517 resultados para Gaba


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To investigate the ability of hexanic ethanolic fraction of Rubus brasiliensis Martius (Roseceae), to induce anxiolytic effect and also the possible involvement of the GABA(A)-benzodiazepine receptor complex, male Wistar rats and Swiss mice behaviour were tested in the elevated plus maze (EPM). All the doses of the extract, 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg, administered per gavage (vo), 30 min before the behavioural evaluation, induced an anxiolytic effect expressed by: increased number of entries in and time spent in the open arms and percentage of open arm entries: and decreased number of entries and time spent in the closed arms. The treatment of mice with flumazenil (Ro 15-1788), 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mg/kg, i.p., 15-min before the administration of hexanic fraction, 100 mg/kg, vo, blocked the hexanic fraction-induced anxiolytic effect. The LD50 for the hexanic fraction was 1512 mg/kg. In conclusion, it was shown that the hexanic fraction of R. brasiliensis induced an anxiolytic effect in rats and mice. This effect can be attributed to a liposoluble principle with low toxicity which may be acting as an agonist on GABA(A)-benzodiazepine receptor complex. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inhibitory serotonergic and cholecystokinergic mechanisms in the lateral parabrachial nucleus and central GABAergic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of water and NaCl intake. In the present study we investigated if the GABA(A) receptors in the lateral parabrachial nucleus are involved in the control of water, NaCl and food intake in rats. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the lateral parabrachial nucleus were used. Bilateral injections of muscimol (0.2 nmol/0.2 mu l) into the lateral parabrachial nucleus strongly increased 0.3 M NaCl (20.3 +/- 7.2 vs. saline: 2.6 +/- 0.9 ml/180 min) without changing water intake induced by the treatment with the diuretic furosemide combined with low dose of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril s.c. In euhydrated and satiated rats, bilateral lateral parabrachial nucleus injections of muscimol (0.2 and 0.5 nmol/0.2 0) induced 0.3 M NaCl intake (12.1 +/- 6.5 and 32.5 +/- 7.3 ml/180 min, respectively, vs. saline: 0.4 +/- 0.2 ml/180 min) and water intake (5.2 +/- 2.0 and 7.6 +/- 2.8 ml/ 180 min, respectively, vs. saline: 0.8 +/- 0.4 ml/180 min), but no food intake (2 +/- 0.4 g/240 min vs. saline: 1 +/- 0.3 g/240 min). Bilateral lateral parabrachial nucleus injections of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline (1.6 nmol/0.2 mu l) abolished the effects of muscimol (0.5 nmol/0.2 mu l) on 0.3 M NaCl and water intake. Muscimol (0.5 nmol/0.2 mu l) into the lateral parabrachial nucleus also induced a slight ingestion of water (4.2 +/- 1.6 ml/240 min vs. saline: 1.1 +/- 0.3 ml/240 min) when only water was available, a long lasting (for at least 2 h) increase on mean arterial pressure (14 +/- 4 mm Hg, vs. saline: -1 +/- 1 mm Hg) and only a tendency to increase urinary volume and Na+ and K+ renal excretion. Therefore the activation of GABAA receptors in the lateral parabrachial nucleus induces strong NaCl intake, a small ingestion of water and pressor responses, without changes on food intake. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO.


