272 resultados para GLIOMA


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Background: Gamma-linolenic acid is a known inhibitor of tumour cell proliferation and migration in both in vitro and in vivo conditions. The aim of the present study was to determine the mechanisms by which gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) osmotic pump infusion alters glioma cell proliferation, and whether it affects cell cycle control and angiogenesis in the C6 glioma in vivo. Methods: Established C6 rat gliomas were treated for 14 days with 5 mM GLA in CSF or CSF alone. Tumour size was estimated, microvessel density (MVD) counted and protein and mRNA expression measured by immunohistochemistry, western blotting and RT-PCR. Results: GLA caused a significant decrease in tumour size (75 +/- 8.8%) and reduced MVD by 44 +/- 5.4%. These changes were associated with reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (71 +/- 16%) and the VEGF receptor Flt1 (57 +/- 5.8%) but not Flk1. Expression of ERK1/2 was also reduced by 27 +/- 7.7% and 31 +/- 8.7% respectively. mRNA expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2) was reduced by 35 +/- 6.8% and zymography showed MMP2 proteolytic activity was reduced by 32 +/- 8.5%. GLA altered the expression of several proteins involved in cell cycle control. pRb protein expression was decreased (62 +/- 18%) while E2F1 remained unchanged. Cyclin D1 protein expression was increased by 42 +/- 12% in the presence of GLA. The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 responded differently to GLA, p27 expression was increased (27 +/- 7.3%) while p21 remained unchanged. The expression of p53 was increased (44 +/- 16%) by GLA. Finally, the BrdU incorporation studies found a significant inhibition (32 +/- 11%) of BrdU incorporation into the tumour in vivo. Conclusion: Overall the findings reported in the present study lend further support to the potential of GLA as an inhibitor of glioma cell proliferation in vivo and show it has direct effects upon cell cycle control and angiogenesis. These effects involve changes in protein expression of VEGF, Flt1, ERK1, ERK2, MMP2, Cyclin D1, pRb, p53 and p27. Combination therapy using drugs with other, complementary targets and GLA could lead to gains in treatment efficacy in this notoriously difficult to treat tumour.


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Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an inhibitor of tumor cell proliferation in both in vitro and in vivo conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 150 mu M GLA on the expression of E2F1, cyclin D1, bax, bcl2, Ku70, and Ku80 in C6 rat glioma cells. The Ku proteins were chosen as previous studies have shown that loss or reduction in their expression causes increased DNA damage and micronucleus formation in the presence of radiation. The fact that GLA exposure is known to enhance the efficacy of radiation treatment raised the question whether the Ku proteins could be involved in this effect as seen for other molecules such as roscovitine and flavopiridol. GLA altered the mRNA expression of E2F1, cyclin D1, and bax, but no changes were found for bcl2, Ku70, and Ku80. Alterations in protein expression were observed for bax, Ku80, and E2F1. The 45% decrease in E2F1 expression was proportional to decreased cell proliferation (44%). Morphological analysis found a 25% decrease in mitotic activity in the GLA-treated cells, which was accompanied by a 49% decrease in S-phase by FACS analysis. A 39% increase in the number of micronuclei detected by Hoechst fluorescence points to GLA`s effects on cell division even at concentrations that do not produce significant increases in apoptosis. Most important was the finding that Ku80 expression, a critical protein involved in DNA repair as a heterodimer with Ku70, was decreased by 71%. It is probable that reduced Ku80 is responsible for the increase in micronucleus formation in GLA-treated cells in a similar manner to that found in Ku80 null cells exposed to radiation. The decreased expression of Ku80 and E2F1 could make cells more susceptible to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. (C) 2009 IUBMB


