972 resultados para Gall, Franz Joseph


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit sind erstmals die Karmeliterchorbücher des Mainzer Dommuseums - ein fünfbändiges Antiphonar und ein Graduale - kodikologisch und kunsthistorisch untersucht worden. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass diese bislang in der Literatur nur bruchstückhaft bekannten Handschriften zwei eigenständige Werke sind, deren Bildinitialen nicht - wie bislang angenommen - von dem in einer Widmung genannten Frater Nycolaus angefertigt worden sind. Dieser konnte lediglich als Schreiber von drei Bänden des Antiphonars identifiziert werden. Die neun Bildinitialen des handwerklich solide angefertigten Graduales folgen altbekannten böhmischen Vorbildern und bestechen durch ihre Erzählfreude und Detailgenauigkeit. Kunsthistorisch bedeutsamer sind die fünf erhaltenen Bildinitialen des Antiphonars, das wahrscheinlich von dem Mainzer Juristen und Geschichtsforscher Franz Joseph Bodmann im 19. Jahrhundert um mindestens zehn weitere Bildinitialen beraubt wurde. Die Qualität der verbliebenen Bildinitialen, die teilweise weit entwickelte Landschaften, eine hochmoderne Verkündigungsszene und Mustergrundinitialen zeigen, die in enger Verbindung zum Göttinger Musterbuch stehen, sichern dem Antiphonar einen bedeutenden Rang in der Mittelrheinischen Kunst. Beide Liturgika überraschen durch die qualitative und quantitative Ausstattungsfülle beim einzeiligen Initialschmuck. Zwei in die Jahre 1430 und 1432 datierte Widmungen im Antiphonar nennen als Auftraggeber einen Johannes Fabri aus dem Mainzer Handwerk, der 17 Jahre später zum Prior des Mainzer Karmeliterklosters aufgestiegen ist. Ein dargestelltes Stifterpaar im Graduale lässt auch dort auf Auftraggeber aus dem Bürgertum schließen, die die Handschrift wahrscheinlich im zweiten Viertel des 15. Jahrhunderts in Auftrag gaben. Die in der Literatur postulierte Karmeliterwerkstatt muss bezweifelt werden, da die ihr zugewiesenen Werke einer kritischen Überprüfung nicht standhalten.


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Felicita Sartori, nata a Pordenone nel 1714 ca. come figlia del notaio Felice Sartori e di Tommasa Scotti, ricevette la sua prima formazione artistica intorno al 1724 da suo zio, il calcografo Antonio dall'Agata a Gorizia. Tramite lo zio la quattordicenne si trasferisce a Venezia dove entra nella bottega-casa di Rosalba Carriera per perfezionarsi nella miniatura e nella pittura a pastello senoché nelle varie tecniche della grafica. Durante gli anni seguenti Felicita diventa, accanto alle sorelle di Rosalba, la collaboratrice piú stretta della Carriera che in questi anni tocca il colmo della fama artistica, dovuto soprattutto al suo strepitoso successo riscosso durante il soggiorno a Parigi dal 1720 al 1721. I numerosissimi incarichi che le giungono da tutta l'Europa incrementano la produttivitá e lasciano supporre che la bottega abbia contribuito in misura notevole a contentare tali richieste. Negli anni dopo il 1730 l'attività di Felicita oltre le varie attività pittoriche entro la bottega della Carriera si estende alla produzione di incisioni per le pubblicazioni di Gaspare Stampa e di Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet. Incide inoltre le stampe dai disegni di Giovanni Battista Piazetta, pubblicati da Antonio Maria Zanetti. La finora anonima collaboratrice della famosa veneziana esce dall'ombra quando, nel 1741, viene nominata artista di corte da Augusto III, principe elettore di Sassonia e ré di Polonia. Trasferitosi a Dresda, si unisce poche settimane dopo la nomina in matrimonio al consigliere di corte Franz Joseph von Hoffmann, che probabilmente aveva concosciuto nel 1740 nello studio veneziano di Rosalba spesso frequentato dall'elettore e del suo seguito. Felicita continua la su attività a Dresda dove nella Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister si conservano tuttora 15 miniature di sua mano. Grazie alle ricerche dedicate a queste opere è stato possibile di aumentare l'œuvre della Sartori di altre opere tra cui una Betsabea al bagno (coll. priv. München) già nelle collezioni reali sassoni. Sembra che l'artista dopo la morte del marito nel 1749, si sia trasferito con un secondo marito a Bamberg ma altre fonti citano la sua presenza a Dresda nel 1753 dove secondo le notizie fornite da Jean Pierre Mariette muore nel 1760 all'età di soli 46 anni.