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Inhibitory mechanisms in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) and central GABAergic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of water and NaCl intake. Besides increasing fluid depletion-induced sodium intake, the activation of GABA(A) receptors with muscimol into the LPBN also induces ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl in normonatremic, euhydrated rats. It has been suggested that inhibitory mechanisms activated by osmotic signals are blocked by GABAA receptor activation in the LPBN, thereby increasing hypertonic NaCl intake. Therefore, in the present study we investigated the effects of muscimol injected into the LPBN on water and 0.3 M NaCl intake in hyperosmotic cell-dehydrated rats (rats treated with an intragastric load of 2 M NaCl). Male Wistar rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN were used. In euhydrated rats, muscimol (0.5 nmol/0.2 mu l), bilaterally injected into the LPBN, induced ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl (24.6 +/- 7.9 vs. vehicle: 0.5 +/- 0.3 ml/180 min) and water (6.3 +/- 2.1 vs. vehicle: 0.5 +/- 0.3 ml/180 min). One hour after intragastric 2 M NaCl load (2 ml), bilateral injections of muscimol into the LPBN also induced 0.3 M NaCl intake (22.1 +/- 5.2 vs. vehicle: 0.9 +/- 0.8 ml/210 min) and water intake (16.5 +/- 3.6 vs. vehicle: 7.8 +/- 1.8 ml/210 min). The GABAA antagonist bicuculline (0.4 nmol/0.2 mu l) into the LPBN reduced the effect of muscimol on 0.3 M NaCl intake (7.1 +/- 2.1 ml/210 min). Therefore, the activation of GABAA receptors in the LPBN induces ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl by hyperosmotic cell-dehydrated rats, suggesting that plasma levels of renin or osmolarity do not affect sodium intake after the blockade of LPBN inhibitory mechanisms with muscimol. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the effects of bilateral injections of the GABA receptor agonists muscimol (GABA A) and baclofen (GABA B) into the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) on the bradycardia and hypotension induced by iv serotonin injections (5-HT, 2 µg/rat) in awake male Holtzman rats. 5-HT was injected in rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally in the NTS, before and 5, 15, and 60 min after bilateral injections of muscimol or baclofen into the NTS. The responses to 5-HT were tested before and after the injection of atropine methyl bromide. Muscimol (50 pmol/50 nl, N = 8) into the NTS increased basal mean arterial pressure (MAP) from 115 ± 4 to 144 ± 6 mmHg, did not change basal heart rate (HR) and reduced the bradycardia (-40 ± 14 and -73 ± 26 bpm at 5 and 15 min, respectively, vs -180 ± 20 bpm for the control) and hypotension (-11 ± 4 and -14 ± 4 mmHg, vs -40 ± 9 mmHg for the control) elicited by 5-HT. Baclofen (12.5 pmol/50 nl, N = 7) into the NTS also increased basal MAP, but did not change basal HR, bradycardia or hypotension in response to 5-HT injections. Atropine methyl bromide (1 mg/kg body weight) injected iv reduced the bradycardic and hypotensive responses to 5-HT injections. The stimulation of GABA A receptors in the NTS of awake rats elicits a significant increase in basal MAP and decreases the cardiac Bezold-Jarisch reflex responses to iv 5-HT injections.


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Rubus brasiliensis hexanic fraction induced anxiolysis in rodents, which was reversed by flumazenil, a specific GABA(A)-benzodiazepine receptor antagonist (Nogueira et al., 1998a,b). Then, we investigated if this hexanic fraction was able to induce hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects, and the involvement of GABA(A)-system. The hexanic fraction (50, 100, 150 and 300 mg/kg, vo) was administered to male Swiss mice, 30 min before the tests. Only the dose of 300 mg/kg of this fraction decreased the latency and increased sleeping time in the barbituric-hypnosis test (sodium pentobarbital, 30 mg/kg, ip), prevented the pentylenetetrazol seizures (70 mg/kg, ip) and induced muscle relaxant (inclined plane) in 100% of animals. These effects were reversed by flumazenil (3 mg/kg, ip). In conclusion: (1) R. brasiliensis hexanic fraction induced hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects, in mice, and the GABA(A)-benzodiazepine receptor may play an important role in the effects of this fraction; (2) it is strongly suggested that this fraction contains a benzodiazepine-like principle. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O ácido γ-aminobutírico (GABA) e o glutamato são, respectivamente, os principais neurotransmissores inibitório e excitatório no Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) e são fundamentais para o processamento visual. Estudos revelam que o glutamato induz liberação de GABA na retina. Trabalhos prévios também apontam que compostos tióis regulam a liberação de GABA, mas ainda não são totalmente esclarecidos os efeitos de tióis (-SH) sobre os níveis endógenos deste neurotransmissor na retina. Neste intermédio, a glutationa (GSH) além de ser o mais importante dos compostos tióis, vem demonstrando exercer um papel neuromodulador na liberação de neurotransmissores. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar um possível efeito modulador de GSH sobre a liberação de GABA mediada por glutamato em retinas de embrião de galinha. Para isso, utilizamos como modelo experimental tecido retiniano íntegro de embrião de galinha, com sete ou oito dias de desenvolvimento. Nos ensaios de liberação de GABA, as retinas foram tratadas com GSH (100 e 500 μM); glutamato (50 e 500 μM) e Butionina Sulfoximina (BSO), inibidor da síntese de glutationa, (50 μM) por 15 minutos, e os níveis de GABA liberado para o meio extracelular foram quantificados por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficácia (CLAE). Para experimentos de liberação de compostos tióis (–SH), as retinas foram incubadas com glutamato (100 μM) com ou sem Na+ por 15 minutos, e os seus níveis extracelulares foram determinados pela reação com DTNB e quantificados por espectrofotometria (412 nm). Os resultados revelam que o glutamato, assim como GSH, liberam GABA. Nossos dados também demonstram que BSO atenua a liberação de GABA promovida por glutamato. Além disso, demonstramos que glutamato induz liberação de compostos tióis independentemente de sódio. Sendo assim, é sabido que glutamato é capaz de liberar GABA e tióis; dentre estes, GSH é o mais abundante e responsável por também liberar GABA. Sabe-se também que uma vez inibida a síntese de GSH por BSO, a liberação de GABA induzida por glutamato é atenuada. Então, se sugere uma possível modulação de GSH na liberação de GABA induzida por glutamato, em retinas íntegras de embrião de galinha.


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The neural retina is a highly complex tissue composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons and glial cells. Glutamate, the main excitatory neurotransmitter, mediates information transfer from photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells, whereas interneurons, mainly amacrine and horizontal cells, use γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. In this review we place an emphasis on glutamate and GABA transporters as highly regulated molecules that play fundamental roles in neurotransmitter clearance, neurotransmitter release, and oxidative stress. We pharmacologically characterized glutamate transporters in chicken retina cells and identified two glutamate transporters: one Na+-dependent transporter and one Na+-independent transporter. The Na+-dependent uptake system presented characteristics related to the high-affinity xAG- system (EAAT1), and the Na+-independent uptake system presented characteristics related to the xCG- system, which highly contributes to glutamate transport in the retina. Glutamate shares the xCG- system with another amino acid, L-cysteine, suggesting the possible involvement of glutathione. Both transporter proteins are present mainly in Müller glial cells. GABA transporters (GATs) mediate high-affinity GABA uptake from the extracellular space and terminate the synaptic action of GABA in the central nervous system. GABA transporters can be modulated by molecules that act on specific sites to promote transporter phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. In addition to a role in the clearance of GABA, GATs may also release GABA through a reverse transport mechanism. In the chicken retina, a GAT-1 blocker, but not GAT2/3 blocker, was shown to inhibit GABA uptake, suggesting that GABA release from retina cells is mainly mediated by a GAT-1-like transporter.