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Upon searching for glucocorticoid-regulated cDNA sequences associated with the transformed to normal phenotypic reversion of C6/ST1 rat glioma cells, we identified Nrp/b (nuclear restrict protein in brain) as a novel rat gene. Here we report on the identification and functional characterization of the complete sequence encoding the rat NRP/B protein. The cloned cDNA presented a 1767 nucleotides open-reading frame encoding a 589 aminoacids residues sequence containing a BTB/POZ (broad complex Tramtrack bric-a-brac/Pox virus and zinc finger) domain in its N-terminal region and kelch motifs in its C-terminal region. Sequence analysis indicates that the rat Nrp/b displays a high level of identity with the equivalent gene orthologs from other organisms. Among rat tissues, Nrp/b expression is more pronounced in brain tissue. We show that overexpression of the Nrp/b cDNA in C6/ST1 cells suppresses anchorage independence in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo, altering their malignant nature towards a more benign phenotype. Therefore, Nrp/b may be postulated as a novel tumor suppressorgene, with possible relevance for glioblastoma therapy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gliomas são os mais comuns e devastadores tumores primários do sistema nervoso central. Os nucleotídeos da adenina são moléculas sinalizadoras no meio extracelular, envolvidas em importantes condições fisiológicas e patológicas. O ATP, neurotransmissor excitatório, e a adenosina, neuromoduladora, entre outros efeitos, podem induzir proliferação celular em linhagens de gliomas. Os eventos induzidos pelos nucleotídeos extracelulares são controlados pela ação das E-NTPDases, que hidrolisam o ATP até adenosina extracelularmente. Recentes estudos epidemiológicos têm sugerido que os flavonóides derivados da dieta, em particular a quercetina, apresentam um papel benéfico em prevenir ou inibir a tumorigênese. Assim, primeiramente nós avaliamos o efeito antiproliferativo da quercetina em linhagem de glioma humano U138MG. O estudo demonstrou que este flavonóide induziu em cultura de gliomas: (1) diminuição da proliferação e da viabilidade celular; (2) morte celular via necrose e apoptose; (3) parada no ciclo celular na fase G2 e (4) diminuição do índice mitótico. Além disso, nós demonstramos que a quercetina, enquanto promoveu regressão tumoral, protegeu culturas organotípicas hipocampais do dano isquêmico. Em conjunto, esses dados sugerem que a quercetina exibe efeitos antiproliferativos direcionados para as células tumorais e reduzida citotoxicidade para células normais, características altamente desejáveis na quimioterapia. Dados do nosso laboratório demonstram que o metabolismo extracelular das purinas encontra-se alterado em linhagens de gliomas com relação a culturas de astrócitos, sugerindo que mudanças no sistema purinérgico podem ser uma característica dos gliomas que potencialmente podem contribuir para o seu fenótipo de malignidade. Assim, o passo seguinte desse trabalho foi investigar o perfil de secreção dos derivados da adenina, o metabolismo extracelular do AMP e a ação da quercetina sobre o sistema purinérgico. As culturas de glioma apresentaram secreção de ATP, o qual foi detectado em maiores níveis com relação as outras moléculas avaliadas, ADP, AMP, adenosina e inosina. O AMP extracelular foi eficientemente metabolizado pelos gliomas, demonstrando uma ecto-5’-NT/CD73 muito ativa. Adicionalmente, quercetina interagiu com o sistema purinérgico, inibindo não-competitivamente a atividade da ecto-5’-NT/CD73 e modulando negativamente a sua expressão. Nós sugerimos que a inibição da atividade da ecto-5’-NT/CD73 pode resultar em um decréscimo na disponibilidade de adenosina extracelular, uma promotora tumoral. Tal efeito pode estar correlacionado com a inibição da proliferação promovida pela quercetina nessa linhagem de glioma. Nossos dados sugerem que a quercetina pode ter uma função importante na inibição da proliferação dos gliomas, atuando em diferentes vias de sinalização, incluindo o sistema purinérgico. Assim, esse estudo abre novas perspectivas para as potenciais aplicações dos flavonóides na prevenção e tratamento de tumores cerebrais.


