934 resultados para GILLES DELEUZE


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Fil: Prósperi, Germán. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Prósperi, Germán. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Although the transition from the movement-image to the time-image is among the most commented-upon Deleuzian problems, Gilles Deleuze neglected the previous transition from ‘images in movement’ to the first regime of the movement-images. As my approach will be transhistorical, focusing especially on early silent movies and recently expanded cinema through early moving images (Lumière Brothers) and 1970s structural films (Malcolm Le Grice), I will reflect on how we can think time and moving images outside of this closed Deleuzian movement-image/time-image conceptual framework. In other words, we can ask: how can we expand this conceptual framework? Drawing on David Martin-Jones’ ‘attraction-image’, my aim is to explore the role of early cinema and the reasons for Gilles Deleuze’s own historical and technical (mis)judgement of early silent cinema. In this sense, the emergent studies on the history of early silent movies, and the growing field of Deleuzian studies on film, together have an important role on the philosophical and historiographical analysis of film’s expression of time and modernity.


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En la literatura existente sobre la obra de Gilles Deleuze existe un vacío en lo que concierne a la relación entre sus dos tesis doctorales: Spinoza y el problema de la expresión y Diferencia y repetición. Esta tesis le apuesta a una lectura en paralelo de ambos textos para no solo develar sus arquitecturas conceptuales sino también para proponer conexiones novedosas entra ambos: la ontología de Deleuze puede reconstruirse a partir de su interés por los modos finitos de Spinoza y por una actualización contemporánea del problema de la individuación.


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The late French philosopher Gilles Deleuze has enjoyed significant notoriety and acclaim in American academia over the last 20 years. The unique disciplinary focus of the contemporary discussion has derived from Deleuze the architectural possibilities of biotechnology, systems theory, and digital processualism. While the persistence of Deleuze’s theory of science and the formalist readings of Mille Plateaux and Le Bergsonisme have dominated the reception since the 1990s, few are aware of a much earlier encounter between Deleuze and architects, beginning at Columbia University in the 1970s, which converged on the radical politics of Anti-OEdipus and its American reception in the journal Semiotext(e), through which architecture engaged a much broader discourse alongside artists, musicians, filmmakers, and intellectuals in the New York aesthetic underground, of which Deleuze and Félix Guattari were themselves a part.


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Architecture for a Free Subjectivity reformulates the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze's model of subjectivity for architecture, by surveying the prolific effects of architectural encounter, and the spaces that figure in them. For Deleuze and his Lacanian collaborator Félix Guattari, subjectivity does not refer to a person, but to the potential for and event of matter becoming subject, and the myriad ways for this to take place. By extension, this book theorizes architecture as a self-actuating or creative agency for the liberation of purely "impersonal effects." Imagine a chemical reaction, a riot in the banlieues, indeed a walk through a city. Simone Brott declares that the architectural object does not merely take part in the production of subjectivity, but that it constitutes its own.


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My thesis is an exploration of the architectural production surrounding the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, specifically, through the overarching theme of Deleuze’s theory of subjectivity, which I will call subjectivization. I interpret this to mean the strange coalescence of matter, architectural subject, and event, in architectural experience and culture. I speculate that subjectivization presents a yet under-explored dimension of deleuzianism in architecture. In order to develop this I pursue two independent trajectories: firstly the narrative of architectural production surrounding Deleuze, from the 1970s until today, as it is an emergence of changing groupings, alliances, formations and disbandment in the pursuit of creative-intellectual tasks—what might be called the subjectivization of architecture—and, secondly, through a speculation about the architecture of subjectivization—that is, an attempt to explore, concretely, what might be the space and time of subjectivization. Chapter One traces an oral history of deleuzianism in architecture, through conversations with Sanford Kwinter and John Rajchman, describing how the Deleuze milieu makes its way into architectural practice and discussion—subjectivization as a social and cultural emergence—whereas Chapter Two theorizes the emergence of an architectural subjectivity where architecture constitutes its own affective event—what I call subjectivization or material becoming-subject.