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BACKGROUND Overlapping first generation sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stents are associated with persistent inflammation, fibrin deposition and delayed endothelialisation in preclinical models, and adverse angiographic and clinical outcomes--including death and myocardial infarction (MI)--in clinical studies. OBJECTIVES To establish as to whether there are any safety concerns with newer generation drug-eluting stents (DES). DESIGN Propensity score adjustment of baseline anatomical and clinical characteristics were used to compare clinical outcomes (Kaplan-Meier estimates) between patients implanted with overlapping DES (Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent (R-ZES) or R-ZES/other DES) against no overlapping DES. Additionally, angiographic outcomes for overlapping R-ZES and everolimus-eluting stents were evaluated in the randomised RESOLUTE All-Comers Trial. SETTING Patient level data from five controlled studies of the RESOLUTE Global Clinical Program evaluating the R-ZES were pooled. Enrollment criteria were generally unrestrictive. PATIENTS 5130 patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES 2-year clinical outcomes and 13-month angiographic outcomes. RESULTS 644 of 5130 patients (12.6%) in the RESOLUTE Global Clinical Program underwent overlapping DES implantation. Implantation of overlapping DES was associated with an increased frequency of MI and more complex/calcified lesion types at baseline. Adjusted in-hospital, 30-day and 2-year clinical outcomes indicated comparable cardiac death (2-year overlap vs non-overlap: 3.0% vs 2.1%, p=0.36), major adverse cardiac events (13.3% vs 10.7%, p=0.19), target-vessel MI (3.9% vs 3.4%, p=0.40), clinically driven target vessel revascularisation (7.7% vs 6.5%, p=0.32), and definite/probable stent thrombosis (1.4% vs 0.9%, p=0.28). 13-month adjusted angiographic outcomes were comparable between overlapping and non-overlapping DES. CONCLUSIONS Overlapping newer generation DES are safe and effective, with comparable angiographic and clinical outcomes--including repeat revascularisation--to non-overlapping DES.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate whether revascularisation improves prognosis compared with medical treatment among patients with stable coronary artery disease. DESIGN Bayesian network meta-analyses to combine direct within trial comparisons between treatments with indirect evidence from other trials while maintaining randomisation. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING STUDIES A strategy of initial medical treatment compared with revascularisation by coronary artery bypass grafting or Food and Drug Administration approved techniques for percutaneous revascularization: balloon angioplasty, bare metal stent, early generation paclitaxel eluting stent, sirolimus eluting stent, and zotarolimus eluting (Endeavor) stent, and new generation everolimus eluting stent, and zotarolimus eluting (Resolute) stent among patients with stable coronary artery disease. DATA SOURCES Medline and Embase from 1980 to 2013 for randomised trials comparing medical treatment with revascularisation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE All cause mortality. RESULTS 100 trials in 93 553 patients with 262 090 patient years of follow-up were included. Coronary artery bypass grafting was associated with a survival benefit (rate ratio 0.80, 95% credibility interval 0.70 to 0.91) compared with medical treatment. New generation drug eluting stents (everolimus: 0.75, 0.59 to 0.96; zotarolimus (Resolute): 0.65, 0.42 to 1.00) but not balloon angioplasty (0.85, 0.68 to 1.04), bare metal stents (0.92, 0.79 to 1.05), or early generation drug eluting stents (paclitaxel: 0.92, 0.75 to 1.12; sirolimus: 0.91, 0.75 to 1.10; zotarolimus (Endeavor): 0.88, 0.69 to 1.10) were associated with improved survival compared with medical treatment. Coronary artery bypass grafting reduced the risk of myocardial infarction compared with medical treatment (0.79, 0.63 to 0.99), and everolimus eluting stents showed a trend towards a reduced risk of myocardial infarction (0.75, 0.55 to 1.01). The risk of subsequent revascularisation was noticeably reduced by coronary artery bypass grafting (0.16, 0.13 to 0.20) followed by new generation drug eluting stents (zotarolimus (Resolute): 0.26, 0.17 to 0.40; everolimus: 0.27, 0.21 to 0.35), early generation drug eluting stents (zotarolimus (Endeavor): 0.37, 0.28 to 0.50; sirolimus: 0.29, 0.24 to 0.36; paclitaxel: 0.44, 0.35 to 0.54), and bare metal stents (0.69, 0.59 to 0.81) compared with medical treatment. CONCLUSION Among patients with stable coronary artery disease, coronary artery bypass grafting reduces the risk of death, myocardial infarction, and subsequent revascularisation compared with medical treatment. All stent based coronary revascularisation technologies reduce the need for revascularisation to a variable degree. Our results provide evidence for improved survival with new generation drug eluting stents but no other percutaneous revascularisation technology compared with medical treatment.


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[Verf.: Joseph Franz Molitor]


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