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Ecteinascidina 743 (ET-743) é uma nova droga isolada de um tunicado marinho, a Ecteinascidia turbinata, que está na fase III dos estudos clínicos por sua marcada atividade anticâncer. Apesar de seu mecanismo de ação não estar completamente elucidado, tem sido demonstrado que a ET-743 se liga ao DNA formando adutos covalentes com o N2 da guanina. Além disso, a ET-743 tem sido relatada como potente inibidora da transcrição. No presente estudo, utilizou-se como modelo para a investigação dos efeitos antiproliferativos deste composto a linhagem celular derivada de glioblastoma humano, U-251 MG. Uma vez que o foco principal de atenção nos estudos sobre o mecanismo de ação da ET-743 esteja concentrado em suas interações com o DNA, a autora buscou avaliar outros aspectos de sua atividade antiproliferativa, quais sejam, o seu efeito sobre a distribuição das células no ciclo celular, sobre a atividade de enzimas associadas ao processo de apoptose, bem como sobre o conteúdo celular da proteína Hsp70. Em incubações de 0,5 nM por 48 h, a ET-743 causou um significante acúmulo das células na fase G2M do ciclo celular, o mesmo ocorrendo com doses mais elevadas (1,0 e 1,5) e incubações mais prolongadas (72 h). A ET-743 induziu morte celular dose-dependente e este efeito foi significativamente prevenido pelo inibidor de caspases z-VAD-fmk. Contudo, não foi observado aumento significativo nos níveis de Hsp70 após tratamento com ET-743. Considerando que alta expressão de Hsp70 é um dos principais mecanismos de proteção das células em condições de estresse, incluindo-se o tratamento com drogas citotóxicas, a não elevação de seus níveis na presença da ET-374 pode estar, ao menos em parte, relacionada à citotoxicidade produzida por este agente na linhagem estudada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O glioma cordoide é um tumor cerebral raro, recentemente descrito, localizado na região do terceiro ventrículo e com características histológicas, imuno-histoquímicas e ultraestruturais peculiares. Este estudo ilustra um caso de glioma cordoide do terceiro ventrículo em uma paciente de 59 anos de idade.


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There have been several recent reports of cytokeratin immunoreactivity in glial cells and tumors. We wanted to further test these tissues for cytokeratin immunoreactivity, and to determine whether antibody positivity corresponded to true cytokeratin expression. In the first set of experiments, a series of 10 formalin-fixed, frozen sections of glial tissue were employed; positive immunostaining with a cocktail of monoclonal anti-cytokeratin antibodies was seen only when a pepsin predigestion step was included in the immunostaining procedure. In the second set of experiments, 30 cases of malignant glioma fixed in both methacarn and formalin fixation were employed. Using a panel of three different anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies (35 beta H11, 34 beta E12, CAM5.2), no positive immunostaining was observed in any of the methacarn-fixed tissues; positive immunostaining in the corresponding formalin-fixed tissue was frequently found, but only using the antibodies (35 beta H11, 34 beta E12) requiring enzyme predigestion. In the third set of experiments, immunoblots were performed on cytoskeletal extracts of human gliomas; no bands corresponding to known cytokeratins were observed in any cases. It is concluded that glial tissues and tumors do not, in fact, truly express cytokeratins, despite the fact that it is possible to obtain positive immunostaining of glial tumors and tissues using certain anti-cytokeratin antibodies under certain laboratory conditions.