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The work of Gilles Deleuze has influenced an increasing number of music scholars and practicing musicians, particularly those interested in experimental, electronic and popular music. This is despite the notoriously complex nature of his writings, and the specialised theoretical vocabulary that he employs. This thesis both demystifies some of the key terms and concepts of this vocabulary, before demonstrating how Deleuze’s ideas may be put to work in new and fruitful ways; this is achieved with specific reference to the relationships that music has with thought, time and machines. In Chapter 1, Deleuze’s understanding of the power of thought is examined, in particular his approach to communication, transcendence and immanence, and the “powers of thought.” Each of these concepts helps us to understand Deleuze’s work within broad problem of how to think about music immanently: that is, how to maintain that thought and music are both immanent aspects of life and experience. Chapter 2 examines time within a Deleuzian framework, linking his work on cinema with the concept of the “refrain”; both of these areas prove crucial to his understanding of music, as seen in Deleuze’s approach to the work of Varese, Messiaen, and Boulez. In addition, Deleuze’s understanding of time proves fruitful in examining various aspects of music production, as seen in contemporary electronic dance music. Finally, Chapter 3 looks at the concept of the machine, as developed by Deleuze and Guattari, with reference to the sorts of “machinic” connections that a Deleuzian approach encourages us to seek out in music. Once again, examples from contemporary electronic music are presented, in relation to the notions of becoming and subjectivity. Throughout these chapters, Deleuze’s broad understanding of philosophy as the “creation of concepts” is deployed. This means introducing new ideas and specific types of music that encourage creative and novel engagements with the study of music.


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Este trabalho tem como desafio falar da Literatura como experimentação de vida, sob a ótica filosofia. A prática de uma abordagem filosófica tendo como horizonte o universo da escrita tende a enriquecer as duas práticas. E sobretudo, a vida, quando não é separada do pensamento. O desafio é mostrar que a vida está presente em todas as manifestações do que é vivo. Sem distinção quanto a sujeito, objeto ou representação. Experimentar é dar as mãos a vida e seus infinitos modos de ser. Não obstante, o trabalho busca mostrar que a arte é essencialmente experimentalista. E que múltiplos caminhos podem levar a ela. Para a enorme tafera temos a companhia de Gilles Deleuze, grande filósofo francês, e seu, não menos importante parceiro, Félix Guattari. Em específico, trata-se de um trabalho que investiga os trajetos da Linguagem como instrumento de expressão em todos os caminhos e conexões possíveis. Deleuze encontrou na Literatura um destino para a criação, uma inspiração para a vida. Ele vislumbrou o escrever como experiência de Devir, como prática essencial, abertura da estrada para o desejo e para a fala coletiva. Para Deleuze, a linguagem é algo vivo, que sofre desvios, que enriquece na medida que se conecta com o seu fora. A linguagem é algo que cresce e se retrai de acordo com os agenciamentos que a envolvem. Falaremos do sopro que emerge das as entrelinhas do texto, o ilimitado da rachadura, a força dos signos. Em suma, falemos da força da escrita e da escritura de novos destinos.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho será investigar algumas das teses de Arthur Danto, que reconhece nas práticas artísticas contemporâneas um ponto de inflexão a partir do qual um novo paradigma artístico, ainda hoje em plena vigência, teria se imposto. Abordaremos a obra de Danto a partir do ponto de vista de Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, que em O que é a Filosofia? Afirmam ser a filosofia uma criação que consistiria de três elementos fundamentais, quais sejam: o plano de imanência, os conceitos e os personagens conceituais. Assim, utilizaremos esta perspectiva para definir o plano de imanência de Danto, bem como seus conceitos e personagens, aproveitando para refletir sobre a relevância e validade filosófica de associar escolas filosóficas antagônicas, tais como a filosofia americana e a filosofia francesa.


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Abstract (Re)thinking Bodies: Deleuze and Guattari 's becoming-woman seeks to explore the notion of becoming-woman, as put forth by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their collaborative 1982 text, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, and as received by such prominent feminist theorists as Rosi Braidotti and Elizabeth Grosz. Arguing that the fairly decisive repudiation of this concept by some feminist theorists has been based on a critical misunderstanding, this project endeavors to clarify becomingwoman by exploring various conceptions of the body put forth by Baruch de Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche and Simone de Beauvoir. These conceptions of the body are indispensible to an appreciation of Deleuze and Guattari's notion of a body lived on both an immanent and transcendent plane, which, in turn, is indispensable to an appreciation of the concept of becoming (and, in particular, the concept of becoming-woman) as intended by Deleuze and Guattari.