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Because GABA(A) receptors containing alpha 2 subunits are highly represented in areas of the brain, such as nucleus accumbens (NAcc), frontal cortex, and amygdala, regions intimately involved in signaling motivation and reward, we hypothesized that manipulations of this receptor subtype would influence processing of rewards. Voltage-clamp recordings from NAcc medium spiny neurons of mice with alpha 2 gene deletion showed reduced synaptic GABA(A) receptor-mediated responses. Behaviorally, the deletion abolished cocaine`s ability to potentiate behaviors conditioned to rewards (conditioned reinforcement), and to support behavioral sensitization. In mice with a point mutation in the benzodiazepine binding pocket of alpha 2-GABA(A) receptors (alpha 2H101R), GABAergic neurotransmission in medium spiny neurons was identical to that of WT (i.e., the mutation was silent), but importantly, receptor function was now facilitated by the atypical benzodiazepine Ro 15-4513 (ethyl 8-amido-5,6-dihydro-5-methyl-6-oxo-4H-imidazo [1,5-a] [1,4] benzodiazepine-3-carboxylate). In alpha 2H101R, but not WT mice, Ro 15-4513 administered directly into the NAcc-stimulated locomotor activity, and when given systemically and repeatedly, induced behavioral sensitization. These data indicate that activation of alpha 2-GABA(A) receptors (most likely in NAcc) is both necessary and sufficient for behavioral sensitization. Consistent with a role of these receptors in addiction, we found specific markers and haplotypes of the GABRA2 gene to be associated with human cocaine addiction.


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This study investigated whether perinatal exposure to picrotoxin, a GABA(A) antagonist, modifies the effect of muscimol, a GABA(A) agonist, on the sexual behavior of adult male rats. Two hours after birth and then once daily during the next 9 days of lactation, dams received picrotoxin (0.75 mg/kg subcutaneously) or saline (1 ml/kg subcutaneously). The adult male offspring from the picrotoxin and saline groups received saline (1 ml/kg intraperitoneally) or muscimol (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally), and 15 min later, their sexual behavior was assessed. Muscimol treatment in the saline-exposed group increased the mount and intromission latencies. However, these effects were absent in the picrotoxin-exposed groups. The latencies to first ejaculation, postejaculatory mount, and intromission were decreased in both picrotoxin-exposed groups relative to the saline-exposed groups. The picrotoxin + muscimol-treated rats required more intromissions to ejaculate and the picrotoxin-exposed groups made more ejaculations than the saline-exposed groups. Thus, muscimol treatment did not increase the mount and intromission latencies following picrotoxin exposure, but increased the ejaculation frequency, which did not differ between the picrotoxin + muscimol and the picrotoxin + saline groups. These data indicate that perinatal picrotoxin treatment interfered with GABA(A) receptor development Behavioural Pharmacology 23:703-709 (c) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Correlations between GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)-R) activity and molecular organization of synaptosomal membranes (SM) were studied along the protocol for cholesterol (Cho) extraction with beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The mere pre-incubation (PI) at 37A degrees C accompanying the beta-CD treatment was an underlying source of perturbations increasing [H-3]-FNZ maximal binding (70%) and K (d) (38%), plus a stiffening of SMs' hydrocarbon core region. The latter was inferred from an increased compressibility modulus (K) of SM-derived Langmuir films, a blue-shifted DPH fluorescence emission spectrum and the hysteresis in DPH fluorescence anisotropy (A (DPH)) in SMs submitted to a heating-cooling cycle (4-37-4A degrees C) with A (DPH,heating) < A (DPH,cooling). Compared with PI samples, the beta-CD treatment reduced B (max) by 5% which correlated with a 45%-decrement in the relative Cho content of SM, a decrease in K and in the order parameter in the EPR spectrum of a lipid spin probe labeled at C5 (5-SASL), and significantly increased A (TMA-DPH). PI, but not beta-CD treatment, could affect the binding affinity. EPR spectra of 5-SASL complexes with beta-CD-, SM-partitioned, and free in solution showed that, contrary to what is usually assumed, beta-CD is not completely eliminated from the system through centrifugation washings. It was concluded that beta-CD treatment involves effects of at least three different types of events affecting membrane organization: (a) effect of PI on membrane annealing, (b) effect of residual beta-CD on SM organization, and (c) Cho depletion. Consequently, molecular stiffness increases within the membrane core and decreases near the polar head groups, leading to a net increase in GABA(A)-R density, relative to untreated samples.


