176 resultados para GZK neutrinos
In dieser Dissertation wird der seltene Zerfall K_L->emu imRahmen eines verallgemeinerten Standardmodells detailliertstudiert. In diesem Prozess bleibt die zu einer gegebenen Familie gehoerende Leptonenzahl nicht erhalten. Deswegenwerden unsere Untersuchungen im Rahmen der SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y-und SU(2)_R x SU(2)_L x U(1)_{B-L}-Modelle mit schwerenMajorana-Neutrinos ausgefuehrt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit betreffen dieBerechnung des Verzweigungsverhaeltnisses fuer den ZerfallK_L->emu. Im SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y-Modell mit schwerenMajorana-Neutrinos wird eine deutliche Steigerung desVerzweigungsverhaeltnisses gefunden, jedoch liegen dieerhaltenen Ergebnisse um einige Groessenordnungen unter derjetzigen experimentellen Grenze. Benutzt man das gewaehlte,auf der SU(2)_R x SU(2)_L x U(1)_{B-L}$-Eichgruppebasierende Modell mit Links-Rechts-Symmetrie, dann erhoehtdie Anwesenheit der links- und rechtshaendigen Stroeme inden Schleifendiagrammen deutlich den Wert desVerzweigungsverhaeltnisses. Dadurch koennen sich Werte inder Naehe der aktuellen experimentellen Grenze vonB(K_L->emu) < 4.7 x 10^{-12} ergeben. Um unsere Ergebnisse zu untermauern, wird die Frage derEichinvarianz bei diesem Zerfallsprozess auf demEin-Schleifen-Niveau mit besonderer Aufmerksamkeitbehandelt. Ein sogenanntes ,,on-shell skeleton``Renormierungsschema wird benutzt, um die erste vollstaendigeAnalyse der Eichinvarianz fuer den Prozess K_L->emuauszufuehren.
A search for prompt neutrinos is performed with an analysis of the atmospheric neutrino data recorded by the AMANDA-II detector at the geographical South Pole in the years 2000-2003. The spectrum is reconstructed and limits on prompt production models spectrum are set according to our measurements.
Supernovae are among the most energetic events occurring in the universe and are so far the only verified extrasolar source of neutrinos. As the explosion mechanism is still not well understood, recording a burst of neutrinos from such a stellar explosion would be an important benchmark for particle physics as well as for the core collapse models. The neutrino telescope IceCube is located at the Geographic South Pole and monitors the antarctic glacier for Cherenkov photons. Even though it was conceived for the detection of high energy neutrinos, it is capable of identifying a burst of low energy neutrinos ejected from a supernova in the Milky Way by exploiting the low photomultiplier noise in the antarctic ice and extracting a collective rate increase. A signal Monte Carlo specifically developed for water Cherenkov telescopes is presented. With its help, we will investigate how well IceCube can distinguish between core collapse models and oscillation scenarios. In the second part, nine years of data taken with the IceCube precursor AMANDA will be analyzed. Intensive data cleaning methods will be presented along with a background simulation. From the result, an upper limit on the expected occurrence of supernovae within the Milky Way will be determined.
Uno dei più importanti campi di ricerca che coinvolge gli astrofisici è la comprensione della Struttura a Grande Scala dell'universo. I principi della Formazione delle Strutture sono ormai ben saldi, e costituiscono la base del cosiddetto "Modello Cosmologico Standard". Fino agli inizi degli anni 2000, la teoria che spiegava con successo le proprietà statistiche dell'universo era la cosiddetta "Teoria Perturbativa Standard". Attraverso simulazioni numeriche e osservazioni di qualità migliore, si è evidenziato il limite di quest'ultima teoria nel descrivere il comportamento dello spettro di potenza su scale oltre il regime lineare. Ciò spinse i teorici a trovare un nuovo approccio perturbativo, in grado di estendere la validità dei risultati analitici. In questa Tesi si discutono le teorie "Renormalized Perturbation Theory"e"Multipoint Propagator". Queste nuove teorie perturbative sono la base teorica del codice BisTeCca, un codice numerico originale che permette il calcolo dello spettro di potenza a 2 loop e del bispettro a 1 loop in ordine perturbativo. Come esempio applicativo, abbiamo utilizzato BisTeCca per l'analisi dei bispettri in modelli di universo oltre la cosmologia standard LambdaCDM, introducendo una componente di neutrini massicci. Si mostrano infine gli effetti su spettro di potenza e bispettro, ottenuti col nostro codice BisTeCca, e si confrontano modelli di universo con diverse masse di neutrini.
In the year 2013, the detection of a diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux with the IceCube neutrino telescope – constructed at the geographic South Pole – was announced by the IceCube collaboration. However, the origin of these neutrinos is still unknown as no sources have been identified to this day. Promising neutrino source candidates are blazars, which are a subclass of active galactic nuclei with radio jets pointing towards the Earth. In this thesis, the neutrino flux from blazars is tested with a maximum likelihood stacking approach, analyzing the combined emission from uniform groups of objects. The stacking enhances the sensitivity w.r.t. the still unsuccessful single source searches. The analysis utilizes four years of IceCube data including one year from the completed detector. As all results presented in this work are compatible with background, upper limits on the neutrino flux are given. It is shown that, under certain conditions, some hadronic blazar models can be challenged or even rejected. Moreover, the sensitivity of this analysis – and any other future IceCube point source search – was enhanced by the development of a new angular reconstruction method. It is based on a detailed simulation of the photon propagation in the Antarctic ice. The median resolution for muon tracks, induced by high-energy neutrinos, is improved for all neutrino energies above IceCube’s lower threshold at 0.1TeV. By reprocessing the detector data and simulation from the year 2010, it is shown that the new method improves IceCube’s discovery potential by 20% to 30% depending on the declination.