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The present thesis is an attempt to bring into dialogue what appear to be two radically different approaches of negotiating subjectivity in late Western Modernity. Here the thought of Julia Kristeva as well as Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari are fully engaged. These thinkers, the latter two being considered as one, have until now remained strangers to one another. Consequently much confusion has amassed concerning their respective philosophical, as well as social/political projects. I take up the position that Deleuze and Guattari's account of subjectivity is a commendable attempt to understand a particular type of historical subject: late modern Western man. However I claim that their account comes up short insofar as I argue that they lack the theoretical language in order to fully, and successfully, make their point. Thus I argue that their system does not stand up to its own claims. On the contrary, by embracing the psychoanalytic tradition - staying rather close to the Freudian and Kleinian schools of thought - I argue that it is in fact Kristeva that is better equipped to provide an account of this particular subject. Considerable time is invested in fleshing out the notion of the Other insofar as this Other is central to the constitution of subjectivity. This Other - insofar as this Other is to be found in Kristeva's notion of the chora -- is something I claim that Deleuze and Guattari simply undervalued.


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This collection brings together the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and the rich tradition of American pragmatist thought, taking seriously the commitment to pluralism at the heart of both.


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In this chapter I juxtapose the methodological commitments of Gilles Deleuze with some different forms of contemporary neo-pragmatism developed by Nicholas Rescher, Sami Pihlstrom and Joseph Margolis. Focusing upon their respective conceptions of transcendental reasoning, naturalism, and common sense, I conclude that Deleuze’s philosophy challenges some core aspects of contemporary neo-pragmatism, and hence also the prospects for a rapprochement that might warrant the name of "transcendental pragmatics".


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O objetivo do presente trabalho é reconstituir o conceito de grau zero da organização formulado por Robert Cooper a partir de um diálogo entre os escritos desse autor e a filosofia de Gilles Deleuze. Para alcançar este objetivo, primeiramente explicitaremos nosso compromisso epistemológico com o pós-estruturalismo, buscando situar este fenômeno do pensamento em termos de seu posicionamento nos estudos organizacionais. Nesta seção teremos o primeiro contato com o pensamento de Deleuze e Robert Cooper e, de antemão, apresentaremos a noção de grau zero como um conceito capaz de levantar possíveis pontos de convergência/divergência presentes nos trabalhos destes autores bem como de suscitar uma problematização do conceito de organização em seu nível ontológico e a própria ruptura do pós-estruturalismo com o estruturalismo no âmbito do estudo das organizações. Na segunda parte do trabalho analisaremos os escritos de Robert Cooper buscando realizar um apanhado geral de sua obra (que tratou do tema da organização), situaremos o conceito de grau zero da organização na mesma justificando sua escolha como o ponto de partida para o diálogo que buscaremos traçar entre Cooper e Deleuze. Após isso, faremos uma leitura ampla da filosofia deleuzeana e buscaremos compreender alguns de seus elementos fundamentais para, então, aproximar o pensamento de ambos os autores e desenhar possíveis aproximações e/ou afastamento. Foi possível identificar aproximações entre os pensamentos de Deleuze e Cooper: por um lado, destacamos que a primazia do devir, a proposta de um pensamento aberto e plural, uma preocupação com a linguagem e com materialidades, bem como fortes traços de influências vindas do estruturalismo e da psicanálise são pontos de aproximação marcantes entre os pensamentos destes autores. Por outro lado, também destacamos alguns possíveis pontos de divergência: a crítica à representação enquanto instância de limitação/negação; diferentes concepções de inconsciente (o inconsciente freudiano em Cooper/forjamento de noção própria do inconsciente em Deleuze); e, finalmente, no engajamento político da visão crítica proposta por seus trabalhos. Destacamos, finalmente, que a noção de grau zero da organização de Cooper ainda é passível de questionamentos quando deparada com a crítica ao estruturalismo e à representação conforme presente na filosofia de Deleuze. Concluímos que a filosofia de Deleuze impõe a necessidade reconstituir este conceito de forma a fazer com que ele afaste-se da possibilidade de ser tomado como uma visão estruturalista (uma esfera meramente linguística) e/ou oposicional (o grau zero enquanto mera desorganização) da organização.