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Previous studies have suggested that gamma-aminobutyric acid-B (GABA(B)) receptor agonists effectively reduce ethanol intake. The quantification using real-time polymerase chain reaction of Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 mRNA from the prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus, and striatum in mice exposed to an animal model of the addiction developed in our laboratory was performed to evaluate the involvement of the GABAB receptor in ethanol consumption. We used outbred, Swiss mice exposed to a three-bottle free-choice model (water, 5% v/v ethanol, and 10% v/v ethanol) that consisted of four phases: acquisition (AC), withdrawal (W), reexposure (RE), and quinine-adulteration (AD). Based on individual ethanol intake, the mice were classified into three groups: "addicted" (A group; preference for ethanol and persistent consumption during all phases), "heavy" (H group; preference for ethanol and a reduction in ethanol intake in the AD phase compared to AC phase), and "light" (L group; preference for water during all phases). In the prefrontal cortex in the A group, we found high Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels, with significantly higher Gabbr1 transcription levels compared with the C (ethanol-naive control mice). L, and H groups. In the hippocampus in the A group, Gabbr2 mRNA levels were significantly lower compared with the C, L, and H groups. In the striatum, we found a significant increase in Gabbr1 transcription levels compared with the C, L, and H groups. No differences in Gabbr1 or Gabbr2 transcription levels were observed in the hypothalamus among groups. In summary, Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels were altered in cerebral areas related to drug taking only in mice behaviorally classified as "addicted" drinkers, suggesting that these genes may contribute to high and persistent ethanol consumption. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, reduces ethanol intake in animals and humans, but the contrary or no effect was also reported. Our previous study demonstrated that mice characterized as "loss of control over ethanol intake" had different Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels, which express, respectively, the GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits in brain areas related to addictive behavior. In the present study, we tested baclofen on ethanol intake in mice exposed to the free-choice paradigm. Adult male Swiss mice, individually housed, had free access to three bottles: ethanol (5% and 10%) and water. The protocol had four phases: acquisition (AC, 10 weeks), withdrawal (W, 4 cycles during 2 weeks of 2 day-free-choice and 2 day-only-water), reexposure (RE, 2 weeks), and adulteration of ethanol solutions with quinine (AD, 2 weeks). Mice characterized as "loss of control" (A, n = 11, preference for ethanol in AC and maintenance of ethanol intake levels in AD), heavy (H, n = 11, preference for ethanol in AC and reduction of ethanol intake levels in AD), and light (L n = 16, preference for water in all phases) drinkers were randomly distributed into two subgroups receiving either intraperitoneal injections of all doses of baclofen (1.25, 2.5, and 5.0 mg/kg, given each dose twice in consecutive days) or saline, being exposed to free-choice. Fluid consumption was measured 24 h later. Baclofen reduced ethanol intake in group L In group H a reduction compared to AC was observed. Group A maintained their high ethanol intake even after baclofen treatment. Activation of the GABA(B) receptor depends on the precise balance between the GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits, so the disproportionate transcription levels, we reported in group A, could explain this lack of response to baclofen. These data highlight the importance to test baclofen in individuals with different ethanol drinking profiles, including humans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The submitted work concentrated on the study of mRNA expression of two distinct GABA transporters, GAT-1 and GAT-3, in the rat brain. For the detection and quantification of the chosen mRNAs, appropriate methods had to be established. Two methods, ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) and competitive RT-PCR were emloyed in the present study. Competitive RT-PCR worked out to be 20 times more sensitive as RPA. Unlike the sensitivity, the fidelity of both techniques was comparable with respect to their intra- and inter-assay variability.The