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Invasive behavior is the pathological hallmark of malignant gliomas, being responsible for the failure of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are essential for proper ECM remodeling and invasion. The tumor and metastasis suppressor RECK protein regulates at least three members of the MMPs family: MMP-2, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP. In order to mimic the in vivo invasion process, A172 and T98G, respectively, non-invasive and invasive human glioblastoma cell lines, were cultured onto uncoated (control) or type I collagen gel-coated surface, and maintained for up to 7 days to allow establishment of the invasive process. We show that the collagen substrate causes decreased growth rates and morphological alterations correlated with the invasive phenotype. Electronic transmission microscopy of T98G cells revealed membrane invaginations resembling podosomes, which are typically found in cells in the process of crossing tissue boundaries, since they constitute sites of ECM degradation. Real time PCR revealed higher RECK mRNA expression in A172 cells, when compared to T98G cells and, also, in samples obtained from cultures where the invasive process was fully established. Interestingly, the collagen substrate increases RECK expression in A172 cells and the same tendency is displayed by T98G cells. MMPs-2 and -9 displayed higher levels of expression and activity in T98G cells, and their activities are also upregulated by collagen. Therefore, we suggest that: (1) RECK down regulation is critical for the invasiveness process displayed by T98G cells; (2) type 1 collagen could be employed to modulate RECK expression in glioblastoma cell lines. Since a positive correlation between RECK expression and patients survival has been noted in several types of tumors, our results may contribute to elucidate the complex mechanisms of malignant gliomas invasiveness.


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The C6 rat glioma cell line is responsive to glucocorticoid hormones. C6 variants that are hyper-responsive (ST1) and resistant (P7) to hormone treatment have been derived previously. Glucocorticoid treatment of ST1 cells leads to complete reversion of the transformed phenotype and loss of tumorigenic potential. Production of C type retrovirus particles is also induced by glucocorticoids in ST1 cells. Cloning of the genes regulated by glucocorticoids in this cell system was used here as a strategy to uncover the gene products involved in the transformed-to-normal phenotypic change. Construction of a cDNA library from glucocorticoid-treated ST1 cells and screening by differential hybridization resulted in the isolation of three cellular sequences that code for rat metallothioneins (C27 and C41) and α1-acid glycoprotein (C36). Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of these genes was dramatically induced by hydrocortisone in ST1 but not in P7 cells. Viral genomic RNA was used to isolate and characterize retrovirus-related sequences that could also be responsible for the phenotypic reversion phenomenon.


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Morphine is a potent analgesic opioid used extensively for pain treatment. During the last decade, global consumption grew more than 4-fold. However, molecular mechanisms elicited by morphine are not totally understood. Thus, a growing literature indicates that there are additional actions to the analgesic effect. Previous studies about morphine and oxidative stress are controversial and used concentrations outside the range of clinical practice. Therefore, in this study, we hypothesized that a therapeutic concentration of morphine (1 μM) would show a protective effect in a traditional model of oxidative stress. We exposed the C6 glioma cell line to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or morphine for 24 h and evaluated cell viability, lipid peroxidation, and levels of sulfhydryl groups (an indicator of the redox state of the cell). Morphine did not prevent the decrease in cell viability provoked by H2O2) but partially prevented lipid peroxidation caused by 0.0025% H2O2) (a concentration allowing more than 90% cell viability). Interestingly, this opioid did not alter the increased levels of sulfhydryl groups produced by exposure to 0.0025% H2O2), opening the possibility that alternative molecular mechanisms (a direct scavenging activity or the inhibition of NAPDH oxidase) may explain the protective effect registered in the lipid peroxidation assay. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that morphine in usual analgesic doses may contribute to minimizing oxidative stress in cells of glial origin. This study supports the importance of employing concentrations similar to those used in clinical practice for a better approximation between experimental models and the clinical setting.


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Intracranial neoplasms are common causes of neurological disorders in middle-aged and elderly dogs. With the feasibility of computed tomography, it is now possible to determine the extent and exact location of brain tumors, identifying them ante mortem in dogs and cats. This paper aims to report the occurrence of a mixed glioma in a Boxer dog examined at the Veterinary Hospital of Unesp, Botucatu Campus. The animal presented with a brain syndrome of acute onset and progressive course. CT scan showed the presence of a mass in the right cerebral hemisphere extending from the frontal to the parietal region and involving the basal ganglia. Given the gravity of the neurological disorder, the owner chose to perform euthanasia. Microscopic analysis of the mass allowed the diagnosis of mixed glioma.


