pregnancy wastage in our colony (2%) is also highly significant (P less than 0.01). The present study demonstrates a critical need for estrogen during the peri-implantation period for a successful pregnancy establishment in primates.


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The evolution of altruism is the central problem of the evolution of eusociality. The evolution of altruism is most likely to be understood by studying species that show altruism in spite of being capable of ''selfish'' individual reproduction. But the definition of eusociality groups together primitively eusocial species where workers retain the ability to reproduce on their own and highly eusocial species where workers have lost reproductive options. At the same time it separates the primitively eusocial species from semisocial species, species that lack life-time sterility and cooperatively breeding birds and mammals, in most of which, altruism and the associated social life are facultative. The definition of eusociality is also such that it is sometimes difficult to decide,what is eusocial and what is not. I therefore suggest that, (1) we expand the scope of eusociality to include semisocial species, primitively eusocial species, highly eusocial species as well as those cooperatively breeding birds and mammals where individuals give up substantial or all personal reproduction for aiding conspecifics, (2) there should be no requirement of overlap of generations or of life-time sterility and (3) the distinction between primitively and highly eusocial should continue, based on the presence or absence of morphological caste differentiation.


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Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) represses the transcriptional activity of target genes through trimethylation of lysine 27 of histone H3. The functions of plant PRC2 have been chiefly described in Arabidopsis, but specific functions in other plant species, especially cereals, are still largely unknown. Here we characterize mutants in the rice EMF2B gene, an ortholog of the Arabidopsis EMBRYONIC FLOWER2 (EMF2) gene. Loss of EMF2B in rice results in complete sterility, and mutant flowers have severe floral organ defects and indeterminacy that resemble loss-of-function mutants in E-function floral organ specification genes. Transcriptome analysis identified the E-function genes OsMADS1, OsMADS6 and OsMADS34 as differentially expressed in the emf2b mutant compared with wild type. OsMADS1 and OsMADS6, known to be required for meristem determinacy in rice, have reduced expression in the emf2b mutant, whereas OsMADS34 which interacts genetically with OsMADS1 was ectopically expressed. Chromatin immunoprecipitation for H3K27me3 followed by quantitative (q)RT-PCR showed that all three genes are presumptive targets of PRC2 in the meristem. Therefore, in rice, and possibly other cereals, PRC2 appears to play a major role in floral meristem determinacy through modulation of the expression of E-function genes.


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2005 1. Assisted with a study to assess hurricane impacts to Gulf sturgeon critical foraging habitat. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 5. Assisted with benthic invertebrate survey at Gulf sturgeon marine foraging grounds. 6. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 22nd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 7. Over 87,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 45 sites in the fall and spring and 8 thermal refuges in the summer. 8. Completed fishery surveys on 4 ponds on Eglin AFB totaling 53 acres, and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 9. Completed final report for aquatic monitoring at Eglin AFB from 1999 to 2004. 10. Completed a field collection of the endangered Okaloosa darter to be incorporated into a status review to be completed in FY06. 11. Provided technical assistance to the Region 4 National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) program on changes to the fishery conservation targets for the region. Also provided technical assistance to four NWRs (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR) relative to hurricanes and recreational fishing. 12. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in Northwest Florida and southwest Georgia, and an associated field guide, poster, and Freshwater Mussel Survey Protocol and Identification workshop were completed in FY05. 13. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 14. Initiated or completed multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects. A total of 7.5 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, and 11 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 630 acres of wetlands and 2,401 acres of understory habitat were restored. 15. Conducted a watershed assessment to develop a threats analysis for prioritizing restoration, protection, and enhancement to natural resources of Spring Creek, Georgia and Canoe Creek, Florida. 16. Continued the formation of an Unpaved Road Interagency Team of Federal, State, and local agencies in Northwest Florida to promote stream protection and restoration from unpaved road sediment runoff. Began the development of a technical committee agreement. 17. Conducted Alabama Unpaved Road Inventory within the Northeast Gulf Ecosystem. Data collection will be completed during FY06. 18. Finalized the development of two North Florida hydrophysiographic regional curves for use by the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) and others involved with stream restoration and protection. Initiated the development of the Alabama Coastal Plain Riparian Reference Reach and Regional Curves for use by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). 19. Provided technical assistance in collecting data, analysis, and thesis formulation with Troy University, Alabama, to identify the influence of large woody debris in southeastern coastal plain streams. 20. Completed pre- and post-restoration fish community monitoring at several restoration projects including Big Escambia Creek, Magnolia Creek, and Oyster Lake, Florida. 21. Established a watershed partnership for the Chipola River in Alabama and Florida and expanded development and participation in the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership, Georgia. 22. Continued to identify barriers which inhibit the movement of aquatic species within the Northeast Gulf Ecoregion. 23. Completed a report on road crossing structures in Okaloosa darter streams to guide the closure/repair/maintenance of roads to contribute to recovery of the endangered species. In cooperation with Three Rivers RC&D Council, fish passage sites identified in the report were prioritized for restoration. 24. Monitored Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Apalachicola River and tested the sterility of exotic grass carp. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, several festivals, and school outreach.