basal mRNA levels of GAT-1 and GAT-3 were measured in various brain regions. Messenger RNAs for both transporters were detected in all tested brain regions. Depending on the region, the observed mRNA level for GAT-1 was 100-300 higher than for GAT-3. The GAT-1 mRNA levels were similar in all tested regions. The distribution of GAT-3 mRNA seemed to be more region specific. The strongest GAT-3 mRNA expression was detected in striatum, medulla oblongata and thalamus. The lowest levels of GAT-3 were in cortex frontalis and cerebellum.Furthermore, the mRNA expression for GAT-1 and GAT-3 was analysed under altered physiological conditions; in kindling model of epilepsy and also after long-term treatment drugs modulating GABAergic transmission. In kindling model of epilepsy, altered GABA transporter function was hypothesised by During and coworkers (During et al., 1995) after observed decrease in binding of nipecotic acid, a GAT ligand, in hippocampus of kindled animals. In the present work, the mRNA levels were measured in hippocampus and whole brain samples. Neither GAT-1 nor GAT-3 showed altered transcription in any tested region of kindled animals compared to controls. This leads to conclusion that an altered functionality of GABA transporters is involved in epilepsy rather than a change in their expression.The levels of GAT-1 and GAT-3 mRNAs were also measured in the brain of rats chronically treated with diazepam or zolpidem, GABAA receptor agonists. Prior to the molecular biology tests, behavioural analysis was carried out with chronically and acutely treated animals. In two tests, open field and elevated plus-maze, the basal activity exploration and anxiety-like behaviour were analysed. Zolpidem treatment increased exploratory activity. There were observed no differencies between chronically and acutely treated animals. Diazepam increased exploratory activity and decresed anxiety-like behaviour when applied acutely. This effect disappeard after chronic administration of diazepam. The loss of effect suggested a development of tolerance to effects of diazepam following long-term administration. Double treatment, acute injection of diazepam after chronic diazepam treatment, confirmed development of a tolerance to effects of diazepam. Also, the mRNAs for GAT-1 and GAT-3 were analysed in cortex frontalis, hippocampus, cerebellum and whole brain samples of chronically treated animals. The mRNA levels for any of tested GABA transporters did not show significant changes in any of tested region neither after diazepam nor zolpidem treatment. Therefore, changes in GAT-1 and GAT-3 transcription are probably not involved in adaptation of GABAergic system to long-term benzodiazepine administration and so in development of tolerance to benzodiazepines.


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Titel: Einfluss gedächtnisrelevanter Prozesse auf die Glutamat- und GABA-Freisetzung aus hippocampalen Primärkulturzellen In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein biochemisches Testsystem etabliert, mit dem es möglich ist, die Freisetzung der Aminosäure-Neurotransmitter Glutamat und GABA aus neuronalem Gewebe auf dem Vielzellniveau zu untersuchen. Der qualitative und quantitative Nachweis der beiden Neurotransmitter erfolgte mit Hilfe der Reversed-Phase-Hochleistungsflüssigkeits-Chromatographie mit Fluoreszenzdetektion. Mit dem Testsystem wurden zwei Untersuchungsreihen durchgeführt: 1.) Es wurde der Einfluss des nAChR-Agonisten Nikotin und des allosterisch an nAChR wirkenden Liganden Galanthamin auf die Glutamat- und GABA-Freisetzung aus Zellen serumfreier hippocampaler Primärkulturen untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der für einzelne hippocampale Zellen beschriebene positiv modulatorische Effekt von Nikotin auf die glutamaterge und GABAerge Neurotransmission auch auf dem Vielzellniveau über die Neurotransmitterfreisetzung nachweisbar ist. Desweiteren konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass die Nikotin-modulierte Glutamat- und GABA-Freisetzung durch den allosterisch wirkenden nAChR-Liganden Galanthamin signifikant beeinflusst wird. 2.) Es wurde der Einfluss einer LTP-ähnlichen Glutamatpotenzierung auf die GABA-Freisetzung aus serumfreien hippocampalen Primärkulturen untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass hippocampale Neuronen in potenziertem (= vorstimuliertem) Zustand auf einen zweiten Glutamat-Stimulus mit einer verringerten GABA-Freisetzung reagieren. Dieser Effekt wird im Wesentlichen über die ionotropen Glutamatrezeptoren vermittelt.