Neutrinos represent a new “window” to the Universe, spanning a large range of energy. We discuss the science of neutrino astrophysics and focus on two energy regimes. At “lower” energies (≈1 MeV), studies of neutrinos born inside the sun, or produced in interactions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere, have allowed the first incontrovertible evidence that neutrinos have mass. At energies typically one thousand to one million times higher, sources further than the sun (both within the Milky Way and beyond) are expected to produce a flux of particles that can be detected only through neutrinos.
The Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to neutrinos of all flavors above 0.1 EeV. These interact through charged and neutral currents in the atmosphere giving rise to extensive air showers. When interacting deeply in the atmosphere at nearly horizontal incidence, neutrinos can be distinguished from regular hadronic cosmic rays by the broad time structure of their shower signals in the water-Cherenkov detectors. In this paper we present for the first time an analysis based on down-going neutrinos. We describe the search procedure, the possible sources of background, the method to compute the exposure and the associated systematic uncertainties. No candidate neutrinos have been found in data collected from 1 January 2004 to 31 May 2010. Assuming an E-2 differential energy spectrum the limit on the single-flavor neutrino is E(2)dN/dE < 1.74 x 10(-7)GeVcm(-2)s(-1)sr(-1) at 90% C.L. in the energy range 1 x 10(17) eV < E < 1 x 10(20)eV.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The origin of observed ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs, energies in excess of $10^{18.5}$ eV) remains unknown, as extragalactic magnetic fields deflect these charged particles from their true origin. Interactions of these UHECRs at their source would invariably produce high energy neutrinos. As these neutrinos are chargeless and nearly massless, their propagation through the universe is unimpeded and their detection can be correlated with the origin of UHECRs. Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are one of the few possible origins for UHECRs, observed as short, immensely bright outbursts of gamma-rays at cosmological distances. The energy density of GRBs in the universe is capable of explaining the measured UHECR flux, making them promising UHECR sources. Interactions between UHECRs and the prompt gamma-ray emission of a GRB would produce neutrinos that would be detected in coincidence with the GRB’s gamma-ray emission. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory can be used to search for these neutrinos in coincidence with GRBs, detecting neutrinos through the Cherenkov radiation emitted by secondary charged particles produced in neutrino interactions in the South Pole glacial ice. Restricting these searches to be in coincidence with GRB gamma-ray emis- sion, analyses can be performed with very little atmospheric background. Previous searches have focused on detecting muon tracks from muon neutrino interactions fromthe Northern Hemisphere, where the Earth shields IceCube’s primary background of atmospheric muons, or spherical cascade events from neutrinos of all flavors from the entire sky, with no compelling neutrino signal found. Neutrino searches from GRBs with IceCube have been extended to a search for muon tracks in the Southern Hemisphere in coincidence with 664 GRBs over five years of IceCube data in this dissertation. Though this region of the sky contains IceCube’s primary background of atmospheric muons, it is also where IceCube is most sensitive to neutrinos at the very highest energies as Earth absorption in the Northern Hemisphere becomes relevant. As previous neutrino searches have strongly constrained neutrino production in GRBs, a new per-GRB analysis is introduced for the first time to discover neutrinos in coincidence with possibly rare neutrino-bright GRBs. A stacked analysis is also performed to discover a weak neutrino signal distributed over many GRBs. Results of this search are found to be consistent with atmospheric muon backgrounds. Combining this result with previously published searches for muon neutrino tracks in the Northern Hemisphere, cascade event searches over the entire sky, and an extension of the Northern Hemisphere track search in three additional years of IceCube data that is consistent with atmospheric backgrounds, the most stringent limits yet can be placed on prompt neutrino production in GRBs, which increasingly disfavor GRBs as primary sources of UHECRs in current GRB models.
We present a measurement of the top quark mass with t-tbar dilepton events produced in p-pbar collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron $\sqrt{s}$=1.96 TeV and collected by the CDF II detector. A sample of 328 events with a charged electron or muon and an isolated track, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.9 fb$^{-1}$, are selected as t-tbar candidates. To account for the unconstrained event kinematics, we scan over the phase space of the azimuthal angles ($\phi_{\nu_1},\phi_{\nu_2}$) of neutrinos and reconstruct the top quark mass for each $\phi_{\nu_1},\phi_{\nu_2}$ pair by minimizing a $\chi^2$ function in the t-tbar dilepton hypothesis. We assign $\chi^2$-dependent weights to the solutions in order to build a preferred mass for each event. Preferred mass distributions (templates) are built from simulated t-tbar and background events, and parameterized in order to provide continuous probability density functions. A likelihood fit to the mass distribution in data as a weighted sum of signal and background probability density functions gives a top quark mass of $165.5^{+{3.4}}_{-{3.3}}$(stat.)$\pm 3.1$(syst.) GeV/$c^2$.