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Nasal gliomas are rare benign congenital midline tumors composed of heterotopic neuroglial tissue. They have potential for intracranial extension through a bony defect in the skull base. Neuroimaging is essential for identifying nasal lesions and for determining their exact location and any possible intracranial extension. Computed tomography is often the initial imaging study obtained because it provides good visualization of the bony landmarks of the skull base; it is not, however, well suited for soft tissue imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging has better soft tissue resolution and may be the best initial study in patients seen early in life because the anterior skull base consists of an unossified cartilage and may falsely appear as if there is a bony dehiscence on computed tomography. A frontal craniotomy approach is recommended if intracranial extension is identified, followed by a transnasal endoscopic approach for intranasal glioma. A case is presented of a huge fetal facial mass that was shown by ultrasound that protruded through the left nostril at 33 weeks of gestation. Computed tomography of the neonate suggested a transethmoidal encephalocele. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a huge mass occupying the nasopharynx and the nasal cavity and protruding externally to the face but ruled out bony discontinuity in the skull base and, therefore, any intracranial connection. The infant underwent an endoscopic resection of the mass via oral and nasal routes and pathologic examination revealed intranasal glioma. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a promising method for both investigation and therapeutic treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders and, more recently, for brain mapping. This study describes the application of navigated TMS for motor cortex mapping in patients with a brain tumor located close to the precentral gyrus. Materials and methods: In this prospective study, six patients with low-grade gliomas in or near the precentral gyrus underwent TMS, and their motor responses were correlated to locations in the cortex around the lesion, generating a functional map overlaid on three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain. To determine the accuracy of this new method, we compared TMS mapping with the gold standard mapping with direct cortical electrical stimulation in surgery. The same navigation system and TMS-generated map were used during the surgical resection procedure. Results: The motor cortex could be clearly mapped using both methods. The locations corresponding to the hand and forearm, found during intraoperative mapping, showed a close spatial relationship to the homotopic areas identified by TMS mapping. The mean distance between TMS and direct cortical electrical stimulation (DES) was 4.16 +/- 1.02 mm (range: 2.56-5.27 mm). Conclusion: Preoperative mapping of the motor cortex with navigated TMS prior to brain tumor resection is a useful presurgical planning tool with good accuracy.


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Background: The most frequent and malignant brain cancer is glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). In gliomas, tumor progression and poor prognosis are associated with the tumorigenic ability of the cells. U87MG cells (wild-type p53) are known to be tumorigenic in nude mice, but T98G cells (mutant p53) are not tumorigenic. We investigated the proteomic profiling of these two cell lines in order to gain new insights into the mechanisms that may be involved in tumorigenesis. Results: We found 24 differentially expressed proteins between T98G and U87MG cells. Gene Ontology supports the notion that over-representation of differentially expressed proteins is involved in glycolysis, cell migration and stress oxidative response. Among those associated with the glycolysis pathway, TPIS and LDHB are up-regulated in U87MG cells. Measurement of glucose consumption and lactate production suggests that glycolysis is more effective in U87MG cells. On the other hand, G6PD expression was 3-fold higher in T98G cells and this may indicate a shift to the pentose-phosphate pathway. Moreover, GRP78 expression was also three-fold higher in T98G than in U87MG cells. Under thapsigargin treatment both cell lines showed increased GRP78 expression and the effect of this agent was inversely correlated to cell migration. Quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of GRP78 in patient samples indicated a higher level of expression of GRP78 in grade IV tumors compared to grade I and non-neoplastic tissues, respectively. Conclusions: Taken together, these results suggest an important role of proteins involved in key functions such as glycolysis and cell migration that may explain the difference in tumorigenic ability between these two glioma cell lines and that may be extrapolated to the differential aggressiveness of glioma tumors.