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The ability to reproduce is a defining characteristic of all living organisms. During reproduction, the integrity of genetic material transferred from one generation to the next is of utmost importance. Organisms have diverse strategies to ensure the fidelity of genomic information inherited between generations of individuals. In sexually reproducing animals, the piRNA pathway is an RNA-interference (RNAi) mechanism that protects the genomes of germ cells from the replication of ‘selfish’ genetic sequences called transposable elements (TE). When left unabated, the replication of TE sequences can cause gene disruption, double-stranded DNA breaks, and germ cell death that results in sterility of the organism. In Drosophila, the piRNA pathway is divided into a cytoplasmic and nuclear branch that involves the functions of three Piwi-clade Argonaute proteins—Piwi, Aubergine (Aub) and Argonaute-3 (Ago3)—which bind piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) to form the effector complexes that represses deleterious TE sequences.

The work presented in this thesis examines the function and regulation of Piwi proteins in Drosophila germ cells. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to piRNA biogenesis and to the essential roles occupied by each Piwi protein in the repression of TE. We discuss the architecture and function of germ granules as the cellular compartments where much of the piRNA pathway operates. In Chapter 2, we present how Piwi in the nucleus co-transcriptionally targets genomic loci expressing TE sequences to direct the deposition of repressive chromatin marks. Chapter 3 examines the cytoplasmic function of the piRNA pathway, where we find that the protein Krimper coordinates Aub and Ago3 in the piRNA ping-pong pathway to adaptively target and destroy TE transcripts. Chapter 4 explores how interactions of Piwis with associated proteins are modulated by arginine methylation modifications. Lastly, in Chapter 5 I present evidence that the cytoplasmic branch of the piRNA pathway can potentially ‘cross-talk’ with the nuclear branch to transfer sequence information to better target and co-transcriptionally silence the genomic loci coding active TE sequences. Overall, the work presented in this thesis constitutes a part of the first steps in understanding the molecular mechanisms that protect germ cells from invasion by TE sequences.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi criar uma metodologia de validação e revalidação dos processos de esterilização por calor úmido em autoclaves horizontais, destacando os pontos críticos do processo e concentrando esforços onde são realmente necessários. Foram realizados estudos de distribuição térmica, de penetração de calor e de desafio microbiológico na validação da autoclave STERIS FINNAQUA 6912. Com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de uma mudança e compreender a relação entre os fatores e suas interações para o processo de esterilização, foi utilizado o planejamento fatorial 23 dos fatores densidade da carga (quantidade de itens), embalagem do produto e localização na câmara interna. Os estudos de distribuição térmica confirmaram a distribuição homogênea de calor na câmara interna durante o tempo de exposição a 121C. As temperaturas variaram entre 120,35C e 120,92C com desvio padrão máximo de 0,12C. Os estudos de penetração de calor confirmaram exposições equivalentes a 121C por 24 minutos em todos os itens da carga (F0 > 24 minutos). Em todos os estudos para cargas secas, os índices de capacidade do processo (Cpk) foram maiores que 1,33. Os ensaios de desafio microbiológico garantiram níveis de esterilidade (S.A.L.) maiores que 12 reduções logarítmicas em relação aos indicadores biológicos Geobacillus stearothermophilus. Não foi detectada a presença de endosporos sobreviventes nos 132 indicadores biológicos utilizados nos quatro ciclos desafiados. Com base no planejamento experimental verificou-se que, para o nível de significância de 95% , as mudanças nos fatores posição, embalagem e quantidade da carga não são significativas para o processo de esterilização, em autoclave com remoção forçada de ar. Já para o nível de significância de 90%, a interação Posição x Embalagem apresentou significância estatística no processo de esterilização com valor P de 0,080


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This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.


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To find out if pawpaw (Carica papaya) seeds can induce sterility in male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and to determine if sterility so induced is reversible or otherwise, mature male tilapia of mean weight 40 g were treated for 30 days with a low dose (4.9 g/kg/day) and a high dose (9.8 g/kg/day) of ground pawpaw seeds incorporated into their feed. Fish of similar sizes in the control experiment were fed with feed that did not contain pawpaw seed. The pawpaw seeds induced permanent sterility in the fish that received the high dose, while sterility in the low dose treatment was reversible. Fish in the control experiment spawned two weeks into the experiment and again in the fifth week. Fish in the low dose treatment spawned three weeks after the treatment had been discontinued. Histological sections of the testes showed that pawpaw seeds produced swollen nuclei in the low dose treatment and disintegrated cells in the high dose treatment. The study showed that pawpaw seeds, which are easy to obtain, can be incorporated into fish feeds and used by farmers to control prolific breeding of Nile tilapia.